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/lit/ - Literature

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20591385 No.20591385 [Reply] [Original]

How do we combat the rise of right-wing extremism within the now growing community of literature readers?

>> No.20591395 [DELETED] 

What should we do with the Jewish question bros?

>> No.20591397
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You cannot.

>> No.20591398

You missed the point.

>> No.20591410

We should be kinder to them and stop treating them as uniquely evil or uniquely good.

>> No.20591419
File: 76 KB, 1024x794, 2B2E211B-7F8D-460D-9421-5EC6278C932C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, right wingers are the only people who are reading books nowadays. All revolutions begin in silence and in thoughts. And the end result will be the National Revolution.
I'm currently reading The Burning Souls by Degrelle. And I'm a Zoomer ;-)

>> No.20591423


>> No.20591428

>right-wing extremism

at this point "right-wing extremist" just means anyone who doesn't work directly for mi5

>> No.20591450
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They don't understand what they've set in motion.

>> No.20591472
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>Acktually the point was...
Didn't ask.

>> No.20591480

You missed the point.

>> No.20591491

political bait threads like these are a plague on this board

>> No.20591560
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Weak to fear a man, even weaker to fear a dead man. What is then the overcoward who fears an imaginary man!?

>> No.20591571

>And I'm a Zoomer ;-)
we could already tell

>> No.20591575 [DELETED] 

Simply start censoring and burning problematic books. Restrict the information these far-right extremists have access too. Pass hate speech laws to prevent them from spreading their toxic ideas to one another. It's the only way to prevent fascism

>> No.20591595
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>we could already tell
Good. We're waking up to leftist bastardisation

>> No.20591603
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how about you stop committing crimes and people will stop wanting to kill you

>> No.20591607
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>toxic ideas
The most alluring element of Fascism is the idea of perfection; that mankind should be perfect. No amount of censorship can erase that deep-set natural yearning.

>> No.20591608

stop them from reading

>> No.20591613


>> No.20591637

Don't worry anon, i got it even if the other 2 anons didnt.

>> No.20591643

I was being serious.

>> No.20591659
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>> No.20591665

The fact you can just look at someone and KNOW exactly what they're down with makes me think phrenology has some merit.

>> No.20591674
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>I was being serious.
You haven't prevented me from reading this.

>> No.20591680

Guess we'll just have to put you down then.

>> No.20591688

you are a hylic, the Crown are the bad guys and the nazis worked for the british

queenie gave the roman salute

anyone who cares what that dumb hole thinks should be burned alive

>> No.20591697 [DELETED] 
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>Guess we'll just have to put you down then.
You wouldn't stand a chance

>> No.20591708 [DELETED] 
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On your knees chud

>> No.20591715
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>> No.20591716
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>On your knees chud
Haha, those men will own America's streets one day

>> No.20591728 [DELETED] 

that chart is actually proof that the federal reserve is purposely creating the conditions for a papist takeover and framing the jews just like weimar

the jews have never controlled international finance, it was the templars

>> No.20591748 [DELETED] 

You're young so I don't really blame you, but here's something important to realize: by making "aggressively irrational" memes, "yes chads", smug pepes, etc., you are not escaping the symbol-matrix that is the subject of all your complaints. It's just the same labyrinth folded in on itself, the only escape is unfiltered experience and action. Anti-rationalism works admirably as a method of gaslighting weak men and damaged women into joining your side of the culture war, but the culture war itself is a boogeyman, and any -ism of any kind is just a superficially different way of playing the same game. The Real cannot be invoked by using a meme drawing instead of words, you can't trick language, it owns you as long as you accept its premise. The house always wins, so either enjoy the game for what it is or stop playing.

This has relatively little to do with you or your specific post, you just crystallized how I feel about the whole current of thought that your post embodies.

>> No.20591966
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>What should we do with the Jewish question bros?

>> No.20591972

the jews are under mind control, they literally know not what they do

>> No.20591980

I think normalfag jews are cringe but ultraorthodox are based and NEETpilled

>> No.20591993
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Many under a particular form of mass delusion. Same as many other groups. Requires a differentiated yet practical approach. A tumor must be excised and cauterized ... while preserving the healthy tissue.

>> No.20592001

chabad are so fucking redpilled the Talmud reads like /pol/ shitposts about cunny

>> No.20592010
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I don't think you really need to combat them because they tend to recommend books by guys like Evola who was a useless slug who had few enemies because he was an immense coward who ran from everything and died in obscurity. He would've made a great /lit/ poster.

>> No.20592021

Are you talking about the cops?

To be honest I think that whole thing was some kind of humiliation fetish ritual. They call the cops on themselves.

>> No.20592036

Why end the chart there? what happened in subsequent years?

>> No.20592098

the series was discontinued because math was declared racist

>> No.20592112

Nice bait, but don't use censorship next time. Lefty's don't like that word when its used on them and certainly wouldn't apply it to themselves if they felt justified in their position.

>> No.20592248

Spirituality is supra-rational or pre-rational.

>> No.20592253

Then why are you so angry and obsessed with him?

>> No.20592260

Ha. You punk. If you actually start a physical war with us do you have any idea what's gonna happen to you? You are a snivelling piece of trash.

>> No.20592263

You don't. They usually won't stop being right-wing but the more they read the more nuanced their views will be.

>> No.20592289
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>> No.20592290

This, but with alienated western men

>> No.20592293

Those men are evil though.

>> No.20592306

post physique you fat faggot

>> No.20592310

You only think that because they're more successful than you and your people. Reality (you're detached from it) paints a very different picture. Nice slave morality, pleb.

>> No.20592317

I can do 100 pushups in a row quite easily. Women admire my broad shoulders and strong chest, they've said as much. You little turd.

>> No.20592321

I can guarantee either your form is shit or you're lying.

>> No.20592335

>100 pushups is an unbelievable feat of strength

>> No.20592344

Like I said, either your form is shit or you're lying.

