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20628443 No.20628443 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope when a book arrives damaged but not necessarily damaged enough to justify the troubles of a return and ordering it again? Pic related. I just don’t know if I should keep it or go through the annoying process of ordering again, waiting, sending back and then waiting again. The rest of the book is in perfect condition. How do you guys deal with this? Should I keep this book?

>> No.20628453

i dont have the attention span to read books i just watch lay in bed watching youtube on my phone and masturbating to porn all night, and all day and night on the weekends.

>> No.20628461

Next time an Amazon delivery man (or whoever delivered the book) arrives at your house burn it in front of him.

>> No.20628464


>> No.20628480

I cope by not being a faggot who orders unused books at full price

>> No.20628492

I get that feel. Though for me good books are basically the last thing that can keep me occupied for a bit longer than the other stuff. Are you trying to get out of that lifestyle or are you content with how you are?

>> No.20628506

Where do you get your books? I really want to save money and buy used but all the used books are only slightly cheaper than the new ones. And of course they’ll likely come with far more damage. The only time that I can buy really nice and cheap books is in actual second hand bookstores. But I have absolutely no luck online. And the problem with second hand stores (at least where I live) is that they mostly have trash that I have absolutely no interest in.

>> No.20628533

>Are you trying to get out of that lifestyle or are you content with how you are?
motivation comes and goes. i lose weight and exercise and get strong and stop masturbating and try, and then something sends me off the deep end again and i lose control for months at a time. i am a zoomer, i have been addicted to technology my entire life. i have the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.20628537

I don't need to cope with it because I'm an E-Book chad.

>> No.20628541

It's gonna get a lot more mangled if you actually read it. If you're this precious you shouldn't be buying paperbacks at all.

>> No.20628561

No, it likely won’t. I mainly buy paperbacks and there are some that I’ve read several times already and most of them look like I just got them out of the bookstore. I tend to be very cautious with my books.

>> No.20628573

You can’t be this much if a faggot.

>> No.20628590

Come on man. What is that even supposed to mean? Am I a faggot for thinking about sending it back? Am I a faggot for worrying about this? So should I keep it then? Or am I a faggot for buying a book?

>> No.20628594
File: 429 KB, 1224x1632, deadsouls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy of Dead Souls arrived like this, cut through the package, and yet I kept it. It cut through the page under the cover as well.

>> No.20628605

I cope by not being a faggot who orders unused books at full price

>> No.20628612

It’s a Penguin Classic bro so I wouldn’t worry

>> No.20628618

Did you buy it used or new?

>> No.20628633


>> No.20628637

I open up a vein, drain two liters of blood, and when I'm in the brink of fainting, I put my flaccid penis in my wife's mouth.

>> No.20628643

You're a faggot for caring about minor cosmetic damage

>> No.20628669

Order from local bookstores. They always get it for me in flawless condition when I order from them. Though I agree with >>20628643, there's no reason to be precious about paperbacks

Honestly I don't understand how people destroy paperbacks. I don't try to be careful with them but unless they're massive I usually don't even break the spine

>> No.20628674

Whn you buy anything from Amazon you have to expect damage. If you are serious about books, you buy from a book vendor. If you are serious about cameras, you buy from a camera vendor.

Amazon is simply not set up to ensure that goods are not damaged in packaging and transit.

>> No.20628695

I ordered this from a large bookstore where I live and not from Amazon. Usually their books arrive in perfect condition but this one time I was let down.

>> No.20628701

And it wasn't even worthy of a thread.

>> No.20628718

Jesus, how much more of a faggot can you be?

>> No.20628725

AbeBooks, eBay, and sometimes Biblio. Alternatively, go to the bookstore and examine the copies in person.

>> No.20628765

What about that particular post was so faggoty?

>> No.20628785
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Used for 4USD.
I tend to get stuff used unless it's a new release, but I did get some Library of America books to have a denser collection of stories.

>> No.20628795

I think it was.

>> No.20628807

That’s cheap, very nice. Where did you get it? Maybe I should start looking harder for used books.

>> No.20628828
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Abebooks is a nice used bookstore, but I also visit a small bookstore in town. There's a slightly fancier one with a publishing house and coffee bar if I have company and will pick up a contemporary book. Getting used is the way to go if you read really often, and now my first bookshelf is already full.

>> No.20628836

I would be upset but thats minor if that is all thats wrong with it. So i would personally seeth about it for a day or so. But i wouldnt return it

>> No.20628844

It wasn't. Stop being a faggot for caring about minor cosmetic damage

>> No.20628852

Don't order from abebooks you're literally just ordering from amazon

>> No.20628860

i just read the book

for some reason my copy of little, big is especially damaged too, weird. it kind of adds to the aesthetic in a way

>> No.20628869

But anon, it's the words inside that are truly valuable.

>> No.20628875

Did you get it from Amazon? I've complained to customer support before and told them I don't want to return the book because it's only minor damage, and they always give me a certain percent off. I've gotten 20% to 50% money back for each book that gets damaged.

>> No.20628880

I look on BetterWorldBooks first. Yeah, they donate books to African kids, but there are some great deals on used books so it's worth it.

>> No.20628883

The seller on AbeBooks gave me photos of the old book I was buying, so I like it.

>> No.20628890

I didn't see this post. But maybe that bookstore will still give you a percentage off like Amazon does if you complain. >>20628875

>> No.20628891

I find the prices on abebooks to be cheaper. I’m pretty sure the vendors tack on extra for amazon. I’m talking about used by the way, I have no idea of abebooks even sells new books.

