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File: 161 KB, 1125x583, 1656173008004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20580765 No.20580765 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, this really made me think

>> No.20580770

Read another book.

>> No.20580793

Why is king so cringe? Was he just a low iq retarded alcoholic all along and just has a good work ethic?

>> No.20580816

it wasnt supposed to be a documentary...

>> No.20580856

>just has a good work ethic
That's all it is. Someone in the hate thread mentioned a monkey at a typewriter and that describes his success perfectly. Write enough trash and something's bound to come out alright. I doubt very many people have written more trash even if it was 1:1 sellable work to trash.

>> No.20580908

Didn't the feminist hated the author of that book cause she dared to defend due process? They went so far calling her anti feminist and a woman hater

>> No.20580915

>Was he just a low iq retarded alcoholic all along and just has a good work ethic?
Yes, the whole time.

>> No.20580916

Whoa... this is literally just like Harry Potter...

>> No.20580925

My god I hate these people

>> No.20580941

>less rights than a gun
>less rights than a corpse
>handmaid's tale

Did I miss any?

>> No.20580947

L. Ron Hubbard wrote the most fiction of anyone in the whole world. Back when you got paid a penny a word

>> No.20581016

You missed
>people with uteri will die

>> No.20581050

>forced parenthood
>second class citizens
I like how this line of argument proves woman are naturally second class citizens because they birth babies.

>> No.20581057

I recall that now, thank you.

>> No.20581064

I am convinced that The Handmaid's Tale is nothing more than torture porn for middle-aged women.

>> No.20581188

How an grown ass man can think that the exagerated, fictionalized, almost-fantasy book writen to criticize islamic regimes without risking a bombing can represent in some way or form the future. The more that damned book is brought up, the more I suspect its real use is as vulgar as a tinly disguised torture porn story, like >>20581064 said. There is no other way to explain the obession.

>> No.20581221
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>> No.20581241
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AHHHhhhhhHHHH ORange maaaaan did this tooooo usssss!!!!! NAZIs, HITLER, RACISM and White people are taking over and it's driving me INNNNSAAAANNEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO FUCK WITH 0 RESPONSIBILITY AHHHHHH ITS TOO MUCH REEEEEEEE

>> No.20581253

>Abortion is healtcare
>You CAN'T get an abortion now.
They love acting like any of the states most of these people live in will actually pass anti-abortion laws.

>> No.20581261

Yea they ate her up.

>> No.20581274

It's funny because they can't make Harry Potter comparisons anymore.

>> No.20581287

>Actually, Voldemort was the good guy for wanting to abort Harry

>> No.20581304

It's literal porn, not torture porn.

>> No.20581311

>Feminist propaganda story to demonize catholicism and virtues societies by caricaturizing them

Tell me again why people care about that garbage

>> No.20581321

Just some backwater states these people hate anyway are doing it.

(and possibly the majority in these places agree but thats when muh demogracy doesnt count)

>> No.20581324

They're very concerned about the black people in Texas.

>> No.20581343

Democracy is dead and it's most obvious when shit like the abortion debate gets brought up.

>> No.20581442

Soeone have the pasta where it goes something like
>No we just--

>> No.20581450

oh im retarded its right here

>> No.20581451


>> No.20581456

Wow this really makes me a Harry Potter horcrux rebel jedi when the right wing Voldemort Darth Vader! I can’t believe they don’t realize we’re a generation that grew up on Katniss and we won’t take this Handmaid’s Tale! Who’s with me??????

>> No.20581530

>womb-carrying persons

>> No.20581605

Oh no, women's deepest, darkest sexual fantasies are becoming reality.

>> No.20581617

The most compelling argument in favor of abortion is the existence of Reddit

>> No.20581724
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The best one clearly is
>it prevents me from practicing my religion
Oh we now, S*zanne. We know.

>> No.20581744

Yeah, I don't get what's wrong with their minds. They seem neurotic about giving birth and projecting their neurosis on all other women. Most regular women I ask are against abortion or neutral on the subject, while the sort of women who take it up the ass are vocal about it

>> No.20581813

I've read many op-eds from rabbis who are pro-life. What's your point? In fact there were quote a few Jewish organizations who have been lobbying for years to overturn Roe v. Wade

>> No.20581825

So why don’t you want abortion? I read most of the aborted babies are poor blacks anyway. Don’t complain when the babies grow up and steal your bike.

>> No.20581886

Many reasons. I choose to believe that outside of just being retarded, theyre immature morons that think knocking a bitch up will keep them together forever. No other logical reason makes enough sense.

>> No.20581913

It's really because blacks don't want to spend money on contraception. They'd rather spend it on booze, weed, and other drugs. Why pay $5 for a pack of condoms when you could use that money to buy a rock or a joint?

>> No.20582459
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>> No.20582596

>I read most of the aborted babies are poor blacks anyway
I doubt it. Can anyone show any data to back this claim up?

>> No.20582640

over 50% of pregnant blacks are aborted. Most planned parent hoods are in the hood specially for eugenics purposes.
Second most is upper middle class white women because they have been brainwashed that the world is overpopulated and that they need freedom to be whores/work for a man instead of a husband

>> No.20582653

Stephen King went to the middle east?

>> No.20582661

I know this board is for pseuds but holy shit

>> No.20582670

>over 50% of pregnant blacks are aborted
That's amazing if true, but are there any statistics that actually show this? Also I'm not sure if we can draw conclusion from percentages because blacks are only 13% of the population, so even if 50% of black babies are aborted, that's still a lower number in absolute values than the aborted white babies.

