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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 600x763, atheism-reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2057747 [Reply] [Original]

if atheism is so good, how come every major literary work is based upon religious texts?

>> No.2057751

Go away, Quentin.

>> No.2057753


>> No.2057759

Atheism is only like that with rebellious kids who want to have something to argue against.

People grow out of it.

Also, religion does the same thing, only it is a part of their doctrine to constantly bug people about their beliefs and try to convert them.

>> No.2057762

I just realized something

the way Quintin argues against atheism and weed is the EXACT same way Ayn Rand argues against communism and charity.

Except instead of writing 700 pages, Quintin only has the attention span to draw a comic.

>> No.2057765

uncritical thinking and superstition are dangerous to a democracy, if the population are going to make informed and adult decisions they can't live their lives based on lies and children's stories

>> No.2057767


>> No.2057769

who the fuck bumps this shit

>> No.2057773


>> No.2057777

>uncritical thinking and superstition are dangerous to a democracy

This might actually be more stupid than the OP

>> No.2057779

Quentin is a fag but just shut the fuck up. Most theists are retarded but you don't even understand what religion is. You're just as retarded as theists imo. Such simpleminded ideas about life.

>> No.2057783

anyone wanna try answering my question?

>> No.2057791


how is it not?


and you're the most retarded, so fucking tolerant and open minded. mommy's little prince. read some more aquinas and choke on your own dick

>> No.2057792

Your question doesn't even make sense.

Define major literary work faggot.

>> No.2057806


But I'll give it a shot anyway.

Religious texts are the earliest stories we have, and people around the world have built their cultures around them, and almost everyone has been exposed to these religious texts at some point in their lives. In other words, everyone knows about Jesus, not everybody knows about Marlowe.

>> No.2057818


You fucker.

I have been trying to reply to everything on this fucking board to get this garbage off the front page. I suggest everyone here do the same, don't reply, and just try to enjoy other threads.


>> No.2057823


>> No.2057829

quetin is it ok for rastafarians to smoke weed since its their religion??

>> No.2057841


No, it doesn't. In fact, it gets worse. In the Atheist bible, aka The God Delusion, there's pretty much a call to action for Atheists to become involved in politics and to create groups. Atheism is just gonna be another church... just give it time.

>> No.2057859

Because every major literary work is based upon humans' flaws.

>> No.2058831

Hopefully the modern atheist will fade away. Like all hipster fads are doomed to.

>> No.2058834

Quentin is a moon-faced faggot.

>> No.2058837

yup. Look at how fast atheists/liberals resort to violence/wishing death when people disagree.

I glanced at this secular humanist wikipedia and one of their founding principles is not taking shit on faith..... um hello that's not how liberals are!
Conservatives and christians will talk about things, and you can change their minds.
Liberals live in their fancy worlds where they are 100% right about everything, and if you disagree you are a racist, bigot, ignorant, nazi, sexist, homofobe, etc.

>> No.2058846

I finally understand why /lit/'s taste is so bad now!
They completely fucking refuse to analyze and appreciate religious archetypes

>> No.2058848

Hey OP you're that faggot on /b/ who started shit with some atheist fags just now.

Y u do dis?

>> No.2058851

Link to thread.

>> No.2058853

>going on /b/
Y u do dis?

>> No.2058856

i closed the tab, sorry. But it was another of his cartoons he seems to like drawing. Comparing modern atheists to Hitler. It was cute

>> No.2058857

If you're using firefox you can ctrl+shift+t, otherwise just open your history dude.

>want thread bad
>/b/ is my home

>> No.2058862


found it

>> No.2058863


>> No.2058870
File: 21 KB, 333x400, 1303674111726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. So much less feeding going on in that thread than on an average /lit/ thread. God, I love /b/.

>> No.2058871

Because most major literary works are old, and people used to be more religious. It's an antiquated way of thinking, like how more people used to be rabidly homophobic.

>> No.2058872

no problem, pretty funny.

you see his little cartoon?

>> No.2058874

then stay there

>> No.2058880
File: 53 KB, 448x473, 1306616536970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same one is posted here a few pages back. And it's old. He makes them all the time.


>> No.2058883
File: 109 KB, 384x512, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2058896
File: 69 KB, 263x282, 1306616897667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
