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20600106 No.20600106 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? Is it a fairly good right-wing critique of Islam?


>Now that we have seen what is in the Koran, let’s consider what is not in the Muslim holy book. Islam, being one of the “world’s great religions,” as well as one of the “three great Abrahamic faiths,” enjoys the benefit of certain assumptions on the part of uninformed Americans and Europeans. Many people believe that since Islam is a religion, it must teach universal love and brotherhood—because that is what religions do, isn’t it? It must teach that one ought to be kind to the poor and downtrodden, generous, charitable, and peaceful. It must teach that we are all children of a loving God whose love for all human beings should be imitated by those whom he has created. Certainly Judaism and Christianity teach these things, and they are found in nearly equivalent forms in Eastern religions. But when it comes to Islam, the assumptions are wrong.

>Muhammad details the qualities of a good wife, including that “she obeys when instructed” and “the husband is pleased to look at her.” The Koran decrees women’s subordination to men in numerous other verses

>The twentieth century jihad theorist Sayyid Qutb accordingly explained that “Islam is a practical and realistic way of life which is not based on rigid idealistic dogma.” Islam “maintains its own high moral principles,” but only when “justice is established and wrongdoing is contained”—i.e., only when Islamic law rules a society—can “sanctities be protected and preserved.”

>The Koran tells Muslims to “make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies” (8:60).

>The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them

>> No.20600120

While I used to be against islamisation i'm mildy curious how Islam vs Globo Homo libtards will play out.
All the islam critics however are neglecting the racial side of things. Arab, turk and african mass immigration would still be a problem even if they all were christians or atheists, they are just hard wired to behave like violent thugs raping and murdering and looting, see BLM. most of them aren't muslims.

>> No.20600148

Where's the critique???

>> No.20600167

>Muhammad details the qualities of a good wife, including that “she obeys when instructed” and “the husband is pleased to look at her.” The Koran decrees women’s subordination to men in numerous other verses
>The Koran tells Muslims to “make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies” (8:60).
>The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them
How is this supossed to be bad? Specially if you're a "right-winger"? Of course this faggot boomer wishes for nothing but the advance of western globohomo liberalism and sees islam as a threat but that is not a critique of islam in itself.
He is clearly biased in his takedown of islam. All abrahamic religions teach that a wife must submit to her husband, yet he pretends only the Quran claims that. You can easily cherry pick worst verses from the Torah and Talmud. Islam is only attacked by the west because it's devotees actually follow their holy book, if christians and jews did so they would be as violent and as antiwest as muslims are.

>> No.20600174

more like a right wing vindication

>> No.20600176

Female role is similar in Christianity.

>> No.20600184

2edgy4me thing typical of the 2000s.

>> No.20600194
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Looks like typical old testament stuff to me.

>> No.20600222


I would be a Muslim save for one thing - they have been infected by Western hatred of homosex. Until colonisation, male love was a succulent delight...

>> No.20600229

> it must teach universal love and brotherhood—because that is what religions do

>> No.20601151
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>> No.20601255


>The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them

Uhh based?

>> No.20601267

Why would anyone want to be muslim besides arabs living in arabian peninsula I will never understand.

>> No.20601307

The fact that Islam, or any other faith, contravenes liberalism, is not a critique or even a strike against it. That he says Judaism teaches anything like Christianity or the Eastern religions reveals him as a Zionist shill.

I would be interested in hearing a Christian critique of Islam. My basic understanding is that Muhammad is regarded as a false prophet who distorted scripture, but I don't have a deep understanding of how Islamic religion and culture differs from Christianity. I find that I get along a lot better with Muslims than with Jews, though.

>> No.20601335

>Muhammad details the qualities of a good wife, including that “she obeys when instructed” and “the husband is pleased to look at her.” The Koran decrees women’s subordination to men in numerous other verses
The horror!

>> No.20601344

Quran is covered with verses about charity and helping the oppressed the old the orphans and other generic "good" ideals.
Even if you don't like Islam those verses about doing general "good" are written quite clearly. This guy sounds like an idiot.