>> No.20582809

King is an atheist writer, ie a sex addict catering to his audience, ie women, ie sex addict eager to read stories about how women are sex abused and tortured

>> No.20582849

More than Mickey Spillane???

>> No.20582855

Stephen King is an indictment of just how performative all this wingcuck shit really is. The dude literally writes about little girls getting trains run on 'em in the sewers, but because he aligns himself with the status quo, nobody will call him out on being a past his prime, perverted hack. Same shit Howard Stern's doing. Can't wait for 2025 when Carrie's bully's "Negroid lips" is the calling card for King being cancelled by the crowd he is desperate to appeal to.

>> No.20582859

I think the margin between him and number two is huge. He was actually fairly well respected as a sci fi writer in his day.

>> No.20583948

He was murdered around the turn of the 21st century. A double has been in his place since.

>> No.20584006

>their wives will hold my wrists while they drive themselves deep into my fertile
That's hot

>> No.20585339

Whoa... this is so much like The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.20585399

>that's still a lower number in absolute values than the aborted white babies.
No it isn't. We'd have a few extra million niglets syphoning welfare every year if not for abortion. Blacks and spics get them at highest rates. /pol/ has the stats.

>> No.20585416
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Yeah, he wrote some OK shit but most of it is garbage.


>> No.20585428

But the book isn’t sexy at all, and I actively fantasize about sexual slavery.

>> No.20585445

I wish adults had the mental capacity to talk about things without framing them through the lens of pop culture.

>> No.20585787

It figures the guy who writes thinly-veiled child porn sees the world in terms of thinly-veiled soccer mom porn.

>> No.20585810

It's really not that sexy. I mostly remember the main character staring at a wall and a strange epilogue where scholars give an analysis of the story using info unknown to the reader and seem quite smug.

>> No.20585826
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Now with wojaks

>> No.20585840

Most of the feminists havent read it. They just watch the tv show adaptation which is rape porn.

>> No.20585922

In med school I met a black woman who had had 23 abortions. she was having her 5th kid and getting her tubes tied in the process

>> No.20585933 [DELETED] 

how come so many of these rightwing memes read right to left it's weird

>> No.20585988

the problem is that you're making these stats up. You don't have any source for them.

>> No.20586201

You have to go back.

>> No.20586230

piece of art

>> No.20587134

Man I love constructing strawmen and feeling so proud for striking them down.

>> No.20587162

I thought we were in Harry Potter.

>> No.20587218

>handmaids tale meets harry potter meets hunger games meets star wars

>> No.20587375

>Man I love constructing strawmen and feeling so proud for striking them down

>> No.20587417

I like how they act like half of all women aren't pro life and instead constantly presume to be speaking on behalf of everyone. Anyone who doesn't agree with them doesn't count.

>> No.20587421

Mhmm. And how do you plan to satisfy Baphomet exactly?

>> No.20587631
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Its funny seeing how out of touch and cringe this boomers are. At least he didn't start lecturing everyone on Ukraine this time around.

>> No.20588459

Even Kubrick recognized that the Shining would be better with his interpretation, which made King seethe and cope for eternity

>> No.20589840

He wrote in a child gang rape.

>> No.20589850
File: 120 KB, 442x269, bloomcanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Stephen King is Cervantes"
-Harold Bloom
/lit/fags cannot refute this

>> No.20589853

It wasn't rape but it was child group sex. He also has a lot of weird pedo shit in his other books. Off the top of my head
>Salem's Lot
>Dolores Clayborne
>Gerald's Game
>The Stand

>> No.20589876

actual pedo shit or just "jailbait is hot" like every other writer before the 21st century

>> No.20589974

All pedo shit. In 'Salem's Lot it's jailbait shit from multiple characters until the creep who owns the junkyard helps the vampires in return for the jailbait in question becoming his sex slave (she's a vampire at the point but it makes it a point to have a scene where she wakes up with him in the junkyard).

>> No.20590036

It's not a straw man, it's a critical deconstruction of the handmaid's tale and the straw man found therein

>> No.20590110

Seek help

>> No.20590145
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If he's this autistic over a joke imagine how he's going to be over criticism of her.
Faggot. Pic related.

>> No.20590371
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Ricels for Gilead.

>> No.20590953

>half of all women aren't pro life
Them they will not kill their children. The point is that those who want to should be able to

>> No.20590972

>good work ethic
its this, and abuse of stimulants like crack. King had some real well perfoming early books, but the reason that everyone knows him is because of how fast he shits out books. Everyone knows his books are all bogged down by unneeded bullshit and could all be shortened by at least 50 pages, but publishers enjoy his work ethic so much that they don't even have people edit his stuff

>> No.20590982
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I see a happy merchant in the bottom corner, I think I need to get put on meds.

>> No.20591141
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Meds won't change a thing.

>> No.20591213

This is so retarded. It changes barely anything. Anyone with a brain who wanted an abortion ordered the two-pills method online and got it shipped within a couple of days.
Even worse, ordering the two pills separately isn't considered "procuring an abortion", so it isn't even remotely illegal.

>> No.20591235
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>> No.20591269

>This is so retarded. It changes barely anything.
This. In effect all they said was "no, that's not a Constitutionally protected right so it's not the federal government's business". That's not even an opinion, it's an independently verifiable fact. In no place in the Constitution does it say you have the right to have an abortion. They made no law prohibiting it, they simply returned the ability to make such laws to the states where it has always objectively belonged. It's less about aborrion than protecting state's rights.

>> No.20591334

All the women who buy those will be dragged off by drumpf's stormtroopers to fundamentalist Christian churches and whipped and mansplained to and made into breeding cows by proud boys and you're laughing?

