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20594289 No.20594289 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman?

>> No.20594302


>> No.20594308

Wow, stunning and brave.

>> No.20594332

We will not let Roe v. Wade
be unmade
by people who are bade
Ain't not gonna finna take their shade
in the waters a' justice we'll wade
in God's just image we're made
and God likes killing unborn babies
to sacrifice to pedophiliac theosophic
covens of the Globalist elite
We must defend this

>> No.20594345

>Be handmaid
>Get to live in the richest fucker's house just because women have ladies in waiting for some reason.
>Feminists hate handmaids and use it as an insult.
I think I unironically get it. They hate anyone who had it better than them when times were supposed to be worse.

>> No.20594348

The Supreme Court says
I can't kill kids anymore
It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.20594407

Terrible poetry.

>> No.20594411


>> No.20594438 [DELETED] 
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Can someomne explain how this erson became so well-known?
Why was SHE chosen?
Because her poetry is so simple it will appeal to the masses?
Does she have influential parents or other connections?
It can't be just because she's female and black, there are excellent serious young female poets out there, and surely some are black.

Why her?
And who selected her to be a Youth Poet Laureate?
How could SHE and HER POETY ever pass a selection committee or whatever??

>> No.20594444 [DELETED] 

>>20594289 (OP)
Can someomne explain how this person became so well-known?
Why was SHE chosen?
Because her poetry is so simple it will appeal to the masses?
Does she have influential parents or other connections?
It can't be just because she's female and black, there are excellent serious young female poets out there, and surely some are black.

Why her?
And who selected her to be a Youth Poet Laureate?
How could SHE and HER POETRY ever pass a selection committee or whatever??

>> No.20594452
File: 3.07 MB, 445x250, 280b7daee0867d14728fc4c0832a516c0349bafc_hq soobin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someomne explain how this person became so well-known?
Why was SHE chosen?
Because her poetry is so simple it will appeal to the masses?
Does she have influential parents or other connections?
It can't be just because she's female and black, there are excellent serious young female poets out there, and surely some are black.

Why her?
And who selected her to be a Youth Poet Laureate?
How could SHE and HER POETRY ever pass a selection committee or whatever??

>> No.20594508

She's the James Corden of poetry.

>> No.20594735

It’s her sex and ethnicity AND conveying the right ideology in democratic simplicity, yes

>> No.20594807

It's connections. It always is at that level.
Looking at he early life on wiki screams wealthy.
>Mum's a "single mum" teacher who managed to send her daughters to private schools
>twin sister, Gabrielle, is an activist and filmmaker
>grew up in an environment with limited television access
>got a bunch of rare semi-mental illness diagnosed as a kid.
>chosen as the first youth poet laureate of Los Angeles in 2014
>publish books before she was 18
>sociology at harvard
>year abroad.
She got a bunch of grants but rich people love grants because they can use them as an excuse for their success that isnt just >i could afford to.

>> No.20594879


>> No.20594945

She misspelled "handmaid" as "handmade" in the original post. Also fucking ebonics, putting "be" infront of everything. Niggers, I tell you.

>> No.20594997


>> No.20595019

It's a very stupid pun, not a misspelling

>> No.20595034
File: 283 KB, 428x387, tfw the MI6 amygdala implant assumes direct control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's even worse

>> No.20595047

Engkish language is joke. In Poland we call rhymes like these "czestochowskie rymy", most primitive type of poetry. Yet every English poem looks like that, its so easy to make hacky rhymes in english

>> No.20595055


>> No.20595062

you have an extremely narrow view of poetry

>> No.20595086

Your view is narrow
like wheels of a barrow
I guess that your view
is a reflection of you

>> No.20595129

Narrow are your views
In all their shapes and hues
Hardened in the pews
And never pay their dues

>> No.20595133

English has its crimes
So easliy it rhymes
And in tune with the times
It whinges and it whines

>> No.20595164

>unironically thinking modern SJW-drones know anything about history beyond "dat white ppl shiet", including what a handmaid was
You give them too much credit. It was just a reference to "The Handmaid's Tale".
The Netflix original, not the book.

