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/lit/ - Literature

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20575847 No.20575847 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys recommend me your favorite books by Jewish writers? Thanks :D

>> No.20575855

How to grab a penny by Schlomo Shekelbaum.

>> No.20575864

International Finance - Israel Goldstein

>> No.20575872

that's mean :(

>> No.20575880

All feminist shit.

>> No.20575886

How to subvert and destroy a nation - Dr Schlomo Shekelberg Shekelstein

>> No.20575889

Tales from the Ashes

>> No.20575898
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gang weed the movie is a kabalistic allegory disguised as batman fanfiction so there's that

>> No.20575923

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.20575928

wrong last name, its Shekelgoldsteinberg

>> No.20575944

The Talmud is more comically Jewish than any caricature we can come up with.

>> No.20576020

Anudda Shower: Behind the Wooden Doors by Shmuel Coinshaver

>> No.20576053

Joke answer: Anne Frank's Diarrhoea

Serious answer: Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno

>> No.20576079

Holocauster Tycoon - Moshe Shekelgrabber

>> No.20576085

תתאבד יהומו

>> No.20576089

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.20576104 [DELETED] 

The Jews of Moslem Spain is very kino. Reading it made me wish I was a medieval Jewish merchant or scholar before we knew so much about the world as we do today. Even the most prominent man of the times, Hasdai ibn Shaprut had to rely on very dubious reports for knowledge about foreign countries. Just very soulful in general and you learn a lot.

>> No.20576200

Honest answer, I'd recommend dying inside by Robert Silverberg if you don't mind literary genre fiction.

>> No.20576262

I am thinking of checking out Saul bellow. Does anyone here like him?

>> No.20576637


>> No.20576872

how come?

>> No.20576977

Try Passovers of Blood by Ariel Toaff

>> No.20576990

Mein Kampf
Be faithful unto death

>> No.20578320

Maimonides and one later write from the 17th century who brought him up again, then Benjamin and adjacent.
Unironically very interesting views on belief and society. Also comfy read. I read em because of history of phil and literature.

>> No.20578372

He's a beautiful writer

>> No.20578381

Uh okay probably not, Jewish and all, but how's his writing?

>> No.20578392

Jews tend to be amazing writers. High verbal IQ.

>> No.20578403

That's not what I asked.

>> No.20578447

He's both clear and 'aesthetically pleasing'
Moreso (I feel) than any of his American contemporaries.

>> No.20578450

>I feel
Disregarded. Next contestant please.

>> No.20578471

In American English 'I feel' in certain contexts is idiomatic for 'in my opinion'
Good luck with that second opinion, boss

>> No.20578473

The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov is pretty good.

>> No.20578480

is it even correct to count adorno as a jew? his father became a protestant and his mother was a catholic corsican. this is almost on the level of claiming st teresa of avila or spengler as being jews.

>> No.20578481

Jew here. Honest question: why would I want to read things written by Jews in particular? Who gives a fuck? I like anonymous imageboards because you waste little time thinking about authorship. I'm a leftist Jew and lots of neo-Nazis have probably read things I've written and wholeheartedly agreed with them and vice versa. That's how the world should be.

>> No.20578487

Jews are the greatest race to ever graced the earth.

>> No.20578488

I'm also trans btw.

>> No.20578491

The Bible

>> No.20578492
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man, I thought you were cool

>> No.20578493

>I'm a leftist Jew
The worst kind of Jew. You should commit suicide.
t. right wing Jew.

>> No.20578503

In American English 'I feel' in any context is a signal that you have a fucking pussy or you wish you did.

>> No.20578505

i feel like you’re a faggot

>> No.20578508

Same with 'I think'. Just say state your opinion you fucking coward.

>> No.20578546

Hm. Well, in my opinion, a f*cking pussy's better than a little one, which is what /YOU/ are

>> No.20578551
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>> No.20578608

>>I'm a leftist Jew
>The worst kind of Jew. You should commit suicide.
>t. right wing Jew.
Right-wingers, Jewish or otherwise, are insufferable. Right-wing Jews disgust me in particular, but that's probably just due to my inevitable bias. The fundamental issue is that right-wing psychology is an evolutionary vestige which can't get purged soon enough. It was advantageous and selected for thousands of years ago but is currently humanity's greatest detriment and extinction risk.

>> No.20578618

>man, I thought you were cool
You're probably joking but suffice to say I did not make that second post (though I do find that meme funny since it never fails to be effective)

>> No.20578641

>Same with 'I think'. Just say state your opinion you fucking coward.
"I feel" implies a lower-confidence thought or stance which one nonetheless still thinks is worth offering. You're autistic beyond belief if you're going to nitpick that. You're cucking yourself if you're overinflating your confidence to try to impress, or hiding something because you don't want to use a certain word.

>> No.20578643

Speaking as a Jew, Europe NEEDS African migrants to thrive!

>> No.20578645


>> No.20578647

You're retarded.
I think you're retarded.
I feel you're retarded.

What one is more ALPHA MALE? What one will WOMXN respect?

>> No.20578678

t-the first one daddy

>> No.20578682

Yes I Can by Samy Davis Jr. is the quintessential Jewish read

>> No.20578689 [DELETED] 

Roth and Cervantes

>> No.20578726

>claims his opponents viewpoints are a "cultural vestige"
>own views are entirely based on signaling conformity with whatever the latest moral grandstanding fads daddy WFE has declared as current thing

Holding yourself out as a "leftist" or "rightest" is ultimately indicative of the same inability to critical think, but these assumed categories are necessarily relative and I can at least respect someone who swims against the (absolutely batshit insane 2022) cultural current. But congrats on your social credit score, keep it up and I'm sure you vill secure zhe premium bugs in no time.

