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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.17 MB, 1547x2317, FD7F4011-BB21-451E-B36C-85F33F9294D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20569266 No.20569266 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20569421

/lit/ doesn't read leftist authors

Should try a Carl Schmitt thread instead

>> No.20569476

>petite-bourgeoisie intellectual
Schmitt has more of a claim to 'Leftism' than a filthy fucking yid who supports bourgeoisie war crimes against European soil.

>> No.20569693

>t. filtered

>> No.20569698

Shouldn't it be the two dimensional man?

>> No.20569701

no, the two dimensional man is what technological (capitalist) society has lost.
Read the book.

>> No.20569720

I thought the normal world of space has three dimensions. In a two dimensional word everything is flat. I'm just wondering what his metaphor of one-dimensionality is.

>> No.20569731

I did not read him, so I am not filtered. I hate what he supported, and he was tolerated in bourgeoisie university which means he is gay and everything he wrote is ultimately meaningless.

>> No.20569734

stop posting

>> No.20569755
File: 150 KB, 717x842, Typical Baraag User (aka Pedophile).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is the epitome of bourgeois existence - average white women, victims par excellence.

>> No.20569756

It makes no sense. A one dimensional structure cannot exist in our physical reality.

>> No.20569760

This is an exploited individual you are posting.

>> No.20569768

dont worry bro, he would not have defended """"her""""". You are thinking of foucault or whoever.
This is Marcuse:
>In contrast, desublimated sexuality is rampant in O'Neill's alcoholics and Faulkner's savages, in the Streetcar Named Desure and under the Hot Tin Roof, in Lolita, in all the stories of Hollywood and New York orgies, and the adventures of suburban housewives. This is infinitely more realistic, daring, uninhibited. It is part and parcel of the society in which it happens, but nowhere it's negation. What happens is surely wild and obscene, virile and tasty quite immoral - and, precisely because of that, perfectly harmless.
>Freed from the sublimated form which was the very token of its irreconcilable dreams - a form which is the style, the language in which the story is told - sexuality turns into a vehicle for the bestsellers of oppression. It could not be said of any of the sexy women in contemporary literature what Balzac says of the whore Esther: that hers was the tenderness which blossoms only in infinity. This society turns everything it touches into a potential source of progress and of exploitation, of drudgery and satisfaction, of freedom and of oppression. Sexuality is no exception. p.80

Marcuse would have told you to fuck in a corn field and abandon the city where eros is no longer possible, but only technological system efficient sex.

>> No.20569780
File: 247 KB, 1533x2560, 71UOJPMXTtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcuse is good, read Ellul.

>> No.20569794
File: 56 KB, 1149x722, 1655327607339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creepy "trauma" victim that loves rape fantasy and produces grooming material

>> No.20569800

This person was raped and makes art from it to cope.
You are retarded, more than likely autistic and not capable of empathy.

>> No.20569801

yes, I have and I agree a good comparisson could be made.
Have yet to see one though desu.

Marxist who were disillusioned by the USSR tend to be the most insighful second half 20th century thinkers desu.

>> No.20569814
File: 150 KB, 808x1390, photograph-of-benito-mussolini-1883-1945-prime-minister-of-the-kingdom-of-italy-and-duce-of-fascism-2A25NFH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marxist who were disillusioned by the USSR tend to be the most insighful second half 20th century thinkers desu.

>> No.20569840

That creep wasn't raped, so keep your apologism to yourself. Actual victims of trauma don't commission violent incest fantasies of popular children's media to cope, you sad sperg. That's what trauma implies, retards that advocate humour and flooding have never been battered. PTSD retraumatization is common in individuals that undergo exposure therapies. Masturbating to loli-guro because you were diddled also doesn't make you not a pedophile. This is obvious to anyone able to function IRL.

>> No.20569868

>Actual victims of trauma don't commission violent incest fantasies of popular children's media to cope, you sad sperg.
And where is your evidence that they don't? How many people do you know in your life who suffered trauma and used art as a mechanism to cope?
>Masturbating to loli-guro
They DRAW it you moron. Who the fuck says they 'masturbate' to it? The fact that what immediately goes into your mind that someone draws 'loli-guro' in order to masturbate to it is evidence to me that you are the sick minded individual and not the person you are accusing of being sick minded.

You are the sad sperg, not I. In fact you most definitely have aspergers since you are incapable of understanding the range of human emotion.