>> No.20601359

Lol it's the only culture resisting the West's faggotry what are you on about

>> No.20601360


>> No.20601405

As someone who has lived most of his life in a Muslim country, I never understood that either. One assumption that I have is that they hate what has become of their western civilization, the church and Christianity. They antagonize their culture and see it as their enemy, and since they’ve always been told that Islam is the enemy, they end up joining their enemy’s enemy.

Islam is a totalitarian religion, and no western misunderstanding can ever change that. I hope I die before the west fully embraces Islam.

>> No.20601450
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This is a modern european word. Our ancestors and theirs did not know this word. In truth, Islam is the only serious religion which still offers a holistic approach to life applicable from the household to the state. Islam has not cucked to the disease that is liberalism. It is the last hope for every human being on earth.

>> No.20601476

Why would anyone want to be christian besides levantines living in the levant I will never understand.

>> No.20601484

What if I want an equal partner I can genuinely communicate with and not just a sex slave maid?

>> No.20601486
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Liberalism has alienated people from the idea of self-restraint and human nature. A modern person decides the most important decisions of his life, not even through reason or conscience, but through desire. Allah says: Perhaps ye loathe a thing but it is better for you, and perhaps ye love a thing but it is worse for you. And Allah knoweth but ye know not.

>> No.20601490

Okay, consider another word: compassionate. Or maybe even: humane. Aka things that islam is not.

>> No.20601495

>why don't people want to blindly obey authority without any guarantee?
Truly a mystery.

>> No.20601498

To consult one's wife(wives) is sunnah, so is to enjoy her and her to enjoy you. Liberalism has failed in both these aspects.

>> No.20601501

this anon was certainly never muslim. pretending to be ex-muslims is a classic christian missionary strategy. if you are gonna tell us islam doesnt teach compassion and love, youre just proving either your ignorance, or your dishonesty

>> No.20601504

You think you got me, but I don't disagree.
I don't see this as a good reasoning. Liberalism is mostly fine to me, just not some elements that are mostly non existent were I live bar one maybe. And also, islam doesn't prevent one element of liberalism I care about - miscegenation. So yeah. Not worth it to bow towards some place in Arabia that is foreign and alien to me.

>> No.20601506

No problem. Marry an average Muslim women who has similar shared experiences as yours.
Do you think you are making a point here lmao

>> No.20601511

>trying to deny that Islam puts women in an inherently subservient, less responsible and less educated position
How many genuinely smart and interesting Islam women have you met?

>> No.20601512

Allah is compassionate to us in guiding us through His law and providing for us everyday.

It is a weakness to oppose harsh punishment, especially those ordained by God. It is necessary to maintain order, that we may further ourselves from sin and ask for forgiveness from our Lord. If you cannot stand the sight of blood, know that you don't have to be the executioner in Islam.

>> No.20601514

>You think you got me, but I don't disagree.
Yeah, I hate Islam too.
I would agree that Abrahamic traditions tend to be "Spiritually Semitic" in the sense that they treat the Semitic peoples as having a chosen status in relationship to the sacred dimension. In this sense, Islam and Christianity are both certainly about Semitic superiority with one being Arabs and the other Jews. This is because you can't divorce the metaphysics from the actual historiography even though some intellectual figures did attempt to do so without much success.

I prefer Dharmic traditions over Abrahamism. Mazdan traditions are nice too, but they are philosophically untenable and have their own unique set of issues.

>> No.20601518

The Muslim world was full of homosex (and still is to a degree) before colonization. It was the Ancient Greek/Roman type of homosex where being a top = good and being a bottom = bad. Colonialism and recent waves of radical Islam (which are a response to colonialism) are the reason for current Muslim attitudes towards homosex. Anti-homo laws in Muslim countries are actually a holdover from colonial European laws.

>> No.20601519

>if you are gonna tell us islam doesnt teach compassion and love, youre just proving either your ignorance, or your dishonesty
Is Chechnya having gay concentration camps an example of compassion and love?

