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20573369 No.20573369 [Reply] [Original]

Prove in one sentence that you were not filtered by this.

>> No.20573372
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>> No.20573385

I was, dropped it around when slothrup got a new identity and met the niggerkommando on top of a train. Not a fan at all.

>> No.20573386

Dangerously based

>> No.20573388

I was, I gave it up halfway through at the shit easting scene, same with Vineland and Mason and Dixon. I'm not a Pynchon guy. A screaming comes across the sky is still a very awesome opening line however.

I read this book on the bus in 9th grade, it was winter and I could see the orange sun rising in the morning when I read it. Felt very magical.

>> No.20573408

>9th grade
that's ridiculous

>> No.20573419


>> No.20573423

I didn't read it

>> No.20573457
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lotta themes wouldn't expect a 9th grader to know about (usually) (hopefully...)

>> No.20573463


>> No.20573471

People in here will act as if GR is trash because people on reddit like it, when only a couple of years ago they praised it constantly. Same with DFW, Dosto, Gene Wolfe, Easton Ellis etc. The same will happen to Guenon once the uncool kids start to dig him.

>> No.20573472

I was jerking off in 3rd grade, son. I remember my first nut

>> No.20573476

Kek, based and prophesypilled

>> No.20573495

Too young obviously you fucking dense faggot. You wouldn't understand anything in the book.

>> No.20573507

I started it then put it down because the prose was atrocious and I immediately understood the target audience and that I was not it.

>> No.20573508

>once the uncool kids start to dig him.

>> No.20573509

I read Portrait of an Artist, McCarthy, Hesse etc in 7th grade, not everyone has low verbal IQ like you

>> No.20573512

What's some good prose?

>> No.20573520 [DELETED] 

i read it back when u could still get memed into reading good books on /lit/ instead of dumb shit. i owe reading gr and iliad to /lit/, nothing else though, everything that gets memed these days is shit.

>> No.20573521

doesn't mean shit if you only looked at the words. You're delusional.

>> No.20573527

Far too many names to list obviously, but I will say I've started reading Lady Chatterley's Lover, my first DH Lawrence and I'm very impressed, I had no idea he was so strong.

>> No.20573532

it's funny to see you project your low reading comprehension ability on to everyone else, im sorry your mother never read to you as a child. I learned to read independently by the time I was 3. do you happen to be black or hispanic by chance?

>> No.20573542

verbal iq? how does that fit with understanding portrait or 'mccarthy' (hesse is for 7th graders)

>> No.20573543 [DELETED] 

He is a very descriptive and sensual writer. It can be too much at time. No writer can put you in a scene and frame of mind like him.

>> No.20573546

ohhhh you mean easy to read nvm yeah yeah we get it lol zoomers

>> No.20573551

he is a delusional pseud.

>> No.20573553

Brennschluss came early too, clearly =)

>> No.20573558 [DELETED] 

Difficult to read doesn’t mean it’s good. I bet many Zoomers would find Lawrence tedious and difficult to read

>> No.20573565

>Difficult to read doesn’t mean it’s good
Yeah you think that = bad
The icy heights of art aren't for everyone

>> No.20573567

Pseuds are always under the misapprehension that the more pretentiously opaque a work is the higher quality. Tolstoy is widely regarded as the GOAT novelist precisely because of his effortless clarity. You don't understand what makes great prose

>> No.20573579

if you have to ask, you'll never know.
that's a little...homosexual, anon...
u mad?

>> No.20573582

Tolstoy is the GOAT soap-operavelist, yes. Is it art? No. It's listing relationship clockwork for womenbrained readers.

>> No.20573587

lazy baiting

>> No.20573588 [DELETED] 

Where did I say a difficult book can’t be good? Get the fuck out of here with your half baked Zarathustra aphorism

>> No.20573592

it's not baiting, you actually think people can't read at a high level at a young age. you're pretty stupid, don't respond me to again, /pol/ seems like it'd be more up your alley.

>> No.20573608

>Tolstoy is widely regarded as the GOAT novelist
By whom exactly? mid tier at most.

>> No.20573612

>tolstoy is mid tier
name one book you read by him, from start to finish. name the last book you have read in a month.

>> No.20573617

>avg Pynchon enjoyer intellects

>> No.20573622 [DELETED] 

It seems like most readers who fetishize difficult books are young and new to reading

>> No.20573663

>name one book you read by him
War and peace. Shitty characters that talk and act like characters in a melodrama. Tedious.
>the last book you have read
Uno, nessuno e centomila by Pirandello. Great.

