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/lit/ - Literature

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20565094 No.20565094 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ don’t forget to format edition

Previous thread >>20558425

>> No.20565114
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>> No.20565139

Really sick of "when does it get good" posters, the pessimists, the nihilists, the evo-pysch retards and the determinists. Get off my internets

>> No.20565150

Hey guy with the nightmares, how was last night?

>> No.20565157
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Thank you for consistently summoning the discipline, courage, and fortitude to live prudently, against the pull of instant gratification and easy entertainment, not to mention pointless, egotistical feelings of resentment and vengefulness directed at your fellow man, which were previously pulling you to your ruin. Because you got your priorities figured out and consistently put them into practice, considering the needs of the present and the future equally, life has become fulfilling. Far from dreading the passage of time as you used to, you look forward to what lies ahead and are enriched with age.

A large part of this was learning to rejoice in whatever water you had in your glass, instead of fretting about how there could be more or how others have more. Your glass has always been half full, and you often recalled the advantages you take for granted that many wish for.

Perfection is a lot of little things done well, and this is as true in the conduct of one’s life as it is in art. The practice of wisdom, which you defined in your own way, is full time work.

Instead of merely planning to make the right compromises and failing to follow through over and over again, you started to consistently practice them. It took a while to become satisfied with your life, but you knew the harder you worked on these fruitful pursuits the sooner the time would arrive. You defined these pursuits as those which allow you to generate value for yourself and others in equal measure, making it easier to love yourself, to love others, and be loved by others. You remembered that it’s a constant struggle not to slip back into degrading habits. You also remembered that your life a decade from now will be just as vital as your life in the present, that soon enough your current concerns will be a distant memory, and that the minor rejections, embarrassments and failures of the present will mean very little. Thanks for having the courage to make them. The alternative would have been hiding away from opportunity and hindering your own development.

>> No.20565185
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I really want to move to Switzerland. I have a way I can do it but its going to take years.

I'm graduating with a bachelors in English next year. I know, extremely useless and I fucked up. What I have to do is get a masters in accounting from my university then get CPA certified. Then I'd get some entry level job accountant job in the US building experience for 3 years. Then I'd get a job in Ireland being an accountant. It would take 5 years to become a citizen. Then after that I would immediately take all savings and move to Switzerland.

I'm incredibly autistic and want this more than anything. No, I can't find a job with my English degree in Switzerland. No, I can't find a job in Switzerland with an accounting degree. I read about it.

>> No.20565208

The only reason why being social would help with not becoming suicidal is that in order to do social shit you have to turn off your brain and go with that abstract semi-tribal flow while you make noise and laugh with your fellow men. Nowadays you could have a whole conversation through memes alone so it's easier than ever. In no way people actually do help you navigate meaning, they're a time waster like drugs or videogames except that they've become so advanced in this meme riding thing that if you still have a sliver of soul you'll only feel more alienated. You must fully commit or it will feel miserable.

>> No.20565212

The precognitive nightmare guy?

>> No.20565216

No, normal nightmares as far as I understood.

>> No.20565224

Maybe me then. So many of us have nightmares here. Personally for the first night in several days I didn't have one, but I only slept a couple of hours. The previous nights memory is still extremely vivid, it was so bad I considered calling one of those help lines.

>> No.20565232
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That's good to hear.
Hope you'll be able to get off your meds and lead a carefree life without worries.

>> No.20565237

Mods deleted the 'pataphysics thread again
It's hilarious this time at least because the anons in the thread found out who the reportfag was and the reportfag just doesn't like the author, didn't understand the jokes, and freaked the fuck out when anons provided proof they do read, so the thread was mostly dedicated to comparing the reportfag to a character who prefigured Hitler... which the reportfag also didn't understand.
Daily reminder /lit/ is filled with smart people pretending to be dumb and dumb people pretending to be smart

>> No.20565261

I'm so dumb

>> No.20565269

Toilet paper is useless. I never use it. I only shit once a day, before showering, and I clean myself on the shower. I've saved a bunch of money. The TP industry has been naturalized, and there has to be a critique of such naturalization. The first step of such a critique is the praxis. Stop buying TP. Stop using it.