>> No.20601526

>This is a modern european word. Our ancestors and theirs did not know this word.
Islam is really not the final hope that you see it as, and it’s not the holistic cure for the decadent west either. Your hatred of the west is what’s making you see it as the final answer. Why not visit a Muslim country and see for yourself?
How can I prove that on an anonymous board? I was born in Egypt in the early 90s and had an Islamic education in al-Azhar. My father was an Imam, affiliated with the Muslim brotherhood, and my mother is wears a niqab.

>> No.20601533

>It must teach that one ought to be kind to the poor and downtrodden, generous, charitable, and peaceful. It must teach that we are all children of a loving God whose love for all human beings should be imitated by those whom he has created. Certainly Judaism [...] teach these things,
Lol no.

>> No.20601534

Man must lead women as a shepherd must lead the flock

>less responsible
Is it muslim women that have been complaining about the Roe v. Wade debacle?

>less educated
It is the duty of the parents and husband of a woman to educate her and it is the duty of a woman to educate her children.

>> No.20601541

No it doesn't. As the husband's have rights over their wives the wives have rights over her husband.

Sure the Islamic position doesn't fit in with the modern feminist narrative (which isn't a critique btw) but it also doesn't push them down as you imagine it to be either.

Quite a few desu. There are many brown and Arab Muslim women studying in the UK.

Now I am not gonna say all of them are interesting but some are this is quite subjective.

>> No.20601542

Tradition too is a value, that has been neglected in the west. That there is a reason things do not change.

>hatred of the west
I do not hate west I pity it.

>Why not visit a Muslim country and see for yourself?
What makes you think I am not already in a Muslim country?

>> No.20601543

let me do you one better: is europe colonizing and enslaving africans and asians an example of liberalism and humanism?
so youre unironically claiming to be
>egyptian ex-muslim anon
>who studied at azhar
>with a father who was an imam and part of the ikhwan
>and a mother who is a niqabi
i can see your crooked, dishonest nose, anon

>> No.20601555

Why is this an issue? I can see why one would not want one's daughter to marry a member of an "ugly" race, but every race admires at least one other. Is it not european tradition to avoid consanguinity?

>> No.20601578

>Anti-homo laws in Muslim countries are actually a holdover from colonial European laws
This is false. The punishment for sodomy has always been stoning for married homos and lashing for non-married homos, though this type of charge is particularly hard to press on someone in Islamic law, unless it's rape. Homosexual persecution was first halted in the Islamic world due to Western influence(Tanzimat). In the west, during colonialism, the punishment for sodomy is imprisonment(Oscar Wilde) if I'm not mistaken. So this is a blatant lie or perhaps a delusion.

>> No.20601580

Imagine approaching religion from this sterile political point of view.

>> No.20601597

imagine having reading comprehension this poor

>> No.20601603

>political point of view
It is their language. But religion cannot exist without both deeds and faith. Islam is the middle way, for a moderate people. Christianity has suffered greatly due to their over-emphasis on faith.

>> No.20601604

Robert Spencer is a very sus person.

>> No.20601608

I pity it too, but why make the west submit to Islam? Why not revive their own tradition? And why Islam in particular? Why try to create the Andalusian utopia instead of the Roman utopia? What’s the difference?
>What makes you think I am not already in a Muslim country?
I don’t know, you might as well be for all I care. Do you like where you live?
First you call me a Christian missionary, then a Jew. You can’t accept that there are ex-muslims out there, can you?

>> No.20601610

If you fundamentally disagree with my position about the need for genuine equal human connection in a relationship, you should have said so to begin with. So disingenuous.
Abuse is much more prominent in Muslim households, as well as treatment of women of more like a commodity than anything else.
>let me do you one better: is europe colonizing and enslaving africans and asians an example of liberalism and humanism?
One happened ages ago, the other is happening right now.

>> No.20601612

Moron. Incel. Have sex, loser.