>> No.20592349

Thats just how it goes. These fags have arms so small that you could grab them in your palm with room to spare so it's completely alien to them that something like 100 push-ups is trivial to anyone in actual shape.

>> No.20592356
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>Das Kapital be like

>> No.20592366

>effeminate passive-aggressive lower case reply
Why are you like this?

>> No.20592372

Can someone explain to me why it is wrong to idolize Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, or Dante?

>> No.20592378

Tell them to
go back

>> No.20592383


Drug addict


>> No.20592388

Actually you need to go back

>> No.20592390

>he was an immense coward who ran from everything

What? Evola was the complete opposite of a coward to the point of being reckless. The guy was purposefully putting himself in danger and ended up partially crippled due to that.

>> No.20592391

I'm just naturally strong, my upper chest and shoulders have always been big, I was always among the stronger people in my year despite not going to the gym very much, winning in wrestling, pushing people around, etc. Keep coping with your inferior semite/groid genes though.

>> No.20592397

It was a dumb lie when you started and it's still a dumb lie.

>> No.20592399

>responding sincerely to a butthurt leftcuck
It's probably just mad about the supreme court's recent decision to uphold the constitution

>> No.20592402
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>The guy was purposefully putting himself in danger and ended up partially crippled due to that.

Fun involved. ;)

>> No.20592405

It isn't a lie, sorry you have antifa noodle arms. You know studies prove right wingers are considerably more strong on average?

>> No.20592463

>are the only people who are reading books nowadays
Reading the same type of low-hanging fruit shit your liberal nemeses reads.
The fact you mongoloids think some fat pink-haired man-hating bitch is representative of the left tells us everything we need to know about what goes inside your single-digit IQ brain.

>> No.20592468

>The fact you mongoloids think some fat pink-haired man-hating bitch is representative of the left
Ok, show us some that aren't that.

>> No.20592493

You are likely below <100 and not in a good way

>> No.20592497

That "fat pink-haired man-hating bitch's" ideology has both more power and more relevance in the modern day than communism. You are irrelevant, and no one cares about your antiquated views on class warfare.

>> No.20592558

Right, that's what genuine spirituality is. But the meme discourse deals in instrumentalized ideas of spirituality, violence, nature, power, etc., rather than the realities of these things which can obviously only exist as particulars, outside of any discourse. From everything I see, the effect of such discourse on reality is inverse, it's an outlet, a surrogate. Discourse becomes more extreme, realities become more tame and low-stakes. Cognitive dissonance takes over as people ramp up the need to dramatize their lives while remaining as sedate as possible in terms of meaningful action.

>> No.20592623


This is unironically what Western Governments believe. In the long run it's going to have the opposite effect to that desired, as it only temporarily suppresses the results of "right-wing extremism" and not the cause.

But those governments never will be able to suppress the cause, because the cause is their own policies: mass replacement-level immigration, multiculturalism, enforcement of ruling class ideology, promotion of sexual degeneracy, free trade, etc. They are therefore placed in a bind. If they change the policies then "right-wing extremism" would die overnight, yet adopting those policies means that the "extremists" would have achieved their objectives. And so all they can do is jam the lid tighter on the boiling pot and hope that the whole thing doesn't blow up.

>> No.20592633

Jews have their own state now, so deport them there. Also, all browns that immigrated.

>> No.20592659
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20592690
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Now you're talking my language. Let me me give you some tips on how to be an autocratic utopianist. You see every society needs something called the great lie, an enemy to paint your struggles against and take legal action to control and abuse them. And the best way is to say they're the visigoths burning down your door and that all actions, even arguably hypocritical ones are justified in a "social war" time.
shut it jew -i mean fascist!

>> No.20592714

good post

>> No.20592727

Teach them media literacy?

>> No.20592751

that's gonna be problematic when your essence is fundamentally entropic and your weapon only a pars destruens of the traditional western states and ways of living that created the bubble which allows you to exist in the first place
one can already smell the ever increasing difficulty of the liberal hegemony to keep their effective cultural hegemony going now that very little is actually left of European civilization that hasn't been deconstructed and torn apart as cheap target to keep the facade going
as the massive economic advantage that the illiberal, hierarchical west accumulated in the last centuries allowing it to burn itself off undisturbed by the (former) third world eventually runs out, as the project of fully westernizing the planet seems an utopia, it's really gonna be a spectacle of unprecedented tragedy to see how the west is going to desperately try to reorganize itself into a presentable half-assed unity
and indeed as you prefigure totalitarianism seems the only way left to contain it, but unlike precedent totalitarian regimes which at least had some sort of will to power and form, the west is only left with decades of will to impotency and formlessness poisoning itself

>> No.20592780

what is the top middle and top left?

>> No.20592806


>> No.20594596

Holden and the Margarita Trio

>> No.20594641

Unironically the answer:

>> No.20595193

"the alt-right" just means anyone who isn't a member of the sectoid hive mind

eventually the british government will be firebombing its own citizens because they aren't being replaced with negroes fast enough

>> No.20595200

Reading the Western canon made me a homosexual supremacist...

>> No.20595203

Unironically what Hitler was actually going to do.
Give them their own state, self ruled.
But put a Nazi at the top to oversee everything.
They can't be left to their own devices.
They can't be allowed to travel and live elsewhere.

>> No.20595235


>> No.20595997

Did you skip Leviticus?

>> No.20596011
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>1. Make a better argument
>2. protip you can't
>3. Seethe and dilate whe you are unable to

>> No.20596017

literally no one idolized these characters tho

>> No.20596042

I do

>> No.20596101
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Just say you're a faggot and want to see him naked and suck his zoomer dick, you're not fooling anyone, Pervert.

>> No.20596117 [DELETED] 

I don’t get why people are afraid of the right. The liberals control most of the West and the EU and NATO are more powerful than ever before. The world’s second-most (arguably most) powerful country is literally communist. Latin America is seeing Pink Tide 2.0. Rates of religion are decreasing worldwide. The left is winning and yet I am forced to watch a 24/7 handwringing session over the threat posed by the right.

