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/lit/ - Literature

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20602794 No.20602794 [Reply] [Original]

ITT describe a book without describing the book

>> No.20602804

tfw no gf

>> No.20602830


>> No.20603074

Could be any book written by Ayn Rand.

>> No.20603084
File: 157 KB, 1200x800, Catcher-in-the-rye-2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catcher in the Rye, obviously

>> No.20603085

a new amusement park fails before it even opens.

>> No.20603111

Don Quixote

>> No.20603209


>> No.20603291

walk to scary place

>> No.20603308

something by hp lofecraft

>> No.20603327

Nope, think a childrens book that adults love

>> No.20603661

The Bible

>> No.20603687

The real villain was ontotheology all along
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are both children’s books loved by adults about walks to a scary place

>> No.20603712

Wife gets bored and goes insane

Any gnostic text

>> No.20603717

I guess everyone was everyone else! again! metaphysics amiright?

>> No.20603743

Large marine animal in ocean

>> No.20603752

a /pol/ack falls in love with a jew

>> No.20603753

Jurassic Park
or even
Civilwarland in Bad Decline

>> No.20603763

Some excerpt of Chesterton’s diary where he goes swimming

>> No.20603787


>> No.20603803

Here’s a bunch
>I must bury my brother
>a lesbian’s mom prepares for a party
>news reels and camera eyes
>committing fraud against the Russian government
>a toddler who fucks
>I have spent my whole life doing nothing but waiting for the war
>a momma’s boy with a coal mining father
>gotta bury mom
>a romantic agricultural fair
>drunk in Mexico
>a pedo slips away because he is translating Goethe
>a logger’s strike
>his penis is a carrot and he wants a poke

>> No.20603808

biography of lovecraft?

>> No.20603812

Metalica's One

>> No.20603826

Portnoy’s Complaint

>> No.20603842

Never mind, got that backwards

>> No.20603928

confederacy of dunces

>> No.20604326

>Jurassic Park

>> No.20604331


>> No.20604401

Correct I was thinking lotr

>> No.20604408

Kek no that’s a adults book for retards

>> No.20604409

the vedas?

>> No.20604427

The main character is a castle

>> No.20604431

swarthy man literally too angry to stay poor

>> No.20604444

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.20604526

"And then I stabbed my eyes out."

>> No.20604544

But did he actually kill them???

>> No.20604552

Tartar Steppe and Under the Volcano, no clue on the others

>> No.20604639

>Taking away the autistic manchild's toys will get us all killed

>> No.20604656

johnny got his gun, easy

>> No.20605129

Isn't that the book where the main character raped his sister.

>> No.20605138

He did kill people.

>> No.20605147

Yes, he was just mistaken of who he killed.

>> No.20605172


>a toddler who fucks
The Tin Drum

>a momma’s boy with a coal mining father
Sons And Lovers

>gotta bury mom
As I Lay Dying

>drunk in Mexico
Under The Volcano

>a logger’s strike
Sometimes A Great Notion

>his penis is a carrot and he wants a poke
Lonesome Dove

>> No.20605182


>Wife gets bored and goes insane
Madame Bovary

>> No.20605188

>The main character is a castle
Could be Titus Groan
Could also be The Castle (Kafka)

>> No.20605190

>"And then I stabbed my eyes out."
Oedipus Rex

>> No.20605208

Europe needs to unite and invade russia also the holocaust is not real

>> No.20605212

Correct on all

>> No.20605214

All of my family has died being murdered by foreign invaders and now I am totally alone in a fortress where I used to be king becoming blind while all people scorn me.

>> No.20605278


Half-a-dozen from a recent quiz.

Is this an artistic success,
Or just a grandiloquent mess?
It wows us and woos us
With words which amuse us,
All sandwiched by stately and yes.

A teacher's emotional strife
Is mute but intense when his wife
(Who should visit a shrink)
Drives his daughter to drink
And he loses the love of his life.

This novel's a cute miscellania
Of incidents zany then zanier,
When two boozy friends
Try to iron out the bends
In the border of south Pennsylvania.