>> No.20592086

Norm was so based.

>> No.20592136


One of the few people who has written more books than he has read.

>> No.20592147

>US forced women to endure unwanted pregnancy and childbirth, while refusing to give them affordable medical care, any parental leave, or affordable childcare options
Wow that really makes me think

>> No.20592165

35% of american women are pro-life and that figure continues to decline. Even 56% of catholics are pro-choice. Only evangelicals are pro-life by majority.

>> No.20592166

In 99.9% of all cases no forced them to take a load of spunk up their cunts.

>> No.20592173

men enjoy spooging in unprotected pussy only because men do not face any consequences for doing so.
>someone was horny for 10 minutes
>time to ruin their life

How many children did Jesus have, again? Ah, that's right. 0.

>> No.20592189

>How many children did Jesus have, again? Ah, that's right. 0.
He had 1, dumbass Unitarian.

>> No.20592196

>men do not face any consequences for doing so
Okay fag tell that to all the heckin niggerinos I met in jail that were going to do a couple of years for ignoring their niglets.

>> No.20592197

>men enjoy spooging in unprotected pussy only because men do not face any consequences for doing so
That's either retarded or completely disingenuous on its surface and in its substance. You can choose which. Child support for example is certainly a consequence. Having to tolerate stupid bitches like yourself for the better part of two decades is another.
>time to ruin their life
The issue here is your expectation. In reality you have no other uses but sexually satisfying men and bearing their children in the modern world. You're only upset about the second because it limits your ability to perform the first, which you've been convinced is more valuable and somehow liberating.

>> No.20592221

who he bone? he aint have no kids

>> No.20592234

>paying $150 a month in child support is equivalent to dealing with a screaming toddler 24/7 and having your pelvic floor annihilated to the point of permanent incontinence

men face no consequences for their orgasm, that's why they think it's all a big joke and women are exaggerating how hard it is to raise kids. women do the work, they suffer the childbirth and pregnancy, and men sit on their ass playing video games until it's time to swoop in for a kodak moment for 3 minutes, then they return to the e z chair and make the woman clean up. and it terrifies you that women will abort your children because they know you're a deadbeat with inferior genetics.

just so you know, they can always drive a few states over and abort it and you'll never know.

>> No.20592247

>I actually have to raise my child. This is basically slavery

>> No.20592288

the point is that you don't raise your kid. you make the woman do everything.

>> No.20592302

The Handmaid's tale (the actual book) is unsexy is fuck. It's literally "imagine a world where Christians banned sexual pleasure". Even the impregnation rape is designed to be as boring and uncomfortable for everyone involved as possible.

This is why it's women's worst nightmare

>> No.20592307

This isn't true, and a easy hypothetical to justify your own position. I know fathers that did all the work after knocking up a walking incubator.

>> No.20592341

Shouldnt have opened your legs to a deadbeat

>> No.20592373

Repeating yourself after you got BTFO doesn't change the fact that men do. That's nigger logic.

>> No.20592384

Stephen King is a degenerate out of touch boomer hack who put the "you don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat all the eggs" meme in Billy Summers.
Dark Tower 1, 3, and 8 are kino, though.

>> No.20592393

Meds are Jewish, and won't make you less retarded.

>> No.20592398

>but you don't understand, payign $150 a month is just as horrible as having the entire burden of childrearing dumped on you like women must endure, while they still have to work jobs fulltime as well! men have it just as rough!
of course this is all rhetorical as no woman would ever breed with you anyway

>> No.20592404

>Grass: Touched
>Sex: Haved
>Meds: Taken
Oh yeah; it's Morbin' time

>> No.20592413

>$150 a month in child support
Bitch you have got to be joking. If it were that cheap I would be purposely knocking up whores left and right to get my seed all over the place. In New Jersey it's 17% of your income per child which would be $2050/month

>> No.20592419
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>> No.20592431

>makes six figures
>claims he is oppressed

>> No.20592471

>>claims he is oppressed
Where did I do that? The post I replied to says "men face no consequences for their orgasm" and I am demonstrating that this is obviously not true because knocking up a woman would cost me more than owning a ferrari.

>> No.20592511

If the woman received a wage for the hours she put into pregnancy and childcare, she could buy a ferrari.
>nooo but what about me, i'm oppressed, i have to pay money for the financial assistance of the woman who is caring for my progeny! woe is me!

>> No.20592517

How many dollars an hour is pregnancy worth and which market determined the wage.

>> No.20592553

more than your wage

>> No.20592573

How much?

>> No.20592593

the baby is objectively worth more than you are. so yes, raising the baby is worth more than your wage. yet you complain that it only costs you $150 a month.

>> No.20592596

Is he doing it for the clout?

>> No.20592606

Literally the only thing I said is that I'd face a substantial consequence if I impregnated a woman. I didn't say anything about oppression or compare myself to a woman or even claim that it isn't fair. You're arguing with someone that exists entirely in your imagination.

>> No.20592609

He just said it would cost him $2050 a month. That's my monthly wage lol (I would have to pay ~$350 here in Texas). Both of these numbers are greater than 150.

>> No.20592612

He's always been like this.

>> No.20592614

>but you don't understand, payign $150 a month is just as horrible as having the entire burden of having a purpose in life that isn't being a cum dumpster
Woe is you! I never compared the two anyway, you're fighting strawmen because you got BTFO.

>> No.20592640

Tried reading the dome
Got that shit for a Christmas gift and it's like how did this man shit out 1000pg of "what if trapped... Under dome?"
He does this several times a year

>> No.20592650

>baby is objectively worth more than you are
On what market? Dollar value is subjective

>> No.20592676
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like pottery

>> No.20592709

$2k a month is a part time job at mcdonalds. she's putting more effort than that into raising your children. You should be worked an extra shift and forced to pay her $5000 a month.