>> No.20596123

Ellul was right wing.

>> No.20596132

Good bait but now 'content moderation' is the euphemism du jour

>> No.20596143

Why are Dante and Shakespeare on there?

>> No.20596150

america is so communist it's straight up just printing money and giving to black criminals as a form of demoralization

don't worry though, george soros says once we burn down enough Burger Kings then Star Trek will happen

>> No.20596193

Great point

>> No.20596208

Anon, do you mind dropping some of the literature that inspired your admirable analysis?

>> No.20596222

Dante put people in hell for making fun of him

Look up Shakespeare’s thoughts on Women, PoC, and Jews

>> No.20596229

Shakespeare wrote a ton of sonnets to a Black women and mfs still think he was racist

>> No.20596246

No one knows who he was referring to, if she was black, or even real. Most scholars assume dark meant more mediterranean like rather than african but most agree that no one knows who he is referring to and even if she is real. They also agree it’s pointless to even try.

>> No.20596290

Who the fuck unironically idolizes Dante Alighieri?

>> No.20596308


>> No.20596345
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the fact that judge holden is in your op shows you know what youre talking about so ill give you a serious response. the right doesn't read very much. theyve read hitler, rockwell, some random jew economists and maybe some autistic esoteric devi bullshit if youre lucky. the left has an endless amount of hardened theory at their disposal, however, the only people who read it are already leftists. the problem is that most people in general dont read anything more than wikipedia articles anymore. the sueprmajority of americans are rootless cosmopolitans who wear ideology around their neck like a fashion statement without realizing that its serious business and that it can get you killed. im just as skeptical of an 18 year old ancom catgirl uwu bitch as i am an 18 year old tradcath. people nowadays gravitate towards whatever ideology gets to them first after deconstructing all of their values so quickly they never have the time to vet them. the only way to stop this is to use the fire thats burning right now in this country to steer people away from liberalism. only through prolific study of marxist theory can this be done. the reason why the american left has been so doomed for so long is because contrary to all the propaganda, they hardly exist. the dipshit starbucks barista whining and bitching about patriarchy is a million times less of a leftist than the union iron workers that youll work with on a job site.

>> No.20596353
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>> No.20596363
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"Ay Karl, if we is atheists, how come our symbols are the pope's crook and fla—"

>> No.20596367
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even the glowniggers' internal documents admit that you're wrong.

>> No.20596372

do they have a document where they figure out they work for mi5?

>> No.20596378

>American left doesn’t exist!!!!
Meanwhile DSA is close to 100,000 members, PSL candidates are getting tens of thousands of votes, and CPUSA is marching in DC. This leftist whining about how powerless they are when they have vast amounts of power pisses me off so much.

>> No.20596382

Those aren’t real communists.

>> No.20596386
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i found it between your moms legs last night lmao gottem
thats not jack shit compared to the population, and half of them are just liberals anyway

>> No.20596412 [DELETED] 
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>This leftist whining about how powerless they are when they have vast amounts of power pisses me off so much.
Any amount of power the "left" has in the United States is being stripped away by reactionary institutions and courts. The far right coalition has grown so large that they are starting to mainstream the shit you would hear on /pol/ over a decade ago on Tucker Carlson's show like how we're currently living in Weimar and the Great Replacement. Your average conservative has gone from being a milquetoast Neoliberal with a warhawk coat of paint to the kind of people who brought Hitler to power. Trump wasn't even all that dangerous as a one off, but just like any cult weather it be a proper organization or merely just a cult of personality, you always have to worry about the next guy the most. The Koch Brothers backed Tea Party used their fake populism to astroturf further right people into power across this nation a decade ago, and now the pendulum is swinging so far to the theocratic right that those same people are being expelled from their seats and labeled RINOs because the general consensus of the GOP is that they are not radical enough. What does the left have for serious leadership in this country? That guy from Vermont who proposes shit that looked like free market conservativatism in the 1950s?

>> No.20596425

Ever heard of logistics?

>> No.20596430


>> No.20596439

the academia and the media is controlled by the left, the people in power in the united states are mere centrists at worst, most corporations support leftist causes, the United Nations is an openly leftist organization funded by socialist leftists, most first world countries are leftist, what is your point?

>> No.20596444

You can only suppress the truth for so long.

>> No.20596446

>Not real communists
Like clockwork. You guys are the left wing version of “any right winger who does something irl is a Fed”

Tucker had to backtrack massively after Buffalo, and in any case liberals have taken the position that the Great Replacement is real and a good thing. No one is stopping it, so I see no reason to see discussion about as a serious problem. Sure you’ll get your Buffalo shooter every now and then but no serious political shift is happening.

Meanwhile the left has people like Chris Smalls, who are actually causing seismic real world shifts.

>> No.20596458
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>the academia and the media is controlled by the left
No, they are controlled by neoliberals, and is strongly enforced by glownigger programs such as operation mockingbird
>the people in power in the united states are mere centrists at worst
"centrists" in America are center right in the world
>most corporations support leftist causes
Most corporations only wave fag flags to convince dumbass liberals to buy shit from them. Corporations' interests are antithetical to leftism. I they weren't, labor unions would not be a thing, and all of the laws that these corporations lobby for to beat down strikers and throw people in jail for pro labor speech would not exist.
>the United Nations is an openly leftist organization funded by socialist leftists
European "polite" capitalism only looks left wing when you compare it to the United States. All of their prosperity comes from mass murdering leftist movements abroad and leeching off of cheap slave labor in the third world.
>most first world countries are leftist
The only leftist countries in human history that have ever existed have been destroyed via murderous sanctions by the same world order you claim to despise
Socialism is not when the government does stuff you retarded gorilla nigger.

>> No.20596471

I've been on 4chan long enough to remember when it was liberal-leaning. The culture wars can't continue indefinitely, and they won't continue to exist in the same state forever. It's possible that the pendulum will begin to swing back to the left.

