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20583979 No.20583979 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most consequential books ever written in terms of impact they have or could have in the future?
For me, it would have to be TLATS. Not only does it imbue Hitlerism/National Socialism with a religious potency of "universal and eternal scope," but it also demonstrates the soundness of a superior scale of values; beauty, health, strength, purity and honour etc..
It also predicts the rebirth of the Hitler cult on a worldwide scale. This is a book which must be studied and will be studied more and more.

>> No.20584002

hitler is old news man. nothing will ever change now. globalhomeostasis has been achieved. no ideologies will ever rise again.

>> No.20584017

>globalhomeostasis has been achieved
It's foundation is a world economy based on false fiat money. It is all coming down, in our lifetimes.

>> No.20584039

the map has exceeded the territory. Nothing is real so nothing can collapse. we live outside reality now. Nothing to worry about. Except Volcanos, they are what's going to end us. A tsunami of lava. An inferno that will cleanse the surface of the Earth. Clouds of 800 degree ash blocking the sun. We will return to the primordial melange and become One.

>> No.20584055


>> No.20585176

read dugin

>> No.20585199

>capitalism will colapse any day now guys

>> No.20585218

it's basically already collapsed, the thing is intubated from head to toe and subjected to centralized control by a bunch of sickly jewish midwits

>> No.20585252
File: 243 KB, 680x709, C52E0E1F-D164-4282-B691-93D5039689B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>capitalism will colapse any day now guys

>> No.20585296

The genghis khan comparison makes sense but I still can't make heads or tails of her comparison of hitler with the sagely ahkenaten type it sounds ridiculous

>> No.20585328

>magic but with nazi imagery so it's cool
Why do you do this?

>> No.20585527

>Why do you do this?
What magic?

>> No.20585541

>her comparison of hitler with the sagely ahkenaten type it sounds ridiculous
Hitler understood the unity of life as did Akhenaten. They were two intensely intelligent men who desired a return to the Edenic Golden Age

>> No.20585568

>Hitler understood the unity of life

>> No.20585600

If you don't think Hitler was sagely you haven't paid attention

>> No.20585623

Hitler was a mentally ill virgin with one ball and a meth/crack addiction

>> No.20585626

don't forget the crossdressing and the masturbation machines

>> No.20585679
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It's all so tiresome.......

>> No.20585692

If Nazi was still alive today I would put a firework in his ass and set it on fire

>> No.20585696

Hitler was a midwit politician just like all midwit politician

>> No.20585700
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Kikes will eventually be hung by their locks.Patience my brother.
In the meantime continue to improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health becoming the best version of yourself.

>> No.20585712
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>I would put a firework in his ass and set it on fire
He was the exact opposite of what you have been taught he is. Cast off the brainwashing. His teachings are the future of mankind

>> No.20585729
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>Patience my brother.
I'm very good at patience, but I'm struggling to hold down my hatred for this bastardised world. The time is coming, so we will see what results from it

>> No.20585748
File: 181 KB, 860x1104, D2408849-9DF2-46FB-9B77-7FEA32E01E79_1_102_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler was a midwit politician

>> No.20585752

I'm looking into this book and I've got a few questions. Now, I'm indifferent towards Hitler, I tend to have a negative opinion towards him because I'm a slav, however I don't understand how could Hitler be an avatar of Vishnu if he literally lost. Vishnu does not lose. Vishnu has never lost. Whenever he's incarnated, he's won.

>> No.20585793

>a negative opinion towards him because I'm a slav
He regarded Slavs as East Baltic Aryans.
>I don't understand how could Hitler be an avatar of Vishnu if he literally lost. Vishnu does not lose.
He was the 'one-before-the-last,' 'Kalki' will finish what Hitler started, by conquering the world and remaking it according to his doctrine.
It makes sense that a single man would reverse the destruction of mankind,, because Devi believed that man to be the messiah which every religion is expecting.
Does that make sense?