Don't like it? Wear a condom or use your hand.

>> No.20592730

His talent ended when he stopped doing cocaine, and even then none of his writing should've exceeded 200 pages.

>> No.20592741

Ah sorry, I got a bio degree and can only find this type of work! Guess if she hates me so much, wanting me to give her $5,000 a month instead of just teaming up with me, I'll simply grab my nig out bag and leave.

>> No.20592742

Nice power fantasy. The reality is she opened her legs to a deadbeat and now she has to carry the child.

>> No.20592756

>when men are asked to make an equal sacrifice as women do as consequence to their orgasm, they "nig out"
Congrats you lost the argument. But this is all hypothetical anyway since you will never have sex.

>> No.20592775

What kind of shithole are you from where there are no fathers or complete families and you assume all men bail as soon as they cum?

>> No.20592777

So 5k a month is equal to pregnancy?

>> No.20592791

you just said you would bail, so the question is what shithole are you from?
somewhere around there for the average. even having the man pay $2k/month isn't nearly enough.

>> No.20592837

You're arguing with like six different dudes, that was my first post.
"Men face no consequences for their orgasm" is just a laughably retarded statement, our legal system pretty staunchly disagrees with you.

>> No.20592840

>US forced men to go fight in pointless wars so they could be human guinea pigs and then promptly forgot about them the second they came back, if they came back at all. And then treated them like second class citizens, ignoring their educational, emotional, societal, and economic concerns.
You see? Being a woman isn't so bad. At least you aren't expendable.

>> No.20592947

How did you calculate this wage? Would it then be accurate to say that men making more than 5k monthly have it harder than pregnant women?

>> No.20592949

Nah, just spend less time on /pol/.

>> No.20592960

>Old supreme court legislated by the bench
>New supreme court fixes the problem and let each state decide democratically

>> No.20592967

Try explaining that to a woman

>> No.20592986
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>no woman would ever breed with you anyway

>> No.20592990
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This. Women only want one thing and it's disgusting.

>> No.20593004

Women ARE expendable. Women regularly die or suffer permanent damage from childbirth. All to produce more taxslaves. Because men are taken advantage of, women should also be victimized? Is that really your argument? How about you kill the people sending your sons to die in war?

>> No.20593006

To be fair, the government has absolutely zero right to mandate what a person should do with their body. From mandatory vaccinations, recreational drug use, to pregnancy the government should have no ability to force their will upon the citizens unless we live in a totalitarian regime.

>> No.20593012

This. One party wants to mandate death jabs, the other wants to mandate unwanted births. Who do you vote for when they both want to kill you?

>> No.20593041


>> No.20593042

>Who do you vote for when they both want to kill you?

>> No.20593047


>> No.20593050

>Women ARE expendable.
Absolutely nothing in the US treats them this way. Legally, socially, and economically they are constantly catered to.
Do you have any idea what the ratio of support groups, charity organizations, and advocacy organizations are for men versus for women? Why do you think the overwhelming majority of the homeless are men? Why are men five times as likely to kill themselves as women?
Because when a woman has problems, she is overwhelmingly supported. When a man has problems, he's considered defective and tossed aside.

>> No.20593051

I'm a pretty left leaning guy but I've always been pro life? I just don't see how you can rationalize it as anything other than killing an unborn baby. I only think it's okay in case of a medical emergency or maybe rape (although I'm not sure). I despise boomers and especially post-trump conservatism but it actually repulses me to see the leaps of logic that leftists make when arguing for abortion. It's a selfish, evil act done entirely for convenience. It's not birth control, it's not fucking 'bodily autonomy,' it has nothing to do with women's rights, and it's only a "cluster of cells" if you're a heartless fucking scumbag

>> No.20593066

Nobody cares what you think.

>> No.20593075

I also am completely sickened by the "it's life would've been shit anyway" argument and feel ashamed to live in a world where that is accepted and praised as a humanitarian argument.

>> No.20593117

>drives to california to get a fetus deletus
not my problem

>> No.20593123

have you read the ins and outs of childbirth and pregnancy? it isn't just squatting to take a really big dump, dude.

>> No.20593131

>To be fair, the government has absolutely zero right to mandate what a person should do with their body.
That statement is false. Governments actually do have that right in some circumstances. You can't use your body to unjustly deprive someone of their life or liberty for example. The federal government does not explicitly have the right to decide whether or not you can or can't get an abortion, whether or not you have to be vaccinated for an infection and disease that no one can objectively prove to exist, the right to prohibit drug recreational drug use, or regulate pregnancies. That is true. Unfortunately the reality is that they exercise a whole lot of powers than were ever granted to them by their charter, which are legally the only ones they should ever have had, and these become precedent for more abuses and so on, unless they're effectively challenged in their own courts. In effect you actually live under a soft tyrannical aristocracy. All of this has nothing to do whatsoever with states rights, who are not prohibited in any way whatsoever from regulating abortion so long as it doesn't interfere with the People's Constitutionally protected rights. I suppose the federal government, in a strictly originally legal way, could argue that they have the right to protect a woman's access to abortion under being obligated to protect her right to the pursuit of hapoiness,but that's an extremely ugly can of worms for so many reasons that nobody wants to get into.

>> No.20593144

We are talking about the United States of America, not Shitholistan.

>> No.20593145

Yeah, it's a long, painful process. I don't have to "read" to know that, I have a family. The good thing is we live in a world where countless forms of birth control are readily available to us.