Also, if you want to meet readers who aren't right-wing extremists, might I suggest logging the fuck off this website and going anywhere else on the internet or real world.

>> No.20596481

Dante really seems like the odd one out here.

>> No.20596482

Is this the same guy? Impressive bulge

>> No.20596483

It made me laugh when I realised black Americans thought that when white people described someone as "tall, dark, and handsome" they meant Africans.

>> No.20596484

Dude really put people in Hell for not being white.

>> No.20596497

It wasn't liberal. It has always been anti-conformist.

>> No.20596513

>t. some fat pink-haired man-hating bitch

>> No.20596514

>Marcuse: The (authentic) left is not able to transform itself into the Right
The left is the left when it is perfect, otherwise it is centrism, liberalism, progressive neoliberalism and other things.

>> No.20596520

Liberals only read YA and leftists read internet articles about theory. Literature is the domain of the traditional man

>> No.20596524
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This site hasn't been "anti-confirmist" since a well before /pol/harbor. It's just a bunch of edgy 14 year olds who grew up in a cushy middle class family who grew up to be adults who have never had to work for anything in their lives, and still whine and bitch about how niggers and mexicans are going to take their jobs. 99% of the rhetoric here that isn't about cranking your hog to anime girls with big tits (that parts always been here of course) is just more fleshed out versions of shit that your parents say at the dinner table.

>> No.20596537
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>Literature is the domain of the traditional man
Literature doesn't belong to anyone. There are endless reasons why historically books have been the most sacred form of free speech, especially ever since the radical invention of the printing press liberated thought from those oligarchs who had free reign over society since Roman times. You have no fucking idea how disingenuous or straight up ignorant of history your idea is.

>> No.20596551

>No, they are controlled by neoliberals
Neoliberalism is a leftist ideology, marxists and neoliberals are more akin to each other than neoliberals and fascists, or neoliberals and monarchists.
>"centrists" in America are center right in the world
Democracy on itself is leftist. No republican in modern America advocates for radical right wing policies, at best they advocate for policies that slow down the movement of the Overton's window to the left by a couple of years.
>Most corporations only wave fag flags to convince dumbass liberals to buy shit from them
Yes that is what i wrote.
>Corporations' interests are antithetical to leftism
Marxism is but an item in the ideological spectrum of the left wing, for you to be a left winger you don't need to be marxist, are you aware of this fact?
>European "polite" capitalism only looks left wing when you compare it to the United States
The European "polite" capitalism is only right wing if you are a delusional tankie that thinks everything to the right of Trosky is le evil right wing dictatorship.
>The only leftist countries in human history that have ever existed have been destroyed via murderous sanctions
Marxism is not the only left.

>> No.20596579

>Neoliberalism is a leftist ideology
The leftist ideology of: free markets, free capital, deregulation, privatization.

>> No.20596595
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yes, maybe you should try reading a book on the subject

>> No.20596599
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Tell me how new you are without telling me you are new

>> No.20596608

>never had to work for anything in their lives

you have a lot of balls throwing that shit around when the british monarchy's job literally consists of collecting interest payments and filming interracial cuckold porn

>> No.20596626
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its about deconstructing traditional families, values and nations as a whole
its cultural marxism
its destabilizing tactics nothing more
the drones doing the bidding dont matter
their actual views of ideology dont matter
they are the beat me ups of their masters
who use them to drown any resistence to their deconstruction of society by pure mass of individuals - not by intellectual power, not by speech, neither strength - its the same zerg rush tactics as the red army used back in the day but now its a cultural civil war between those with no identity of their own and those they despise e.g. everyone not subservient to mass/social media

>> No.20596631
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>Neoliberalism is a leftist ideology
The ideology first tested by glowniggers in the far right dictatorship of Pinochet that overthrew a legitimate leftist government is not leftist in any way. You don't even know what leftism is. It's not that spooky dookie "cultural marxism" shit you see every "skeptic" political pundit harangue about, it's about workers collectively bargaining for their rights and recognizing their roles as those who build the civilizations we live in. Neoliberalism literally means new liberalism, as opposed to classical liberalism which is more concerned with enlightenment philosophy than markets. It is explicitly referring to liberal marketplaces, and the main idea of the ideology is the mass privatization of every traditional institution and social service in the name of "efficiency."
>Democracy on itself is leftist
Democracy was leftist in a time when Hegel was in diapers, when the only other alternative was a literal Monarchy using their alleged Divine Rights as a means to dictate to people. The origins of modern democracy having anything to do with a left/right divide are Paine and Burke dickwagging about the French Revolution, and those who sat on the literal left and right seats when deciding whether or not to continue the existence of said market.
>Yes that is what i wrote.
Coroprations trying to sell you shit is not leftism
>Marxism is but an item in the ideological spectrum of the left wing, for you to be a left winger you don't need to be marxist, are you aware of this fact?
Most people aren't talking about Proudhoun or Utopian Socialism anymore outside of literal modern day leftists looking at the various ideas of Marx's contemporaries and people making shitty jokes about toothbrush theft.
>The European "polite" capitalism is only right wing if you are a delusional tankie that thinks everything to the right of Trosky is le evil right wing dictatorship.
The entire continent still regards capital as vastly superior to labor. Especially states like Germany that call all the shots considering they are literally America 2: Electric Boogaloo. The United States built Europe into what it is today in their own image, but more politely, for the express purpose of persuading people to not fall to socialism.
>Marxism is not the only left.
See above a good bit.

>> No.20596669


If a large number of young people who come to this site get indoctrinated on /pol/, that's the definition of conforming. 'Right-wing extremism' or whatever you want to call it is no longer counter-culture. It IS the dominate culture, at least for most of the people who browse 4chan (i.e.: young, middle-class, white men).