>> No.20595172

Silly patriarch, poetry isn't about writing and wordplay anymore!
Now it's about how "social(media)ly relevant" the message is, and the skin-color/gender of the writer.
John's modern epic about the erosion of freedom in the face of complacity and the digitization of the human experience gets tossed in the bin, while Shawneekwah's crayon scribbles about "racism bad" gets a front-page feature of every literary journal, and a special podium and spotlight at every bookstore.

>> No.20595187

Ever heard of a Jewish humiliation ritual?

>> No.20595192

Anglo literary societies actually have a very cultured view of poetry, both home-made and international. They understand poetry as well as any poetic society of any other language.

The problem is how low-brow and pervasive our mass media is. The only poems that get "famous" in English-speaking countries are the ones that will get lots of likes on social media - in other words, only the most basic nursery rhymes will actually be comprehensible to the lowest-common-denominator of society, so those are what get promoted beyond stuffy literature circles.

>> No.20595258
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>What do you think about National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman?

>> No.20595272

Ever heard of escaping your chud echo chamber?

>> No.20595313
File: 97 KB, 960x720, something something epicanthal folds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by "chud echo chamber" do you mean the chinese soul traps surrounding the earth?

>> No.20595329


>> No.20595332

He means he's having an incel moment at anyone disagreeing with him. Don't even pay attention.

>> No.20595354

ahahahahah /thread

>> No.20595355

One two buckle my shoe

>> No.20595371

Celebrate actual equity in literature. It is colonialist to demand education, talent, and insight in a poet; the clumsy doggerel of the woke choice is a badge of honour.

>> No.20595384


>> No.20595696

You'll never make up for what you lack
You are a polack

>> No.20595706

As eastern euro it reminds me of our poetry in the 50s. The only poetry published to public back then was just communist propaganda. Shitty poems named "Stalin", "Ode to SSSR", etc. The "message" was more important than anything else here back then, now it's same in the west (which means it will be same here in 5 years).

>> No.20595733

>In February 2021 the Dutch writer Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, winner of the 2020 International Booker Prize, who had been chosen to translate Gorman's poem, stepped down from the assignment following criticism that the publisher had chosen a white translator.[61][62] As noted by the BBC, Rijnveld's decision has "heightened the debate in the Netherlands over the ethics of translation and underlined Gorman's original sentiments of the hills that 'all other black girls' must climb."[63] In March 2021, it was reported that the Spanish publisher Univers after hiring writer Victor Obiols to translate Gorman's poem into Catalan had relieved him of the commission after his translation was delivered and were seeking a replacement translator; as Obiols stated: "They did not question my abilities, but they were looking for a different profile, which had to be a woman, young, activist and preferably black."[64][65] The request was said to have originated with the US group Viking Books.[66]
Publishing groups are a cancer holy shit

>> No.20595748

the british crown wants global wakanda because black people can't read history books

>> No.20595761

it reads almost like rap

>> No.20595934

the entire united states of america is a black fertility program pretending to be a sovereign nation

>> No.20596038


>> No.20596061

>US group Viking Books

>> No.20596079

>tfw this talentless baboon went to harvard BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

God America is so fucking over it's unreal how screwed we are

>> No.20596107

>handmaid taile
The left really needs another cultural touchstone to reference other than this stale bread

>> No.20596203

is that ronald mcdonald in blackface

>> No.20596224

Jews purposefully pick the ugliest, most vile creatures to prop up and promote their talking points as a show of strength.

>> No.20596515

You haven't been around here very long, have you?

>> No.20596545
File: 55 KB, 542x500, 4rs6uv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad circlejerk bait, OP.

she's not good, but no one who is doing what she's doing can be. she wrote poems for the country and for the fucking super bowl. you don't reach that many people with a unique voice or perspective. it goes back to George Carlin: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." her poems are made to impress imbeciles: the lowest common denominators who have never read a poem in their lives that didn't come from a Hallmark card.

no one who actually reads contemporary poetry cares about Gorman or what she's doing.

