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/lit/ - Literature

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20589237 No.20589237 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ can you recommend me and good books on political rulership/leadership ?

>> No.20589263
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>> No.20589266

i die

>> No.20589300

Start with The Prince by Machiavelli. It's a short read but it is clear and to the point.
The Dictator's Handbook is a good one too and you can read this one or watch the CGP vid about how many keys rulers have.
House of Cards is a more fun read, written by a former English member of parliament.
You obviously have a bunch of memoirs and (auto) biographies by (former) leaders or parties. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a basic bitch answer to this, but it's pretty good. My brother read the U S Grant biography that you see here and there, and he said it was one of the best looks into politics. But then again my brother is more retarded than I am, so who's to say?

>> No.20589562

thank you anon,

>> No.20589643

lol read all this shit if you wanna be king of reddit or something

>> No.20589653

Zelensky's memoirs

>> No.20589684

ok then what should i read

>> No.20589692

Could read Plutarch's Lives.

>> No.20589970

This with Montesquieu’s The Romans and their Decline

>> No.20589982

Terrorism and Communism by Trotsky, one of Stalin's favourite books ironically kek

>> No.20590025

No book can tell you leaders do decision X and all will be well. You need to read about politics itself to understand how a ruler fits into it and obviously history

>Hobbes - Leviathan
>Schmitt - Concept of the political
>Ernst Kantorowicz - Frederick II
>Ernst Kantorowicz - The King's Two Bodies
>Weatherford - Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
>Pyotr Wrangel - Always with Honor
>- Hitler’s Second Book

If you want some think modern and am*rican then Groupthink - Irving and Thinking through the Cold War are up you alley

>> No.20590044

>king of reddit

Have you ever been on that site? Everyone there is a bleeding heart moralist shitlib, the complete opposite of anything Machiavellian.

>> No.20590058

The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew
i think it's good
have a real life cases of near modern society

>> No.20590062

Read Carl Schmitt's The Concept of the Political. You will never view politics the same way again.

>> No.20590076

I know but its Dictator's Handbook and Shirer's book that makes it reddit through and through. Handbook is literally pathetic trying to deconstruct and its a reddit nerds way of understanding politics. Shirer is a journalist for fucks sake

>> No.20590101

yeah those books definitely smell like reddit

>> No.20590141
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The four volumes of The Sources of Social Power