>> No.20569880

They draw it to masturbate, and commission other pedophiles for this purpose. Are you actually retarded, or just operating under some facile differentialism? You're wrong either way.
>not I
Embarrassing, and probably underage. That would explain the hyperdefensive posturing.

>> No.20569887


>> No.20569891

This is a major problem. Makes no sense.

>> No.20569903

>They draw it to masturbate
Where is your evidence? You only think they draw it to masturbate because you are so stupid as to not be able to comprehend why people might want to draw disturbing imagery.

You are the retarded one, a really dumb idiot nigger who wants people caged for their art. You don't belong on the literature board. You don't belong on 4chan.

>> No.20569922

>bourgeois existence
That’s just as likely a cubicle neet shut-in, and male

>> No.20569941
File: 50 KB, 357x500, 71275PB_600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20569947

It means middle class, and I doubt it
I didn’t use the word

>> No.20569978
File: 78 KB, 720x437, 1 Example for the Sperg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could stitch an image together with hundreds of comments expressing the desire from this singular creep. They're not particularly difficult to find.
I doubt it. The language suggests ESL, female, mid-20s, shit technical skill suggests retail employee.
Etymologically, sure. But that's not the framing someone.

>> No.20569994

>It means middle class
It *meant* middle class when there were three estates. It does not mean that anymore. It has not meant than in nearly 200 years.

>> No.20570014

>I could stitch an image together with hundreds of comments expressing the desire from this singular creep. They're not particularly difficult to find.
What does the image in this response have to do with 'loli-guro'?

>> No.20570025

Nothing. Did you want a specific admission of that particular fetish? I can find one, but the point was masturbation by the artist to artwork generally.
>You only think they draw it to masturbate...
The pic addresses this point specifically, not the focus on that specific fetish.

>> No.20570036

It refers to middle class people. In the US that means really wealthy. There’s still extremely wealthy above them, and oh yeah sure, some of them came from a middle class background. But you seem to think it applies to proletariat classes and even this possible lumpen prole, cuz, ya know, get with the times man!
There’s no clear bracket caste and some people I know think of themselves as middle class, but they’re poor debtors now. That’s their misperception. A class isn’t a team name.

>> No.20570060

A class is a subset of individuals in a given income bracket. There are no proletariat in the US.

>> No.20570076

>random woman masturbates to loli-guro art she produces because she masturbates to furry art she produces
These are two unrelated things.

>> No.20570083

You're confused. The post didn't state that the artist produces loli-guro. Have another read.

>> No.20570089

A class is a relationship to production, holy fuck you people are stupid.

>> No.20570104

>defines a class by Sismondi's criteria
>thinks he made a point
What next, Althusser?

>> No.20570105

The post chain did here >>20569794

>> No.20570112

>>thinks he made a point
It's far superior than defining class as an 'income bracket' LMAO.

>> No.20570114

It's a huge problem.

>> No.20570118

Let me help you.
>Masturbating to loli-guro because you were diddled also doesn't make you not a pedophile.
This isn't a specific application of that fetish to that artist. It's a generic point.

>> No.20570125

Okay but where are you getting loli-guro from a person who likes furries? Makes no sense. Where is your evidence they masturbate to the loli guro?

>> No.20570182
File: 174 KB, 720x915, 00_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not. Engels and Lenin noted that the formation of a labor aristocracy was a pervasive problem with regard to artisans and skilled laborers. Instead of acknowledging that class is transformative (i.e. not fixed), they rationalized the issue away and proceeded to larp as statists/anarchists. The Marxian interpretation of class is useless in the first-world.
It's just a common fetish, and individuals that self-identify as women/victims tend to produce it for the purposes of sexual satisfaction and monetary gain (the commissioners being themselves pedophiles), not therapeutics.

>> No.20570188

>It's just a common fetish, and individuals that self-identify as women/victims tend to produce it for the purposes of sexual satisfaction and monetary gain (the commissioners being themselves pedophiles), not therapeutics.
So you are accusing some random internet women of masturbating to something when you have no basis for it? You have produced no evidence that she does. I think I have made my point.

