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20594688 No.20594688 [Reply] [Original]

Books only you have read

>> No.20594713
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liveblog 2

>> No.20595110

well, is it good?

>> No.20595114

The Ballate and Sonnets of Guido Cavalcanti

>> No.20595148
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hint: it's unreleased

>> No.20595174
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I'm pretty sure I own the only copy in existence. It's packed away right now, because I'm planning on moving, but once everything is settled, I'll transcribe it.

>> No.20595196
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It came out just after the American revolution ended. It’s fairly funny, very anti American, and surprisingly anti slavery. Sadly it seems likes it's incomplete, as the guy who did the introduction to the 1970s edition (pic related) said to find only the first book. Despite that book having the author letting the reader know that a second book will come. It’s short and the illustrations are cool to look at. You can find in the internet archive if you care to check it out.

>> No.20595216

What is this about? What’s the title? Where you found it? The first page is promising. If you finished it, how was it?

>> No.20595229

Arabella's hilarious

>> No.20595325

The title is Heaven and Hell, and I found it in the free books bin outside of a small library in a small city outside Munich. I haven't read the whole thing, but if I'm remembering correctly it's something of a humorous, modern(ish) retelling of Dante's Inferno. It certainly was entertaining, but I eventually was distracted by life before I got around to finishing it.

>> No.20595424

I read Edwin Abbott's book on rational Christianity, The Kernel and the Husk, cause I was going through a bit of a spiritual awakening and have always loved Flatland.
It was interesting, far too long.

>> No.20595430
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The Sight of Hell, by Father John Furniss (a book for children, by the way)

>> No.20595498 [DELETED] 

Whos the writer what is this?

>> No.20595735
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>> No.20595767

I would post it but I reviewed it on goodreads

>> No.20595774

Is your goodreads name the legal name you have? Simply change it.

>> No.20595840
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>> No.20595871
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Good luck getting a copy

>> No.20596008

hebrew translation of 'baby fucker'
all normie friends i gave to read, didnt manage to progress
i made the translation

>> No.20596014

Not sure if I'm correct here, but isn't German already very close to modern Hebrew?

>> No.20596037

nope, maybe u mean yidish
anyhow, im a lamer, i dont know german, had to work with what i got, i translated the english translation of the original germam
i would say this short novvela is very close in a certain way to how we write computer programs, and at the time my life was a mixture of feverish hell and babel tower of computer languages
was a nice fit at the time
still have fond memories from my translation

>> No.20596214

That’s great anon. Keep working on translations, even if you see it more like programming. I think it must work your brain out a lot.

>> No.20596389
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>> No.20596438

I’ve read that.

>> No.20596461

scan, use gimgreader for ocr and then correct any mistakes. link related is good although if your phone has a decent camera you can find a selfie stick that comes with a tripod and remote control for much cheaper than a camera and stand.

>> No.20596473

Thank you, when I get to it, I might try that. I was planning on transcribing it the old-fashioned way, maybe one with all the mistakes, and one without, just for posterity's sake.

>> No.20596474

kino cover

>> No.20596503

Kafka's "the Crossbreed"

Ive never heard a soul on here mention it

>> No.20597112
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>> No.20597469
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>> No.20597631
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>> No.20597726
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It’s far from unknown but I haven’t ever seen someone here bring up Pater before. Which is a shame because Marius is my favorite

>> No.20598706

Sounds interesting. Reminds me of gogol’s dead souls, in that’s it a retelling of inferno. Where are you going to uploaded on?

>> No.20598725
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>> No.20598761
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Trains, country life, a tale of buried treasure, and two mysterious dudes. I'll get around to scanning it one of these days.

>> No.20598785
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>> No.20598834
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I haven't finished it yet, but it's been comfy so far.

>> No.20598846

My great great grandfather wrote a manuscript for a memoir called "I was a genius."

Never published, but I've got a copy of it.

>> No.20598884

Publish it.

>> No.20598892
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I learned about it from a Jonathan Bowden lecture on Bill Hopkins. Took me a few years to track down an affordable copy, as the publisher destroyed most of the first printing after people complained about its fascistic themes. It was republished a few decades later in a very limited run as The Leap. Overall, a good novel from a member of the Angry Young Men movement.

>> No.20599086
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Keeper of the kingdom. Read it as a kid. Pretty graphic for a young teen book

>> No.20599263

Do you think it’s dedicated to Jim Morrison?

>> No.20599292

On the Yard by Malcolm Braly

>> No.20599490

The Sorrows of Satan by Marie Corelli. Oscar Wylde was supposedly a fan of hers so I guess he read it too.

>> No.20599728

>Where are you going to uploaded on?
I haven't gotten that far yet. But I have been wondering about the technicalities of publishing works you've found, because why not?

eh, it's a little too old for that

>> No.20599917

Interesting, haven't read it despite having read most Kafka. Thanks anon

>> No.20599921

My man here answered your question for me. It's pretty funny, and will give you an insight into an important strand of the pre-history of the novel, without having to read through romances that are not very enjoyable to most modern readers.

>> No.20599926

cool, might check it out

>> No.20599927

Have read Pater but not this, will check it out anon. Pater's influence on the moderns is not well known outsode of academia.

>> No.20599930

Sorry senpai, have read. It's referred to in Ulysses, and was an absolute bestseller in its time. Mostly forgotten now though outside of Joyce and Wilde studies, I think.