>> No.20596734

finally, a sane post on /lit/

>> No.20596780
File: 17 KB, 320x240, karmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a nigger, Jerry

>> No.20597093

even as lefty agitprop, this sucks:
>show up
for what?
>stand up
>be feminist
what kind?

it's so vague it's useless. if she said "bomb churches" or "go vote in the midterms" or "donate to planned parenthood" or "perform coat-hanger abortions in a back alley," i'd at least be able to act on what she was saying. but as this stands, it's substanceless, almost sub-political. like singing the national anthem before a football game or a painting of a suburban home.

>> No.20597136

“We will not be masquerade to the tale of a handmaid” is just as cringe as that one Mars Volta song where Cedric says “dropping on the eave” instead of “eavesdropping”

>> No.20597159

and yet george carlin fans are average people. curious...

>> No.20597166

Nice ad hominem buddy, doesn’t change the validity of his point though

>> No.20597167

I don't read poetry written after 1900.

>> No.20597356
File: 1011 KB, 1280x960, 1633582810035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fallacy fallacy you cock sucking cum slurping nigger FAGGOT

>> No.20597470
File: 74 KB, 1052x523, dvde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, the creator of that image fixed it up for her.

>> No.20597498

Not fallacy fallacy lmfao, go back to your Great Gatsby project for AP English Lang kiddo

>> No.20597512


>> No.20597524

Ode to our shared struggle against white supremacy

The fight between races grows sharper
Our struggle against fascism gets harder
whitey shows himself an enemy to the POC masses
On the ruble of cities we must twerk our fat black asses
For only so white supremacy can be defeated
And the racism which in Amerikkka is so deep-seated

But who shall lead the POC in this righteous war?
Who will make the mayo monkeys implore
For the mercy we wont grant
While furiously Black Lives Matter we chant?
Gods chosen people, who else could it be
They have always led the fight against whitey

>> No.20597525


some of you rubes are so proud of never reading beyond the Dickinson poems you were assigned in high school English. It's embarrassing. you think you're being counter-cultural, but you're basically just replicating an outdated syllabus because your school district was too poor or corrupt to invest in education lol.

>> No.20597549

way too complex

>> No.20597567

>not finding old poetry books from 18th-century literal whos

>> No.20597575

Bog-standard "let my proud black voice be heard" leftist cacography Americans have been force-fed since the 60s.

>> No.20597595

I'm just gonna write one for fun:
Women for Abortion
We are the wombs which bear
the wicked and good through years.
Brazen and bold we conquer nothing
yet our children are over all things,
and though they call us baby killers
it is something shivering much chiller,
for their flesh and soul is meaningless
and we lust not to kill but to confess
that in each of our wombs lies a maul,
of poison love which can almost deny the All.

I'm pro-life fwiw

>> No.20598337

>The day after Biden's inauguration, she appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden and said that Corden was her "favorite human being ever created."

>> No.20598371

>show up
>for what?
This is supposed to be like some lofty goal for them to admire. Literally just showing up to something they think is supposed to be important. Like, anything. Attending, being present, instead of literally staying home, hiding away, and doing nothing (which they always do anyways).
>stand up
By literally doing anything instead of just sitting there and saying "okay I guess...", which is the standard female strategy for dealing with any kind of hardship or animosity. Coincidentally, it is also the standard female strategy for making a change and fighting for what's right, so it's no wonder they always have something to complain about and never get anything done.
>be feminist
>what kind?
I think again it's supposed to be any kind, because even when it comes to "outspoken feminists", it's still just too easy for them to hide away at home, or when actually faced with shit, to sit there and take it and say "okay I guess...", only to complain online later.
>it's so vague it's useless
A useless message for a useless people, desperately urging somebody, anybody amongst them, to be less useless (not herself though, she already did her part by writing a poem and changing everyone's lives, such a lot of work for the cause, etc.), and somehow drag the rest of them out of uselessness, without any of them actually having to do anything themselves.