4chan before /pol/ was counter-culture in the sense that it was subcultural. It was 'obsessed with the internet' back when being obsessed with the internet and spending all your time online made you a weirdo. Back when even liking anime was a shameful hobby to have.

All of the things that made 4chan interesting or subcultural (inside jokes) were repackaged by capitalists (i.e.: memes, Caturday, anime) and sold back to you as commodity. 4chan IS the culture now.

>> No.20596693

I wish you were correct. Sadly the right is dying, your average white male hates himself and supports liberal policies.

Plus you vastly overestimate 4chan’s impact. Anime’s popularity has more to do with kids liking it than 4chan.

>> No.20596695

>That's not real Leftism!
Stopped reading there

>> No.20596706
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You'll get called a shill or a revisionist faster than lightning for posting this, but I've seen this general consensus with every other oldfag who wasted their youth along with us by hanging out here way too much. That's why /pol/ bitches and moans about a lot of oldfags being moralfags and shit all the time. There are few truer posts on this shithole today than the one you made just now. Modern imageboard culture has been commodified into something to sell to at risk youth by those who have infiltrated them over the years for the express purpose of creating a pipeline to turn dumbass kids into stochastic terrorists to further the accelerationist agenda of the far right.
I don't know why you're on a literature board if you don't want to read. Good day to you, you quadruple nigger.

>> No.20596753


yeah, i've been coming here since i was a teen in the mid-00s. an actual certified oldfag. i realize most of the people i'm talking to who weren't even fucking born when i was coming to this hell site. it was always shitty, but it wasn't as ideologically motivated. hardly anyone talked about politics during the Dubya era. it was just fucking around, memes, and porn. people were still all the -ist things they are now, but it felt more ironic and "liberal" than the kind of shit people say now with their entire chests. the culture wars had an inevitable boiling/tipping over point, and that's what we're living in.

i'll still come back here once in awhile to kill time, but you can't back to the old internet before social media really took off. i do miss the dumb shit on this website like when people would lose their minds over numbers lining up for a "GET." everything about 4chan has been bought and sold. it's the dominant culture. the only interesting aspect of 4chan that remains is what people do under the guise of anonymity.

>> No.20596797
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You and I are two of soul. I share the same stories and the same memories that you do, Anon. The sad part is that there was some time in my life that I started to fall for the memes myself, and I went down the same dark path that my brother did in the 90s and became a skinhead for many years. After a long time of doing questionable things with questionable people, I got my shit together, got a life, a wife and a career and had to relentlessly undo the brainwashing that had consumed me in my younger years. Knowing the things I know now with all the mistakes I have made has given me the strongest flammable convictions needed to make a change in this retarded fucking world. None of the shitty doublespeak arguments work on me anymore ebcause I know all of their lingo and dogwhistles, and no amount of gaslighting from newfags will break my will. We live in trying times, but there is always a fighting chance. Godspeed Anon.

>> No.20596846

>when it was liberal-leaning.
You guys keep spouting this shit when it's simply not true.

>> No.20596911

>cultural marxism
They are very butthurted by that term. They have made entire debooking articles all far and wide about, for the sake of the discussion, use "western marxism" instead.
>it's about workers collectively bargaining for their rights and recognizing their roles as those who build the civilizations we live in
The historical record and the modern consensus support the idea that "left wing politics" consist of every ideology that argues in favor of destroying hierarchies for the sake of social justice. Your definition lacks descriptive value, it is clearly tailored for the sake of arguing that only a selected few socialist models are left wing.
>Democracy was leftist
Democracy is still leftist, the intellectual "progress" of the left is unable to move the turning point of the left/right divide with them, they are only making the left wing larger, the fact that Marxism exist doesn't mean liberals are right wing now, why would be this the case?
>Coroprations trying to sell you shit is not leftism
Most corporations are left wing, but sure, i wasn't making that point, i wanted you to take into account the fact that, regardless of their political affiliation, they need to pander to the left, because the left is hegemonic in our culture.
>Most people aren't talking about Proudhoun or Utopian Socialism
You are being intellectually disingenuous if you think that, aside form Marx and his disciples, the utopians and Proudhoun are the only leftist there are.
>The entire continent still regards capital as vastly superior to labor
>The United States built Europe into what it is today in their own image, but more politely, for the express purpose of persuading people to not fall to socialism
Perhaps, nevertheless, they are still left wing. The only way for them to be right wing is to reject any form of liberalism in its entirety, including your socialism.
I don't believe you are being serious. You are merely playing with words here. For something to be mainstream it has to be widely accepted by the majority of the population. The stuff that is said in /pol/ is not even mainstream on 4chan.

>> No.20596974

Assuming you're not being sarcastic, I'm just applying vague ideas gathered secondhand from /lit/ posts or Wikipedia or, most significantly, The Last Psychiatrist. But for the origins of said ideas you'd probably want Lacan, Wittgenstein, Derrida, Heidegger, F.G. Junger, etc.

>> No.20596976


it is true. people would be homophobic and racist (e.g.: posting A. Wyatt Mann art) in the 00s, but it was understood that it was for shock value. 4chan was about shock content. pictures of dead cats, gross-out porn, a place to say "nigger" and "fag." this is back when that shit was rare and you had to go to niche sites like rotten.com to seek gross-out content. the internet was a lot smaller than it is now. now people share shock content in replies to tweets on Twitter. it's mainstream.

it's what was later called "hipster racism," which means acting racist and defending them as being performed ironically or satirically, with the understanding that you're actually progressive.

now people are unironically racist and homophobic and say that shit with their whole hearts. people weren't going on ideological diatribes. they were just trying to get a rise out of strangers on the internet. i think that's true to the certain extent, but i also believe the echo changer of /pol/ indoctrinated people.

i still know a handful of other oldfags i met from 4chan at shit like anime cons a million years ago, and most of them are liberal-leaning, left-leaning, or apolitical. we are of our epochs. some of the youngfags on here are so deep in it that they have no perspective on how they're just repeating the dominant culture they are part of.