>> No.20573667 [DELETED] 


>> No.20573677

name your favorite chapter of war and peace. you did read the whole thing, right anon? not just the wikipedia summary right?

>> No.20573681


>> No.20573756

I've read it twice and it feels weirdly quaint after having experienced a (transexual/fag watt's riot)^2, extension of war markets to ideas, actual real confirmed espionage against every single American, and actual elite child trafficking sex rings.

>> No.20573761


>> No.20574797
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DFW was always shat on

>> No.20574806
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GR is hardly opaque, it's just high bandwidth. If anything pynchie spells out things TOO much, it's like, tommy, I get it.

>> No.20574811


>> No.20574845

I read 2/3 of it but lost track, need to read it again and make notes. It was very funny tho

>> No.20574859


Develop your own opinion
and stop being so whiny

>> No.20574861

>you actually think x
we have containment threads for you lol please go to them

>> No.20574880
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Yeah there definitely is a quaintness now
also slothrop's paranoia? is he paranoid? he is being setup... his 'paranoia' starts when he realizes Bloat is acting all weird at their hotel, and he just happens to realize everything in front of him from there is fake (which it is) and worries about Tantivy (which he should)

>> No.20574895

Yeah if you do enough preliminary reading and can follow the specific references so you're not being pynchypnotized into delta wave ▲t eye tennis page turning, there is a bit of "alright already we know"... but he did it all for Us.

>> No.20574948

Whappo is a vision of Enzian

>> No.20574955

But why?

>> No.20574957

Now ev'rybody,

>> No.20574978
File: 58 KB, 593x298, Enzian_Rakete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Whappo with in the sodium pentothal vision? Who is Enzian with in the novel?

Anyway other cool stuff: Enzian is the name of a flower whose root it used to make the flavoring for Moxie soda. And Enzian was also a surface-to-air missile used in the war, picrel.

>> No.20575033

>Tolstoy is widely regarded as the GOAT novelist precisely because of his effortless clarity
pynchon is not attempting "clarity" because the experience he's trying to convey is not of clarity but of confusion and information overload. it's like complaining that a funeral oration is not as upbeat as a love poem, you've misunderstood the thing's purpose.

>> No.20575125

>but of confusion and information overload
where did you get this nonsense from?

>> No.20575228

I havent read it yet

>> No.20575230

It's okay Anon, I understand your pain. I was reading Ulysses when I was 6 whilst my peers were barely starting Goosebumps. Some people just don't understand that others develop much earlier than others.

>> No.20575239

the book.

>Slothrop, as noted, at least as early as the Anubis era, has begun to thin, to scatter. “Personal density,” Kurt Mondaugen in his Peenemünde office not too many steps away from here, enunciating the Law which will one day bear his name, “is directly proportional to temporal bandwidth.”
>“Temporal bandwidth” is the width of your present, your now. It is the familiar “Δt” considered as a dependent variable. The more you dwell in the past and in the future, the thicker your bandwidth, the more solid your persona. But the narrower your sense of Now, the more tenuous you are. It may get to where you’re having trouble remembering what you were doing five minutes ago, or even—as Slothrop now—what you’re doing here, at the base of this colossal curved embankment....

does this really look like a book about "clarity" to you? like, he really just wanted to portray the 20th century experience as one of "clarity," but, silly pynchon, he just couldn't write simple enough prose so it became "unclear" by accident? retard.

>> No.20575252

That passage is perfectly clear what are you on about. Seriously lol that's the thing that filtered you? I fucking hate this board

>> No.20575267

That passage is actually clear retard, there are harder ones in the book but you chose this, kys

>> No.20575269
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In the end the true Gravity's Rainbow was the friends we made along the way,

>> No.20575274

Ah yes one of the most widely quoted parts of the book =) pure overload pure confusion wow

If you want something tougher, how about when Jessica and Mexico stop in at church?

>> No.20575302

i'm not giving you an example of difficult prose, you dimwits, i'm talking about the sense of the passage. the point is that a book where the protagonist becomes increasingly confused to the point of identity disintegration is probably not best served by pursuing "effortless clarity" in the presentation because the book is not about seeing the world clearly. please tell me you are samefagging and not three different people so dense that they can't follow the conversation

>> No.20575323

>damage control

>> No.20575325

it's not working ;)

>> No.20575337

sure. you literally didn't understand what the point of the passage was and how it related to the conversation, while insisting it was very easy to read. this couldn't be any more embarrassing.

>> No.20575340

I haven't read it, so I haven't been filtered by it.