>> No.20601618

>no Christians, no Jews
>one man many wives
>no alcohol
>no Americans

>> No.20601652

>why make the west submit to Islam
Islam is not for the Arabs, but for every human. The prophet says, "Islam began strange and will return to being strange, blessed are the strangers."

>Why not revive their own tradition?
Islam is a revival of all tradition, it is the religion of their fathers, Japheth and Noah, though they do not know it.

>What’s the difference?
Allah says, "the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.". Though Allah is merciful, I still do not wish the fire of hell for those who heard our message but do not take heed of it due to our unwillingness to call them to Islam.

>Do you like where you live?
The Shar'ia is not implemented here but the people are good. It could be better.

>> No.20601663

>>The twentieth century jihad theorist Sayyid Qutb accordingly explained that “Islam is a practical and realistic way of life which is not based on rigid idealistic dogma.” Islam “maintains its own high moral principles,” but only when “justice is established and wrongdoing is contained”—i.e., only when Islamic law rules a society—can “sanctities be protected and preserved.”
This is a very slimey way of framing what Qutb is sayin, which is ultimately, "a society where a religion ahs no influence will not represent that religion's ideal."

>> No.20601678

>equal human connection in a relationship
Man and woman are different, so they have different functions, different rights, different responsibilities and different roles in society. And I have not claimed to be in line with whatever standard the contemporary west holds regarding gender equality.

>> No.20601721
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No abuse is not much (more) prominent in Muslim households.
Also crime against women is more related to class/soci economic status than religion.

Muslims in general rank high on happy and content lives. Cultures that abuse women and treat women like commodity don't achieve such results.

There are plenty of verses in the Qur'an and plenty of hadith that order men to respect their wives be generous and treat them well. These are recorded and written for you to read.

Now there are things which the modern Western mind wouldn't agree with and fair enough but to pretend like those are the only things there is dishonest.

>> No.20601747

Essentially you offer a rigid society in which everyone must adhere to a set standard and set gender role, and if I for some reason do not perfectly conform to these norms (like if I want to be a stay-at-home father) I am subhuman and should kill myself/be killed. Why exactly would I adhere to a religion that treats me like subhuman? Why would you try to convince me to do it either way and not just write "kill yourself subhuman", since that's the extent of your opinions on people who don't adhere to your rigid norms?

>> No.20601790

>perfectly conform to these norms
You don't have to perfectly conform, you only need to try sincerely to be the best muslim you can.

You are only subhuman if you do not think or reason.

>should kill myself/be killed
There is no ascribed punishment for being a stay-at-home dad if I'm not mistaken. But it is forbidden in Islam to not fulfil your responsibilities as a father an husband. Your wife can ask for a divorce in this case. But, in Islam, you are only expected to better yourself and not commit the major sins. If you do, you should ask forgiveness from Allah, and pray to him that you would not repeat this sin.

>Why exactly would I adhere to a religion that treats me like subhuman
Muslims treat animals better than the West treats human fetuses

>Why would you try to convince me to do it either way and not just write "kill yourself subhuman", since that's the extent of your opinions on people who don't adhere to your rigid norms?
Are you perhaps projecting the blatant intolerance of certain liberals to traditional society?

>> No.20601800

>Muslim women are treated like a commodity more than anything else.

Yes that's why Muslim countries are filled with prostitutes. Yes that's why Muslim women dominate pornography and sex work, right?
The West openly sells their women. Your daughter's turn 18 and demean themselves for 25 bucks a month. This is what you have achieved in the name of equality. This is your equal partner?
With audacity do you point a finger at us? Specially with the claim that we have commodified our women?

Get a hold of yourself scum.

>> No.20601811

It's true the worse Globohomo is becoming the more Islam looks like a saner alternative.

>> No.20601823

>Islam is a revival of all tradition
During the prophet Mohamed’s reign there were other “traditions,” other cultures and religions that had nothing to do with the Abrahamic tradition altogether. It’s like Mohamed (or Allah) didn’t know Asia exited at all, let alone America. Did Allah forget to send native Americans a prophet?
Again, why even save the west? And why with Islam? Why not save Japan not Europe?
>The Shar'ia is not implemented here
The only reason you would want Shar’ia implemented is to be a first class citizen. Like a Jew waiting for the Messiah.