>> No.20596989


>I don't believe you are being serious. You are merely playing with words here. For something to be mainstream it has to be widely accepted by the majority of the population. The stuff that is said in /pol/ is not even mainstream on 4chan.

bro, you had Trump repeating /pol/ talking points from the oval office. that's about as mainstream as you can get.

>> No.20597012

>they're just repeating the dominant culture they are part of.
You keep saying this but there’s no evidence of this. The majority culture is a profoundly liberal one. It’s June, and there’s a month long festival celebrating LGBT+ going on. Is that what a right-wing culture would do?

>> No.20597059

You are assuming they were "hipster racist".
>bro, you had Trump repeating /pol/ talking points from the oval office. that's about as mainstream as you can get
No, you can get more mainstream, in fact, that is merely superficial, not mainstream at all, Americans literally voted for a senile old man just so they could get rid of Trump.
Trump used a bunch of retards to gain power, that doesn't mean he agrees with them, in fact, unless you think pepe is an alt right hate symbol that dog-whistles white supremacy or something, Trump would never dare to name the jews, or actually advocate for a racial genocide, common talking points on /pol/.

>> No.20597076
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You're mistaking capitalism for progressive politics. Walmart, one of the worst companies in the US to work for, didn't make Juneteenth and Pride flavored ice cream out of the goodness of their liberal hearts. They did it to exploit queer people and black people.

Yes, identity politics have become more mainstream since 4chan started, but so have the right-wing rhetoric.

>Is that what a right-wing culture would do?

I could say something like "It's June, and Roe V. Wade was overturned. Is that what a left-wing culture would do?" You get what I'm saying?

>> No.20597099

I consider the overturning of Roe v. Wade to be the death throes of a losing side. We all know that in a few years it’ll be reinstated in some form. Quite possibly as a federal law.

I’m just pessimistic about the right. I see no hope for us. Like I said in this thread, the left has Chris Smalls and DSA and CPUSA/PSL. We have no one. I wish I lived in a world where the right was winning lol.

>> No.20597111

Fuck off. I'm sick of you shits projecting your personal politics on everybody else and saying "This is what it was actually like". Bullshit, it was people just shitposting and having fun. There was no political agenda to it. But to you so called "oldfags", we were all just ironic liberals who were overtaken by the stormfront menace. Newsflash, stormfront was a damn joke! Nobody actually took it seriously. You know what really started the politicization of 4chan? Zoe Quinn. When people started getting banned en-masse simply for shitposting about her blatant disregard for the integrity of her profession. Then all of a sudden you had people adamantly defending her and started talking about the dangers of /pol/. Next thing I know there's a culture war afoot and suddenly I'm some sexist bigot. All I ever wanted was to shitpost. Now I'm getting called some /pol/ revisionist? Screw you and the high horse you rode in on

>> No.20597114

Not the guy you are answering to, but I first came here when I was 15-16 and am 31 now. Never went down that kind of radical path and got flamed a lot for not being lefty or righty enough.
I believe the political side of 4chin post 2015-2016 is simply a reflection of this world. The outside world took from 4chan and 4chan became the outside world.
I still think you need to be a very weak spirit to get radicalized on a anonymous greco-roman pottery forum.

>> No.20597120

Capitalism appeals to leftist interests because the left is mainstream. Unless you are willing to suggest capitalist pander to non-existing demographics with the intention of coaxing the populace into internalizing the implicit values in their propaganda, but that is nonsense, isn't it?
>Roe V. Wade was overturned. Is that what a left-wing culture would do?
Delegating the matter to the individual states so they can decide through bureaucratic means? Yes, that is what moderates on the left would do, the right would ban abortion.

>> No.20597144


You have to understand the progressive/liberal mental trick. "Liberals represent/are the underdog, anything done by mass culture cannot be liberal." To these idiots the example you just cited is not proof of a liberal culture, it's proof that what was once liberal has been co-opted by conservatives. So any cultural or political win is irrelevant, and any loss is the terrifying encroachment of fascism.

Trump famously held up a rainbow flag with LGBT for Trump on it; if the left were capable of rational thought and analysis instead of emotive histrionics, Trump would represent for the left wing what Blair did for the Thatcherites. A sign that you have won so completely that your opponent has, in large part, adopted your fundamental assumptions. When Trump talked about America first trade policy, ending foreign wars, or a corrupt establishment out to get him, he was talking like a 80s/90's left winger.

I should mention that when I say the left is incapable of rational thought it's not a simple "libs R dumb lolz". In order to maintain the self image of the left as being the voice of the marginalized and the oppressed, of standing up to unjust power, the left must carefully construct an alternate reality for itself. It's the same sort of bubble the Right was in intellectually once upon a time. When you live in an alternate reality you construct for yourself, you must reject anything that would contradict that reality, and must only respond emotively, lest you examine the contradictions and dispel the illusion.

>> No.20597145
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>Fuck off. I'm sick of you shits projecting your personal politics on everybody else and saying "This is what it was actually like". Bullshit, it was people just shitposting and having fun. There was no political agenda to it. But to you so called "oldfags", we were all just ironic liberals who were overtaken by the stormfront menace. Newsflash, stormfront was a damn joke! Nobody actually took it seriously. You know what really started the politicization of 4chan? Zoe Quinn. When people started getting banned en-masse simply for shitposting about her blatant disregard for the integrity of her profession. Then all of a sudden you had people adamantly defending her and started talking about the dangers of /pol/. Next thing I know there's a culture war afoot and suddenly I'm some sexist bigot. All I ever wanted was to shitpost. Now I'm getting called some /pol/ revisionist? Screw you and the high horse you rode in on

>> No.20597172

A lovely image. Thank you /qa/

>> No.20597175

back from whence you came

>> No.20597178


>zoe quinn

you're talking about shit that happened in 2014, lmao. i'm talking about shit between 2003-2008. we are talking about two completely different era. i was long gone from this site and living a grown up life when all that retarded gamergate shit went down.

