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File: 35 KB, 448x368, DA1A4787-7A7C-4A43-8C07-B48B4742B069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20600483 No.20600483 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20600487


>> No.20600496

Oh look, this thread again.

>> No.20600508

I’m sure the replies will be different in the 20th reiteration of this thread

>> No.20600607

reads like typical contemporary yankee lit

>> No.20600625

Like you could do better

>> No.20600631

Based seething and all but kys for posting this thread again.

>> No.20600636

A lot of people coped but only because they are not familiar with urban poetry. I recommend watching some Def Jam Poetry videos, to really understand these rhymes.

>> No.20600668

It still makes me sad, sarcasm aside. There are tons of talented black poets that get lumped in with "urbanity."

>> No.20600670
File: 1.85 MB, 2163x1704, 3C817DBF-1A21-4C09-A35C-2E3B2224FAB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will not quit
We will not shit
Until Sneed again sells his suck and fuck
As Chuck once did
I fard and shid
OP is a homosexual cuck

Kill your son
So you can have your fun
And become a cat lady with no mate
And offer your daughter
To modernest slaughter
At 50 years old, left to masturbate
Take it up the rear
To advance your career
This poem is over, meet your fate

>> No.20601577

Poetry is dead. Muses cant sneed a anymore.

>> No.20601599


>> No.20601609

>talented black poets
rap was never good

>> No.20601653

Wow. This is heavy. My son just told me he’s not leaving his room until the Republicans stop murdering trans children.

>> No.20601657

I can’t sneed
I’m waitin for the exhale

>> No.20601725

>ayyyyo, uh uh uh
>Yo, check it
>we will not be (yeah) delayed
>we will not be masquerade
>to the tale of a handmade

>> No.20601782

Don’t misgender your daughter, bigot

>> No.20601813

Today I got a speeding fine and they say I have to attend some stupid "speeding course" which will tell me how bad of a boy I am for driving 40 in an empty road that some retard arbitrarily decided you can only drive 30 in. They said in the letter "speeding kills over 1000 people a year" when that is a blatant lie. No, speeding doesn't kill; reckless driving does. Plus, the government right now kill millions of little babies in the womb, chop their heads off, rip their limbs apart, yank their organs out, slice them up, and throw their limbs in the dumpster. Every year they're literally murdering millions of innocent little babies, but they pretend to care about the 1000 who "die of speeding". No, all they care about is sucking money out of you, grabbing your throat, squeezing it, making you lick their foot and kicking you in the head while you're on the fucking floor.

>> No.20601824
File: 143 KB, 700x790, 1620322754279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your country selects poets to celebrate based on their skin color
>when the those of the skin color your country celebrates are overwhelmingly illiterate and have the artistic talent of a gorilla

>> No.20601859
File: 36 KB, 636x464, b69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we will not be masquerade to the tale of a handmade

>> No.20601880

Genuinely can't tell if that's just textbook nig stupidity, or was supposed to be some kind of witty Kanye-style play on words. I'm leaning more towards the former.

>> No.20601888

>Not being able to rhyme the second to last line
It's shit

>> No.20601904

We will never trade
The land our forebears made
For the doggerel of a spade