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/lit/ - Literature

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20633038 No.20633038 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20633130

There already was a study which looked at verbal ability and logical thinking or some shit like that (I'm sure some other anon will have the picture). Ancient languages was n1 followed by philosophy, and then math iirc. STEM subjects were very unimpressive given the status they enjoy in popular culture.

>> No.20633132

>Ancient languages was n1
I'm sure they were kek

>> No.20633133

Superimposed upon this diagram.

>> No.20633140

scientific knowledge =/= intelligence.

>> No.20633158

Such a quality thread.

>> No.20633160

I bet this is study was done on academics. Professors and grad students and whatnot.

Unlike fields with industry application ('finance is industry' kek), the only place for philosophy/ancient language tards is in academia, so if you're high IQ you succeed and that gets represented here. If you're high IQ in finance you gtfo so you wouldn't make it into this study in the first place.

>> No.20633171

You can’t be this retarded…

>> No.20633186

Nowhere because from the papers I’ve read, there’s no data on Literature students’ IQ. But PhD students in Education are the lowest.

>> No.20633194

do biology proffessors really have 85 iqs?

>> No.20633198

Richard Dawkins is a biologist. This explains a lot desu.

>> No.20633211

Stemfags are basically robots

>> No.20633266

It's kinda cute you think that.

>> No.20633289

>verbal ability
>STEM subjects were very unimpressive
Is that a surprise? To study them you have to be a nerd, and as we all know nerds are anti social

>> No.20633293

Why can’t we just get along.

>> No.20633320

I am Finance and I am definitely below average IQ.

>> No.20633342

STEMfags are the kids who think that referencing Monty Python makes them witty

>> No.20633397

Why is verbal ability considered a "higher" intellectual ideal over something like solving differential equations?

The study was designed to flatter egos, not demonstrate anything real.

>> No.20633479

One is not higher or whatever. They are just different. I don’t understand the wars over this shit, they are so pointless.

>> No.20633512

I hate contemporary Western academia! I hate contemporary Western academia!

>> No.20633568

Retards. Verbal ability is the most important human characteristic. In fact, our analytical abilities only evolved as a consequence of our verbal ability because we needed to consider more sophisticated schemes to convince others of good plans. One of you is a retarded relativist who never had a full thought in his mind, and the other is a STEMcel who thinks muh mathematical knowledge had any value whatsoever without a governance system, diplomacy, and a method of education that are all led primarily by verbal abilities.

>> No.20633591

you can't place literature on your simple cartesian coordinate system

>> No.20633597


>> No.20633635
File: 331 KB, 1700x2200, SchizoTier-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is you need intelligence to make out what any of this gibberish is saying, pleb. Picrel is probably schizo bs btw but I'm just using it to illustrate the point that even to tell that its bs you need to have a pretty high I.Q.. You don't gain most scientific knowledge by watching Vsauce and Kurzgesagt despite what you might think.
Reminder that, if string theory is all the way to the right it isn't because it is actually a good theory. A lot of people think it's just academic wankery pseudery unscientific bullshit. It just points to the barrier to entry is all.
Most STEM people are academic midwits. They might be a cut above your average philosophy major, but they are not *actually* intelligent. Our standards for STEM are based on the geniuses, not the trannies pumping out papers that nobody reads.
Very Based.
Supremely Based.
Verbal I.Q. just means your able to pilpul very well, it doesn't mean anything for your abstract reasoning skills which is what's actually most important for any philosophically minded person.
You can by taking averages of people who study literature. Obviously this graph doesn't subsume all of math or literature, retard.

>> No.20633786

The lotus grows on piles of shit.

>> No.20633806

how can you average something that can't be quantified? that isn't objective?

>> No.20633818

Imagine thinking differential equations are comprable to Moby Dick. One isnt better or worse than the other, they are simply derivatives of completely different epistemological frameworks with different uses and advantages/disadvantages.

The ultimate pseud activity is trying to force map the ineffiablity and beauty and diversity of language, math, scientific discovery, art, etc onto a fucking IQ chart, one of the absolute dumbest cognitive psychological frameworks to emerge from the 20th century.

