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20574805 No.20574805 [Reply] [Original]

I think I might actually be in love with Booker Award winning novelist and poet Marieke Lucas Rijneveld. At first I was posting pics of him just for meme value but I increasingly suspect my feelings might be genuine.

>> No.20574810

You just care about her boy band image. You don't know how to read. Her books are middlebrow shit.

>> No.20574813


>> No.20574818


>> No.20574820

Men can't be whores

>> No.20574823


>> No.20575054

I had mixed feelings about "The Discomfort of Evening." Probably won't be reading his second book until it comes out in English in 2024.

>> No.20575085

If she is a he why the feminine haircut? Is the ambiguity (he or she) intentional?

>> No.20575102

I think so, what with the dual masculine and feminine first names. Anyway, I think of him as male.

>> No.20575205 [SPOILER] 

So all the time it was just one obsessed guy posting about her. And I almost bought his book.

>> No.20575209

Hmmmm. I think i should read Booker Award winning novelist and poet Marieke Lucas Rijneveld.

>> No.20575221

No, there's at least one other guy.

>> No.20575227

haha good for you

>> No.20575499

I really don't like writers who are still alive

>> No.20575551

It’s a crime against the Dutch language that Nescio, Nooteboom, Reve and Brouwers are still not appreciated in the Anglophone world while this uninspired dreck receives accolade after accolade. Yet cretins here joke that the Dutch don’t have literature.

>> No.20575552
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Any french anon who has read the translation of his second novel?

>> No.20575583

I love his blue blue eyes and the little bit of peach fuzz on his upper lip.

>> No.20575584

>omg look at me i'm so androgynous haha i'm totally non binary i'm such an adorable non binary naif looking moppet look at me look at me i'm totally like david bowie look at how i stare off camera at an angle like an alien i'm thinking such deep thoughts but you won't know about them because i'll just glance at you out of the corner of my eye and have a vacant expression but believe me they're really deep look at me oh today i'm using different pronouns and did i mention i'm non binary i bet that totally blows your mind
this person is 31 years old

>> No.20575608

Seeething. You either want to be with me or be me

>> No.20575618

At first I was sceptical because the whole non binary thing is hip nowadays, but I really enjoyed this semi-autobiographical book. It was genuinely funny and has an unexpected raw, graphic edge to it.

>> No.20575941

>this person is 31 years old
I know. He's really beautiful.

>> No.20576225
File: 222 KB, 713x999, Screenshot_20220528-203226_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope for a movie adaptation of My Heavenly Favorite?

>> No.20576317

There will be shitty Dutch adaptations for sure that will be sent in to the Academy as the Dutch submission for the foreign language Oscar but won’t be nominated. You read it here first.

>> No.20576756

I agree. MLR is probably the only person in the world I would agree to call "they."

>> No.20576832

Does her body produce male sex hormones? Or does she merely purchase them from a pharmacist? Does this individual have male gonads and produce male gametes?
No, yes, no, no.
Cope and dilate tranny.

>> No.20576916

He doesn't take hormones; he's all natural. Cope and dilate yourself.

>> No.20577246
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Got your tickets to the gun show?

>> No.20577575

Nice and sexy back

>> No.20578527
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>> No.20578711

clearly you don't really love him, since he goes by "it"

>> No.20578732
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 358F4FF7-5C43-4FCF-912A-FFFC0E686622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a T-shirt

>> No.20579723
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>> No.20580129

thx Anon for informing me the french translation is out. Also if you care I wholeheartedly advice in learning french. Its really fun

>> No.20580324

I'd figure the French to be more conducive to the long sentences.

>> No.20580424

That’s a woman

>> No.20580996
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Sounds like you're struggling with some confused feelings.

>> No.20581011

Looks absolutely like a woman to me, no ambiguity

>> No.20581023

Is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.20581036

No, I just want you to know you're in a judgment-free zone.

>> No.20581045

Her judgment to call herself male is free of any facts. So you’ve misspoken. Marieke will always be perfectly XX chromosomal

>> No.20581136

Nah, I don't think so. Anyway, be sure to pick up "The Discomfort of Evening" so you're ready for "My Heavenly Favorite" when it finally comes out in English.

>> No.20582272

the book was all right but could've skipped the child being filled with bull semen :D

>> No.20582303

That was the hottest part. That and her shoving soap through her anus

>> No.20582379

>Rijneveld identifies as both male and female, and adopted the second first name Lucas at the age of nineteen, having been bullied during secondary education because of his "boyishness".[9] At the start of January 2022, Rijneveld announced that he uses he/him personal pronouns in English,[10] having previously used they/them pronouns,[11] and zij/haar (she/her) in Dutch.[12]

>> No.20582494

in what language did you read the book. Is the french translation out yet? cant seem to find it

>> No.20582508

What exactly does that mean?

>> No.20582510

That's referring to "The Discomfort of Evening." The French translation of "My Heavenly Favorite" is out and available on Amazon.fr.

>> No.20582512

Mari-ACKfag, we get it

>> No.20582513

The main character inseminates one of her school friends using a gun typically applied to cows.

>> No.20582531

I liked the part where her brother asks for a password and she does the Nai salute

>> No.20582789
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>> No.20582804

She's a woman then.

>> No.20582808
File: 9 KB, 236x236, 82CE2995-8178-4C2C-8694-143692744DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man is unsatisfied with life until he realizes he is trans
>women is unhappy until she cheats with her bf with an explicitly black immigrant who shows her the wild side of life and sex
>mom finds liberty by leaving her husband

Rijneveld MUST be Jewish

>> No.20582815

>masculine first names

>> No.20582832

No worse, dutch.

>> No.20582843

Pretty good, especially the first stanza although
>the other side, the sunny destination
is ambiguous given what it ended up meaning in Discomfort. Just thought it was funny

>> No.20583356

What are you even talking about

>> No.20584117

is there any translation of his poetry?

>> No.20584502

Only online: >>20582789

>> No.20584504 [DELETED] 


>> No.20585400

Thanks for the reply. Didn't find it in amazon but in fnac. The translation as it seems will be shipped out in august 25th

>> No.20586028
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>no English translation until February 2024

Why tho

>> No.20587098

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.20587507

None of your business, jerk

>> No.20587819
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I fucking know, what a bunch of bullshit. i'm going to find the publishers and inject them with bull semen like in the book.

Try to contain your horniness.

>> No.20588263

Dilate her fakedick, punk.

>> No.20588301

She's a cutie cute cute!

>> No.20589248 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 1080x1350, 84AD33B2-270E-49DE-AF37-48B73E0FF345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.