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20605517 No.20605517 [Reply] [Original]

>In Greek mythology, Narcissus (/nɑːrˈsJsəs/; Ancient Greek: Νάρκισσος Nárkissos) was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia (alternatively Mimas or modern day Karaburun, Izmir) who was known for his beauty. According to Tzetzes, he rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life. After he died, in his place sprouted a flower bearing his name.

this description is something similar to what a woman (a contemporary woman more so) would do, specially in this social media age where even butt-ugly girls take 100+ pictures of themselves and post online for everyone to see it, gathering thousands of likes

>> No.20605532

You've absolutely lost the plot if you think it's only women who do that. Also, unlike the modern e-thot or roided up fitness influencer, Narcissus isn't performing for anyone. His 'narcissism' is completely internal.

>> No.20605541

modern women also have internal narcissism, they just like to boast it on social media for added benefit

>> No.20605549

Because it's a flaw in man's character. Woman is expected to be a dumb slut. The Greeks knew this.

>> No.20605550

That was the whole point. He was a dude who acted like a woman. Narcissus was a fagget.

>> No.20605563

>only women have faults
jesus fucking christ, do you think they have cooties too? get fucked

>> No.20605577

These two are right and you know it. It would be like having a story about a striped tiger

>> No.20605585

calm down

>> No.20605589

Greek like Boys

>> No.20605599

No they don’t, they hate themselves and think they are ugly so they seek validation. 99% of women hate themselves because of their body. Only insecure people seek approval. Hence makeup, filters, photoshop, taking 500 pictures to get the right one

>> No.20605602

fine, but I'm still mad about it. the opinions on /lit/ keep getting dumber and I don't know how much longer I can deal with this shit.

>> No.20605744

Because The Greeks are not from /r9k/

>> No.20606016

The dumbest thread i've ever seen...

>> No.20606021

can you argue why?

>> No.20606024

if you need to be told why this is retarded you need to graduate 5th grade first

>> No.20606029

>you need to graduate 5th grade first

done, can you make your counter argument now? or are you one of those who say "this is dumb" but can´t explain why because they´re dumb as well

>> No.20606035

If you think men can't be narcissists you are retarded, and I doubt you have ever gone outside or worked a job

>> No.20606046

>If you think men can't be narcissists you are retarded

they can be but not because of how they look, i see more women doing that, acting like a bitch because she´s a 10/10 in terms of looks

>> No.20606049


>> No.20606051


>> No.20606060
File: 40 KB, 458x504, 1512445136651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love triggering schizos

>> No.20606113
File: 1.11 MB, 863x1300, image_2022-06-30_182231716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I just got baited by a lit user, waaaaaaaaaaaah, stupid fucking 4chan, reddit was way better, waaaaaaaaaah, Crying Emoji, Crying Emoji, Crying Emoji, Crying Emoji.

>> No.20606123

calm down and explain your counter argument, schizo

>> No.20606128

What counter-argument??

>> No.20606130

He should have been an agp tranny

>> No.20606135

Narcissus was based in disregarding the women. 'Narcissistic' women on the contrary can't stop thinking about men.

>> No.20606144

>Narcissistic' women on the contrary can't stop thinking about men

i see your point

>> No.20606206
File: 586 KB, 416x5389, ACDE4276-9E46-4A39-8E12-D9E26781E033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read picrel.

Besides that your example is not functional at all.
You claim women seek validation through means of social media.
Validation from outside.

Narcissus couldn’t care less about validation from outside. Or even critique for that matter. He couldn’t even recognize it, couldn’t identify with any of it.
That’s why he’s so perplexed by his own image. Endless potential.

Stop viewing the world through a screen.

>> No.20606241
File: 10 KB, 320x180, 1651875342615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you for giving me the counter-argument i was looking for

>> No.20606952

>durr durr Instagram thots

>> No.20607022


>> No.20607035


>> No.20607050

Just like every other character traits narcissism manifests itself way strongly in man than in women. Maybe on average women are more narcissistic than men, but the most narcissistic person would be a man. Therefore the tale is a warning for men, who are more prone to extremes