>> No.20629070

I’ll check out abebooks the next time I want to buy something. I stayed away from it because I’ve read about some people essentially getting scammed but I’ll give it a try.

>> No.20629072

I agree with this. Sure I love having my books the next day(providing they have it), but it means I run the risk of having damaged books, which I say 5-10% are.

Outlets such as ebay, Book Depository, and Waterstones(I'm from Britain) tend to take a lot more care with their packaging, and I'm yet to have a bad parcel from them(yet).

>> No.20629469

I would keep it and damage it even more while reading. I usually prefer pristine books, but if they're not perfect then they might as well be "marked" by my usage.

Same, to be desu.

>> No.20629544

If I bought it new and it comes like this I return it. This happens more and more often these days, and printing quality is in the decline, so I mostly buy used at this point.

>> No.20629558

I have sympathy for the book. If I don’t keep the book, than who will? Poor book!

>> No.20629686

I honestly might just send it back and try to order it used. While I dislike the thought of using something that someone else has already enjoyed I would save a good chunk of money. Man, it’s the small decisions that can be really annoying to figure out.

>> No.20629698

>How do you cope when a book arrives damaged but not necessarily damaged enough to justify the troubles of a return and ordering it again?
Lately I've been mostly stealing books from the trash can, so that problem is non-existent

>> No.20629716
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>> No.20629723

Sometimes I bend books myself

>> No.20629812
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This is three weeks old.

>> No.20629819

usually on amazon if you try to return an inexpensive object such as a book, they let you keep it and will still give you the money back. i do this every so often to get free books, regardless if they're damaged or not.

>> No.20630089

Once you get in the habit you’ll barely notice the difference and you’ll save a bunch of money and the print quality is better. There’s really no need to buy new unless it’s a contemporary author you want to support or it’s impossible to find it used.

>> No.20630412

Thank you for your service.

>> No.20630443
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1646774162949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an e-book woman.

What's wrong with you? Are you one of those joggers?

>> No.20630455

One day (when they ban you) you'll regret it anon.

>> No.20630464

People destroy paperbacks because they are slobs and can’t take care of their stuff. It takes minimal effort to keep a paperback in great condition. Never open it more than 90 degrees, don’t throw it, and put it aside when done. It takes more effort to destroy one. I bet the people who destroy books have messy houses or rooms

>> No.20630715

I like slightly damaged books, it gives them personality. Ofc if it's unreadable i don't like it but perfect factory made books just looks like tsundoku.

>> No.20630719

I trash my books


>> No.20630774

sweet :) i tend to do the same

>> No.20631884


>> No.20631902

>Never open it more than 90 degrees
It's my book. Why would I limited by ability to enjoy reading it. I care about the content, you care about the product.
People want to live in stores, that's what I've noticed. Unboxed, untouched, pristine products... at home! Soft, worn, yellowed paperbacks made for a comfier reading experience that one's still stiff and not yet broken in, esp. ones with bright white pages.

>> No.20631909

You can care about both the content and the book, retard. It isn’t an either/or

>> No.20631923

*limit my

>> No.20631928

It's not just content/book, NIGGER. It's the EXPERIENCE of reading. You cuck yourself because you're afraid of creasing your cheaply-made, glued paperback.

>> No.20631935

>calling books a "product"
This is your brain on consoomerism. In a proper civilized, enlightened society, every object that helps you in any way is treated with care and respect.

>> No.20631958

Just because you're a nigger who doesn't know how to treat things with care and respect, doesn't mean people who don't trash their books while reading don't enjoy them.

>> No.20631963

A book is a product you dumb illiterate ape. Yet it's not the PRODUCT that matters but the content. You care about the PRODUCT, I don't

>> No.20631968

A paperback is a disposable item. I'm not such a pleb I treat cheaply made products like sacred vessels.

>> No.20631979
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>> No.20632008

Books can be more than a product, and it's not abnormal to care for your books. That said, the vast majority of books are just products, to be consumed and forgotten.

>> No.20632012

Spoken again like a degenerate, wasteful consoomerist. Taking care of books and enjoying them aren't mutually exclusive, retard. People these days have gotten so used to being godless, consooming degenerates, that they no longer have a culture of valuing the things they spend their money on, or even respecting sources of knowledge and learning. A paperback is "disposable" to you because the depraved, cultureless Jew/Jew brained capitalist that sell you books told you so, so that you keep giving him more of your money.

>> No.20632049

Not a jogger, I was traveling and camping for most of the time with a full backpack so most of the time I just crammed the book inside. I don´t really care though, the content stays the same.

>> No.20632165

A second-hand book scribbled in by some cretinous nobody is, for most people, worth less than the same book in pristine condition. On the other hand, Doctor Johnson's personal copy of the Complete Works of Shakespeare, with his hand-written annotations, coffee- and semen-stains, teeth-marks, etc would surely be worth a lot more than one straight from the publisher. So somewhere in the middle there's a minor celebrity who can scribble in a book and not change the value at all. Exactly how minor? Suppose you had Stephen King's copy of Lord Of The Flies, with his annotations? Would that be worth about the same as a new copy? Probably more for some people, less for others.

FWIW, I write in my books and I think my annotations add value. They're erudite and insightful.

It seems the CAPTCHAs are using six letters now. That means sooner or later someone is going to get the most famous word in the world. When you do, be sure to screenshot it.