>> No.20601847

Fallacious. Just because some people don't know what to do with their freedom and make stupid decisions doesn't mean freedom should be stripped away from them.
>Your daughter's turn 18 and demean themselves for 25 bucks a month.
Because my daughter turning 18 and becoming a pet for a man she doesn't love would be so much better.

>> No.20601868

Nta but islam requires bridal approval for marriage.
You're quite literally cherry picking in exactly the same vein you're accusing him of

>> No.20601876

>other “traditions,” other cultures and religions that had nothing to do with the Abrahamic tradition
I view all tradition to be connected. That all tradition must have had an origin that was corrupted and reformed to absurdity. In truth, the religion of your forefathers is Islam and they knew only one God that is Allah.

>Did Allah forget to send native Americans a prophet?
Again, why even save the west? And why with Islam? Why not save Japan not Europe?
Those who are unfortunate enough to not hear the message of Allah are fortunate to be forgiven of their polytheism. And Allah says, "We sent a messenger to every nation, saying, "Worship Allah and avoid the false idols!""

>The only reason you would want Shar’ia implemented is to be a first class citizen.
The reason I want Shar'ia and Hudud is so that my children can be safe from harm and that they would not see defiance to Allah's law on the street. That we may be protected from liberalism and "globohomo".

>Like a Jew waiting for the Messiah.
True Islamic law is not as rare as True Christian law or Jewish law.

>> No.20601886

>Why would you try to convince me to do it either way and not just write "kill yourself subhuman", since that's the extent of your opinions on people who don't adhere to your rigid norms?

This is not what happens in average Muslim societies. Muslims have a really shitty PR and people like to imagine us going bat shit crazy everytime and killing anything that irks. This isn't true.
Average Muslims are waking up, having breakfast, doing their job, coming home to a family, doing their prayers and practicing their beliefs.

Issues come up and are solved with discussions, nuances are considered and logic and rationality is applied sometimes discussions are overtaken by emotions and ulterior motives just like almost any other society/community.
You are not instantly killed lmao.

Sure Islam has a defined framework and one could consider it to be quite a rigid structure, but it also has a greate degree for tolerance and forgiveness.

Now if you are a post modernist who holds the belief that we are all a blank state and that we should maximize human liberty so that we all can derive our own meanings in every little thing and that everyone should form their own morals and that this pursuit is more superior and more fulfilling than traditionalism then Islam will not be appealing to you, but that doesn't mean it isn't the answer or the Truth.

>> No.20601916

>Muslims treat animals better than the West treats human fetuses
as far as I know the West doesn't fuck fetuses

>> No.20601935

>as far as I know the West doesn't fuck fetuses
An emotional response that has no basis in reality. The punishment for beastiality in Islam is execution. While the "furry" phenomena arose and continues to exist in the West.

>> No.20601944


>> No.20601952

The question is is Islam really immune to social entropy in the long run? I doubt it. Islam can probably only be destroyed from within and at some point it will begin, the question is only when.

>> No.20601957

How is bridal approval the same as the liberty to whore out?

Sure both at the core are matters that offer females liberty to chose a sexual partner, but having a say in picking a husband (who is not only a sexual partner but much more) and whoring out are two completely different things.

When a bride chooses her groom she is choosing someone who she will spend her life with, pray with, bear children of and a person who she will raise children with. She is choosing a partner in religion and in tradition. It's far more deeper than showing pussy to simps for some shillings.

So to have a say in picking who she deems fit for doing all of those things above seem fair to me.

These two matters while again at the core are similar (offering liberty to the female to pick a partner) are different because they have different purposes and features.

>> No.20601971

>While the "furry" phenomena arose and continues to exist in the West.
An emotional response that has no basis in reality. Furries dream of fucking sentient aliens that have animal traits, not literal animals. While there is documented footage of muslims having sex with farm animals.

