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File: 69 KB, 550x649, sexy-asian-girl-120319-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20619205 No.20619205 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books do women like these enjoy?
I want to impress one

>> No.20619215

They don't read books. You won't impress them with books. You impress them with drugs, money, and sex appeal.

>> No.20619216

low quality coomerbait
reminder to report this faggot

>> No.20619231
File: 624 KB, 500x249, 1656781568256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't claim that negative energy

>> No.20619357

The Divorce Papers, by Andy Onions.
The OnlyFans Receipt, by David Goldstein.
I Love U, by Pajeet Singh.

>> No.20619516

sex with this

>> No.20619541

Women like this will only be impressed if you are 10/10 looking or give them drugs and money and even then they will destroy you. Honestly women like this are basically just sacks of meat they have no soul. OP go find a good woman instead and get married and live happily ever after.

>> No.20619546

She's actually really average and uses extensive filters and editing in all her photos

>> No.20619553

They've never read a book in their life, but you knew that when you posted this

>> No.20619558

this girl looks like she would ruin my life and then move on with no remorse apart from the bi-monthly depressive episodes she falls into when male attention and drugs/alcohol stop being enough to allow her to forget about whatever traumatic event in her child turned her into this empty husk of a woman

>> No.20619565

Yeah I've dated a couple girls like that, and still have a hard time completely trusting anyone afterwards. Wouldn't recommend to anyone. Go for an average girl who will actually fall in love with you and not just use you for their next relationship hit

>> No.20619579

Magazines written at a sixth grade level

>> No.20619580

Girls like this just want to have fun anon.
Their idea of fun is spending an afternoon at the arcade or amusement park by the harbor, according to my sources (anime).
They’re also really into sweet but painfully average guys, take her to the Ferris wheel and something might happen (kissu).

>> No.20619626

Idk about harbor or amusement park or any of that. In my experience, which is America, these girls want to go to clubs, raves, and house parties.

>> No.20619632

You're responding to a trollpost

>> No.20619641

I sincerely try to be a force for good, in my Internet transactions. I am a reformed troll. I was a nasty troll, and I have a fair bit of atonement...

>> No.20619643

This girl is just an instagram model. Asian instagram models aren't the same as American instagram models.
I'm sure she lives a very plain life of hanging around at home, exercising, going to expensive dinners with her friend and spending any other time taking vacations and just hanging out within the resort to take photos.
Like a kpop girl without the training and shows etc.

>> No.20619650

As a reformed troll you'd think you had gained an eye for other trollposts then.

>> No.20619658

You'd think. That's partially why I go to this site... I've learned some harsh, humbling, lessons about myself, and about others, and clearly I need to learn more.

>> No.20619663

Anon, she’s Asian...
Also it really helps if you find her being harassed by punks, just save her with your OP power and she’ll be really impressed!

>> No.20619665

What OP power would a guy like me even have though? Maybe if she just took some time and learned about me, saw the potential in me, I could be a good man.

>> No.20619671

its ok anon you're doing well

>> No.20619686

Don’t listen to anyone else in this thread, you should try to get to know her because deep down she’s been hurt by life, that’s why she tries to stand out so hard.
Also, don’t act like a pervert around her, only the bad guys do that!

>> No.20619792
File: 95 KB, 575x620, D699830D-98FB-4206-873A-D25EC87365AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically die

>> No.20621037


>> No.20621472
File: 413 KB, 1440x1800, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knew a girl who looked very similar to this; her favourite book was "Knowledge and its Limits" by Timothy Williamson

>> No.20621476

Beyond Good And Evil