>> No.20565272

Yeah, i'm dumb too, but one of the good dumbs, like >>20565237 says

>> No.20565274

Nihilist here. It gets good any time you choose.

>> No.20565280
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>> No.20565284

Most the world is already on the bidet train

>> No.20565286
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Also I should have never listened to the career counselor

>> No.20565298

>board full of off topic garbage
>advice threads, philosophy threads with no discussion of literature that belong on /his/, female blogposting threads that belong in the /trash/, advice threads that belong on /adv/
Is this the end of /lit/?

>> No.20565299

Bidets are also a scam. Just the next step for the TP industry. Don't fall for their lies, Anon. Rise above it. Your ass will thank you.

>> No.20565302

Sorry we are full
You can come visit anytime you want though

>> No.20565306

Why don't you just end it?

>> No.20565308

>Is this the end of /lit/?
If you come here for anything other than a few recs and shitposting, even back in the day, you're a fucking retard. /lit/ has never been a place for discussion, and if you've discussed here it's because you couldn't hold your weight in academia.

>> No.20565310

I think I'll never get a gf in this town

>> No.20565312

If you've been here for longer than 10 years the posts whining about the 'death of a board' gets really fucking tiring.

>> No.20565315

End what?

>> No.20565314
File: 350 KB, 597x520, suffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im suffering here and i miss you guys :(

if it helps i speak german and im not brown

>> No.20565317

I'm black. I'm migrating there.

>> No.20565322

In that case you're already in their power since you use your shower as one, except you likely use more products in there.

>> No.20565332

Don't wipe, don't shower.
Your ass will be full of shit, so what?
Noses are full of boogers do you wash your nose too?
Shitty asses is how nature intended it to be, don't fall for the water scam.

>> No.20565336

The EU is going to sink into a depression.
You like the Alps so much and you’ll take the bad economy, try Slovenia, or the Romanian mountains are also nice. Plenty of places to see before settling.

>> No.20565338

Thanks for your input, tayammum anon.

>> No.20565339 [DELETED] 

Don't be obtuse, he's saying that a shower can fulfil the function of a bidet so you only need to have the former to keep a clean ass.

>> No.20565340

Well speaking german is a big advantage. Unfortunately there still is a stigma against Germans and if you don't speak Swiss german it will be difficult. Try and marry a swiss woman?
Niggers get easy entry because we only accept freeloaders and not hard-working people

>> No.20565341

Unless we start gassing the trannies they will keep raiding every day.

>> No.20565345

He's not mentioning the products he uses in there because he's one of the TP mafia, anon. You need to go deeper

>> No.20565351

>do you wash your nose too?
Yes. You go return to monke if you want

>> No.20565353

I don't know how I would do that, do I just come here on a tourist visa which lasts 3 months and hit up the bars? I'm posting on a literature board on a mongolian basket weaving site, marrying someone is unlikely

>> No.20565355



i love


but it is not good for me.
what you want
is not what you need

>> No.20565365

I’ve noticed it’s not “trannies” that are clogging the place up.
In before you accuse me of being one.

>> No.20565373

>In before
This is like an old man using young terminology

>> No.20565386

I've been here since 07 and I managed to get a girlfriend. You can too anon, just don't tell people you hang out here. I would try and do some exchange where you teach English to Swiss people and try to get to know your co-workers. You never know.
T. Would like to study in the US

>> No.20565425
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no want work
want stay bed
work not feel good
big sleep life is best life

>> No.20565445

I constantly fantasize about this idealized vision of a relationship involving various women whom I don't know that well (especially during the early phase of our relationship) but I've never loved anyone and at this point I don't think I ever will. I will just keep getting disillusioned until I become very bitter and jaded. Love is just shit.

>> No.20565450

>u did not rite lyke a zo0my. u r olllllldd lulz
Go jack off to your frog folder again

>> No.20565472

Not to defend the labor camp of the modern state, but lazing your dumb life away in bed isn’t good for you. Read some theory and get your life going.

Stupid jack poster

>> No.20565545

17 more workdays

>> No.20565550

Okay but when does it get good?