IQ is decent at what it was designed to do, screen for intellectual and learning impairments in school age kids to identify who may need specialized/extra resources in to learn . Translating that modest and focused goal into IQ as a global measure of "intelligence" is where shit went off a fucking cliff. "But IQ modestly correlates with all sorts of important metrics of social success!" so does fucking zip code, height, and dick size, doesnt mean it's useful or helpful as a framework.

>> No.20633922

>string theory
>scientists thinking they are mathematicians

>> No.20633926

it looks like an alchemical symbol desu, but I'm not well versed in mathematics or alchemy so idk

>> No.20633943

If you extended the chart to 240 IQ you would see none other than... THE BIBLE

>> No.20633951

Mochizuki is a mathematician that even other mathematicians have a problem understanding. It's not saying he is bad or good, it's just that he probably made it even worse for people to understand him. If what he has done and proved(like the abc conjecture) is true, it will take more time to understand it than it took him to develop all his things. He made the barrier so hard to anyone understand that most mathematician just ignore whatever he says.

>> No.20633954

Do number theorists really?

>> No.20634399

>something that can't be quantified? that isn't objective?
What? you don't believe in I.Q. now? I mean, yeah, it's hard to quantify intelligence but I.Q. is actually a pretty decent metric all things considered.

>> No.20635762

>source: Rectum et al. 2012

>> No.20635799

fart noises
light clicking bubbly sound of shit exiting anus
plop sound of shit submerging in toilet water
need I say more?

>> No.20635847
File: 76 KB, 837x1017, Screenshot_20210125-024611_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>string theory

>> No.20635865

That just means more average intelligent people can contribute to a flourishing society by working in STEM fields and should be encouraged to do so, rather than waste time worrying about competitive status of intelligence between disciplines.

>> No.20635942
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>> No.20635950

i call bs on that pic. all the ppl i know with math degrees are stupid as hell and just did it because they wanted something easy they could memorize their way through without having to write papers or write code. maybe phd level math takes intelligence, but a math bachelors actually signals low intelligence to me.

>> No.20635951
File: 421 KB, 1024x1686, 1581361519057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20635960

>all the ppl i know with math degrees are stupid as hell and just did it because they wanted something easy they could memorize their way through without having to write papers or write code.
That is no different than the state of literature. Broadly understood, that is the state of all education. If you can be taught a subject at university and if you can be trained for a subject, it is by definition, the lowest common denominator.

>> No.20635979

that reeks of cope dude

>> No.20636111

Found nothing on cerebration.

>> No.20636805

me on the left

>> No.20636834

>Retards. Verbal ability is the most important human characteristic. In fact, our analytical abilities only evolved as a consequence of our verbal ability because we needed to consider more sophisticated schemes to convince others of good plans. One of you is a retarded relativist who never had a full thought in his mind, and the other is a STEMcel who thinks muh mathematical knowledge had any value whatsoever without a governance system, diplomacy, and a method of education that are all led primarily by verbal abilities.

Math is a language you wordcel

>> No.20637277

I tried reading without an internal voice, and it felt horrible. It's like you aren't even reading. The satisfaction of it is completely gone

>> No.20637435

I work in IT with a lot of CS or math graduates and while they are smart in their fields at the same time they seem incredibly shallow and ignorant of everything else. Most basic things regarding history, politics, philosophy or literature are completely alien to them. Its like low level autism where someone is very efficient but only in one specific thing. I guess you could say they are intelligent but not wise.

>> No.20637467

>Most basic things regarding [...] politics
Nah, those people know a lot about "current politics" even if it's repeating what their circle of friends say.

>> No.20637485

yeah, on a very shallow level, thats true. But most of my colleagues in IT have no understanding of how government works or whats in the constitution. Those are things that every citizen should have at least basic knowledge of. Whats the point of going to elections if you don't even understand what are you electing.

>> No.20637491

Not being knowledgeable about topics that do not interested them while being intelligent isn't autism.

>> No.20637500

because they're only reluctantly a member of society (as in due to being forced). Look at mathematicians like Grothendieck, he never got a citizenship in any country and more or less was homeless the last decades of his life. I doubt this disconnect ever affected him in the slightest.

>> No.20637519

>Verbal I.Q. just means your able to pilpul very well, it doesn't mean anything for your abstract reasoning skills which is what's actually most important for any philosophically minded person.
Please, stop embarrassing yourself.