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20587963 No.20587963 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I just found out the bible isn't true
Fuck, where do I go from here?

>> No.20587968
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Now you may start reading philosophy

>> No.20587973

Quit your job, you're doing it miserably. Try astroturfing.

>> No.20587996


>>mfw I just found out that 1+1 = 5
>Fuck, where do I go from here?

Right back where you came, because the bible is true.

>> No.20588001
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>Therefore milk has no bones

>> No.20588003

>because the bible is true
OP here again. Fuck, i'm so relieved. I was worried there for a second. I watched this Ricky Gervais clip on YT and it rattled me.

>> No.20588017

How did you find out the Bible is not true?

>> No.20588019
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>> No.20588021


IDK Man, Ricky just had me shook. But you returned my faith to me.

>> No.20588022

now you can have fun and become smart, congratulations

>> No.20588024

how is the Bible not true? do you understand the Esoterica of it?

>> No.20588026
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>the Esoterica of it

>> No.20588029
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Just because you're a smarty, anon

>> No.20588031

How enlightened you are, sirs! Updoot for my fellow skeptics!

>> No.20588033

*posts quote from high iq atheist*

too easy senpai

>> No.20588192

i do not mean the crude definition of that word. just not the idiotic derision that atheists use, or how the avg person reads the bible

>> No.20588497

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.20588538

why the FUCK are you so FUCKING MAD??????


>> No.20588773

Back to relearning the Bible is actually true and and that modernity is a lie. If you look for yourself critically, everything that seems to refute the bible is either refuting a bastardized version, a strawman or just being ignorant to the truth. The problem wasn't thinking the bible is infallible, it's thinking the wrong bible is infallible. Those 350+ contradiction claims are just youtube skeptics being purposely ignorant of context and meaning. Anything modern science has to say against it is shaky enough when you look closely. Science really has become a religion.

>> No.20588776

>Verification not required

>> No.20588786
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good news friend, in turns out you are wrong!

>> No.20588793

You travel to North Pole to prove at least Santa Claus is real.

>> No.20588797

>you can't prove that this guy didn't walk on water
wow great argument fella

>> No.20588830
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>noooooo you might believe that God is a sky daddy so we can easily refute your religion

>> No.20588971

You can't tho lad

>> No.20589014

>Anything modern science has to say against it is shaky enough when you look closely.
This. That's how I found God again too.