>> No.20565556

Post the warsou link

>> No.20565564


>> No.20565568

I should never have listened to literally all the people whose advice I have taken.

>> No.20565580

I like the female blogposting. Femanons have a particular style of posting that I find endearing. Its also the most female contact I get in my life

>> No.20565585

Is anyone else irritated by threads where OP ask about how good a book is, despite having them on their person? Is it really that much of an hassle to read a book this days?

>> No.20565589

Right now, the dweeb who makes the Alfred Janny threads, and who further refuses to discuss or elucidate Jarry's work in any manner other than spamming the words Alfred Janny, is seething. He's seething because once again his gay little thread got deleted and he is most likely banned again. I am glad and hope he hurts himself in his anger.

>> No.20565590

Is the term "best possible life" similar to "best possible world"? How exactly is that metric established?

>> No.20565592

>expecting /lit/ to read

>> No.20565601

>Alfred Janny threads
Glad those are getting deleted.

>> No.20565602

Shattaf. Google it. Get one.

>> No.20565608
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I meditated alone today

>> No.20565611

That's sweet. Have a good day/evening anon.

>> No.20565614

They want approval and to be told they are cool and intelligent. You have to remember, most of the people here are 18 or younger and are here because they think reading will set them apart from their peers and make them more attractive to women. They don't have the ability to form their own taste, but they are itching for a chance to proclaim to their peers how erudite and high-brow their literary tastes are. Reading is a means of social advancement for them. It is not an end. It is a means to an end.

It is best to ignore these posters and simply sage their threads if you reply. If you also have the ability to spoil the plot of the book for them you should do that as well. Because these posters are undoubtedly plotfags since they care not for reading but for the airs of reading. By spoiling the plot you take away any enjoyment these posters could have had in reading a book.

>> No.20565620

I would be fine if Alfred Jarry threads were made with the intent to discuss Alfred Jarry or his works in some sincerity. But as it stands, they are only made, and perpetuated by perhaps three people at most, to incessantly post Alfred Janny, simply because isn't soooooo 4chan to "dab" on the Janny?

>> No.20565633

It’s extremely sad

>> No.20565652

you should know by now

>> No.20565687

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20565729

'big sleep' is a euphemism for death

>> No.20565750
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has anyone here been in a long distance relationship? and i mean actual relationship not e-dating

>> No.20565756

don't do it

>> No.20565762

What’s this hairsplitting you’re trying to put in it?

>> No.20565765

it's kinda scary how smart cockroaches are.
swat at a cricket or a fly and it'll go up, land somewhere else, and wait to be swung at again. but swing at a cockroach and that fucker will take off running like it's life depends on it (which it does), not stopping until it's comfortably underneath a drawer or a shelf where it knows I can't reach it.

>> No.20565766
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a classic misunderstanding to think life is something to 'get going'. i wonder what sort of theory you're reading

>> No.20565773
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i'm such an idiot

>> No.20565781

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20565791
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What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again

There is nothing new under the sun

>> No.20565818

You need to plan desperately to schedule the time you spend together and your future for when you get into physical contact with each other as soon as possible.

>> No.20565832

It’s pretty open ended. You do in fact get going by finding what you want to do.
A classic misunderstanding is that the church, the state or some other higher power should dictate the way of your life. He(/you?) rebels against this by forced sleeping. You will develop depression by doing this, I’ve done it to myself before.
If your idea of theory is leading down some life-is-meaningless path, I don’t really care. Life is full of meanings to choose from. The idea that there was supposed to be one meaning for everyone to climb into is wrong

>> No.20565835

I would talk to you..

>> No.20565838

As a joke, I've recently volunteered at a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter. The Joke is on me. After the first day, only two hours in, it clicked. I guess I love it. Yeah, I love it. I know it might not be saying much, cleaning up doggy and kitty peepee and poopoo, but for me it is the most rewarding work I've ever done that doesn't involve aggravated assault.

>> No.20565840

>has anyone here been in a long distance relationship? and i mean actual relationship not e-dating
your two questions are in conflict with one another
also you've already answered your question

>> No.20565844

The philosophy of the jack trolls. As bankrupt as you’d imagine. Get fucked.

