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/lit/ - Literature

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20623778 No.20623778 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Dubu edition
Previous thread >>20618213

>> No.20623785


>> No.20623818

what's her ass like? personally, I only care about the butt

>> No.20623833

>one of the most difficult tasks for me is text interpretation
>continue reading books
Why I should keep reading if everything just goes over my head?

>> No.20623840

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20623856

Post pics of her

>> No.20623865

relocatable informed metalocutions contradict the established super-paradigm. rhythm in silence is a mantra to the sound of your heart beat that beats and beats and time forms from the priority of your heart so much for entrenched narratives. deterministic retrospectively. the art of not doing encompasses neurophysiology which states that mysticism cannot be understood at this point in time, referring to what I see when I practice not doing but not when I contemplate. Reason is horribly complex and memory seems to be quite broad and also inexplicable. fortunately and unfortunately without a memory time does not exist and the causology of this universe is rendered absurd. memory is everything for me only because I am limited incapable of mentally abstracting a process like a robot. I am a true animal and in a way that makes me better than the humans who choose what to remember when i remember everything except what can't be codified, faces and images, too much data for me. Sorting reflexively sich sui-occidere ch ch ch x x x re-rhymed ultra-paradoxical niceties boring in the nook between your chest and shoulder and you ate too much crap and now you have to slowly build up again to something you can't explain in order to meet social pressures you wish you could just quit but you can't do it. you wish you could just quit but you care. you hate planets. planetoids. zooming out and a star in a star cluster in star cluster cluster in a star cluster cluster cluster in a star cluster cluster cluster clusters until what was once irrelevant is now hopeful as I am reincarnated as a quadrupedal superorganism composed of eusocial migratory mini-minds where you have to stay on the edge of light and darkness for fear of burning or freezing to death. what is a character is a characterization is a self insert or an enemy insert and a stereotype which carries with it a meta-narrative contradictory to art which is purely descriptive but you are intending to elicit a response. hypogonadism allowed me to infiltrate the formidable structure of the growing-plants that are made out of carbon dioxide. I am chemicals that keep a diary, I am what you dreamed of in your sleep, a twin flame who you can only find in the astral plane, digging into a wooden earth, a metal earth, the core, darkness in the middle where there is no gravity but liquid metal that doesn't glow. photons emitted inside a block get reabsorbed instantly. a drink chocolate drink and i drink strawberry drink and I work in a court room transcribing murder cases and i work in an airplane using auto-pilot and once i worked in a sewer with no mask and the hairs in my nose are burned off like some people's eyebrows who worked in the kitchen but i was never a chef i only cleaned the gunk off the trays

>> No.20623878

nobody is reading your gpt-3 shit

>> No.20623889

I don't care and I don't know what that is

>> No.20623894

There are people here who can't get a gf at all
be thankful normalfag

>> No.20623903

it's weird how the board and 4chan in general has gotten more normie but the quality is way worse. makes you wonder.

>> No.20623904
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its strange how when im inactive in these threads the "my brain has been balkanized", "we could be heroes", "a gun with no bullets is still a gun", etc posts stop. its an interesting phenomenon.

>> No.20623912

yeah we get it u picked up a side hustle doing social marketing for universal or sony or whoever owns the nin back catalog

>> No.20623928

Thinking about how everyone I've met who have bought skins and hats and other in game purchases for virtual items hate NFTs

>> No.20623929
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>you will never ravage dubu's dussy
why live?

>> No.20623933

Because you'll eventually learn.

>> No.20623942

do some lsd. when i found out about literary theory i'm like dude this is just like thinking about books on acid but academic pricks take it seriously.

>> No.20623952

Its funny how when you start posting my dick gets active. Cant wait to hear you moan tonight.

>> No.20623969


>> No.20623974

Drip has to be on point at all times and nothing beats flexing on random poorfags online.

>> No.20623991 [DELETED] 

yeah sometimes when i kill a dude in cs:go they drop guns with the raddest skins i picked up some dudes mac-10 and it had this 80s neon retro skin i was like shit dude that's sick. ironic that the only way anyone can see it is after they kill you and take your gun, but it is what it is.

>> No.20624028

It should be legal to push women and catholics down stairs.

>> No.20624088

I just watched HBO's 2005 series, "Rome," for the first time in ages, and I was struck by the filth of it all. I was impressed the writer had been a poor student of Fellini's Satyricon though without proof. Rome was the true predecessor of Game of Thrones, but did more justice to the realities of this world I think, being devoid of the fantasy element which overwhelmed the latter as the show went on. I'm wondering how I can describe the "filth" I mean, and I suppose I am not practiced enough to do so, but would attempt to circumscribe it in this way - Rome's depiction of ancient society shows a society where individual moral freedom far outstrips our own. If you wish a man, take a man, if you wish a woman, take a woman; if you're angry pray to a cursing god, if you're happy bless someone in the name of such and such, and in this morally and spiritually varied landscape we see myriad depravities coexist with virtues to an exaggerated degree. The striking element emerged, for me, from the realization that this spritual-moral freedom came at the cost of a complete dearth of heroic character, and the birth of a semi-regid caste system built from an admixture of judgement, lust, laziness, and pride. In HBO's Rome there are no heroes. Caesar cheats on his wife without remorse, seemingly for love, only to cast aside the love for pride. His lover, presumably a model of devotion, is revealed to more accurately be a woman who dwells in half-dreams - prone to casting curses and blessings, taking lovers and using them, and very little grounded in the world itself, but adept at self-deception and aggrandizement. Octavian, first a bright, mature, and shrewd young man, eventually a sexual-sadist and narcissist who where once the clear outline of a character stood, we now find merely the empty shell of a lust for power without meaning. It is this way with Voreenus and all the others as well. In the end, Titus Pullo - HBO's societal fool and village idiot, becomes the closest thing to a model of virtue in the whole of the Roman Empire, nearabouts. I could turn this into a far more lengthy commentary, but I'm eager to hear whether anyone has any thoughts I won't hear elsewhere, so I'll make my point. Without purposefully so doing, I consider entertainment like Rome shows Plato's irrational man thesis to to the end, and proves the Christian Bible right. "God is light and in him there is no darkness at all." In other words, where society succumbs to living as Plato's wicked man who leads his reason with his feelings rather than subjugating his "ever desirous" part to his rational, an untenable soil for virtue is created within men. A mixture of evil and good which is chaotically fluctuating with every fleeting infatuant, whose variation subverts the plant of virtue from every becoming a great tree. This creates a need for rigid societal structure because the individual does not possess an edifice within which can control the tides of emotion. Well? Thoughts?

>> No.20624100

Posting here because I'm rangebanned from posting images for some (non-)reason, if someone can make a thread for me I'd appreciate it
I just finished reading The Trial for the first time, amazing. My first impression-interpretation is that it's an existentialist/religious allegory, big deal judges as elusive as God, system as absurd as existence and all.
I post to mention that I thought it's interesting how the last words "Like a dog!" are the same as in the third verse of Aeschylus' Agamemnon, "κυνὸς δίκην". In which δίκη means justice and also Trial, or sentence and is used in the play to foreshadow and constantly reinforce and recall the theme of justice. (I think the expression might be pretty much unheard of outside agamemnon) It's probably a coincidence but I think it could be deliberate or semideliberate, since the two works in question (certainly including agam.'s opening Watchman monologue) do share thematic similarities.

>> No.20624110

I got you bro
just checking the spoiler function since I never use it

>> No.20624137

Well, you've peaked my interest at least.

>> No.20624159

I’m finding /lit/ to be intolerable and nearly unusable.

>> No.20624169

i think it's actually surprisingly tolerable today. probably whatever annoying little shit spams dumb crap is banned for the moment.

>> No.20624175

No I'm not banned I'm just not in the mood for posting right now

>> No.20624176
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guys... im being bullied in these threads everyday and i dont know what to do

>> No.20624215

Show me what that mouth do whiteboi.

>> No.20624230

holy fuck updating to windows 11 was a mistake what the fuck is this shit

>> No.20624243 [DELETED] 

weren't u on here bragging about how u landed some hotshot techbro job why the fuck do u have a computer so old it can't run windows moreover why the fuck don't you have a mac. were u fibbin?

>> No.20624273

>getting bullied
>running winbloze 11
You don't see a connection between these two...?

>> No.20624276

u can get the context menu back if u flip some obscure switch hidden somewhere in settings and u can make it double click to open in the settings for explorer i think. it looks like they're trying to make it more friendly for touch screens, well fuck a touch screen, my windows box is hooked up to a big ass 4k monitor ok.

>> No.20624300

i dont have a mac because....idk i just dont, no reason in particular
i already reverted back to windows 10

>> No.20624315

well that's good for now but it's microsoft i'm sure they'll require windows11 for the latest directx or some essential driver like some new bluetooth or usb-c standard to make u upgrade. they just recently made it so windows exchange server or whatever they use now doesn't work with iphone's mail app thus forcing u to install the outlook app to get your email. well fuck it i just won't check my email when i'm out of the office, how about that? fuck off.

>> No.20624332

I have chronic pain that it makes it too hard to do pretty much anything. Typing hurts. I'm so sad all the time. To be honest I just want to die. Not because I don't want to live but because I'm tired of waiting for my life to be over.

>> No.20624344

truly or are you some hysterical zoomer looking for free opioids? if true that really sucks dude.

>> No.20624355
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how do you cope with death? you, me, everyone ITT, everyone you know is eventually going to die.
im scared, bros

>> No.20624358
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>identifies as "annoying little shit [that] spams dumb crap"

>> No.20624362

I don't fear death, I just fear dying painfully or dying with some unresolved business.

>> No.20624368

Nah it started happening in my very early twenties, I'm almost thirty now. I can't even use weed to medicate anymore because I'm a trucker.

>> No.20624371

Seeing as how I'll never be able to afford to retire, I'll have to keep showing up at that soul-draining day job for the foreseeable future, and my books will never sell because I'm not a gay black trans woman who writes woke shit...
...death can take me anytime.
I have a week-long vacation, and despite having that much free time...I have no motivation to do anything.

>> No.20624372

I've finally defeated depression but I don't know how to defeat anxiety, I think I might just go talk to a therapist (again). Does anybody know some good books on the topic (how to manage anxiety as an anxious person)?