>> No.20575366
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>> No.20575521
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No, it's easy to understand and to link it to Sloth or Entropy man. What is the problem? It's clear and it's clearly a key to later parts of the novel. Why are you so frustrated at being wrong? You clearly inherited your "opinions" and are just parroting them back (p funny to genuine pineconers).

>> No.20575530


>> No.20575575

>let me just wait an hour and say the same evasive thing again, maybe he'll be gone and it will look like i "won"
do you even know what point about the book you're trying to make, you narcissistic retard? can you put it down, in your own words, instead of playing faggot games? write something specific about pynchon and tolstoy, clarity and confusion, so that we can see the insight of a "genuine pineconer" at work?

>> No.20575594
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What're you so confused about, anon? Take a break, you just look more dopey with each followup. You could re-read the posts above, where multiple people explain all of it to you.

>> No.20575600


>> No.20575637

ok, that's what i thought, i'll just leave you to bake in the hell of whichever personality disorder makes you behave this way

>> No.20575665
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consecutive numbers in a row!

>> No.20576321

>he has zero argument
lol nice, everyone take notice they already did

>> No.20576354
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You never did the Kenosha Kid

>> No.20576449

I know all them old-fashioned dances

>> No.20576622

You? Never.

>> No.20576669

Did the Kenosha Kid?

>> No.20576940

Just so you know, there's a very good chance that you're the stupidest person to have ever posted on this board.

>> No.20577559
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Byron the bulb is the best part.

>> No.20577786

I did the Lindy Hop and the Cumbubbler, even the "Kenosha," kid.

>> No.20577789

, he screamed in all caps, into the reflection of his laptop...

i think you have tts on by mistake

>> No.20578062

sir stephen dodson-truck = james joyce
farina = tantivy
pirate = pynchon as author

>> No.20578161

>pynchon as author

Na that's Osbie

>> No.20578221
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Why do you say that?

>> No.20578355

pirate the accidental manager of the elites' fantasies hmm

>> No.20578370

He's a goofball prankster into pigs and making schizo movies

>> No.20578397


I think so too but I would say it's more because of this passage:

>"He leads her to a back room fitted out with telephones, a cork board with notes pinned all over, desks littered with maps, schedules, An Introduction to Modern Herero, corporate histories, spools of recording wire. 'Not very organized around here yet. But it's coming along, love, it's coming.'"

>> No.20578402

There are plenty of difficult passages, but this isn't one of them. You got filtered, try again but read slower

>> No.20578798

pavlovian psychology

>> No.20579852

fair but he's part things within the novel that would require those

>> No.20579883


>> No.20580277
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whereas the function of the novel is what pirate does within the novel

>> No.20580911

But I was filtered by it

>> No.20581363

horribly, just horrible

>> No.20581654


>> No.20582004
File: 524 KB, 500x375, 24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'll take you to a few areas of its art that you never considered when you started.

1. Where are the paintings? Gravity's Rainbow: It's an animated show set in an enormous, sprawling, high-tech area of Space, where a collection of hundreds of paintings from various eras are being drawn each year to illustrate the art of physics.

2. Where is the show set today? Gravity's Rainbow: Gravity's Rainbow is set in the 20s; it's always been a show in one, three, and four-part series called Gravity's Quixotic Time and Motion. For the most part, each show is shot in a room similar to what you'd see in movies of the day, with a set piece set off as I watched them. If you're not into that kind of movie, go watch it.

3. What are the themes and characters in Gravity's Rainbow? Gravity's Rainbow is an entirely fictional science fiction show that was made by a team of filmmakers called Art Direction, with many collaborators. Those same artists who gave Gravity's Rainbow its name are now working on a show called Gravity's Quixotic Time and Motion, which is set in the 20s, and the series is set on a world that's entirely different from yours. Gravity's Quixotic Time and Motion is not a science fiction show. The show is a series of stories about physics

>> No.20582018

I've never read it.

>> No.20582067

You? Never?

>> No.20582091

>By whom exactly? mid tier at most.

Dostoyevsky, William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf and Vladimir Nabokov to name a few.

>> No.20582422

Never read Ulyses, IJ nor Gravities Rainbow. How come now?

>> No.20582695

Imagine gravity is a fractal. Cause light is just a wave and gravity is just a wave. So imagine there is a glass that splits up gravity like a prism so that there's like blue gravity and yellow gravity and then someone get's hit by the red gravity so they're super heavy, but they're also, like, super strong. And then another guy gets hit by microwave gravity so he's trying to zap everyone and just as he's about to zap the main guy another girl comes out and she's been hit by ultraviolet gravity so she's super fast, and also has, like, large hands.

--Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20582718

Found a signed first edition of COTC at a flea market the other day for only $140. Copped that shit so fast