>> No.20601982


Oh nvm this >>20601957

>> No.20602020

Prostitutes are people that don't know what to do their freedom. Alright. Honestly I could be more sympathetic towards them alot of them are victims.

But the West actively promotes prostitution sorry sweetie I mean sex work. It is far more acceptable in the West to whore out than it is in Muslim societies.

The statement that Muslim women are treated like a commodity more than anything else just doesn't stand and it's incredibly ironic coming from a person with liberal mindset or a westerner.

>> No.20602048

No it's not. Nothing is immune entropy. Islam will eventually fall apart and the Qur'an being erased from Earth is a prophecy which is a part of the broader Muslim eschatology

Zirr reported: Ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “The Quran will vanish in one night. No verse in the scripture or in the heart of anyone will be left behind.”

Source: Sunan al-Dārimī 3343

Most Muslims are aware of this.

>> No.20602083

About what?

>> No.20602106
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There's plenty of documented footage of furries having sex with animals, I can tell you that.

>> No.20602121

The next verse is literally (8:61) And if they incline to peace do thou incline to peace also

>> No.20602127

there are literal bordellos where you can rape animals for cash in the west, while islam prescribes the death penalty for zoophiles

>> No.20602180

>Abuse is much more prominent

You force women to go to school with non-whites who harrass them

>> No.20602198

You’re all here arguing whether or not Islam is cringe or based and you’re all wrong.
Shia and Sufi Islam is based, Sunni Islam is cringe and saudidogpilled.

>> No.20602226

Most Sufis are Sunni and Shia allow trannies

>> No.20602283

Only those who have the Ayatollah as their jurist. There are Shia jurists who reject that sort of thing. One of the large ones in Iraq, I think. But yes, as you say, Sufis tend to be Sunni. In fact, there's only one tariqah that could be seen as Shia is the Ni'matullāhī order, but from my understanding it was of mixed Sunni-Shia origin. Sufism was a Sunni phenomenon, and while people like to imagine a divide between orthodox Islam and Sufism due to contemporary Salafism, in most parts of the Islamicate world, especially in certain regions (Chechnya, Sudan, etc), and even more so historically, Sufism IS orthodoxy.

>> No.20602303

Most Shia allow it

Orthodox is not an Arabic term, could you please use an Islamic one so I know what you mean?

>> No.20602359

>there are literal bordellos where you can rape animals for cash in the west,
Not really.

>> No.20602362

Orthodox in this context means that it’s considered the “ right/correct” religion/sect for the region. He’s saying that Sufism is the norm in the countries he listed.

>> No.20602421

Well sufism for example in Chechnya is supported by Putin and his puppet regime there since it is anti jihad in that locale

>> No.20602452

Btw of course in Waziristan and Afghanistan it tends to be very pro jihad. Ultimately using orthodox to mean dominant or predominant for Islam is something I strongly resent. For Jews we know what Orthodox Judaism is, but for Islam it seems westerners use that term to especially to refer to anything undermining resistance or ahl al-hadith

>> No.20602466

>they are just hard wired to behave like violent thugs raping and murdering and looting, see BLM
Over 90% of BLM protests were non-violent, and most of the rioting was in a few areas within a few cities.

>> No.20603087
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>Over 90% of BLM protests were non-violent
OK dindu

>> No.20603122

No it literally just means the native religious sentiment in whatever region you are discussing.
Would you prefer if we labelled regions are dominant in context of a sect? Most areas have clearly defined sect lines.

>> No.20603124

>bro you must believe in this religion because a guy a very long time ago did a bunch of magical things (with questionable sources)

no, i actually dont think i will

>> No.20603152

>Most Shia allow it
t. Shia

>> No.20603188

Sufism was a 'Sunni' phenomenon but it has its roots in the teachings of Shia Imams. It was the integration of Imami spirituality into Sunni legal and social context. See this paper:

>> No.20603373

>i'm mildy curious how Islam vs Globo Homo libtards will play out
Libs crush islam if it bites the hand that feeds it. Libs allow islam to stay around, type of beast of burden to help them drive their cause. If they would want to crusade muslims out tomorrow, it muslim question would be dealt in days. What ends liberal hegemony is depleted resources and consumerism becoming impossible.
Not to mention muslims more or less become westernized in Europe and abroad, and even in middle-east, except few militant groups funded by foreign powers.