>> No.20624389

the only time i got death anxiety was on shrooms when i was a teenager. i think it is possible psychedelics could reduce end of life anxiety because on a lot of lsd the moment feels to last forever so u could feel frozen in time rather than counting down and then poof gone, but on the other hand it might heighten the sense of doom like my shroom experience.

>> No.20624399

>the only time i got death anxiety was on shrooms
was it a bige dose? gonna take shrooms in a couple of days

>> No.20624401

Thats right, you're my bitch and I'll fuck you like one.

>> No.20624408

Not lubing up when I told you to was a mistake

>> No.20624425

it was an eighth, but i threw up later that night so might not have absorbed it all cuz i was drinking beer before a kid showed up with the shrooms. i fucked a chick right before the doom part and the sun was coming up through the window blinds and i was just staring into the wall while she was asleep and all i could think was life was like being in a slow motion car cash where the wall just keeps coming closer and closer year after year and you can't change it. i was so doomed out which is funny because i was young as shit at the time. i had some other shroom trips that were hilarious and super fun so don't worry about it.

>> No.20624627
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>it's another "anon wallows in crippling self-doubt and low self-confidence rather than trying something with the potential of failure" episode
>it's another "anon spends days mentally beating himself up over something trivially minor that nobody else even noticed" episode
>it's another "anon brushes shoulders with a girl on public transport or in a hallway and instantly gets rock hard and starts fantasizing about dating her" episode
>it's another "anon spends an evening curled up under the covers wondering why the world hasn't struck him dead yet for being such a burden on everybody he knows" episode
>it's another "anon contemplates suicide while filled with disgust and self-loathing after the latest entry in a long series of increasingly depraved masturbation sessions involving ever-more-unhinged forms of pornography" episode
>it's another "anon stubs his toe" episode
>it's another "anon wishes to encounter the divine, the ineffable beyond reality, and the sublime beauty above comprehension but gets filtered by 5 pages of Plato" episode
>it's another "anon wonders if the reason he struggles so hard to connect with other people is because he has some sort of personality disorder or if he's just retarded" episode

>> No.20624640

>>it's another "anon stubs his toe" episode
Those are the worst by far

>> No.20624669

He's right.

>> No.20624753

Anonymity allows people to admit such things.
Given how crappy the world is, I'd be surprised if most people didn't actually feel that way.

>> No.20624783

I am too talkative to be an author.

>> No.20624801
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umm extended clips are illegal new york sir possession of that firearm is a violation of the law

>> No.20624883
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I am supreme.

>> No.20624920

I get enough female attention in my day to day life, I must not be ugly otherwise that wouldn't be happening but I am not really capable of looking at myself and having any real understanding of what my attractiveness level is. Some days I'm able to read myself and on those days I generally feel good but on others I have no clue and I find myself feeling very bad. I sometimes just cannot suss out defining characteristics of my appearance or myself if they even exist.

Keep thinking about a girl I had a "relationship" with. When she was around I felt very clear, very real. Now that she's gone the confusion's returned. I look in the mirror and often find myself wondering whether she'd find me attractive. Not being able to answer that question makes me feel as though I am dissolving.

>> No.20624921

I know somebody that trooned himself. I went to high school with him, and we were friends-of-friends for five or six years, and we even hung out a few times.

He oddly had no personality, except he was always trying to be "the funny guy". He was a kiss ass. Not very smart at all. Typical dimwit. Something about him seemed like he was a toddler. He used to joke about porn a lot, like name drop porn stars and talk about "fetishes". He was very casual about it. He thought it was funny that he watched a lot of porn. He was one of those weird Yu-Gi-Oh kids that wore black sweaters all summer and never talked to girls and sat in the cafeteria during lunch. I don't know if I ever saw him talk to a girl ever.

I remember his sister was mentally retarded, and his dad was a very angry person. I believe he lived with his grandmother throughout his twenties.

He was very whiny. He had stupid "ambitions" like he wanted to be a film director (or video game designer), and he was saying this shit when he was twenty-five and working at Wal-Mart, never having filmed anything or designed anything. He would blame his friends for not wanting to help him make "videos". He had no distinct hobbies except generic "nerd culture" consumerism. He always wore graphic tees from Wal-Mart.

>> No.20624932

Funny how lawbreakers don't care about following the law.
It's almost as if passing one law after another, yet not enforcing any of them, except against one's political adversaries, leads to disrespect for the law or something.

>> No.20624993

My dad said he saw him begging for change with a sign outside Wal-Mart, and apparently he needed "bus money". He was twenty-fucking-five years old. He was just always a weird guy like that. He seemed to stop growing after about 13. The last time I saw him he was about 28, and he looked exactly the same as high school. Same baby face, same dopey nervous look. Weird fashion sense, too. Just totally random shit. He smoked a lot of weed. I think he was into metal. He was one of those characters who ekes by on minimum wage, never thinking of anything else, just perpetually "borrowing" money from his parents. Something about those metalheads. They're always trashy unemployed alcoholics.

He had some sort of pity relationship with his older sister. She was doing well for herself, but was distanced from the family. The guy was truly the ugly duckling. I don't know why I'm thinking about this. He wasn't insane, just a closet pervert and a lazy, selfish asshole.

He was sort of bullied, but not really. He just got punked by his friends because he was the runt and he was annoying.

I don't even want to think about it. Psychotic breakdown or what? Fuck's sake, it's creepy.

So, his life is over, right? I think if you're a rich celebrity you can play make-believe, but for an ordinary guy...who's poor, unemployed, ugly, unlikable with no prospects, then trooning is like getting into heroin right? He's just going to die soon. I just can't imagine life going on like that.

There's actually this troon pedo that I see at my local Target. He's like 55, clearly disturbed (talks to himself) that wears tween-tier clothing and bad make-up and who's possibly homeless. Is that his fate? He's clearly lost it.

>> No.20625001
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what gene wolfe book do I read after BoTNS?

>> No.20625038

>writes two very long posts about a transperson he knew
they truly do live rent free in the heads of chuds don't they

>> No.20625041

The strong urge to concoct a bizarre conspiracy of my own making using falsified evidence and an elaborate network of planted clues left across the country in coin lockers and storage boxes before staging my own death by foul play

>> No.20625065

It’s hard for me to envision what trying even looks like these days, and what to try?

>> No.20625136
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The memetic entity escaped again

>> No.20625162

Jannies back and has been pruning threads, shame its always so inconsistent.

>> No.20625184

Anyone else learning to draw?

>> No.20625215

----- Solaria -----
(Aldeberan, Deneb, Orion, Venus, silly Mitch, skelly Joe, suave Bryan, El Chihon, etc.)

Chartreuse glint suspended by a tower stainless
As ocean lines above lunar dust,

Real yet monumental as a man
Secure in an unaccountablly sweeping land

Where reality is calm
As planetary momentum, pleiades in mulberry gloss,

Anything, everything, some combined light of memory and place indexes like

Cottonwood tower glitter
Drift suffusing midsummer afternoon

In which jets drift too high to hear, and she is completely satisfied
As she will never be again by the side of my mind

In the scene I set for her alone
As if we were one.


>> No.20625221

already did. settled into an above average but nowhere near pro plateau like everything else in life.

>> No.20625247

Are they? There are at least 3 Gardner spamposts up now.

>> No.20625257

oh sweet surprised to find that track is on apple music usually when u see vinyl like that on youtube it's too obscure and not on streaming.

>> No.20625305

Does it sound any better there? Through HD600s its already a rather majestic lullaby, narcotic even.

>> No.20625340

An hour ago, page ten was decimated, it had only 3 or 4 threads. But maybe it was just a rare occurrence.

>> No.20625354

i'm using plantronic backbeat pro 2s so nothing fancy it sounds pretty much identical on this gear. it just has the "lossless" tag not "hi-res lossless" or "apple digital master" so compared to a 1080p youtube stream not any difference to me. it's possible in the intro the shaker sound is a little more prominent in the mix but only if you go back and forth autistically and even then idk.

>> No.20625357

Find something with measurable progress you can easily track, like lifting or running road races, so you have personal goals to strive for. Make a plan for your future beyond "I wanna become a great writer" or whatever - come up with ways to free yourself from the need to work until you're old just to survive. Think of things that you want to understand, about the world, yourself, or a particular subject, so you have something to focus your mental efforts on.
Don't get caught up in comparing yourself to other people, or get so discouraged by the state of the world or of yourself that you become unable to function. You can make it, not through some Dragon Ball-esque powerup moment when you suddenly flip the switch from loser to winner, but through consistent focused efforts over time, same as everyone else who made it.

>> No.20625359

you know if you post a thread and then delete it yourself the thread it bumped off doesn't come back. i don't think you can do it for more than one though, so that was probably janny action.

>> No.20625373 [DELETED] 

yooo wtf my headphones just disconnected and reconnected right after i posted about them bruh i'm gettin mad paranoid now, i'm going to fap later i hope the government isn't watching that would suck

>> No.20625406

>There are at least 3 Gardner spamposts up now.
They're more now. I remember a time you couldn't have a Gardner thread.

>> No.20625437

I'm a literal NEET who has nothing going on in his life, why is the stubbing toe episode the only one that resonates?
>rather than trying something with the potential of failure"
I wish these episodes existed. For me it's:
>"anon wallows in crippling sense of futility and can't even imagine what productive or catalytic action would look like episode"
followed three months later by
>"anon does nor thinks anything different yet spontaneously has a string of good luck in love, friendship, and career which will vanish as hastily as it manifested"

>> No.20625479

/sffg/ has gone to shit, and the jannies and mod keep nuking it instead of doing their jobs.

>> No.20625499

Yeah it's great. I drew a picture of someone at a bar and everyone loved it, so i realized i had some creativity and ran with it.

>> No.20625503
File: 498 KB, 1600x1200, Phra_Ajan_Jerapunyo-Abbot_of_Watkungtaphao..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One can pee with no poo, but cannot poo without pee

>> No.20625521

i should add i was stoked to see it on apple music so i can listen to it on my phone when i walk around without having to have youtube open in my phone which sucks, not so much due to quality differences.