>> No.20593148

>We are talking about the United States of America

>> No.20593164

Why do liberals continue to act like pregnancy is something completely unpreventable that takes everyone by surprise

>> No.20593177

Dont know about those stats but i can say from annecdote that the women (and males) ive met who are pro abortion typically feel that the world and they themselves are just to busted to have children. They feel it would be cruel. That being said, most of them still havent had thier tubes tied.

>> No.20593182

Black people do be rapin' doe

>> No.20593189

>They feel it would be cruel.
Oh man, you mean kind of like killing a helpless baby?

>> No.20593202

>guy promises he'll pull out
>woman now has to have her life ruined and die to birth a kid she never consented to
wow such morality, i'm sure jesus approves of this

>> No.20593222

>hate men
>trust men
Stupid bitch you can't even do misandry right.

>> No.20593248

you're right, i'm not hardly misandrist enough

>> No.20593256
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That's what I just said.

>> No.20593264

Yes it is you dumbshit that's why I posted it
You're right. I should hate you much more than I already do. I'm going to get a job as a circumcision tech.

>> No.20593280
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>> No.20593305

You know what, please have all the abortions you want. On the house.

>> No.20593365

The mortality rate during childbirth is 0.00023 in the US you hysterical bitch, you aren't going to die of being a slut any time soon

>> No.20593387

Higher than any other developed nation. Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.20593394

Just don't have sex unless you want children. If you really want to be a whore use a condom or something. No one really needs to have unprotected sex with strangers, it's a nonissue.

>> No.20593409

No one needs to own assault weapons either. We live in a free country.

>> No.20593418

The difference is people can own assault weapons and, in 99.999% of all cases, not kill any babies.

>> No.20593439

Thank you, glad we agree
What's the mortality rate of being an incel? But you still mad about that

>> No.20593443

And it's still astronomically low. You aren't risking your life by fucking strangers on Tinder. You're significantly more likely to die in a car wreck on your Uber ride home from his mom's house the next morning than you are to get pregnant and die in childbirth.

>> No.20593454

I'm taking this opportnity to say one thing about King's books.

Not a single one feels like they should exceed 300 or 400 pages. How the fuck he manages to pump out multiple thousand page novels almost yearly is fucking beyond me.

>> No.20593461

I had unprotected sex with a coworker (who has an IUD) about 72 hours ago
By all means, continue to try and screech insults at anyone who disagrees with you, it's pretty funny

>> No.20593468

That's right, back to strawman arguments with yourself.

>> No.20593472

>I had unprotected sex with a woman I don't intend to marry
>but all the women who want abortion as an option are just whores who need to close their legs
So you saying you ready to marry her and be a father to raise your children together? Because you just as much of a degenerate as I am.

>> No.20593476

This is what fucking pisses me off about how these retards argue
>Oh he PROMISED he'd pull out
>That's my entire reason for not using contraceptives myself lmao.

>> No.20593478

>Killing a baby is the same thing as using protection during sex!


>> No.20593479

>Because you just as much of a degenerate as I am.
I doubt anon wants to kill babies.

>> No.20593481

If I actually got a woman pregnant, yes, I would take responsibility. A girl I was dating two years ago had a scare and if she tested positive I already had a plan to support both of us.
I won't deny being a degenerate, but I understand and accept that there are potential consequences. None of them are severe enough that I would murder my unborn child.

>> No.20593484


>> No.20593496

anon this isn't the literature board why are you trying to post about books

>> No.20593513

Now it's /reddit/. Great job fag.

>> No.20593514

Off topic threads are pretty good in general, so an off topic post on this obvious bait thread may bring forth some good discussion. Either way, I lose nothing.

>> No.20593520

Liberals seem to only be capable of arguing by constantly searching for some "Aha! You're technically a hypocrite!" gotcha moment, as if finding this in anybody automatically makes their own beliefs correct
Killing unborn babies is just objectively morally wrong, I do not care if a person I agree with on this is an asshole in some completely unrelated way, that does not make it right to murder babies

>> No.20593525

>Even in my fantasies I'm having sex with useless piece of shit men

>> No.20593527

>i'm sure jesus approves of this
>sex out of wedlock

>> No.20593580

Jesus loved hanging out with whores

>> No.20593631

He hung out with all of the legal outcasts because he came to redeem them, the sinners, not to partake in their acts.

>> No.20593669

Hey man I just hang out platonically with whores too, wink wink nudge nudge.

>> No.20593739

I am 100% pro choice because I think fetuses aren't babies and don't/shouldn't have human rights. But liberal arguments on the topic are just embarrassingly disingenuous if not blisteringly retarded. How are you going to make this a "women's rights" issue if the question at hand is whether abortion is literally murder? Are you admitting that if abortion were murder, you would still do it because you love having sex with strangers that much?

Imagine if hypothetically, pregnancy and childbirth occurred in 5 minutes post coitus, and a whole living baby magically appeared in the bed if you didn't pull out. In this hypothetical reality the only possible way to conduct an abortion is to take this living baby and drive it to a facility to have it euthanized. Would you liberals still do it then? Because that is what pro-life people literally think is happening.

Again, I can't really understand why anyone would think a fetus has the same moral status as a whole fully formed and birthed baby, but plenty of people do. If that were the case then talking about "how hard women have it" as a justification for killing them would be completely depraved.