>> No.20603384
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Inshallah, I will see homosexuals thrown from the Arc de Triomphe in my lifetime.

>> No.20603453
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Right. Not only does Iran have one of the highest tranny rates world wide, Shia trannies are growing profuse everywhere because now any time a Muslim wants to go trans he switches to Shia

>> No.20603455
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>> No.20603459
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>> No.20603475
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>> No.20603566

S*nni falseflagging. We all know Saudis spend thousands of dollars funding anti-Shia groups and organizations on Satellite television, Youtube, Twitter, etc. Falseflagging wouldn't be below them. I have only seen one actual tranny who thought he was Shia online, and I have not personally encountered any in real life in Iran. Most trannies in Iran are irreligious.

>> No.20604564

>Spencer is a fervent supporter of the State of Israel and an anti-Communist, and has criticized the Iranian British Communist Maryam Namazie not for opposing Islamic extremism but for not supporting Israel.
>IRS filings from 2008 show that Robert Spencer earned $132,537 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and Horowitz pocketed over $400,000 for himself in just one year.

>> No.20605160

>Thoughts? Is it a fairly good right-wing critique of Islam?
No, it is not.

>> No.20605466
File: 605 KB, 1416x1600, 1521726762522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colonialism and recent waves of radical Islam (which are a response to colonialism) are the reason for current Muslim attitudes towards homosex.

>> No.20605470
File: 143 KB, 720x553, shariati-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support for my left-Shia sisters


>> No.20605477

He's objectively right though

>> No.20605495

I don't recall Medieval Europeans stoning or defenestrating homos. It's a bit of a stretch, especially since these laws are written into their holy book, and other regressive practices, e.g. bridenapping, predate colonialism.

>> No.20605499

>right-wing critique of Islam
This is a pervasive meme on 4chan. There is no such thing.
>muh goatfuckers!
Great argument from self-proclaimed conservatives. You're either a liberal or you're pro-Islam.

>> No.20605507

>I don't recall Medieval Europeans stoning or defenestrating homos.
From the late middle ages and Renaissance onwards homosexuality became a capital offence in many parts of Europe. Consider the example of Giovanni di Giovanni:

>> No.20605542

Islam was always opposed to sodomy, but it, unfortunately, failed misserably in eradicating the disease in the East, unlike Christianity with the Mediterranean. Like in pre-Taliban Afghanistan, these people, though they identified as Muslims, enthusiastically partook in pederasty and sodomy without caring about the contradictory nature doing it. It was wide-spread and extremely prevalent all accross the Islamicate world. Persian poetry, for instance, is filled with refrences to fair Turkish soldier youths (who were apparently especially desired, and contrasted with the ugly Indian).
It is true that attitudes didn't really begin to change until somewhat recently, coinciding, if memory serves me, with westernization. But from a religious perspective, this was a restoration to the original ideal.

>> No.20605575
File: 195 KB, 950x705, Europe_expelling_Muslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're either a liberal or you're pro-Islam.
What did you smoke Ali?
If Europe will ever ruled by a half ways right government again it will get the boot almost as hard as the Globohomo trannies.

>> No.20605621

>a woman with shield, helmet and pike
>rather than at home cooking, taking care of children
thanks for taking time off from dick-sucking to prove my point

>> No.20605708

>with non-whites who harrass them
Such as Arabs, yes.

>> No.20605766

Why do you guys never bitch about Azerbaijan? Faggotry is more widespread there, and they're Shia who have better relations with Sunnis and Israelis.