>> No.20625534

Just recently I listened to this on while driving a land yacht 85 on a rural interstate paved like a racetrack.
It's one of the most beautiful recordings ever made, Are you familiar with it?

>> No.20625545

>released in 1998
no but that's right when i moved to the city and started listening to electronic shit so i'm going to check out it sounds comfy af

>> No.20625552

I agreed for a job but now I want to decline the offer

>> No.20625554

i too was looking for a job and then i found a job

>> No.20625564

If you already accepted, don't decline it now.
You'll be blacklisted from future job opportunities across MANY different companies.

>> No.20625573
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>spent all day on 4chan again

>> No.20625577

Why do people here trust psychoanalysis more than contemporary psychology?

>> No.20625601

Why trust either? Both are phony.

>> No.20625611

You say that while living in a world designed and fine-tuned by the latter

>> No.20625615

You're making my point for me.
Fine-tuned my ass.

>> No.20625620

What city? I live about 70 miles west of of Chicago, and, to be honest, one of the best kept secrets of the Midwest is that the whole of northern Illinois is like a tremendous exurb,. I wouldn't live anywhere else on the planet, except, maybe, the the best of the Netherlands or Denmark.

>> No.20625622

Fine-tuned to keep you into submission and squeeze every last bit of your penny while giving you the illusion of choice, not for your benefits

>> No.20625625

I can't do otherwise, I was offered a better option

>> No.20625633

Urth of the new sun. Obviously

>> No.20625645

Just a single example: Why do supermarkets play depressing music?

>> No.20625651
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>> No.20625652


>> No.20625664

And you're claiming that's a good thing?
That would make you a psychopath.

>> No.20625671

I honestly couldn't tell you what sort of music supermarkets play -- I tune it out.
What if the Powers That Be tried to create a Brave New World...and only the stupidest among us showed up to participate?
Lying flat. Let it rot. Last generation.
Look up those terms, and realize the oligarchy lost our hearts and minds a long time ago.

>> No.20625688

>nobody will ever read my story.

>> No.20625693

Flynt Flossy is my favorite rapper

>> No.20625699

I challenge you to listen to Cypress Hill's "Elephants On Acid" and NOT come away utterly mesmerized.
I'm not normally a rap fan, but I own all of Cypress Hill's albums on CD.
They're in a totally different category...kind of like Johnny Cash, who counts many non-country-music fans among his fans.

>> No.20625702

first cypress hill legit one of my favorite albums of all time that shit is perfect

>> No.20625711

Flynt Flossy shits on 'em

>> No.20625727

Feeling good is a great book but you might visit therapist.

>> No.20625744

Thaiboy Digital is my favourite rapper.
I saw him live in Australia and the next morning I bought a plane ticket to go to the next show in another state and see him again.

>> No.20625759

No nice thing has ever happened to me of my own volition, but nice things have and probably will in the future happen to me. I have no agency. Well that's half-true, if I stepped in front of a bus I'd probably die. So I have some agency, but I don't have any positive or constructive agency.
I can't even persuade people to act in their own best interest, I have many "told ya so" moments.

>> No.20625800

I used to think of Aurora as remote as Asimov's planet of that name, and now I live in something like it for looks and convenience, if not for conversation.. He had more than a beautifully romantic imagination for place.

>> No.20625801

The US dollar as the world's reserve currency is the largest social credit system known to man, and puts China's tiny dicked counterpart to shame.

>> No.20625808

Ukraine is the world's newest McNation and its creation myths are copyright of the GAE (global american empire).

>> No.20625827

Is Objectivism just “rational” hedonism?

>tfw people don’t know about Kievan Rus’

>> No.20625871

Decided to give up whacking off for a bit. Good to do these things from time to time I think. Don't have to believe in semen retention cult magic for it to be worthwhile. It's like a change in diet or new routine. Well anyway, I don't have gf so this whole time I've been dry as a bone, no nut whatsoever. It's only been four days but God almighty am I horny. Boner-wise, it's like being 13 again. I mean, we're talking the kind of hard-on you feel in your entire body. Anybody done nofap here who can tell me how far I am from levitation etc? Or if nothing else, how long until this levels off?

>> No.20625878

Is anyone else disgusted by sex? Is feeling that way unhealthy for my psyche?

>> No.20625888

Yes to both.

>> No.20625908

I am disgusted by Homo sapiens
Their only redeeming feature is their eyes

>> No.20625936

I want to write but I'm afraid of being canceled or getting in trouble with work. I was thinking about a gumroad but then I found out the libs doxxed BAP.

Was thinking a substack connected to an anonymous email, and then instead of pay walled content just make it all for free and people can donate crypto if they'd like. Definitely more interested in getting my ideas out there than the money, but money would be nice.

>> No.20625939

There are so many books I want to read. The problem is I jump from book to book and can't focus on a single thing, just making up for lost time. I can never really finish a book. I feel like shit. At least I can read though.

>> No.20625951
File: 273 KB, 488x582, 1637719622990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you find new things to live for that replace your self destructive vices. im so fucking tired of living the way I live but I feel like I need something to give structure to my life in order to move away from the vices which fulfill that role for me currently

>> No.20625957

I wrote this today. What do you guys think?


>> No.20625976

Im really sorry man , chronic pain must be some of the most isolating stuff a man can go through

>> No.20626013

do NOT click that link. virus

>> No.20626022
File: 59 KB, 964x912, 2dpwzw-3580174792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if God broke, or somehow "reduced" himself in order to make us and as such, we really are on our own

>> No.20626024

I hope it doesn't turn into one. Is there another place to post my writing? Google doc?

>> No.20626075

Wondering if I should read Understanding Media or Vom Kriege next

>> No.20626080

Casual one? Yes
Intimate one? No

>> No.20626082

If you believe in the Global American Empire, you're no better than a jew

>> No.20626084

What's with these midwits spouting their views on religion recently? You ARE on your own, you have free will and the knowledge of good and evil. It's up to you whether you want to accept God, Satan or anything really.

>> No.20626170

if you are trying to say that america is not an empire, then you have outed yourself as jewish

>> No.20626223

If it makes money, then you're uncancellable.
Don't write anything overtly political, or if you really must write something so fucking formulaic and cliched as a mainstream political stance then just claim you're the opposite of whatever they accuse you of. That the rape scenes are your way as a victim of sexual assault are you attempt to speak openly about your experience and that they shouldn't shame you for doing so. That the artful use of the n-word as a stylistic decision is because as a biracial man who passes you have always both been personally hurt by the word, but have not been able to speak out, and burned by the privilege of passing... or some dumb shit like that.

>> No.20626241

Midwits are, in essence, individuals who have weaponized stupidity and stubbornness, which might arose from traumatic childhood events or other factors that, in a just society, would be shot and buried in mass graves

>> No.20626244

blaming America for the problems of jewish anti-intellectuals is subterfuge

>> No.20626247

It's amazing to me that these sub-Chomskyite morons still exist.

>> No.20626250

no answers, huh?

>> No.20626403

Not a single reply. This is why I stopped coming to /lit/. You people scarcely read and you don't actually enjoy thoughtful discussion.

>> No.20626417

Late 90's Electronic and Drum n Bass are so unbelievably comfy
Wish we could get more music like yours and mine.

>> No.20626421

Same here. No one answered my question.

>> No.20626460

I feel no connection with nature or other people.

>> No.20626463

What was your question, I'll answer it.

>> No.20626480

I have no interest in the outer world

>> No.20626492

Try kratom

>> No.20626595

Observing human interaction will never get boring

>> No.20626638

I sure hope so

>> No.20626679

Cute asian girls have white skin naturally, blue eyes with contacts, and dyed blonde hair. White girls can no longer compete.

>> No.20626844

Everything pales in comparison to the richness of experience. Sensations unlock more joy and light than the roles people have trapped themselves into just to gain something in a degenerate world.

>> No.20626866

isnt it just hedonism?

>> No.20626873


>> No.20626875

>Even amongst the guys who seem to get a lot of pussy or are really good at 'dad stuff', I don't think I've ever met a single real life Chad in my life there's always- -
>- -because there is no such thing as Chad ya big dummy, it's a fictional construct, an implausible caricature. Get off the computer and toss the football around, maybe build a bedside table for yourself

>> No.20626960

I love Dubu

>> No.20626987
File: 6 KB, 276x183, Three Monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fallen madly in love with a stock photo actress and have thus ventured for weeks to find out at least her name. All I've come across is a conspiracy in which such models' images are used more than once and - in fact - several times for the profiles of business people who do not exist: fictitious persons. Sure, that is scandalous and all, but I want a wife and she is the only attractive woman that I have ever felt no lust towards, but a genuine yearning in my heart.
I have spent hours comparing facial recognition software and applying reverse-image searches to social media platforms, and nothing, but I won't post it here because - you know - such things are best left without competition.
I don't know if there's any woman as beautiful as her.
If this is impossible, perhaps I just should take a vow of celibacy and become a priest.

>> No.20627022

if you get pulled over and you actually are a "good kid" who didn't do anything don't shoot a gun at the cops and they won't shoot back. some of these people are stupid beyond belief.

>> No.20627032

I’m unemployed. My father will possibly go through surgery later this year. I’m graduating and still jobless. In fact, I’m 25 years old and have never held a job. I’ve been sending my curriculum out since january and still nothing. My two years relationship is crumbling and I hesitate to break up while ignoring the fact I certainly should. I feel completely dependent on my parents despite trying to become more independent for years. I’ve been nurturing a crush on a friend’s ex girlfriend despite she barely knowing I exist and we having no contact whatsoever. I feel worthless and stressed all the time. I’ve felt depressed for a decade. I barely have friends and am distant from the few I do have.
I’m lost, completely and utterly lost.

>> No.20627039

Why is suicide so prominent in Eastern Europe and Japan? Is there a cultural connection?

>> No.20627060

i find it interesting that poland and philipines have very different suicide rates despite both being catholic which strongly prohibition on suicide. i'm going to say climate probably has something to do with it. can someone whip up a chart in python showing the sun per year in each country and their suicide?

>> No.20627083

Are there any good time management or scheduling apps I can use for free?

For example, one collects your time and shows you spent 9 hours jerking off. Is there anything like that?