>> No.20565848

>Anon is all one anon
>Anon is not discussing things if I don't get it
>No fun allowed
Alfred Janny

>> No.20565851

imagine if all that time I whined about being a loser had been spent more productively, but it's never too late, to say it's too late is loser talk after all

>> No.20565859

I wasn’t that previous poster, and you’re probably a guy, but it’s nice to see sometime. Regardless.
Which post of yours sparked this?
Have a lovely day.

>> No.20565862

well to me edating is just like messing around online and not having any future plans or meeting each other etc. and a lot of people in ldr met somewhere else than online

>> No.20565864

it's true that works of fiction are seeing diminishing returns when it comes to novelty and creativity in storytelling, but it's impossible for creativity to go entirely bankrupt.
if you can't imagine anything new at all, that's YOUR problem. maybe quit spamming wojaks for a start.

>> No.20565903

Just me saying to have a nice day etc. I'm happy to talk to anyone here. I'm not a guy

>> No.20565908

I'm guessing this guy two posts in (possibly samefagging the first two posts)
>If you wanted to discuss the works of Alfred Jarry, I would be glad to do that. But you don't. Enjoy your ban
is the guy who ends up as Hitler?

Does he expect high school AP retard form essays like
>The major theme of X is Y
>The theme of Y can be seen at points ABC
>For example...
>The author intends the reader to PQR
>These points are clearly seen at LMNO
>[Reference to Aristotle or Chain of Being or whatever bullet point list of aesthetics given teacher extolled all year as smrt, but nobody read from primary source]
>In conclusion I sum up my introduction but now with EVIDENCE because I remembered no EVIDENCE in intro, and no new EVIDENCE in outro
on 4chan?

>> No.20565918
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>I'm not a guy
I’ll believe it.

>> No.20565924

Pretty much. Though he wanted everyone else to write the essay, so maybe he just had homework due.

>> No.20565927

long distance relationships is basically cuckolding yourself intentionally, if you really want a normal functioning relationship you will stay away from anything distance related

>> No.20565950

or just get rid of women's autonomy

>> No.20565951

Good. How are you today? I've been rereading a book but I don't mind because it's soothing.

>> No.20565959
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Someone said that last time

>> No.20565969

>Pretty much.
>Daily reminder /lit/ is filled with smart people pretending to be dumb and dumb people pretending to be smart
Maybe it's a good thing you didn't have to read his essay. 100 students worth of six paragraph, sixteen points of information, regurgitated form essays is a suicide hole that allows teachers to tell idiots to "be original so you stand out."

>> No.20565983

It wasn’t me. See how true it evidently is?
Stop posting this shit here, please.

>> No.20565995

You might be one, but that's not the point: I can assure you that it's most certainly trannies. Bunkertrannies raid this entire site every day.

>> No.20566005

The thread was a fun read because he did sperg out and anons made subtle gibes at him with reference to the author's work, but he's probably autistic enough to keep reporting shit because he doesn't understand memes or the text

>> No.20566013

>samefagging yourself this hard like you do in the Alfred Janny threads

>> No.20566035

I don't know about the text with the Hitler jokes and I'm not going to read your form essay on any author unless the school board pays me.

>> No.20566057

Alfred Janny
The author Alfred Jarry is actually good, don't let the autist fool you. The play, Ubu Roi, is a few decades before Hitler but it does involve invading the Polish plane because you're a selfish megalomaniac blinded by your own bullshit.

>> No.20566074

Why don't you discuss Alfred Jarry and his works instead of spamming Alfred Janny? It's a simple question, and when put to you, you start projecting onto the people calling you out for being a faggot. I already explained how the joke is barely even relevant.

If you're so sure your thread is on-topic, why don't you post it again? Surely it's not because you fear being banned for spamming Alfred Janny?

>> No.20566080

or become gay

>> No.20566092

Do you mean Polish plain, as in the place everyone invades from all sides, or a Polish plane, as in an aircraft?
You got this stuck in my head again, whatever the play is about

>> No.20566101

All wifi and cell service went out for half an hour. It was then I realized just how much of my time is spent either actively or passively online.