A chap enigmatic and dapper
Yearns hopelessly after a flapper:
His eagerness hurts
When he woos her with shirts
While the reader wants only to slap her.

Some readers (whose hearts must be stony)
Call this 'over-rated baloney':
They think someone sucks
If he cares about ducks
And believes other people are phoney.

This novel has humour and woe,
A hero who's taking life slow,
Itinerants, felons,
A lover of melons,
And hundreds of words you don't know.

>> No.20605554

Bingo, dingo!

>> No.20605572


>> No.20605576

And 1 is Ulysses

>> No.20605612

Moby Dick

>> No.20605614

>committing fraud against Russian government
Dead souls

>> No.20605634

The Sopranos

>> No.20605657

Mein kampf

>> No.20605784
File: 97 KB, 640x480, Miyako Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20605790
File: 62 KB, 320x240, Haruhi says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 — yeah
4 — yeah

5 — what? lol

>> No.20605793


>> No.20605813

moby dick

>> No.20605885


>> No.20605902

That guy is big and strong, but I’m stronger, also graceful, excuse me while I fuck this sexy queen/priestess/thief

>> No.20605914

"AMERICANS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this jungle before. There could be AMERICANS anywhere." The humid wind felt sticky against his bare chest. "I HATE AMERICANS" he thought. The Japanese National Anthem reverberated his entire skull, making it pulsate even as the parasite infested stream water circulated through his powerful wiry limbs and intensified his (merited) hatred for AMERICANS on strategically advantageous Filipino islands. "With a plane, you can crash into anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.20605935

anything by H. Rider Haggard

>> No.20605936

Dumb whore gets everything she deserves

>> No.20605940

Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.20605960

No, never read his stuff, any good?

>> No.20605967

Ser wore a tunic quartered in…

>> No.20605985
File: 8 KB, 237x213, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy loses the ability to notice things that used to define him

>> No.20606001

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.20606740

I'm angry, hot, racist, and I don't care.

>> No.20606856

Guy with a Jesus complex is mistaken for a retard

A kid tries to take over a planet just to get high on a drug

An illiterate kid meets the devil but disappoints him

A cuck and a pseud become friends

>> No.20606907

>quick lets all have teenage sex otherwise the ~monster is gonna get us

>> No.20606924

The Stranger

>> No.20606966

>Guy with a Jesus complex is mistaken for a retard
The Idiot

>A kid tries to take over a planet just to get high on a drug

>An illiterate kid meets the devil but disappoints him
Blood Meridian (he's not the devil)

>A cuck and a pseud become friends
Loads of things this could be. e.g. Ulysses

>> No.20606981

/lit/ loves this stupid book for some stupid reason

>> No.20607024

Every incel manifesto.

>> No.20607052

Correct on them all
>(he's not the devil)
It's a possible interpretation. I think the gnostic interpretation is a reach, and him being simply an evil human is boring. Would like your take on the judge then

>> No.20607072


>> No.20607114


>> No.20607141

crying of lot 49

>> No.20607424

Notes from the underground

>> No.20607452

The soda stand is a paper slip, am I a lunatic?

>> No.20607675

The Yellow Wallpaper

>> No.20607718

American psycho

>> No.20607739

I hate jazz.

>> No.20607760

USA trilogy for newsreels and camera eyes

>> No.20607766

Death in Venice on the Pedo one?

>> No.20607771

1 is Ulysses

>> No.20607784


>> No.20607795

Smoke some hash, listen to some jazz, fuck some moderately whorish actress

>> No.20607880


>> No.20607906
File: 71 KB, 290x416, Nagatoro Says Yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20608333

Yeah obviously. But what do you mean, who did he actually kill

>> No.20608349

that one book by mishima

>> No.20608608

The computer fights back and wins.

>> No.20608695


>> No.20608715

It's not rape since she welcomed it

>> No.20608733

>I would be so much more important if I just owned more corpses

>> No.20608741

Given how a running theme of Batemen mistaking people for each other and how from chapter to chapter who he is meeting with changes it's highly likely he killed someone else and just is mistaken of who he killed. Thinking about it now the person who saw Paul could of been mistaken.