Any of their demands are instantly dissolved the moment it comes time for one of them to actually come up with and/or enact a plan. It becomes a "first we must conference with every member to decide as a group" thing, and then after an extended period of time, they learn what everyone already knew: You can't please everybody. They can never come to a complete consensus or a final decision, unless the end result is a pile of completely safe nothing, or they give up and blame the circumstances.

>> No.20598591

I don't understand the highlights and underlines. It looks like the highlights are supposed to be for associations, but there's a lone "NOT" in the middle there and past that the two "WHEN WE"s are separated by another "UP" pattern. That "TOMORROW" at the end being underlined is what makes it hard to say that the underlines are just emphasis.

>> No.20598610
File: 409 KB, 720x810, eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the world feminists want

>> No.20598629

no way

>> No.20598643

they'll hire a bunch of instagram influencers and everybody will be talking about how NOT eating fetuses is unethical because it's bad for the environment or something like they do now with processed fake meats.

>> No.20599441

>Can someomne explain how this person became so well-known?

Because she delivers simplistic in vogue opinions in a reified manner that any dumbass can call, 'poetry'. These aren't meant to be deep; they're meant to be read over a Pepsi commercial made for Black History Month. It's the same reason why the right loves stonetoss or those 'anti woke' superhero comics made by pill salesman despite both being shit, they're simple and they espouse things they agree with.

>> No.20599492


Wanting to stop blacks from giving birth is White Supremacist, but encouraging blacks to cull their own children is empowerment? I don't even pretend to understand how any of this is supposed to make sense.

>> No.20599639

Besides the quote itself, which is terrible, the pic is equally bad. Why underline and bold random words in orange? Then a purple background. Just ugly on so many levels it hurts to look at.

>> No.20599651

>you don't reach that many people with a unique voice or perspective
Doesn't make it any less terrible. I fail to see your point. Yes, mass produced hallmark movies made for the lowest common denominator will be shitty. Still fun to make fun of it precisely given it's popularity.

>> No.20599656

That woman looks a black version of Sarah Silverman. I think it is the smile and what it is doing to the rest of her face. We could call her Nigger Silverman.

>> No.20599738

A nigger's niggering
A woman's bitching
I eat my tendies
In speaking silence.

>> No.20599752

wtf does that mean nigga

>> No.20600003

for what its worth

>> No.20600523

Horseshoe theory is true.

>> No.20600671

Grafitti is not poetry.

>> No.20600681

Even thought not a nigger I am
This board I will gratuitously spam
Because even though I'm not black
I wish you mutts all to heck
I cannot rhyme, I cannot reason
But black cock is in season
So hear the woke cheer on the roasties
Who suck men who are as brown as burnt toasties
Although this poem was complete, utter shit
I bet woke roasties will make it a hit

>> No.20600705

>"the handmaid's tale" is a shitty book for decades
Nobody cares
>"the handmaid's tale" is a shitty tv show for a year

Oh yeah, and as for this poem, I'd call it dogshit but that's an insult to dogs

Unfortunate that this is what gets you to the top these days.

>> No.20600729

No one ever claimed it was

>> No.20600739

Sucking cock that’s been cut
Empowers the dark skinned slut
Standing up for the supposed right
To make the unborn never see sunlight
But what does it matter to such a one
Who, if undiscovered, would have become
Another ghetto whore sucking dick for cocaine
Instead she posts poems that are hackneyed and plain
To appeal to the senses of girls with white skin
Who hate their fathers and thus turn to sin
Not realizing, (for women cannot
ever have a single rational thought)
That they’re their own undoing, and their pussy is mid
Dying sad and alone, having played their last bid
This poem is too lengthy, so tl;dr:
Gorman should have been in Charlottesville, hit by that car

>> No.20600777

Just racist and not good

>> No.20600779

??? Is Czestochowa known for bad poetry?

>> No.20600821

Aren't blacks overwhelmingly pro life though?

>> No.20601032

Easy to rhyme in polish when everything ends in -ie or -y