>> No.20578728

Not a Jew but nice try.

>> No.20579009

Best one you people every wrote was a little number called You Gentiles by a fellow names Maurice Samuels. Gives away the whole game. Good stuff.

>> No.20579014

I hope you enjoyed it, goy.
It changes nothing.

>> No.20579042 [DELETED] 

His family converted to Catholicism

>> No.20579578

Mein Kampf, by Adolf Schicklgruber.

>> No.20579591

Yes. Unironically, todays social dynamics are dictated by class. The Capitalists, are pushing to exploit the proletariat to the bone. To dominate the proletariat. Control it. That domination and exploitation of the jewish proletariat as well. Do i have to, again and again, remind you that there was quanrantines in israel as well, as well as a deadly vaccine in israel, as well as dangerous 5G in israel? This literally proves that the jewish proletariat is targeted.

>> No.20579753

Mein Shoah by Adolf Schicklgruber

>> No.20579777

>Anglos are the greatest race to ever graced the earth.

>> No.20579800

Amos Oz:
A tale of love and darkness

>> No.20579846

There is literally no reason to believe the things you say. You know I try to like you Jews I really do

>> No.20579988

"Jews have God’s promise and if we Christians have it, too, then it is only as those chosen with them, as guests in their house, that we are new wood grafted onto their tree." - Karl Barth

>> No.20580018

>The fundamental issue is that right-wing psychology is an evolutionary vestige which can't get purged soon enough

good thing evolution isn't true then because your dumbass bloodline would have gone extinct

>> No.20580023

Mitchell Heisman's 'Suicide Note'

>> No.20580029

>The Capitalists

america is literally run by a communist central bank printing fiat currency and spending it on interracial porn commercials, klaus has a bust of fucking lenin in his room. "capitalists" lmao

>> No.20580035

Jews don't exist.

>> No.20580039

Anglos are just pets for the Jews.

>> No.20580193

Salvation Is from the Jews by Roy H. Schoeman.

>> No.20580252

"On Sacrifice" by Moshe Halbertal is a good one

>> No.20581000

>Jews have God’s promise
Nonono, that's Israel.

>> No.20581060

Your modern world that you hate as a Christian or a right winger at least is created primarily by those Anglos.

>> No.20581080

Protocols say that poor Jews will be sacrificed for the good of rich Jews

>> No.20581121

even tho i'm a jew i've only read the trial by kafka so ig the trial by kafka

>> No.20581200

why has half of this board's catalogue turned into lazy /pol/bait recently? Anything by Stanislaw Lem

>> No.20581768
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The zeitgeist is changing. We have a yearning for law and order, a return to a more traditional society. The weak men have created the hard times, now it is time for hard times to create strong men. Embrace it, or flee.

>Book rec, A Culture of Critique

>> No.20582155

All Things Are Possible by Lev Shestov

>> No.20582164

Based and palpable.

>> No.20582173

times are hard for you in the sense that your favorite escapist media now have women and niggers in them, and all you will do about it is post memes about how much that upsets you

>> No.20582190

Mein Kampf

>> No.20582200

Privelege, the post.

>> No.20582209

no, the problem is that there is no escapist media because you can't even play goddamned call of duty without seeing a company's stance on abortion rights

>> No.20582254
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Times are great for me, i homestead and want for little more than rain. There is nothing in mass media worth keeping, never has been.

>> No.20582256

Your /pol/posting doesn't belong on /lit/, retard. 'Returning to tradition', for us, would mean newfags having some respect for board culture, keeping discussions on-topic and not flooding the catalogue with bait. You're stylizing yourself as 'yearning for law and order', but you're really part of the vermin infestation that's plaguing this site.

>> No.20582281

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20582283
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Ethica, ordine geometrico demonstrata

>> No.20582291

always the same tired platitudes with you political parasites. you disgust me like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.20582295

It's just a fact bro.

>> No.20582315

Harlan Ellison's 'Deathbird Stories'.

>> No.20582316

you didn't respond to my point because you don't have anything to say. so you fall back on implying that the person you're talking to must be some kind of degenerate freak of nature. if you were even deeper into your brainrot you would be attaching seething soijacs to your posts to accomplish the same thing.
you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.20582320
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>'Returning to tradition', for us, would mean newfags having some respect for board culture
No, it would mean military service for men, talking about stuff in person. For trans people, who knows what that would mean?

>You're stylizing yourself as 'yearning for law and order'
I grow vegetables in my backyard, I'm not stylizing myself as anything. I dislike immensely what I see in society and would make concessions in civil liberties to see it changed in my favor. I admit, it is a difficult thing to admit to but once you do, life becomes far more enjoyable.

>> No.20582339

You don't have a point. You do have a penis though "ma'am".

>> No.20582385

Isaac Bashevis Singer is really beatiful and one of my favorite writers.

>> No.20583619

The Book of Psalms

>> No.20583641

Catch 22, definitely. Great book, but it's really only great nearer to the end

>> No.20583645


>> No.20583652

Why the fuck is the Gita up there with those nazi books lmfao

>> No.20583725
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Read them, truly banned books with ideas and thoughts considered too dangerous for anybody to read.

>> No.20583982

Himmler was really into that shit, since it provides a one-size-fits-all justification for just about any warcrime imaginable.

>> No.20584842
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So does any ideology. Do you want fakd meat and comic book movies or blood and soil?

>> No.20584900
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Unironically Goosebumps. I wish I could buy all the books in their old covers.

>> No.20584912
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Ernst Cassirer
Marcel Schwob

>> No.20585174

Eliot R Wolfson

>> No.20585229

The Bible in its entirety, of course. Peak Jewish literature.