>> No.20593783

>it terrifies you that women will abort your children because they know you're a deadbeat with inferior genetics.
Not anymore they won't

>> No.20593816

>Not murdering is inconvenient therefore it's okay to murder

>> No.20593823

Abortion should be legal but only available to blacks. There must be some way to spin this as a pro-black affirmative action thing

>> No.20593841

Let's say you are knocked braindead but will with near certainty regain all of your mental faculties within 9 months. Would it be immoral to smash your brains in because you're a bit inconvenient?
Oh, it's just a clump of cells, I forgot. But really, who are we to determine what a person is? All of these things society calls people are just clumps of cells.

>> No.20593855

I don't understand Handmaiden tales

If only a few selected girls could give birth, they would literally be the rulers of the world. Or they'd be the women that the most rich and powerful would want to marry to carry on their name and legacy.

They wouldn't be friggen sex slaves and treated like 2nd class citizens. What the heck is that shit? They would be the most exalted ppl on the planet.

It's would be the roasties who cant have babies that would be just pump and dumped and sold into sex slavery since there is no risk of pregnancy

>> No.20593856

This is the whole thing. I don't get how it's even polemic. Abortion was imposed undemocratically and Thomas fixed that mistake. If people want abortion to be legal in their state or federally, they should vote for it.

>> No.20593888


God this post is so gross, leave this board

>> No.20593904

Watch Children of Men. It's the same concept done in a much more mature and well thought out way. Not to mention much more entertaining.

>> No.20593913

>Let's imagine this retardedly specific and implausible scenario. Then you'll see I'm right
Let's try to stay on topic retard.

>> No.20593925

Atwood is pretty tough, doubt she gave a fuck.

>> No.20593966

Nearly every other living organisms have the ability to shut down a pregnancy midway when it becomes inconvenient. Not humans.

>> No.20593979

>every other living organism
Lol you don't even know how stupid that is.

>> No.20593992

i swear the left is just projecting their own internal sexual fetish with the handmaids tale

>> No.20593999

babies are humans. problem with your argument is that you dehumanize the baby by calling it a lump of cells of a fetus.

i was born exactly at 8 months. you will never convince me that i was a lump of cells that wasn't human. at that stage, i had everything that makes a human, a human. its only a size difference between a 8 month in the womb, and a 12 year old.

>> No.20594006
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>Uh sweetie, you weren't alive

>> No.20594012

based Norm
based Alice Munro

>> No.20594019

>Only evangelicals are pro-life by majority
Well that number continues to increase, so...

>> No.20594024

The concept was more about evil christians banning sex for purposes other than childbirth than anything else.

>> No.20594026

>>paying $150 a month in child support
you have no idea what you're saying, kid.

>> No.20594029

It's obvious to anyone who isn't completely disingenuous or braindead that a baby is nearly fully formed by 8 months. That doesn't change the fact that it is pretty much a clump of cells much earlier in the process.

>> No.20594031

No, if it is possible for a clump of cells(like you) to become a conscious thinking human then it is a human and it shouldn't be brutally murdered.

>> No.20594038

It's different though. Even ignoring your scenario doesn't make sense as a real scenario, it's different because you don't have the "potential to become a conscious thinking human", you already were one. You already had a mind and a life and relationships and you'd just be getting those things back if you woke up. A fresh fetus has the potential to become all of that, but it hasn't yet. Nothing is lost but potential if you kill it.

>> No.20594052

>Nothing is lost but potential if you kill it.
>Defending your entire viewpoint around "killing potential" as an okay thing

>> No.20594054

It happens every day at schools desu

>> No.20594079
File: 161 KB, 777x437, Afghan-child-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why The Handmaid's Tale is touted so much as a dystopian patriarchy when a far worse real one exists in Afghanistan today under the Taliban.
I mean, sure, things in fictional Gilead are bad, but compare that to the reality in Kabul wherein 10 year old girls are being sold for mere months worth of food amidst a famine in a wartorn land, to perpetual sexual slavery in the name of marriage to a much older man who has three other underaged wives in his harem and the legal right to beat his wives if they refuse to obey him, and they cant divorce him, and theyd be stoned to death if he accuses them of adultery, and they cant go to school, drive a car, or wear what they want.
I think teenage Afghan girls would find fictional Gilead to be a utopia lol
> pic related are child marriages in Afghanistan and Yemen

>> No.20594082

>Even 56% of catholics are pro-choice
They are not real catholics.

>> No.20594098

If you are braindead, you are no longer a conscious thinking human. You now have the potential to become a conscious thinking human. If it is plausible that you can recover and function as a normal human, then you never entered a state of being non-human.
A fetus is human because of his or her potential. The brain-dead are considered non-human at the moment that there is no potential for life. Organisms operate based on potential, without potential an object is inert. Does it matter if a man has never had a relationship if he can? Even then, an unborn baby has its own history, however small, and its own blood relations from the moment of conception.

>> No.20594170

This man's claim to fame is a car coming alive and killing people WiThOuT a DrIvEr WooooOOOOoooOOOooo!!!

>> No.20594192

100% of those women said "Just cum in me!" when they were drunk.

>> No.20594216

Pretending to be black online is pitiable

>> No.20594300


>> No.20594330

His shit is so fucking lame, even the Shining. How Kubrick took that straw and spun it into gold is nothing short of amazing.

>> No.20594370

I don't understand how men won't realize that it would be fucking amazing if we did that here. How did they all get brainwashed into thinking that they DON'T want sex servants?

>> No.20594401

Indeed in this scenario the woman has truly absolved herself of any responsibility. Clearly having sex with a stranger and relying on trusting said scumbad stranger as your only means of contraceptive was a great idea.

Also did they never teach you that pulling out isn't 100% secure?

>> No.20594406

why is /lit/ is always so dishonest. Abortion is okay in majority of western countries, Is Europe supposed to ban Abortion too?

