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File: 80 KB, 696x814, junger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20588043 No.20588043 [Reply] [Original]

>The mechanical habit of killing produces the same ravages in the facial features that mechanical sexuality does.
What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.20588045

Source: A German Officer in Occupied Paris, p. 142

>> No.20588046

DAYUM this nigga need sum pussy ASAP

>> No.20588050

if you took a picture of someone's face while they were killing someone and then compared that to someone's face while they were fucking someone you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.20588213

>What the fuck did he mean by this?
Presumably the rush of adrenaline and tension in the act of fucking and the act of killing would be similar, and generate similar facial expressions.
Either that or he had a fetish for shooting frenchmen.

>> No.20588230

He’s talking about the form of the epoch taking shape in his figure of The Worker in which all social activity takes on a mechanical-industrial character.

Sex and War are both social manifestations, and as such both take on the character of the worker-type.

Read more than just Storm of Steel next time.

>> No.20588251

I'm sure that when I'm constipated and straining I make a face with the same ravages as wanton murder. But just because I'm about to drop a bomb doesn't mean I want to kill anyone

>> No.20588253

Politician's Syllogism
>My cat has four legs and a tail
>A dog has four legs and a tail
>therefore dogs are cats

>> No.20588429
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>> No.20588438

1000 Yard / 1000 Cock Stare.

>> No.20588576
File: 286 KB, 492x686, feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20588583


>> No.20588587

Lol wut.

>> No.20588588

It's called La Petit Mort for a reason.

>> No.20588592

>Kleos You Show
Wow, thanks anon.

>> No.20588625

dude...like, violence and sex are just a hair divorced from each other!

>> No.20589774

Yeah thats it

>> No.20589817

He thought industrial mechanized technological living produced unnatural physiological changes in people.

>> No.20589839

violence is hot

>> No.20589911

No clue if he actually said that but such a statement would probably be about how turning an exceptional and deeply emotional experience into a habit like brushing your teeth urinating numbs you to deeper feelings and desaturates the humanity in your expression

>> No.20590042

This you retards.

>> No.20590474
File: 441 KB, 426x521, revolvvlvs – crepuscular (ef)fusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Transversional creases = flaky emergence; perversional crookedness = tumbly divergence; everyone receives & undergoes the former, but the latter is reserved only for the beastly.

>> No.20590979

he's into it

>> No.20591002
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1656352871965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In war you penetrate men's bodies, in sex you penetrate women's bodies

>> No.20591704

Delete this

>> No.20593343


>> No.20594425

>What the fuck did he mean by this?
That the mechanical habit of killing produces the same ravages in the facial features that mechanical sexuality does.

>> No.20594485

maybe if you're in the navy

>> No.20594489

Almost everyone in this thread misunderstands the quotation (or pretends to).These anons
have pointed out what it actually means. The stress is on the word "mechanical." Junger isn't saying

"Killing (which is mechanical) produces the same ravages in the facial features that sexuality (which is also mechanical) does."

He's saying

"MECHANICAL (as opposed to natural, organic) killing produces the same ravages in the facial features that MECHANICAL (as opposed to natural, organic) sexuality does."

Many people pointed out that the First World War was fundamentally different from previous conflicts because it made killing industrialized and impersonal. It's like the difference between hens wandering around in a yard living moderately normal henny lives, and hens in a factory farm.

>> No.20594514

It's about nihilism in WWII as >>20588576
makes obvious

>During the descent following this, Häußler briefed us about an execution of partisans. Behind us I heard the interpreter laughing, so I studied him a bit more closely. I thought I could tell from his features—the parchment texture of his skin, the grim look in his eyes—that he was the type of person who longs for such bloodshed. The mechanical habit of killing produces the same ravages in the facial features that mechanical sexuality does.

>> No.20594525

Where is the middle term of your syllogism?

>> No.20594771

Yes. The only difference is that in one I deliver death, in the other; life.

>> No.20594774

He wanted to sound profound.

>> No.20594825

sir.. you have done the needful?

>> No.20594840

the face of a dude who regularly kills people without emotional response is the same as the face of a prostitute who gets creampied without emotion involved**

>> No.20595318

pseud moment

>> No.20595350

>>20588438 this. if anyone here still thinks memes are jokes I don't know what to tell you

>> No.20595455
File: 1.52 MB, 500x281, 1128B53A-8212-4403-A7CB-B668D9F2402F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I kill someone in war

>> No.20595479

Terrible thread. We need jungeranon.

>> No.20595572
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, 59E109E6-7E3B-40FB-9034-F0D7C3B0A8D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s literally saying some guys get like this over war/killing.

>> No.20596324

it's the difference between the singular hunting-killing and passionate sexual encounter versus profit-logic industrialized meat production and orgasm efficiency. the second bourgeois examples subordinate the immediate for an abstract eternal repetition. i will always have this meat forever, i will always have the orgasm forever, i must maintain the conditions for both versus i hunted and killed this animal now, i had sex with this woman now. neither of the latter aspire to or have a presumption of eternal repetition

>> No.20596354
File: 643 KB, 1200x758, LmpwZw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not in the act itself, he's saying that the wear on someone's face from killing mechanically (meaning without meaning/feeling/purpose) over time is also found in the faces of those who fuck mechanically (without meaning/feeling/purpose) over time.

I remember reading something a long time ago - I can't produce the source - that said PTSD is primarily found in soldiers who do not identify with the reasons for waging whatever war they're involved in. If you genuinely believe that you are doing what is right, or at least that which protects what you hold dear, you are less likely to develop PTSD.