>> No.20605779

>According to a 2010 Gallup Poll found 49% of Azerbaijanis answering no to the question "Is religion an important part of your daily life?", one of the highest rates among any Muslim-majority country.

>Despite being (Shia) Muslim majority country, the ruling regime of Ilham Aliyev regularly and aggressively enforces secularism;[53][54] Azerbaijanis are forbidden to study in foreign hawzas, Azeri women are discouraged and forbidden from mandatory Islamic veiling, yearly Ashura commemorations are scrutinised and often banned.

>> No.20605780


>> No.20605923

Wtf? based

>> No.20606044

Turks are Turks first and Muslim second. If they say otherwise they're lying not to you but to themselves. Either by the second or third generation they'll agnostics or just not care or be as religious as the Christians around them are. It's inbred first generation arabs you have to worry about. Not all arabs, of course but the best Arabs left that shithole before the Arab Springs.

>> No.20606110


>> No.20607129
File: 452 KB, 1422x580, Tahreer al waseela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mahometan view of relationships between man and women is completely devoid of love.

Men in Mahometism can have 4 wives, as long as the can afford them. They can also have an unlimited number of sex slaves. In Islam, it is agreed upon that Mahomet partook in prostitution Mutah, whether Mutah is still legal or not, depends on whether you are Shia or Sunni. But in principal it was allowed. Mutah and Misyar marriages are both forms of prostitution that can still be practiced, even during Marriage. Men are kept motivated by the promise of virginal paradise girls to have sex with. Likewise, divorce is very simple. A man can simply divorce his wife, if he feels like it, all he has to do, is pay her a dowry.

This is in complete contrast to the Christian view of men and women becoming one, inseperable flesh in Marriage. No polygamy, no concubines, no divorce (except in very rare and special circumstances) and widows should ideally refrain from re-marrying.

All in all, it is a religion of pure lust, and lust is not love. Lust is about posessing not sharing. It is extremely destructive to both parties

>> No.20607192

Mahometans preserved Pagan philosophy and transmitted it to the west resulting in modern Catholicism, protestanism, and liberalism in general.

>> No.20607962


>> No.20607966

Yeah, desu, he just makes Islam sound based

>> No.20608389

>good right-wing critique of Islam
Hah! don't make me laugh anon. It's always some cringy edgelord shit and dishonesty by some attention-seeking westoid.
t. musliman

>> No.20609344

All I know about Islam is that Israel is RIGHT THERE and they don't fucking do anything about their #1 enemy, instead they fuck around in Africa and try to get into Europe.

They're all cowards, and because of that, 10,000 of their lives are worth less than that of 1 beaten dog.

>> No.20609400

You think so? Concepts of particular things in islam differ from western understandings of those concepts quite a lot, such as persecution in islam being when muslims live somewhere where the rulers are not muslims and sharia isn't established as the ruling principle from the top down, rather than persecution being persecution as we understand it, active discrimination or elimination of particular elements on a religious basis.

>> No.20609418

I'm always amazed how consevacucks manage to make even the most obvious things sound so faggy, islam has no right to exist because it's the religion of billions of severely inbred 60 IQ genetic trash who are completely sterile intellectually and artistically and even somehow managed to lose to fucking europe which started from an incomparably worse position in every sense of the word, not because le women are not being heckin' empowered, oh my god

>> No.20609620

Considering this guy wrote a book about Muhammad not even existing I don't trust his judgement. Also he's quite clearly biased in his views.

>> No.20610691

you will always be a nigger

>> No.20610822

Jews are there allies in general. Israel is problematic for some while a non issue for others. Their common enemy is Christianity. Muslims are not against liberalism in the west, they are against traditionalism in the west. They form an Alliance with the left, the likes of bernie sanders and Jeremy Corbyn. They talk about racist white man, and colonial europe, and how white men are weak for monogamy, etc... They are against traditionalism in the west, not liberalism.

>> No.20611444

>Islam is good and doesn't abuse wo-

>> No.20611472

wtf i love islam now

>> No.20611487

Then you should marry a man, homo.