>> No.20627082
File: 3.10 MB, 760x500, dahyun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shows how long they stayed together and so close with each other
But it's also shows how simple, funny, and free DAHYUN is to others and everyone likes to make fun of her because only those who loved her will
always want to tease her

>> No.20627106

macos has a thing called "sceentime" that shows how much time you used each app that day. it says i used brave for almost 11 hours yesterday which seems kind of light, but i did play counterstrike on windows for a couple hours so i guess that's about right. it only counts whatever app is on top of the screen though so like it says i only used apple music for 44 minutes yesterday but if you consider that was just the time i brought it up on top of the desktop to change songs that actually a long ass time. now add that to the eleven hours in brave and it's basically 12 hours of browsing the web doing jack shit. it doesn't show which websites you went to specifically probs cuz that's already in your browser if you want it.

>> No.20627107

whatever you say officer

>> No.20627110
File: 898 KB, 4031x2644, 1653759912018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i make some new friends? specifically to talk about books
there's a lot of friend threads on other boards but i've never seen one here

>> No.20627119

On the bus.
I met someone reading Jordan Peterson's '12 Rules for Life' waiting for the bus.

>> No.20627120

I'm 25 years old too. Sorry to hear about your dad, that's bad anon. When do you graduate?

Facing a similar situation. The truth to face here, is that these years are crucial, these ones we're in specifically. Every action you take right now is going to have significant impact on your life later. Every move you make, by each hour, by each day, this is what will determine our lives for the most part. I don't want to scare you but this is the time shit hits the fan. Take as much action as you can, schedule it as much as you can too. It wouldn't be a bad thing to get some adrenaline going. We can be successful and set up our lives right, as long as we take every possible action and fill our schedule with the proper shit to do 24/7. That's how all successful people made it. Even if they've worked awful jobs and hung around awful people, they just filled their schedule 24/7 instead of sitting around stagnating

>> No.20627133

Only downside of a full squat

>> No.20627140
File: 263 KB, 824x809, 1650279913156 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking any action is better than taking no action

>> No.20627156

>>it's another "anon wishes to encounter the divine, the ineffable beyond reality, and the sublime beauty above comprehension but gets filtered by 5 pages of Plato" episode
To be fair, Schopenhauer is right about the sublime and right about Plato being retarded.

>> No.20627178

"fortune favors the bold" or as silicon valley dickheads would say "have a bias for action"

>> No.20627179

thought > action

>> No.20627181

2nding this. i have frens but none who read. would be nice 2 have bookfrens.

inb4 bookclub. my town is populated by the sub-literate, by and large. shant.

>> No.20627182

To be fair, Schopenhauer was a loser.

>> No.20627192

That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a solo episode every season. Schoppy best girl. Total sperg but still, best girl.

>> No.20627199

Wrong. For example, my posting this - what do I get out of it? A temporary catharsis? You won't change you opinion. So I achieve nothing from this. No action would be better than this action. Also what if you're thirsty but not dehydrated so you drink stagnant water, and get sick, maybe even die. Should have taken no action against your thirst, or at least waited for a cleaner source of drinking water.
It is important to note that while action is necessary to improve things, you must avoid things that will deteriorate the situation further. That's not an excuse to refuse to do anything at all, but nor does it mean any action is better than no action.

>> No.20627210

keep digging that hole

>> No.20627213

End of the year. Yeah, I’ve been trying to make things work, it just feels like everything is falling apart. And I’m so full of fear: fear of being stuck in a bad relationship or being alone, of never finding out what I want to do with my life, of failing, of ending up being as worthless as myself and many other people always found me to be.
I try to open up and get close to others and end up with abusive friends and relationships, try to study and build a good portfolio and can’t even get an entry level job, try to do new things and put myself out there and it’s just one failure after another. It just feels like at some point I fell behind everyone else and the rest of my life will be about trying and failing to catch up.
Nowadays I’ve been thinking about doing a one year music production course after graduating or full blown dedicating myself to being a freelancer writer/ilustrator, even though these are both pipe dreams and stupid things to bet my future on. The crush on my friend’s ex has also been on my mind, since it entangles with the whole relationship drama and makes me simultaneously think I’m retarded for considering pursuing her despite we barely knowing each other and for not at least giving it a try.
Anyway, that’s enough blogposting. What about you, anon? Who is it going?

>> No.20627214

what do you read?

>> No.20627227


>> No.20627229

Don't get caught in analysis paralysis, all I'm gonna say. You'd be surprised how fast you can slip into complete chaos. Especially without a schedule and lack of time management. Then years just fly by, then you're unable to keep track of hours. Or worse, unable to keep track of an easy 10-20 minute task

>> No.20627243

>analysis paralysis
how to fix it? asking for a friend

>> No.20627244

The more I think about my past, the more evident it is that I am insecure, and care about the opinions of others too much. There's no reason for me to do so, because caring only seems to bring disadvantages to myself. I didn't hold a girl's hand in elementary school because I was scared of how others would react. I didn't tell another girl how I felt about her because I was scared of how I would be percieved by my schoolmates. I've failed many assignments and classes because I didn't want to ask questions, because I was afraid they would make me look stupid. Slowly, rather than dealing with this flaw of mine, I have separated myself from as many people as possible, including many friends. The odd part is that I now have no desire to be around people, I just want to be alone; but, why do I continue to associate with others? Just yesterday, I went to the movies with a coworker of mine, and he asked if I wanted to play some arcade games. I did slightly want to, but I said no, because I didn't want to atract any attention to myself. The majority of my actions have to do with making myself seem as inconspicuous as possible, blending in. I do not want to be seen, I do not want to stand out, I constantly fantasize about being in a society which forces conformity. People at work keep trying to talk to me, but I just respond with what I think makes me seem boring. The only people I want to be around are people like myself. Every time I do something out of line, and every time I see somebody else act similarly, I cannot help but be revolted.
With a slow & steady pace, I am improving myself. I hope to one day work for something important, with people dedicated to a task. I do not like all of the small talk, I don't like this. I want to be alone, but I want to be with somebody. I'm not really sure what I want, I just want to be told what to do, but what if I'm told to do something I don't want to do? The last time I remember being happy with my situation was when I used to play some video game where I could LARP as a soldier. I followed the orders I was given no matter what, and I felt quite fulfilled. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to do something similar in real life.
I have an odd desire to be independent, to do my own thing, but I miss LARPing like that. Nobody talked to each other, everybody was professional, you just kept in line, and did what you were told. I don't like the freedom of choice I have with being independent.

>> No.20627261

I was the same.

>> No.20627264

i always used to "not care what anyone thinks" which lead me to indulging autistic crank tendencies much to my detriment. sometimes if other people disapprove with what you're doing it's because it's annoying, anti-social, or just a waste of time.

>> No.20627282

reading locus solus and paradise lost at the moment.

find an empty swimming pool and jump really high off the tallest diving board and fall headfirst towards the earth. if it's really bad you can lay a beartrap in the pool and aim for that with your head so when you land you:

1. break your neck
2. fracture your skull
3. get caught in a fucking bear trap.

that's a long winded way of saying who fucking knows champ i'm all out of ideas.

>> No.20627332

1. Imagine a goal. (say cleaning, writing, studying or whatever stupid shit)

2. Identify the actions involved (break it up into smaller parts)

3. Create smaller tasks, in to-do list form

4. Time yourself. Break stuff up into 10-15 minute chunks. You would be surprised how much you get done when you're specific

Do this with everything by the way. Look at your habits and time wasting shit by the actions. This all adds up. You could turn this into mathematical formulas. Even if it's something like addiction and you're beyond hope. Just calculate, track, plan all this shit out and stay busy until it's a habit. Use the busy schedule (like working a shit job on your feet) as motivation to accomplish your big, big goals like finishing your novel. Otherwise you'll just end up with these old predictable bad habits and time-wasting shit you could've stopped years ago

>> No.20627339
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Also just gonna add. You have to set a timer and track every small task you complete. This will recondition you back into a daily schedule

>> No.20627373

join the military, I think your personality is suited for it.

>> No.20627378

Amazing mental gymnastics there. So I should stop, because I'm doing something which is objectively worse than doing nothing at all? It's funny, by disagreeing with me, you're validating my point.
It's not analysis paralysis in my case when all my options are shit and literally everything I'm aware of as an option is worse than doing nothing. Analysis paralysis is when you're so overwhelmed by choices you don't take any action, when even a suboptimal choice would be better than no action. Many people are afflicted by this, and at times I am too, but why do you assume that's the problem?
But what happens when you have no options? You can have the best judgement and decision making abilities in the world, but if you're choices are: eat the poisoned cake or drink from the poisoned chalice what good is making a decision? However if there is a third option, "politely decline both" - then taking no action is clearly the superior choices

>> No.20627384

Man locus Solus was a trip. Laughed my ass off when all the schizo experiments tied in together at the end. Wish I didn't give my copy to my ex

>> No.20627392

I have a love hate relationship with Mozart as he reminds me of my cringe 17 year old self... His requiem truly is a banger though

>> No.20627413
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Well, I wasn't trying to assume. That's my situation though. Sat around because none of the options seem appealing, literally nothing at all

At least with this, I can add some order back into my life. No matter what you do with it, honestly. I'm just trying to hammer out the point of setting smaller tasks. People meander around when they have no schedule. They take hours to avoid basic tasks or chores or put it off til the last minute. Just break it all up, even if it's mundane shit and do it all at once. Then boom everything is done in 40 minutes. Even if you didn't do your best, you still got a lot of it done. Maybe you did the mundane task better than another guy

>> No.20627419


>> No.20627473

Just 6 more workdays

>> No.20627484

>. I'm just trying to hammer out the point of setting smaller tasks.
And when there are none? Then what? That's the situation I'm in - there are no small tasks, there are no tasks at all. I'm not talking about procrastinating on taking in the washing, I'm talking about that moment afterwards when the lack of progress or change in your life stares you in the face and you realize that there is literally nothing you can do right now. The only option is to wait for chances to present themselves.
It sounds like you're in a different situation, you just need to pick a option, because even if you don't pick the best one it's still better than doing nothing.
However that's a luxury: you know what you can do. I would love to be in your position because then I would feel like even if I "screw up" that there is some progress to be made, something I could do! A choice to be made.
But there's no mundane tasks. There's nothing I can break down into any sort of action. There's nothing I can do right now.