>> No.20585943

>He regarded Slavs as East Baltic Aryans.
Got some evidence for this? I've read Himmlers documents where he was demanding that once Germany conquers Europe, that all slavs be replaced by Germans within 20 years

>> No.20585998


>> No.20586082

And he was a quarter kike too. Never forget.

>> No.20586083
File: 34 KB, 523x331, Serbien_muss_sterbien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical bait thread about a typical meme book.
Hitler was a populist with megalomania. He blamed le joos for the economic fallout of the 20s, helped develop modern propaganda practices and used them to bullshit his chosen people until his defeat, then offed himself. He fed himself and his soldiers meth. He had his SA thugs murdered once they were no longer useful, like some third world politician. He also poisoned his kids before taking the bullet himself.
How could anyone see this barbarian tweaker as indo-aryan jesus is beyond me.
>He regarded Slavs as East Baltic Aryans.
slavs were considered untermensch pigs, see pic related

>> No.20586200

>slavs were considered untermensch pigs, see pic related

How can you not differentiate propaganda during the time of war from genuine politics and racial beliefs of the party?

Hitler was recorded multiple times in saying that the reason he is backing Croats instead of the serbs is because serbs political and territorial aspirations go against the german interests as in they are so large that they may cause eventual conflict down a few years time

As for the rest of this retard post, I have nothing to say really cause its just a bunch of moral faggotry and irrelevant unproductive insulting to the level of twitter, go back to tiktok you jew loving faggot

>> No.20586424
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Don't mind him, he's a retard.

>> No.20587158

hitler is old news, man.

>> No.20587200

limp wristed chinlets detected. how much do you lift, fags?

>> No.20587594

Perversion of Notmality by Kerry Bolton is one of the most explosive books I’ve read in a while. The scholarship is top notch as well.

>> No.20587976
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Not long now, friend.

>> No.20587997

Problem with that is the "fascists" really are the big mangy wolf but he's outnumbered by thousands of whelps. He's fated to lose.

>> No.20588036

>Meme book written by some no name schizo over a decade after the regime she is sucking the dick off was trampled into dust
Esoteric hitlerists really are some next level shit.
At least tankies try to argue for more coherent historical mechanisms of societal change, despite their end conclusions being a total shitshow, while more run of the mill fashboys appeal for theirs ethnonationalist regimes with somewhat sympathetic arguments that avoids getting in the nastier aspects that generally pop up in their societies(ie rampant militarization, total submission towards a visionary, revolutionary leader, etc).

>> No.20588060

Coprophilia, too.
Come to think of it, according the narrative, Hitler should be commemorated at every Pride parade.
Especially since pride in one's racial, cultural, and historical achievements is now taboo, and has been replaced with pride in whichever sexually deviant behaviors define you as a a person.
A huge bust of Hitler's visage should lead every Pride parade from now until eternity, if we are to believe the cultural engineers of this century.

>> No.20588217

You both type like a shitskin ESL, btw

Hitler is everything that the CIA and KGB decided, ofc. You are braindead

He's an avatar of Odin. Odin loses in Ragnarok

>He fed himself and his soldiers meth.
what is it with this continuous, tired, boomeristic truth that gets spouted by the Bible of neocon propaganda? It's so tiresome and dimwitted, I cannot help but look at retards like you who spout it continuously as someone who furiously clicks MSN news articles about their pension
>He also poisoned his kids before taking the bullet himself
You can't even tell the difference between Hitler and Goebbels, are you 60?
>barbarian tweaker
Ok thanks, your insane diatribe convinced me, it was Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin who were the good men of the war, obviously. The cripple, the alcoholic and the paranoid psychopath.

>people who like Hitler don't lift
How out of touch are you?

>> No.20588353

I don't think you're very familiar with Hinduism, Vishnu has sacrificed himself in many incarnations. In one he was a deer who allowed himself to be killed by a hunter.

>> No.20588384

>Angry incel loses every argument

>> No.20588400
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What are they going to do? Ratio them on twitter?

>> No.20588412

You have made no argument for me to lose

>> No.20589667

Suicide Note. ~p800 and it's already obvious