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20576099 No.20576099 [Reply] [Original]

>While Don Ivo Cisar defended Cristina Campo's absolute orthodoxy, for Gianni Rocca the writer was a Gnostic Guénonian and a "pornopoetess". Rocca's thesis, published in Studi cattolici in June 2002 (Cristina Campo e la Tradizione primordiale) was that the writer was part of the Gnostic and anti-Christian agenda of the "Adelphi of Dissolution" (Calasso's publishing house) and that her initiative against the postconciliar liturgical reform (including the Brief Critical Examination of the Novus Ordo Missæ she requested from Father Guérard des Lauriers OP) was all a maneuver by these diabolical initiates against the Katechon that holds back the antichrist, namely the Papacy of Paul VI and successors.
>On the face of it, Rocca's was a clever (counter)attack by the "conservative" modernists (read: Opus Dei) against the Catholic "traditionalists," by which they were giving them tit for tat, overturning the accusations and 'proving' that the founding text of the rejection of the new missal, the Brief Critical Examination, had been commissioned by none other than the esoteric Guénonian circle of the Adelphi of dissolution. And in a sense, the low blow to "Catholic Traditionalism" came from those very circles, since Gianni Rocca (= Gianni Collu) attended Montini's Mass every day, and the arguments were the same as in the book Gli Adelphi della dissoluzione, and when its author, Maurizio Blondet, criticized René Guénon, he sounded like the pot calling the kettle black (as in fact has been amply demonstrated: the anti-Guénonian Blondet is actually an authentic Guénonian). The Guénonian Rivista di Studi Tradizionali revealed, much to Blondet's embarrassment, that among the patrons of the "Adelphi of dissolution" operation was the publishing house Arché, which makes no secret of its orientation. And while Collu (Rocca) was a man who preferred to leave no trace, to act in the shadows, in Edizioni Arché at least he left a trace: his preface - under the pseudonym of Gianni Rocca, yes, the anti-Guénonian 'Catholic' of Edizioni Ares (Opus Dei)! - to a book by Ivan Aguéli (aka 'Habdul-Hâdî), Ecrits pour la "Gnose." Who is Aguéli? The one who initiated René Guénon into Sufism!
>Truly a multifaceted character, Gianni Collu, this "great heresiarch," had begun his intellectual career in the ranks of Bordighian Marxism as a collaborator of Jacques Camatte and Giorgio Cesarano. The website of Archè narrates that after its founding in 1967, the publishing house was welcomed by Mircea Eliade, Henry Corbin, Julius Evola and... by the Florentine magazine Conoscenza religiosa. Yes, by the very magazine edited by Elémire Zolla, to which Cristina Campo contributed, both vituperated by Gianni Rocca = Gianni Collu. Understand who can...

Wow, the Traditionalist-leftcom pipeline runs deep!

>> No.20576148

>Adelphi of Dissolution
didn't expect to see this obscure italian publishing meme on /lit/

>> No.20576369

Blondetbros we got too cocky...

>> No.20577355

So it‘s well known?