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/lit/ - Literature

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20610266 No.20610266 [Reply] [Original]

how come /lit/ never produced this kind of autism? the closest we ever got was Guenonfags editing his wikipedia page

>> No.20610275

>She also wrote that she is in fact a full-time housewife with only a high-school degree.
/lit/ btfo'd by women yet again

>> No.20610283

American wiki has been taken over by jannies

>> No.20610287

because it's far harder to slip millions of words detailing centuries of fake russian history through english wikipedia than it is through the chinese one

>> No.20610291

She could have wrote a book, clearly has the mind for it.

>> No.20610292

I imagine it's a lot harder to get published in China than the west

>> No.20610307
File: 28 KB, 707x190, Screenshot 2022-07-01 111455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to this level of dedication it's like a tenfold emanation but I like the guy who keeps adding these paragraphs.
Getting away with any large inventions on the English Wikipedia is very difficult. You have to be subtle. Maybe like this: https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/dk17c9/wikipedia_the_admin_who_created_80000_pages_about/

>> No.20610450

Weren't most articles concerning circumcision written by a literal jewish pedo and snip fetishist?

>> No.20610458

What does his religion and sexual orientation have to do with anything? If he knows his stuff, that's enough surely.

>> No.20610463

it makes sense for those people to know what they're talking about, do you expect euros to write articles about circumcision when most of them have never gone through it?

>> No.20610509
File: 30 KB, 300x300, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do two of the most important things that people use to relate themselves to the world have to do with anything?"

>> No.20610525

the most deranged schizo here cannot compare to a housewife with internet access

>> No.20610528

not enough paradox game enjoyers here

>> No.20610535
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>> No.20611048

isn't /lit/ filled with femoids anyway

>> No.20611094

There are no females on the internet. Rule #1

>> No.20611165

>Guenonfags editing his wikipedia page

>> No.20611218

Fuck Paradox. I didn’t know Paradoxtards lurked here.

>> No.20611430
File: 117 KB, 1859x411, c6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a 13 year old gay furry with a severe case of autism. Granted, he likely never came here, but there are people like that our there.

>> No.20612355

Nobody cares here. We're uncreative losers.

>> No.20612414

>how come /lit/ never produced this kind of autism
Youre assuming I havent.

>> No.20612606

Turn it into a non fiction book and it'll be an international best seller

>> No.20613249

I can't even finish a paragraph :(

>> No.20613320
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>> No.20613342


>> No.20613424


actually based. big Henry Darger energy.

>> No.20614262


>> No.20614265
File: 79 KB, 900x900, retardation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes i do trust the most prolific liar the chinese people have ever produced how could you tell

>> No.20614350

/lit/ has had at least a couple of supposedly serious self-published books that were essentially elaborate hoaxes.

>> No.20615076

This doesn't look like jannies. This looks like paid propagandists.

>> No.20615078

The circumcision article is a constant battle so yes.

>> No.20615087

some unhinged guenonfag was so buttblased about losing an argument that he went to the wikipedia page and edited it just to refute the anon he was arguing against

>> No.20615138

If I were a full-time house wife and didn't have to go to work I'd be able to make something like this too

>> No.20615140

even a housewife has duties to attend to compared to the full-time NEETs in this board, yet none of them are as based as the lady OP posted

>> No.20615268

I do this as well. Except I know I'm wrong and do it for the lulz.

>> No.20615394

Pretty based