>> No.20594413

Because the country would be collapse. Like it or not wome make up more than 50% of an average western country. Reducing their quality of life means reducing the power and the potential of your country.

>> No.20594415

What if you happen to be poor and some rich old dude buys your daughter so he can rape her?

>> No.20594419

How much?

>> No.20594422

Why are you so disingenuous? The US didn't ban abortion, the SCOTUS merely decided that is was a matter that must be decided democratically on a state level.

If a democratic majority voted to ban abortion then yes Europe should do the same. Besides in most cases it is a matter not of banning abortion outright, but rather on deciding what are reasonable limits on abortion. I think most people would agree that somewhere there exists a limit between abortion being acceptable and it no longer being acceptable (say 1 day before birth). It seems reasonable to have this discussion be decided by democratic vote.

>> No.20594436

Half of red states already have trigger laws that completely ban abortion. And there's even the idea of prosecuting people who leave the state for an abortion floating arpund.
>If a democratic majority voted to ban abortion then yes Europe should do the same
Never happened in US, will never in Europe.

>> No.20594441

Women barely contribute anything so it wouldn't matter

>> No.20594446

You honestly don't believe that, right?

>> No.20594466

Not a single state completely bans or plans to completely ban abortion. Literally every state allows exceptions for danger to the mother's life or rape. So once again its a discussion on what should be the reasonable limit to abortions.

>> No.20594470

that whole book is used as one big strawman

>> No.20594484

Texas doesn't

>> No.20594499


>> No.20594512

For real? You don't think thats a valid exception?

>> No.20594520

In my third world country abortion is only allowed if the woman was raped, the baby will die anyway or the woman will die. Free abortion to me sounds absolutely barbaric. Even our limited abortion is kind of polemic here and was only legalized a few years ago. But since in all the development nations it's okay to use abortion as contraception, maybe I'm the babaric one.

>> No.20594530

where's the image of "pro-choicers killing the homeless because their lives are shit" when you need it

>> No.20594531

>then they return to the e z chair and make the woman clean up


>> No.20594538

>But since in all the development nations it's okay to use abortion as contraception, maybe I'm the babaric one.
That is how you'll always be treated whether you like it or not. Western ideals are seen as absolute, and abortion is no exception.

>> No.20594666

>and it terrifies you that women will abort your children
it absolutely does not, i dont give a shit

>> No.20594685

Moloch lost for once. How are demonic people so upset by this? Are they just so used to winning in this world?

>> No.20594702

I'm more pro choice, centre right (whatever that even means these days). I just find all of the word games about muh fetus and definitions of life and baby to be tiresome. At the end of the day you terminate life while it's still in the womb with abortion. It boils down to that.
People in the past left deformed babies to the elements. People done fucked up shit before and I can only blame stupidity of those women getting pregnant in the first place and deadbeat dads making women pregnant and abandoning them.
Sometimes it seems to that we could avoid much trouble if people learned to masturbate in moderation and left actual sex for baby making, mostly.

>> No.20594738

Don't get me wrong he's the best of the bunch. But he isn't the current Chief Justice and didn't draft what was voted. It was a 6-3 decision. Why do people focus on Thomas? /pol/ I understand because of based nigger meme, but the infanticide party? I guess it largely correlates with being subverted in general and they are especially upset that the negro "ally" betrays them.

>> No.20594748

Well these are the same kinds of people that feel suicide booths are a good idea for solving chronic suffering. One lady i knew had a sister who was suffering something fierce and was on a whole pharmacy of painkillers and was slowly dying from her illness, something about her nervous system. She actually wanted to give her a diy lethal cocktail (shes a bio chemist) to put her out of her misery. Didnt end up happening though, the sister an hero'd. I dont think its a huge moral hurdle for people with experiences like that to advocate for killing even a birthed baby, if they thought it would save it from a life similar to what they went through.

>> No.20594759

It should be a personal choice. I suppose it's harder if it's something like a severely wounded soldier in a battle that you can't save, but at least you could give him painkillers until he succumbs to his wounds (harder to decide if you should put a bullet in him or not). In no way this should be left up to relatives, however.
But baby is different because it's a baby, a bit more like pulling a plug on a person in coma... Here I wouldn't know what to do either, but I would try to avoid getting into situation were I would need to make such decision. I kind of don't understand how people get into situations where they need abortions, at least most of them. Sure, sometimes it's genetic defects, rape but that's rare, most cases it is because woman didn't want to raise the child. So why can't people avoid becoming pregnant and impregnating others?
I guess incel like me just doesn't get it. I guess normalfags think that they are owned sex.

>> No.20594776

I'm sure the hooker community is very upset

>> No.20594790

Make it so that fetuses can't be aborted after certain days/weeks. 30/60 days or something.

>> No.20594830

I've read Salem's Lot, Gerald's Game and The Stand, and the only things I remember are
>Salem's Lot was vaguely enjoyable
>The Stand was possibly the most boring book I've ever read that would just dragged on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and then drag some more.
That's it, I don't remember anything else whatsoever.

No, wait. I remember that there was this old black lady who cooked a dish and had to take it somewhere and it was plot-important in The Stand, and also there was this schizo pyromaniac who was bullied all his life.

>> No.20594979

Because he married a white woman which was illegal not that long ago. Go figure that a nigger can't see the irony in his own ruling

>> No.20594994

Any rational American should understand the personal choice argument. The last person I want to listen to is some shitskin reprimanding me about their false morality or feelings. Me and my wife agreed that when she got pregnant if the child had a significant birth defect we would make the decision to abort. The last thing I wanted to raise was some down syndrome 4chan poster we'd have to support our entire life.