>> No.20570210

>Engels and Lenin noted that the formation of a labor aristocracy was a pervasive problem with regard to artisans and skilled laborers. Instead of acknowledging that class is transformative (i.e. not fixed), they rationalized the issue away and proceeded to larp as statists/anarchists. The Marxian interpretation of class is useless in the first-world.
Labor aristocracy as a concept did not come from Engels. 'Labour aristocracy' was a false idea Lenin had because he could not cope with the fact that his coup did not inspire proletariat revolution. Lenin was not correct, and he was ultimately a traitor to the revolution considering the fact that his policies were extremely unpopular amongst the peasantry which were the majority of people living in russia at the time.

>> No.20570221

Accusing? No, it's just a statement of fact. I don't need to establish some weird evidentiary threshold to make this basic point. If you aren't familiar with the communities, that's your problem.
Lenin quotes Engels directly.

>> No.20570222

No, that's Evangelion.

>> No.20570225

That’s a man. He/him

>> No.20570239

Engels himself talks about bourgeoified workers

>> No.20570250

>what i say is fact
>i have no evidence

>> No.20570257

>Lenin quotes Engels directly
And? Lenin also quotes marx religiously—materialism isn't about quoting anyone. It's about analysis.
Where does Engels develop his theory of a labour aristocracy? Point me to it in the Marxists archive.

>> No.20570284

>moves goalposts
>prove this pedo is masturbating
>expects a specific admission by the pedo, or it isn't true
Have at it.

>> No.20570295

>Engels himself talks about bourgeoified workers
This is still not Lenin and his theory of labor aristocracy. Which is a critique that falls flat since it doesn't say much at all. Police and military are also workers, yet they defend the bourgeoisie. Imperialism doesn't actually afford workers in imperialist countries higher wages. In fact it does the opposite of what Lenin is proposing it does.

>> No.20570301

>>moves goalposts
>>prove this pedo is masturbating
>>expects a specific admission by the pedo, or it isn't true
I am asking you to give evidence to YOUR claims you retard.

>> No.20570317

What is it that you think I'm arguing?

>> No.20570356

>What is it that you think I'm arguing?
That the woman in question masturbates to loli-guro.

>> No.20570386

>At some point it just becomes seething and not philosophy
Around page 5?

>> No.20570392

The point was the trivialization of trauma to justify wanking to degen smut. I don't know why you're fixated on this specific loli-guro thing.
Self-identified woman.

>> No.20570419

Because you are accusing someone of being a pedophile when you have no base. That's a huge jump from someone yoinking it to furries and being a pedo.
>Self-identified woman
The anon who posted the image said it was a woman.

>> No.20570422

So they're practically useless?

>> No.20570438

>Have at it.
Thank you.
However, a certain income bracket of the working class does not mean that they, in the long run would actually continue to live under this privileged position.
The U.S.A had a labour aristocracy in the 1950s and that lasted all of 20 years. I do not see how labour aristocracy is a good theory against the iron law of wages. Some workers are exploited more than others. Some workers are more revolutionary than others. Some workers are employed to wage war against working people.

So what new information do we get from labour aristocracy? Other than the fact that when the economy is working the proletariat tends to reformism.

>> No.20570586

>loli/shota - depictions of children
>bdsm/noncon - rape
>eroge - erotic - porn
Being a furry is incidental to the point. The individual is a pedophile. That's not disputable. I don't care about 2D/3D obfuscation. Sexual interest typifies, it's that simple.

>> No.20570760
File: 219 KB, 725x311, marcuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gottfried's synopsis of this work fair? He was a student of Marcuse after all.

>> No.20570797

>The relations between the sexes are not simply the expression of a mutual influence between economics and a physical want deliberately singled out for physiological examination. It would be rationalism and not Marxism to attempt to refer the change in these relations directly to the economic basis of society in isolation from its connection with the ideology as a whole. To be sure, thirst has to be quenched. But would a normal person normally lie down in the gutter and drink from a puddle? Or even from a glass whose edge has been greased by many lips?

>> No.20570820

I know this Lenin interview, please go spread the word to all the degenerates that leftism attracts.

>> No.20571083

typical rose timted glasses of a leftist who loves all theory by Marx and Engels and sees early soviet period as a blooming period only to have the enterprise somehow go awry along the way where you then have to start criticizing the even pre Stalinist soviets.

nothing special about this. These idiots wont stop taking the word “true socialism” in their mouth while rejecting every material socialist endeavor.

>> No.20571375

Gottfried is a paleoconservative you retard.