>> No.20627491

Can you be specific about your situation? Why is it that you can't do anything right now?

>> No.20627517

How do you deal with the existential dread? I guess I lack the usual things that keep a young man grounded and occupied; family, career, bills to pay. Some would say those things chain him to society, but is it really where happiness is to be found? Was Sisyphus happy?

>> No.20627535
File: 36 KB, 820x713, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made her cum twice last night

>> No.20627554
File: 84 KB, 429x582, 1652609930673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, again not trying to make assumptions, but this is a bit uninteresting. There's still things to do left to pull you out a little bit. I know it's hard, take time when you need. This is like taking a fighter jet towards your destination though

We exist in a world of objects around us, we perform actions every day right. Even if it's just habits or behaviors, each of them elicit a positive/negative emotion every time you perform a behavior. How many times have you repeated the same actions expecting something else to happen? Similarly, how does someone get their life started again? Simple -> Time yourself on a small task (reading 15 pages, practicing writing, doing chores around your place) -> Get it done under pressure -> Fight/flight adrenaline and motivation chemicals kick in -> Habits form (over 15-30 days)
Even if you're feeling completely numb. This is just to get you back in the moment. If someone can't feel anything at all, best thing to do is taking cold shower/bath then set a timer for the everyday pointless seeming stuff.

Not trying to call you boring, but wouldn't it have some use for you? At least you'll get your mind off it. Time yourself, read a book or write your thoughts down. Journal something.
This is to tune you back in with working under pressure. Moving quicker. Rapid action. Feeling. Order under chaos

>> No.20627580

Hard to answer because if I knew what I could be doing I'd be trying to decompose it into the most immediate step, or trying to clear the path so that I could be doing it... but I don't so I'm not.
It's stuff like, I'm waiting for a client to get back to me on where I'm supposed to meet them so I can pick up some files. That's the small example. I don't want to bother them, because at the end of the day: they're paying me and if I'm annoying they may decide to hire someone else. So I just have to wait until they decide to get back to me.
I also need to find more clients, I don't know how the fuck to even begin. "Do you know your target audience..." yes... now what? Now how do I magically turn this semi-imaginary division of the population into the very real recipients of a persuasive message about my skills and abilities?
Or like dating... I'm on dating apps... now what? I try to match, I send out messages... and I'm waiting twiddling my thumbs. I'm trying to be more proactive, asking them out, suggesting fun date ideas... but it can still be 24 hours before they get back to you, even if it's a yes.
It's always fucking waiting... it's always out of my hands.
The reason it's all messy and all-over-theplace and there's no specific situation is because my entire life is waiting for shit to happen that I can't control.

>> No.20627587 [DELETED] 

See >>20627554 here. How do I get more freelance work? How do I meet more girls to go on dates? I'm already on dating apps. I already go out to bars. I already ask out the girls I do match with. Fix these problems now or SHADDUP

>> No.20627592

Fucked up the link
>See >>20627580 here. How do I get more freelance work? How do I meet more girls to go on dates? I'm already on dating apps. I already go out to bars. I already ask out the girls I do match with. Fix these problems now or SHADDUP

>> No.20627622

I fucked up the link a second time: see what I mean, sometimes doing nothing is better than doing anything. I wish I hadn't of made these posts. Anyway I got shit to do anyway so this thread will probably be archived by the time I get back

>> No.20627639

Actively deciding to do nothing because your highly trained and reliable intuition informed you is different from inaction due to paralysis.

>> No.20627649

Yes, I know I'm right about that. Any action is not always better than no action. Yes.

>> No.20627693

In my examples the former takes action by deciding not to act. He enacts his will. The example of someone paralyzed by indecision does not act at all so he's only at the mercy of external forces. Taking control and committing to a plan is always better. If you have no trust in your judgement to be decisive you need to start smaller and train your intuition up.

>> No.20627784

---- Solaria ----
(Dance Suite As An Idea)

If I could hive Lucio, Berowne and Moth
To a planet like Kew Gardens

Lorded over by crabs relaxed as Eloi in some Universal dusk
We'd compare Saturns fot effect,

Wed Bernini and Borromini to resources that would wear out any genius of sight,
Resurrect anyone they loved, banter like

The soul of ecstasy or inflection
On holiday so long and vague it forgets everything

As boy eye contemplating fish flights in ponds sublime as his
Generally do, happy in what he is,

Angel of the best of states
Calmly shining.

>> No.20627943

>So I should stop
I told you to keep going you stupid nigger

>> No.20628009

train how?

>> No.20628222

There's enough evil within me, I don't want to be surrounded by degeneracy too.

>> No.20628248

>10 seconds pre nut
>flipping through 100 tabs of disgusting hentai and enjoying it
>10 seconds post nut
>filled with shame and self disgust and wish I never knew what pornography even was
What causes this?

>> No.20628266

Literally demons

>> No.20628287

I used to think it was the body making one feel bad for wasting a nut. Now I think it's it's the shame of pornography essentially being cuckoldry, and the post-nut shame is the same shame one feels for being a cuck. When one watches porn, they are not doing the sex themselves, no matter how hard they try to immerse themselves in pornographic media. The brain realizes that in the post-nut phase, and brings forth a great sense of shame. Masturbating to one's own mental fantasies doesn't bring as much shame.

>> No.20628351
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1651349537356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm too young and inexperienced in both life and literature to pursue any literary aspirations, and I don't think I ever will reach a point of being "good enough" because I'm an asocial shut-in who only writes in his diary and never shares his passages to be criticized because they are all deeply personal. Sometimes I wonder why I even entertain the idea of being a writer. I don't intend to write as a career, since I'm studying computer science for that, rather I write because I feel like it's the only way I can express my feelings and ideas, so even if any passage I wrote was phenomenal, there would be no point in publishing it except for so that the few people that can relate to me can have their feelings validated as well.

>> No.20628360

I've started talking with a bit of a southern drawp, mainly not pronouncing the Gs at the end of words that end with it, and frequently using words like ain't and yall
not sure why I do it, no one around me talks like that
my best guess is
>I play too many videogames and watch too much tv instead of interacting with the people that live around me
>I subconsciously do it to deliberately to sound dumber so that people don't think I'm snobby for using big words all the time which I do on an equally subconscious level

>> No.20628365

I talk like a southerner because I am a southerner.

>> No.20628411

You don't need to go out and live a life you think defines "having a life" to create great art, let alone great writing. You need to focus on creating something that sings to what your life has been even if it isn't much. Everything is interesting if you make it interesting and the only way you'll be a bad writer is if you try to write for a life you haven't lived. So either go out there and live for a while then come back to make books that feel like your favorites, or get the fuck to it and make something brand new.

>> No.20628414

I talk like a southerner because i grew up with a hillbilly in juvenile prison. I always laugh when people get understand my drawl

>> No.20628435

Like you train an animal. Do the thing you want to train over and over. Make decisions consciously and allow the emotional impact of the consequences to happen without coping. Own the failures and the successes emotionally so they condition your intuition but don't stay reveling in either, move on to the next decision.
If you feel the impulse to do something and don't have a good reason not to then follow the impulse. If it leads to something negative you still trained your intuition and your relationship with it. You will be better able to read the possible results of following it, understanding when it's being helpful and when it's confused.

>> No.20628462

life is literally a game invented by demons to thrust unsuspecting victims into increasingly hellish situations just to make bets on how many coping mechanisms they'll develop before having a mental breakdown

>> No.20628468

idk how ppl can say "gg" when the other team was full of hacking pussies

>> No.20628477

Stop playing on shitter servers

>> No.20628540

Damn. I know how you feel. Don't ask how though.

>> No.20628584

Just because I don't like unrepenting degenerates doesn't mean I hate them. Leftists always use language dishonestly to manipulate because their lives are a lie.

>> No.20628603

Not going to lie. I don't hate the fags but they evoke a visceral response of disgust and violence. It's like when you see a cockroach. Your first thought is that's gross and the next immediate thought is to stomp the shit out of it.

>> No.20628620

Well that does sound like hate. But that doesn't mean everyone who refuses to accept homosexuals are like this.

>> No.20628626

Are you sure the photo wasn't from https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ ?
Found the Gnostic.

>> No.20628641

>don't stay reveling in either
I cant stop pitying myself over past mistakes. I let them define me as a person.

>> No.20628658

It's not violence born out of petty emotion like a woman would do. It's just an automatic response like sneezing or coughing.

>> No.20628684

I have really high cheekbones, which some people consider attractive, but I hate it. I look bogged. I look botoxxed, and I have never touched a cosmetic product in my life. The rest of facial features are relatively modest, not particular unattractive but not super defined either. My cheekbones just look so out of place on my face. I don't have a Gigachad chin and jaw to balance out my lower third. If my chin and jaw were slightly more defined and I wasn't a lanklet I would be an archetypical chad, instead I just look like a malnourished Bogdanoff cloning abomination.

>> No.20628694

maybe they dont want to be negative nancys

>> No.20628696

Same desu to some degree but within certain contexts I have been able to follow my own advice and train some skills. You can be a brilliant genius general with a highly refined strategic mind but retarded in normal civilian life. Whatever you want to be good at you have to train, you have to act. The general tends to be passive in his civilian life since his life has been focused on other things. That passiveness is exactly the problem we're talking about.

>> No.20628704
File: 132 KB, 1313x872, 1638307971098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if she was faking it

>> No.20628728

>Whatever you want to be good
I really dont know what that could be. I havent felt a desire to devout my life to doing anything. Ideally I'd like to idea blossom in my heart like a flower as in coming to the realization. However that hasnt happened and doing anything else without it is just dragging myself through concrete.

>> No.20628764
File: 391 KB, 556x362, 1651104625279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a boring fucking normalfag. You don't seem to have even a passing interest in literature. What are you doing on this board? You are beyond a caricature of the typical pothead, which be hilarious if there was any sense of irony in your posts, instead you just seem like a retarded zoomer nigger. Every post I read from you reminds me of the sorry state of this board, or website in general, or even society as a whole. You have been in nearly every /wwoym/ thread for nearly a year now and have posted nothing thought provoking. The only thing memorable about your posts are how gay and retarded they are. I can't even fathom how someone could consistently make such decadent posts unless they were genuinely sub-90 IQ. I wish you were just a bot posting AI-generated content because it would soothe my soul to know that someone as braindead as you doesn't actually exist. I would tell you to kill yourself but I would much rather you stay alive and suffer from lung cancer or getting assraped in prison for being a degenerate pothead faggot. You dumb fucking mulatto nigger.

