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20575144 No.20575144 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so is Pynchon really THE greatest? I personally can't feel justified saying so, what I've read of his was amazing but I haven't read enough of him or enough literature in general to say with confidence.

I feel like the majority of these 'critics' who claim he's the greatest are english monoglots who feel satisfied knowing the greatest author of all time wrote in their language, thus reinforcing the English world hegemony. Are there many critics/authors of other languages who view Pynchon as the greatest?

>> No.20575277

I love Pinecone, but he’s not even the best novelist in the English language. Anybody claiming he’s the absolute best is either an imbecile or trying to fool you.
He definitely would not agree

>> No.20575282
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Who is then?

>> No.20575526


>> No.20575536

greatest what?
all time writer? lol no
american writer? no
pomo writer? no

>> No.20575539

>all time writer? lol no
>american writer? no
>pomo writer? no
You have the wrong answers to all of these wew

>> No.20575723

He’s definitely among the greatest. Most writers are extremely lucky if they can manage to write a single mediocre novel, even less manage to write something great, and even less so manage to write a masterpiece-tier novel; Pynchon has three of those.

>> No.20575843

I’m in academia in a european country and he barely registers, although I personally love him, probably the most of any American writers.

For europe (in academia) the most well-regarded novelists (not counting poets and pure playwrights) who wrote in english would have to be Joyce and Beckett (easily 1 and 2 and far beyond the others) then maybe the likes of Nabokov or Melville. After that it’s hard to say, if I were to guess maybe Conrad and Faulkner but could easily be wrong about that.

>> No.20575852

No, I'm right, you're just delusional.

>> No.20575861

>Pynchon has three of those.
He's written two memorable books.

>> No.20575866

What does Europe think of Henry James?

>> No.20575878

A formidable mediocrity.

>> No.20575906

I think you could argue he's the greatest American novelist. He has five masterpieces under his belt:
1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. Mason & Dixon
3. Against the Day
4. The Crying of Lot 49
5. V.

Even Faulker, his closest competitor, has four: sound and the fury, absalom absalom, light in august, and as I lay dying.

Cormac McCarthy might reach his level if The Passenger is as good as Blood Meridian

>> No.20576034 [DELETED] 

If those are masterpieces, the bar is very low

>> No.20576286

He's masterful for sure, maybe the greatest currently living, writing in English. Not all time imo or even just in English. He lacks required themes to be great but it seems like he just didn't want to write those in.

>> No.20576336

Which 3? GR, M&D & ???

>> No.20576340
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>I’m in academia
>in a european country
stopped reading there

>> No.20576570

>required themes to be great

>> No.20576578


>> No.20576604

zoomer things like the internet and soundcloud rap

>> No.20576919

Gravity’s Rainbow
Mason and Dixon
Against the Day

>> No.20576925


it's >>20574661

>> No.20577069

>zoomer things like the internet
yo this bleeding edge shit goes off no cap frfr

>> No.20577078

>The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.20577120

He is a master prose stylist and his ability to find connections between material and science and history is unmatched. These two qualities also make him unfocused, and there are certainly many authors with tighter narratives. His characters are unfairly criticized, but when compared with the greatest in literature they fall flat. His narratives are thematically dense and interconnected but the plot is often episodic and not dramatically compelling. Basically, he is a postmodern maximalist and if that is your favorite genre he is the GOAT, otherwise he is not.

>> No.20577811

>compared with the greatest in literature they fall flat
like which characters?

>> No.20577997

Stephen Dedalus, Quentin Compson, Captain Ahab

>> No.20578018


>> No.20578054

dedalus, no, bloom, yes
quentin, fuck no lol bro no
ahab, sure

>> No.20578227
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>> No.20578787

joyce I'd say

>> No.20579843
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How does joyce's works surpass pynchon's?

>> No.20579891

It's trickier

>> No.20580282
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Trickier how? Unless you only mean Finnegans Wake...?

>> No.20581341

not even close buddy

>> No.20581670


>> No.20582024
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>> No.20583322


>> No.20585047
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