>> No.20595037

They do not care whether the abortion is late term or not. They believe that since the baby is attached to the woman, she has a right to remove him at any time she chooses.

>> No.20595322

You don't talk to anyone outside of 4chan anons, what would you know?

>> No.20595327


>> No.20595331

t. seething baby killer. No one wants your haunted cunt.

>> No.20595422

Have sex you fucking loser. Fuck you

>> No.20595427

What is hard about safe sex? Even pulling out works for me. Are you fucking dudes with no trigger control?

>> No.20595428

This thread proves that men should be killed at birth

>> No.20595433
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>> No.20595436

What is hard about not raping women or not lying about pulling out?

>> No.20595439

Rape is a criminal offence that is determined on a case by case basis. I'm sorry if men are cumming in you without your say so, but most of us choose partners we care about and trust to avoid such cases.

>> No.20595446

I have never met a man that did not lie to have sex. You must be very naive

>> No.20595451
File: 216 KB, 970x1139, jlSVa1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen King is a degenerate out of touch boomer hack who put the "you don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat all the eggs" meme in Billy Summers.


>> No.20595454

stop projecting subjective personal experiences on the whole body of entire American population.

I aint ever met a nigger who aint black, but that means none when trying to prove albinos dont exist.

>> No.20595465

Women have the right to choose, end of story. Men lie to have sex, lie about contraception, so it's perfectly reasonable for us girlbosses to murder our unborn babies in cold blood. And you know what, post term too.

>> No.20595472

Okay virgin incel. Whatever you say

>> No.20595474

I was tricked for a second but you used girlbosses. It's too on the nose.

>> No.20595478




quit yapping and close yer legs hoe.

>> No.20595481

er... pal. it was "on the nose" on purpose. its a joke.

>> No.20595484

Shitposting ought to be subtle.

>> No.20595494

well now, i didn't want you to go falling for it. i don't have the time to waste trolling your dumb ass for an extended period of time. call that one there a lil pump and dump

>> No.20595504

yo bitch ass ain't foolin me nigga, shiiiii, i always creampieing these hoes non stop, yuh yuh yuh

>> No.20595507

uh huh? ok...

>> No.20595514

Pynch... lay off the green.

>> No.20595522

uhh condoms are not 100% effective not to mention they're reevaluating their stance on contraception too.

>> No.20595528


>> No.20595533
File: 67 KB, 850x400, az quotes kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save sex for marriage then.

>> No.20595535

That doesn't fix anything. You know that even in marriage people have sex just for funsies, right?

>> No.20595560
File: 198 KB, 982x956, kant marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know that even in marriage people have sex just for funsies, right?
Fine. Then we'll limit sex to same sex marriages and we'll only do In Vitro / surrogacy which leads to parents only bringing in as many kids as they deem appropriate. We can outlaw any fornication between different sexes.

>> No.20595580

>yo bitch ass ain't foolin me nigga, shiiiii, i always creampieing these hoes non stop, yuh yuh yuh

mmm exquisite work of a literary genius, only akin to the likes of myself.

>> No.20595646


>> No.20595647
File: 63 KB, 640x921, 1632960771108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have sex you fucking loser
Close your legs

>> No.20595654

Tranny jannies have forbidden the specific webm that were spammed on the overturn day displaying the material reality of abortion.
All those little arms twisting as you cut the damn thing in pieces.

>> No.20595660

that's a bit invasive innit

>> No.20595677

ok, bend over

>> No.20595678

lmao what is this elementary school?

>> No.20595682

If woman is that afraid to get pregnant then she should really not have sex with a man, or at least not vaginal sex.
>but pleasure

>> No.20595684

lol no

>> No.20595701

Haahahah like how is unwanted pregnancy even real, just stay away from sex hahahaha close your legs haha.
They virtually can't get pregnant outside a window of one week a month anyway. Women could just keep track of their ovulations. Take it in the ass if they absolutely need penetration in that time.

>> No.20595707

you'll understand when you hit puberty

>> No.20595718

If they don't have sex then there will be no fear and need of abortion outside of rape. And I think abortion for that is fine and chances of that happening are low anyway so you can walk mostly fear free then.
But you are just shitposting so whatever.

>> No.20595749
File: 52 KB, 578x336, chances-of-pregnancy-by-cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'll forget about timing things when reaching the ripe age of eleven.

>> No.20596201

I didnt get the significance of the hotel scene until i was much older. I looked at the whole movie as an apocolypse action movie with too much talking. Its on my top ten now.
Also, does anyone know the name of the song that was used during that scene?

>> No.20596236

About as christian as reformed jewish sects are jewish. That is to say, only until hard questions start getting asked.

>> No.20596268

That's all Christians, especially the ones who frequent this site.

>> No.20596291

I don't think you've thought in a long time homeslice.

>> No.20596348

I think avoidence is key here. I had a relative ask me if i would eat pork if i was starving even though i believed it was an abomination and god would attack me for eating it. I said that i dont know and i probably would. Which is why i have stock piled so much beef and chicken as well as grains and other foods, so that i will never be in a position where i have to make that decision.

>> No.20596574

Lmao its so obvious some of you have zero touch with reality. If you were ever in a real food shortage situation , pork is the last thing you'll find.

>> No.20596939

It was a hypothetical posed to me rather half assedly, probably to push my buttons because that family member is an athiest punk (like The Addicts or Bad Brains punk). But avoidance still solves alot of issues that didnt need to be a problem in the first place. Thats just a rule of life. A person (like you i assume) not having any self control is a prime example of someone who should avoid risky situations more. Rather than rush towards them for whatever dorky reason.