>> No.20628787

I think this is something that tends to happen to people that think to much in words and move away from listening to the more fundamental intuitive thinking like animals do. When you encounter something nice don't just ignore the feeling or abstract it away with words. It's informing you about something you will never be able to fully formalize in words.
You like some things, apparently you like flowers since that imagery has some meaning to you. Maybe start with gardening? It may not be your thing ultimately but doing some minor gardening is an example of acting instead of being passive. It may lead somewhere else, somewhere you don't expect.

>> No.20628792

they didn't seem to care for it

>> No.20628839

>However that hasnt happened and doing anything else without it is just dragging myself through concrete.
Can any of you remind me about how that book in which the narrator is dragging himself across the floor for a gazillion pages is called?

>> No.20628878

I hit your prostate so hard that you cried. God your squealswere so sexy

>> No.20628887

Just filter him.

>> No.20628930
File: 12 KB, 333x250, shinj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer class starts tomorrow. I'm not mentally prepared for it. I wasted all my free time these past couple of months. Time just flies by and I never get to grasp anything.

>> No.20628939

I haven't been reading much lately. Randomly started reading Foucault today.

>> No.20628957 [SPOILER] 

Stop being a bitch. Just do your assigned readings and write the lazy papers and pretend to do research.

>> No.20628976

I take care of plants atm but I feel nothing when looking at the blossoms

>> No.20628988

july 4th weekend is over i have to work tomorrow. not that work will be any different from what i did all weekend, but i will be hitting refresh on the wsj comments for 8 hours a day instead of 4chan. it's weird there's almost no difference from being unemployed and being a neet except employed u have to wake up in the morning and go to an air conditioned office. life without a jobs sucks, life with a job sucks. umm, the only thing i can think of is maybe life owning a business cuz then you'd actually have shit to do, but that would probably suck too.

>> No.20629003

I'm not sure if there's any reading or writing or research to do in this class. It's a technical class for computing applications. That means there won't be much homework, which I'm glad about, but I have absolutely no idea what to expect from the class. In fact I'm not that anxious about the class itself, rather it's the first time I'm doing anything in society for a while. I fear that I may have forgotten how to interact with people entirely. My pockets are stuffed with spaghetti and one fall will cause a pasta flood.

>> No.20629004

I have the gigachad jaw, I like being a lanklet but if I ever want to look aesthetic I have to get muscular because the rest of my face is not at all boyish

>> No.20629043

I'm always reminded of New Order's Blue Monday lyrics whenever the topic of work comes up.

"Those who came before me
Lived through their vocations
From the past until completion
They'll turn away no more
And still, I find it so hard
To say what I need to say"

It has been this way for hundreds of years yet getting up to go to work or school never gets any easier. I don't even care about my labor being "exploited" or whatever, I just hate the fact that a huge segment of my time is taken from me. Half of our waking hours don't belong to us while we are too tired to do anything worthwhile in the other half.

>> No.20629045

Stop being a bitch. Just do your assigned readings and write the lazy papers and pretend to do research.

>> No.20629107

the only time i read anymore is at work so if it weren't for work i probably wouldn't read at all. it's not like when i'm at home playing counterstrike and posting on /lit/ is somehow more fulfilling than reading a book and browsing the sfw web.

>> No.20629108

What sort of job lets you read WSJ all day long?
I actually have to accomplish something at my job.

>> No.20629125

Understanding Media vs On War. What to read next.

>> No.20629127
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>> No.20629137

anime is gay

>> No.20629142


>> No.20629215

I tried peeping through a keyhole, but I couldn't see all the way through it.

>> No.20629281

Many public executions so far

>> No.20629495

Just go outside you fucking lame ass

>> No.20629522
File: 25 KB, 600x564, smugasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what did that post do to you to provoke three replies of seethe?

>> No.20629524
File: 60 KB, 250x261, banned-Anonymous-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I don't find my purpose in life it's okay to give up, right?
Also 6 characters to write in captcha now.

>> No.20629548

After years of Internet use I've concluded that all who randomly capitalize words are schizophrenic boomers who are not worth speaking to.

>> No.20629562

You will fulfill your purpose, anon. It might be at 80 years old, but it will be fulfilled by God.

>> No.20629614

There is nothing worth talking about.

>> No.20629627
File: 21 KB, 460x394, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that works for me when it comes to NoFap is movies and TV. Watching them, writing about them, talking to people about them.

>> No.20629669

The Orthodox Church is Bitcoin, the Catholic Chruch is Ethereum, and all the Protestant denominations are altcoins.

>> No.20629672

onions post

>> No.20629681

>gets btfo by the filter

>> No.20629703

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

>> No.20629707

The thing is that people have pointed this out simple fact enough that the nigger lovers already have a non-falsifiable response: "racial trauma", meaning the reason that black people tend to run away or overreact to police interactions is because, you guessed it, racism. So, nice try, chud.

>> No.20629712

meme country that will be struck down

>> No.20629720

>We hold these truths to be self-evident
kek this has to be the ultimate COPE phrase

>> No.20629741

It's funny how subjective our experiences and beliefs seem. Blows my mind honestly. The amount of misunderstanding. The paradoxes of the mainstream internet's moral system now. It's crazy how easily we can misinterpret each other's words and actions. You can often witness casual harassment happening online thru social media and cancel culture websites. Summoning angry mobs, scapegoating individuals. Demonizing them. No hope to speak out. Even if you made an honest mistake, or expressed something slightly politically incorrect. Can you imagine get fired from your job or outcast by everyone around you, literally simply just for expressing your political/moral beliefs online?

I wouldn't be surprised if absurdist 4 dimensional gnomes or clowns were an emergent property of reality at this point. They're probably just fucking with everyone or shitposting like us

>> No.20629742

No, it's actually incredibly smart. All philosophies have axiomatic groundings that are ASSUMED. Not that a non-American could understand it, but how else could you have a society where people are granted equality unless you establish that premise as unquestionable. Otherwise it would have deteriorated within a few generations. It sets a goal and prevents ideological cannibalism.

>> No.20629974
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kenning all weird in the world, witcraft is
fish is food of deep fathoms
that is fit for yeoman's feasts
gold is God-sent, gift for kings
that kinsmen share and barrows hoard

>> No.20629975

Are you a boy or a girl?

>> No.20630018

I need to find a way to kill myself without actually killing myself. I need to suffer metaphorical death.

>> No.20630030

imbibe a large dose of psilocybin

>> No.20630043

r-render unto caesar

>> No.20630061

everyone hates the founders but those dudes were hella smart. the world seriously got lucky, they brought back democracy from classical antiquity.

>> No.20630100

>everyone hates the founders
They gave us a republic.

>> No.20630111

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

>> No.20630119

O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming;
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines on the stream;
'Tis the star-spangled banner; O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight and the gloom of the grave;
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!

O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land,
Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just.
And this be our motto— "In God is our trust; "
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

>> No.20630122

Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now thats just what I am
And for this yankee nation
I do no give a damn
I'm glad I fought against her
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done
I hates the Yankee nation
And eveything they do
I hates the declaration
Of independence too
I hates the glorious union
'Tis dripping with our blood
I hates the striped banner
And fought it all I could
I rode with Robert E. Lee
For three years there about
Got wounded in four places
And I starved at Point Lookout
I caught the rheumatism
Campin' in the snow
But I killed a chance of Yankees
And I'd like to kill some more
Three hundred thousand Yankees
Is stiff in southern dust
We got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us
They died of southern fever
And southern steel and shot
I wish they was three million
Instead of what we got
I can't take up my musket
And fight 'em down no more
But I ain't a-goin' to love them
Now that is certain sure
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am
I won't be reconstructed
And I do not give a damn
Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now that's just what I am
And for this Yankee nation
I do no give a damn
I'm glad I fought against her
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done...

>> No.20630124

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

>> No.20630128
File: 133 KB, 1024x819, roe jogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried DMT? get a bong and rip a cone of DMT.
well, here is my contribution to this thread: why would you post a cute woman with her legs splayed seductively, staring with mock coyness at the camera like this? i see so many of these pictures in such threads, when they aren't really related to the topic at hand.
i will also say that i have been awake for many hours and i went to the store to get some chocolate and iced coffee and i drank the iced coffee and ate the chocolate while watching a video about the Cuban missile crisis and i've farted many times by now, there is at this stage no indication that i will ever stop farting in my pants

>> No.20630131

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

In Dixie Land where I was born
Early on one frosty morn'
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land, I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Old Missus marry "Will the weaver"
William was a gay deceiver
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

But when he put his arm around her
He smiled as fierce as a forty pounder
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land, I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie

His face was sharp as a butcher's cleaver
But that did not seem to grieve her
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

Old Missus acted the foolish part
And died for a man that broke her heart
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land, I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Now here's a health to the next old Missus
An all the girls that want to kiss us
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

But if you want to drive 'way sorrow
Come and hear this song tomorrow
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land, I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie

>> No.20630150

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps;
They have builded him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read the righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of all before his judgment seat;
O be swift, my soul, to answer him; be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me;
As he died to make us holy, let us die that all be free!
While God is marching on.

>> No.20630153

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

>> No.20630188

Yes, I’m sure. She’s a registered model with nearly 100 photo shoots and nothing explicit.
What I meant by the ‘fictitious persons’ is that there are businesses and employees using images of various models in various instances by websites all of which have an eerily similar layout design and include contact information (not of the model, but the ‘person’) that does not respond to when contacted.
Put it simply, these people do not exist.
Fine by me.

>> No.20630194

From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.