>> No.20597186
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Answer it

>> No.20597196

>democrats see that and think that the free market wants noahide law ice cream

>> No.20597207

you can't as they will be the only ones reading anything other than Ya in the future

>> No.20597217

Do you not have reading comprehension? I said Zoe Quinn is start of the politicization of 4chan. Everything before that, including 2003-2008, was apolitical in nature. The general sentiment remains. Stop projecting your fucking politics on other anons.

>> No.20598120

taking your own life, unironically
only by removing yourself from the planet can you get sweet revenge on the mean heckin polcels, once you are gone they will just miss you so much they will get lonely, and without your unbearable weight to drag them down they will get weak, and without your insufferable behavior to irritate and disappoint them constantly, they will become so complacent that they will all just stop consoooming and creating things to consooom. It really is the only way anon, are you a part of the solution?

>> No.20598216

most right-wingers are too retarded to understand marx or are loser cucks that are seething on 4chan because they would rather live a world with their german daughterwife and be the most indecent human-being rather than taking accountability or have any level of empathy.

>> No.20598230

what part of marx is hard to understand, you stupid animal? you will own nothing and queen elizabeth will be happy

>> No.20598232

Can I play too
>most leftists are short and fat and cannot drive well. if leftists had it their way the world would be a ball of shit and leftists like to get fucked up the ass by apes and all leftists are ugly.
Now you write me back a paragraph of your own about how everybody who doesn't agree with you politically is an ugly stupid person. You can include an mspaint doodle of them with stink lines if you like

>> No.20598272

we're asking the same questions. who says im a monarchist

>> No.20598298

your criticism seems to be all about looks and being fucked in the ass. so i wouldn't consider this dogshit as something comparable.

>> No.20598307

They only come to this site because it is their last bastion of hope. They’ve been beaten everywhere else. Realize this site is for the fringe and not indicative of anything

>> No.20598313
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the part where marx was a mason and queenie (or HOLE, as i call her) wears masonic regalia

>> No.20598319

It's eerie to me how they always try to pull the same trick with trying to gaslight people to believe their idea of the past. Like the 4chan equivalent of those historians who go like "so we found a syrian merchant's skeleton in britain after digging for it over entire months, this means that millions of brown people immigrating into britain is natural and it was always like this, the idea of a "white britain" (make sure to abuse scare quotes) is a fascist myth"

>> No.20598320

The thing Hitler never did but should have, kill them all, let God choose his own

>> No.20598330

they're equally vacuous, yours just made a childlike effort at appearing otherwise because you lack self-awareness

>> No.20598339

weeelllllllll i never said i was a marxist. i want a socialist republic. i wish not to suck her highness's fanny for a penny or two. :3

>> No.20598341

By banning them if they don’t stick to their board

>> No.20598342

>the Left that can be spoken of is not the real Left

>you are banned everywhere and I can voice all of my takes anywhere anytime, this means that you are the establishment and we are the persecuted dissidents

>the institution of goodthink supports what I think and say, and it deboonks your badthink, therefore I am right, because the institutes of the state agree with me, the rebel

>I am the true rebel because I'm courageous enough to be neutered and cuckolded of my own volition

>> No.20598343


>> No.20598347

You should read about the classical republican tradition combined with Jeffersonian "yeoman" populism. Christopher Lasch is an extremely effective gateway to it.

>> No.20598361

not really. i just take that from what this website has become, and the chuds i live around. you are just retarded.

>> No.20598369

>people who pay taxes and follow laws are "chuds"
>illegal immigrants who commit rape in no-go zones are stunning and brave

bravo, tavistock

>> No.20598379

k keep writing unsolicited posts yelling into the void of a website you hate about how everybody who disagrees with you is the same poopoo head, don't let me stop you from winning that war you're fighting in your daydreams

>> No.20598391

yknow what, even though im not a conservative, i will, thanks for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.20598403

did i say that? doesnt look like it. take ya meds.

>> No.20598424

not everyone disagrees with me. and i actually like talking here and lurking to find new things to read alot more than these threads. but a little discourse is okay.

>> No.20598427

>Being right-wing gets you a German daughter-wife
I’m right wing now

>> No.20598440

If you are not against it, you are with it. Lack of resistance is tacit support.

>> No.20598442


>> No.20598467

i think they are bad, people should pay taxes and follow laws. i think rape is bad too. suspicious refugees shouldn't be let in.

>> No.20598485

>I am okay with immigration as long as it aligns with capitalist interests and does not impact me personally

Cancer, pure cancer.

>> No.20598493
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>"capitalist interests"
>biden administration literally doing a communism speedrun

>> No.20598512

refugees are poor, alot are uneducated. suspicious refugees are suspicious and poor. my interests arent capitalist. more altruist. my country has alot of space.

>> No.20598526

>more altruist. my country has alot of space

Now you're just trolling. You seriously can't be this retarded, this pathologically altruistic without a shred of irony.

>> No.20598533

>no u
no u

>> No.20598571

if they can work, pay tax, follow the law. they can have the social security and have strong workers rights.

>> No.20598607

"Right wing" extremism my ass. The only thing extreme about them is how lame they are.

>> No.20598889

Leftists be like we aren't liberals, we live for class struggle and hate capitalism. We aren't hoodwinked by identity politics. But also WE just got dealt a serious blow by the latest supreme court ruling. Women being able to abort babies is seriously important to The Revolution, because The Revolution has been so successful since 1973!

>> No.20598926

Do you think they see the world without any tribalism like you, deracinated upper-middle class liberal urbanite letzter mensch do? These people you simp for will enslave you the moment they think they can get away with it.

>> No.20598933
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>right-wing extremism
>literature readers
don't need to worry

>> No.20598950

Leftist's love to larp as revolutionaries while being the de-facto propaganda wing for the ruling elite.