>> No.20630202

I walked through a county courthouse square
On a park bench, an old man was sittin' there.
I said, "Your old court house is kinda run down,
He said, "Naw, it'll do for our little town".
I said, "Your old flag pole is leaned a little bit,
And that's a ragged old flag you got hangin' on it".
He said, "Have a seat", and I sat down,
"Is this the first time you've been to our little town"
I said, "I think it is"
He said "I don't like to brag, but we're kinda proud of
That Ragged Old Flag

"You see, we got a little hole in that flag there,
When Washington took it across the Delaware.
and It got powder burned the night Francis Scott Key sat watching it,
writing "Say Can You See"
It got a rip in New Orleans, with Packingham & Jackson
tugging at its seams.
and It almost fell at the Alamo
beside the Texas flag,
But she waved on though.
She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville,
And she got cut again at Shiloh Hill.
There was Robert E. Lee and Beauregard and Bragg,
And the south wind blew hard on
That Ragged Old Flag

"On Flanders Field in World War I,
She got a big hole from a Bertha Gun,
She turned blood red in World War II
She hung limp, and low, a time or two,
She was in Korea, Vietnam, She went where she was sent
by her Uncle Sam.
She waved from our ships upon the briny foam
and now they've about quit wavin' back here at home
in her own good land here She's been abused,
She's been burned, dishonored, denied an' refused,
And the government for which she stands
Has been scandalized throughout out the land.
And she's getting thread bare, and she's wearin' thin,
But she's in good shape, for the shape she's in.
Cause she's been through the fire before
and i believe she can take a whole lot more.

"So we raise her up every morning
And we bring her down slow every night,
We don't let her touch the ground,
And we fold her up right.
On second thought
I *do* like to brag
Cause I'm mighty proud of
That Ragged Old Flag"

>> No.20630218
File: 30 KB, 400x400, PFAqjgXq_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May we see her?

There's this myth in the West that Indian culture is more spiritual and less materialist than that of the West or East Asia. It's a massive lie. I wish it was true but we are some of the most degenerate materialists you've ever meet. Go to an Indian party and you'll see men throwing money onto the dance floor, "making it rain" on each other's wives. At most Indian weddings, you'll see the couple with a bag in their hands, and you're supposed to give them money. Money money money. This whole culture is in love with money. It makes me ill.

>> No.20630254

Illegal immigrants celebrating 4th of July is JUST...

>> No.20630263

Children's bodies and milk.

>> No.20630268
File: 5 KB, 645x773, the original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit home
>remember why I left

>> No.20630295

>In my examples the former takes action by deciding not to act.
Yes and your examples are not applicable to my real life, decisiveness means there's something you can do: what CAN I do? Tell me.

>> No.20630303

I’m not scrolling back. What’s your problem or issue?

>> No.20630308
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>> No.20630315
File: 2.74 MB, 1272x1258, Bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best six-word story I've read in a long time.

>> No.20630316

Among other things
1. Where to get more clients
2. Where to meet more women to get more dates.
but let me add a new one:
3. getting anons like you to actually answer my questions directly, with relevant and actionable advice

>> No.20630322

>what CAN I do
Nothing because you're a retard. The examples are applicable. Figure it out or don't retard.

>> No.20630337

Not to me. It has nothing to do with getting more clients, does it genius? Let me guess you're solution is "do something" - what is that something? "figure it out retard!".
Oh wow, so insightful, I never thought of doing something. I never thought of trying to figure out what action that might be? Now all I need to do is to figure out literally everything that your worthless vacuous post has left out because you are incapable of stating anything of substance. I couldn't have done it without you.

>> No.20630338

Just go for it, once you're able to. Ian Curtis was only 21 or 22 when he died, if I'm not mistaken

It's never too early to try expressing yourself thru writing. Also, Ian was a fan of existentialism. He'd probably encourage you to put your feeling into it. Without regard to what other people have to say

>> No.20630347

Put yourself out there. Simple as. It will be uncomfortable but you’re not going to get an answer you like. You have to network. That is a very realistic option. Don’t get demoralized by early failure; keep trying. Also don’t be one of those posters who hand waves everything everyone says away just because you don’t like it. There won’t be an answer you like because the solutions involve being sociable, and you seem like you avoid socializing. Change and progress are uncomfortable

>> No.20630356

Also, agree with this

Your life experience up until now counts. Plenty of material to write about there. What do you believe in? What were you raised to believe in? You know, stuff like that. Even if you want to write fiction, plenty of ways for you

>> No.20630359

We already went over all this you mindless retard. Taking any action almost no matter how retarded is better than doing nothing and training yourself to be a useless depressed retard like you're so desperately fighting to continue.
You lied that you have no goals, ambitions or preferences and then go on a passionate rant about how important figuring out your life is. There's the fucking goal retard, apply the advice to that. Train yourself to be better able to figure out what you want and like.

>> No.20630364

Sorry, but I explained why not in prior posts.

>> No.20630371

>Where to get more clients
What are your peers doing to find clients? What kind of people become clients in the first place and how can you use that information? Have you tried going through a third-party service like Upwork or working for a corporation that hires those with your skills? Are you advertising or marketing your services in any way? How do people find out about you and how can you expand your outreach?
Most posters here can't answer these questions for you because we have no idea what you actually do, but thinking about them and analyzing the answers you come up with will help you develop strategies to increase exposure to potential clients.
If you're not networking with your peers or clients, start yesterday and build a network of past customers and professional resources so that you can have other people help you find work.
Lastly, whatever your skills are, keep looking to improve your qualifications and search for tangential skills that can improve your outreach and possibly open up new pools of potential clients. Someone with translation experience isn't as useful as someone with a combination of translation experience, programming skills, and credentials from recognized institutions. I don't know what the equivalents are for you but you need to find them and look to move from the former to the latter.

>> No.20630375

>out there.
Where is "there" exactly? You don't know. How can I act upon that?
> You have to network.
I know that, I don't know how to network. How does anything you've written explain to me how to network? Where to go? Who to make overtures to? I already said: how do I turn a semi-imaginary "target audience" into actual specific people, and how do I contact them?
> There won’t be an answer you like because the solutions involve being sociable, and you seem like you avoid socializing.
Holy projection batman. I'm an extrovert. I would love to meet these people, and face to face not over LinkedIn or some other phone app, if you would tell me in no uncertain terms where they are...

>> No.20630386

Meaningless drivel see >>20630371 be like this anon: answers. asks clarifying questions.

>> No.20630398

You’re just an asshole. People are trying to help you. I don’t know your life situation and social network. Talk to them. Tell them to put out feelers for you. Do you want us to tell you it’s hopeless?

>> No.20630411

Firstly, 99% of the time when I fail to sink a client it's always I'm charging too much for their expectations/budget. I know this because the last few quotes I've given people, I underquoted, I've been told by former clients I "need to charge more".
>What are your peers doing to find clients?
I don't know who my 'peers' are.
>What kind of people become clients in the first place and how can you use that information?
Not a whole lot.
>Have you tried going through a third-party service like Upwork or working for a corporation that hires those with your skills?
Upwork, no?
Working for a coporation. No one will hire me for some reason.
> Are you advertising or marketing your services in any way?
Of course. I've tried posting to relevant facebook groups, and thankfully have gotten a few gigs that way.
I tried instagram ads. I should do more, but the first batch didn't get any customers. Otherwise it's been mostly word of mouth. People see my portfolio and find me.
>How do people find out about you and how can you expand your outreach?
If I knew that, I would do it.
>Most posters here can't answer these questions for you because we have no idea what you actually do,
Let's be honest, even if I did, most of them like that other anon speak in vague platitudes that are utterly devoid of real world action.
Look how you're the only person asking relevant questions! And that's a compliment.
> keep looking to improve your qualifications and search for tangential skills that can improve your outreach and possibly open up new pools of potential clients
How do I identify which skills I should train up in?
Qualifications won't help, the only way up is to literally do a doctorate. My clients just want me to do the work.

>> No.20630433

No the only assholes are the people who spout toxic platitudes like "just do it" as if their entire philosophy comes from a streetwear brand, and present this as the panacea to all your woes.
>I don’t know your life situation and social network.
Exactly, which is why these vague instagram-quote platitudes should be mocked, and insulted at every turn.
My situation is different to yours, to another anons. What helps must be tailored and specific.
Fuck these assholes who make meaningless statements and expect it to be "empowering". It's not. It's irritating. Instead if people want to truly help they should ask questions, provoke discussion. Help people see what they might not have realized or if their assumptions about a situation are wrong, help them re-contextualize.
Shouting out "do anything is better than nothing" doesn't help in anyway, especially since it can be wrong. Worst of all, like all self-help books it gives the illusion of helping without actually creating meaningful progress.

>> No.20630437

You aren’t deserving of any help. Why even ask for it if this is your reaction?

>> No.20630446

>just do it
See >>20625115

>> No.20630456

This is all proving my point: what have you gained through your speech-acts in engaging with me? Isn't this whole exchange from your perspective proof that no action would have been better than engagement (any action)? Not that I would want the help of someone who's meaningless platitudes is the only 'wisdom' they can offer, if I wanted the kind of help you could provide, I'd read the back of a tampon box or deodorant. Vacuous nonsense

>> No.20630460

How often do you go outside

>> No.20630461

What is "it"?

>> No.20630462

These are nothing like the questions you originally asked. We were talking about the principle of taking action instead of being passive which is something that interests me. The inane details of the life of a retard do not.
And now you're mad I didn't spoonfeed you specifics about how to network and get clients for your real estate business or whatever braindead shit you get up to. Your fundamental issue is really that you're an incompetent retard, too dumb to even grasp the simplest advice. Train yourself to be better, don't excuse your retardation. How is this so hard for you to grasp?

>> No.20630465

Everyday, but why do you ask?

>> No.20630473

>We were talking about the principle of taking action instead of being passive which is something that interests me
And I'm telling you that principle is wrong.
Cross a 6 lane motorway without looking if you believe in that principle. Ultimately the fact that I can't apply it to my life is proof that it's not a true priniciple that doesn't work in the real world. Reflect on this.
> How is this so hard for you to grasp?
What is so hard to grasp about the fact that inactivity is sometimes better than activity, like crossing a 6 lane motorway without looking

>> No.20630475

its 4chan, so dont be surprised its full of pseuds. I feel we should confront the shortcomings of our social websites, obviously 4chan is terrible, but thanks to web2.0 its a bit daunting trying to find another place to discuss things other than like reddit or twitter. I have checked out goodreads.com and it looks worth further investigation, the people there actually talk about the books they read!

>> No.20630481

Why did you even ask in the first place without giving us your super specific scenario then? Are we supposed to guess? And the simple “platitudes” are usually right. Whatever you are doing, you probably aren’t moving out of your comfort zone. If you are, and still not having success, maybe you are taking the wrong approach. Either way it’s apparent that your way isn’t working so dismissing everyone’s input proves you are retarded. Seriously, what is a very specific answer you hope to hear? Give me an example

>> No.20630487

Well you want tailored advice so you need to be more specific. You go outside every day. Okay. Where do you go

>> No.20630490

probably better to use a site with profiles, otherwise youre going on blind dates here.

i know living according to principles will give me the fulfillment i need but its hard letting go of stuff. not just luxuries like games and epic funkopops, but confronting relationships and all the risk and instability that brings with it. fear of death and attachments be bringin me down dog

>> No.20630499

You should care what others think, just not to the degree that it holds control over your self-esteem. 100% DGAF mentality is ultimately a defense mechanism where you avoid responsibility for how you appear to others, and is easy road to being dickhead.

>> No.20630510

most of us here are using the anonymity as a safe way to express our true selves, however by hiding who we are we prevent ourselves from being able to truly become close to one another. Ultimately, the ideal to live up to is being true to ourselves, expressing who we are truly and hiding nothing. But it is le scary.

>> No.20630513

>Why did you even ask in the first place without giving us your super specific scenario then?
because it doesn't matter, as I alluded to here >>20630475 it is not necessary to count all black crows to determine if there is a white crow. Or simply put, it doesn't matter if the scenario is specific to me or anyone else: if I can't apply it - then it's wrong.
>And the simple “platitudes” are usually right.
Oh come on man, are you really now going to endorse the "you got this" "the answers are within you" "every journey begins with one step" "born to shit, forced to wipe" nonsense. Are you really debasing yourself to the level of instagram quote?
>and still not having success, maybe you are taking the wrong approach. Either way it’s apparent that your way isn’t working so dismissing everyone’s input proves you are retarded.
What input?
> Seriously, what is a very specific answer you hope to hear?
Honestly, I already got what I want here >>20627639 validation of my point. And if I was smarter I wouldn't be engaging all these attacking (you)s but that other anon was kind enough to actually ask me specific questions about my problem so I'm still here...
TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: the specific answer that I KNOW IS IMPOSSIBLE but I want in fantasy land is something like
>"send an email to this organization, not the general email, you want James Bigbossname. Include a private link to your portfolio. try to emphasize anything with costume or fashion. If you don't have any, then quickly as possible do a mockup, you can find stylists who will work for next to nothing on X website who will make it all look of the standard. Remember , go for something a bit more eccentric..."
It gives the who, what, where, and why...

>> No.20630515

>What is "it"?
Well may you ask.

>> No.20630520

>And I'm telling you that principle is wrong.
If you ignore everything I said and pretend I meant jump off a cliff. The qualifiers were there but you ignored them deliberately. That's dishonest. The reason you're motivated to be dishonest is because you've trained yourself to be passive and depressed. Thinking about what I said instead of making up strawmen would mean transcending your self imposed conditioning so you find ways to dishonestly defend being a retard.
>that inactivity is sometimes better than activity
We already went over this. Why refuse to engage with anything I actually said? Willfully deciding to not act is an act. It's different from being passive and allowing external forces to completely control you.
>the fact that I can't apply it to my life is proof
You can. I spoonfed you in way too much detail how you can. You're just braindead.

>> No.20630522

Depends, it changes. Why don't you just tell me why you're asking, and then I can give specific and relevant answers?

>> No.20630528

New thread >>20630527
for when you wrap up your current seething...

>> No.20630530

Are you sure... you got to let me know...
(sorry I don't know any Alice in Chains or Fishbone references)

>> No.20630555

>Alice In Chains
That's OK...I wouldn't either.
I'm more of a space-rocker, anyway.

>> No.20630568

Nice drumming, or is that a synth? Either way it's cool

>> No.20630591

Oh, that's definitely drumming. Hawkwind (and its offshoots) are old-school.
Behold more of the wonderment that is our Lord and Savior, Nik Turner:

>> No.20630630

I feel that unless I change my whole personality, I'm fated to suffer from never doing anything and think it's just depression. Sure, I had clinical depression for 8 years, but now I'm sure it's mostly because of what I'm and what I do that makes me lack the interest of doing anything. When I started university I was really happy and now I hate it, but my interest for the topic selected for my major has nothing changed, I still love it, so it has to be something in what I do or think that is creating this feeling.

>> No.20630651

>compliments the drumming
>let's give him the flautist
happy to see we all still have drugs or their after effects

>> No.20630656

Dude, just chill out and listen to William Shatner collaborate with Hawkwind:

>> No.20630668

Wait so it IS a Hawkwind off-shoot!? Shit. I was like "oh is it a orchestral Hawkwind performance" and then when it was so metallish, I was like "Guess not". GUESS SO!

>> No.20630669

This is now a Hawkwind thread

>> No.20630678
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, hawkwind-in-search-of-space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's far more than a flutist, or saxophonist.
He's the heart and soul. He writes the Hawkwind songs I love the most.
Nik Turner is the Space-Rock Messiah.
>Hawkwind's first album
Hell yeah!
Their first 6 albums were pure gold.
My first exposure was "You Shouldn't Do That" from "In Search Of Space".
I started the song as one person, and 15m42s later, I was a different person.

>> No.20630696

Hawkwind's first 6 albums are pure gold.
After that, band-leadership "issues" screwed them up.
From that point on, their best work is in their offshoots.
Hawkestrel, and anything Nik Turner is in, is worth hearing.
It's still /lit/ related...Michael Moorcock (of "Elric" fame, et. al.) used to write lyrics for them, and perform with them live.

>> No.20630724

>band-leadership "issues" screwed them up.
I think that's an understatement of what Robert Calvert was

>> No.20630732

>It's still /lit/ related...Michael Moorcock (of "Elric" fame, et. al.) used to write lyrics for them, and perform with them live.
I think he only wrote/performed on Warrior at the Edge of Time if I'm not mistaken. They went full concept album for that one.
There's a couple of BOC songs directly inspired by Elric I think.
And there was a song by Deep Purple called something like "Son of Aelric"

>> No.20630742

Sonic Attack is Moorcock

>> No.20630810

The live "Chronicle Of The Black Sword" used to be on YouTube...guess it got removed...sigh
You can still pick up pieces of it with this search:

>> No.20630842

Yeah, him too, but I'm talking about Dave Brock.
I mean, how could anyone fire Lemmy and Nik Turner?
The band became very...oh, how can I put this diplomatically..."hit or miss" after that?

>> No.20630848

Oh...and the point of me mentioning "Chronicle Of The Black Sword" was...Moorcock is in that video frequently.

>> No.20630878

Everyone fired Lemmy, even Lemmy. Brock isn't so much a leader so much as the last one to run away. It's not your typical artistic differences and egos. It's a loosely affiliated group of about 20 hippies trying to organise most of them showing up to most gigs, where none of them are sober or using the same drugs and one of them is a South African Dadaist with a penchant for gun running to terrorists. It's amazing anything got recorded, but here's footage of Stacia

>> No.20630986

Brock is the one that holds the Hawkwind trademark.
And he's the one that fired Nik Turner.
So yes, I blame Dave Brock for Hawkwind's hit-or-miss quality.
Everything I've found that Nik Turner has been in, is gold.
I don't care about the stupid drama, I care about music I want to listen to, and by that metric, Nik Turner is the heart and soul of Hawkwind.

>> No.20631063

I just don't think you have to shit on Brock to like Turner. I don't understand the people who need to shit on Hawkwind to like Motorhead either.
That's what I'm saying. You're imagining a normal rock star fight so Brock kicking out Turner is some good Vs evil cowboy movie. Turner doesn't fuck off and have some mystical journey in Egypt and then never forms his bands, and he gets to keep the copyright on the name is your win scenario? The line up to the band has never been solid, but Brock is basically the one who used it while everyone else was off using their own names. You're making it seem like you think Turner was the only one in the band, and I don't think any of their egos were big enough to sincerely believe it was just them pulling the weight. Brock couldn't be responsible for turning the band arseways at that point even if he tried. He's competing against people who left because they couldn't get enough amphetamines and people who left the moving tour bus and chased it with a sword for great justice. It's not like the first albums were Brock and Turner's decisions. None of them were there enough for it to be hanging on one or two members, and a lot of the attrition of members is way more notable than Brock and Turner having a copyright spat decades later.

>> No.20631082

I don't shit on Brock...I'm just not as big of a fan of what he produces, vs. Nik Turner, and not for any political reason. My choice is based solely on the music.
So rather than feud, let's agree on something...the first 6 Hawkwind albums are pure gold, and it's a crying shame they're not held in the same esteem as the name-brand bands like Pink Floyd, Peter Frampton, Uriah Heep, and so on.

>> No.20631129

>they're not held in the same esteem as the name-brand bands li
?? Hawkwind are pretty well known in the UK. You probably having a flashback because Hawkwind definitely have a stronger public exposure than Uriah Heep at this point. Individual members probably have stronger public exposure than all of Uriah Heep tbph m8

>> No.20631164

Glad to hear Hawkwind is bigger in the UK. I'm over here in the US.
And I brought up Uriah Heep as an artistic peer, i.e. they put out some really wild space-rock themselves, e.g. 1971's "Look At Yourself".

>> No.20631195

>I'm over here in the US.
That might explain it. I had to explain that Marc Bolan was that much of an icon when Dallas Buyers Club came out to a lot of Americans who thought he was made up for the movie. T Rex is probably closer as a musical peer, especially since they wound up forming bands together. I guess Uriah Heep made it across the pond and T Rex and Hawkwind didn't.

>> No.20631197

how do i learn to squat like that

>> No.20631201

First you need the uniform.

>> No.20631216

You know, it's internecine feuding like this that allowed disco to take over.
And now I'm going to bed. Good night, and rock on.

>> No.20631598

Flynt Flossy is my favorite rapper

>> No.20632081

i don't know, i feel lost too

>> No.20632214


How I love you

I doth compare thee to a summer's day