>> No.20598958

>These people you simp for will enslave you the moment they think they can get away with it.
Only the white liberals will be the target of my wrath. White conservatives are a-okay with me, one struggle and all that. When we win, we'll make sure white conservatives get reservations.

>> No.20598964

There haven't been real leftists in a century. Everybody currently calling himself a leftist is a rich liberal. It used to be rich liberals with guilty consciences at least, now it's just rich effeminate liberals who want to be trendy and "in on" something hip.

>> No.20599022
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As a real leftist, I do not agree with all the last liberal crap! You see, I'm kinda an old hand at the internet, yup, been posting on SA for decades now. Ya see back then we were all just kids being ironic when we screamed nigger or tricked children into euthanizing their pets. But now these gosh-dang racists, probably sexy 14 year olds, come here to my literature board and make threads about a fella named Guenon. Fella I ain't reading a monkey! Anyways, please make sure to get out and vote BLUE this November. Your voice matters and MUST be heard if we are to save women's rights -- because next they'll come for gay marriage and transgender representation in Disney films.

>> No.20599083
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>> No.20599085

The ISIS/Pornhub juxtaposition gets me everytime

>> No.20599145

both are forces against the western world controlled by parasitical groups

>> No.20599269
File: 145 KB, 1156x647, tumblr_m9dqx8s2Ua1rzlo22o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Right-wing extremism' or whatever you want to call it is no longer counter-culture.
It's also never been counter-cultural to have the same values and belief system as grandpappy and the klan and the church and the people in power. It fucking boggles my mind and will never make sense to me how conservatives somehow view their ideas as radical for being more regressive than their parents. Poo poo brain racism is not radical, it's so unradical it's historical. Leftism is actually revolutionary thought.

The only way to combat the existential threat of fascism is by actively being antifascist, expressing solidarity in the beliefs that fight facism (empathy and compassion in general for other people, disavowing authoritarianism, expressing actual political ideas based in critical thought rather than flashy stylish reactionary talking points, not tolerating any sort of hatred or violence), and representing the more stylish/glamorous side of non-fascist ideologies. Fascism at it's core relies on emotion and stuff outside of rational logic so you have to meet them where they're at while also making sure to not tolerate anything that spreads that sick virus.

>> No.20599278

>The only way to combat the existential threat of fascism
Where are the fascists? I can see the far-left (>>20596378), I cannot see the far-right. Where are the fascists?

>> No.20599287

Probably by giving them books outside of the /pol/-approved canon.

>> No.20599331

>The only way to combat the existential threat of fascism is by actively being antifascist, expressing solidarity in the beliefs that fight facism (empathy and compassion in general for other people, disavowing authoritarianism, expressing actual political ideas based in critical thought rather than flashy stylish reactionary talking points, not tolerating any sort of hatred or violence), and representing the more stylish/glamorous side of non-fascist ideologies. Fascism at it's core relies on emotion and stuff outside of rational logic so you have to meet them where they're at while also making sure to not tolerate anything that spreads that sick virus.
Read Sorel you petit bourgeois whore.

>> No.20599363

it is funny how fascists identify themselves as being socially affable, orderly people but are in reality the fringes, dregs and gutterwash of society that cannot function in the real world and cannot voice their ideas without being ridiculed or ignored.

>> No.20599428

You can't. Young men in any generation must go through a revolution of the spirit, a revolt against the zietgiest that surrounded them. It does not matter what that zietgiest is, it is inevitable that healthy young men are driven to seek their own world that they will bear with violence and force, or with intellectual feats. The idea of things remaning the same and never changing, of a societies values being able to exist unchallenged is simply weakness and delusion. The movement of "right wing extremism" is just another expression of that drive to assert oneself over the culture that these people have. The leftist orthodoxy, being threatened by this shift, feels compelled to prolong its existence even in the face of its certain death. Trying to prevent this is like trying to stop the sun from shining or dogs from barking. It is a natural process that no amount of human egotism, comfort or ideology can control, this simple change of hands culturally speaking.

>> No.20599434

weird this is the first time ive sen this book anywhere but on the site that publishes it, i picekd it up randomly to support them

>> No.20599444

Oh yes, the ever beloved Sherlock Holmes that speaks to so many people including women and children, is a quintessential figurehead of the right-wing extremist community in particular.

>> No.20599461

you cannot stop organic counterculture movements, the most you can do is supress them. every orthodoxy goes through this stage wherein they win and then have to secure their place in the hierarchy or else be dethroned. that is the position that american leftists are in now, having such power and control over discourse, they must construct boogeymen and pretexts for their existence continously so as to not run out of fuel.

>> No.20599474

If you wanted to stop white nationalism in the USA, all you would have to do is severely curtail the number of BMWF couples in advertising and boost the number of WMWF couples. That's literally it.

>> No.20599520

>he has discovered necroresistance/revolutionary suicide
it is truly the only way brother

>> No.20599591

When did this website start producing such fucking boring bait?

>> No.20599598

when retards started falling for it

>> No.20599621

most pseud post I've read in a long time

>> No.20599633

You really got impressed by his basic bitch stance on polarization just because he used big words lmao. Stop falling for shit like this

>> No.20599637 [DELETED] 

>How do we combat saruman taking over the shire extremism within the now growing community of literature readers?

>> No.20599643

>le pendulum will swing back
Why do so many people mindlessly buy into this retarded notion that the world works this way? Anyone with even the smallest amount of historical knowledge can see this isn't true at all

>> No.20599645

Why do leftists all try to write/talk like niggers? They do it because they think it's funny, but niggers just actually talk that way naturally. It's like they're unconsciously making fun of niggers and they don't even realize it.

>> No.20599657

orthodoxy jews can think we are all destined to be their slaves at Judgment Day or to suck the blood in the little penis of their circumsized babies or have a high rate of child explotation and abuse, but at least they are based right?

>> No.20599875

>he says, with words
The thought expressed in your post nothing but a lateral step in the endless game of one-upmanship.

>> No.20600011

>right-wing extremism

>> No.20600030