>> No.20566107

You people are trolls and troll enablers. Go start a safe space board

>> No.20566109

Alfred Janny
The former.

>> No.20566112

Kek you stalemated lmao

>> No.20566127

Crimes of the future came out in good quality. Gonna watch it ASAP

>> No.20566135

tired of shit getting ruined beacause of the pressure capatilism has.

>> No.20566136

I'm a failure, I hate myself, I regret my life choices, I resent my parents

>> No.20566139


>> No.20566140

that makes two of us

>> No.20566151

Gotta change nigga

>> No.20566153

I'm a pathetic joke, I'm worthless, I wish I was something to be proud of, I wish I was happy
I'll never leave this hole


>> No.20566171

>I'll never leave this hole
if you say so

>> No.20566178

That nothing ends or begins? Sure

>> No.20566196

man anus doesn't feel the same as pussy I'm assuming plus looking at any cock makes mine shrivel up. so I guess its back to rape

>> No.20566203

Just make sure your bitch has a cock cage and shaved ass

>> No.20566209

wanted to add

whats on my mind?

I have a stomach ache and diarrhea all day and I have/had a foul taste in my mouth.

nah I only cum to biological women. sorry tranny.

>> No.20566219

Caged femboys arent trannies

>> No.20566224

>>20560122 #
I do not get the Asian mentality. Courtesy for what? Making yourself look like a subservient coward? I don't buy it

>> No.20566228

My coworker met his wife in lineage (or some such mmo) and they've been together 20yrs. Personally, I can't do it, I tried.

>> No.20566230

Still gay.

>> No.20566232

Or not looking like an uneducated rube

>> No.20566234

Thats the point

>> No.20566239

God I hate Nepotism. Its why I can't get a job I don't "know" people and making friends is difficult for me

>> No.20566242

If you say so

Well I don't like it.

>> No.20566249

>Why don't you discuss Alfred Jarry and his works instead of spamming Alfred Janny? It's a simple question, and when put to you, you start projecting onto the people calling you out for being a faggot. I already explained how the joke is barely even relevant.
There's no point in having any discussion with him, you already know why he makes those threads.

>> No.20566276

>anon is always OP and all one person
kek Alfred JannyI've never been OP but goddamn are you butthurt and deep in a conspiracy hole about why nobody wants to talk to (You)

>> No.20566315

the only thing i have going for me is looks. im not very smart, i'm a recluse and i have no self-discipline. i fixate on my looks to cope, but all i really want is to be more intelligent. i hate being a midwit

>> No.20566318

Would you trade your looks for brains?

>> No.20566319


>> No.20566328

okay, enjoy waking up ugly and short tomorrow.

>> No.20566335

i'm ok with that as long as my brains increase with inverse proportion to the looks i lost

>> No.20566354

>trolls and troll enablers
Tranny words. Shoo

>> No.20566363
File: 322 KB, 2104x1833, FDC1C83E-9C1F-44ED-814A-E23DE522D1B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m generally good. At the precipice of changing my life for the better, but still a little hesitant about it. Why I describe it as a cliff I suppose. A little challenge os what I need though. It’ll break me out of this little internet addiction at least.

>> No.20566366

Page 1 of Portrait of a Loser. Next page coming out tomorrow.

Sitting in a corner in an apartment while smoking a vape pen is Gabriel. Gabe is a 22 year old white male. Gabe is wearing a black skull hoodie with black jeans and sneakers. He has really long dirty hair and a scruffy looking unkept face. His appearance is anger that is ready to lash out but hidden with a blank look and scowling eyebrows. His eyes are tired looking with a deep brownish eyes. The way he is sitting in the chair is a slouch where he could fall off the chair at any moment. Gabe is sitting in his apartment which is indeed a trashy place as in trash is everywhere, stuf is on the floor, and everything looks dirty and grimy. You would be surprised that this apartment is in a good complex in a good neighborhood. There are holes in the wall of his apartment. There are holes in the wall of his apartment. Posters are hanging up of pictures of naked girls from porn, some horror film posters, and violent anime posters. The kitchen Gabe is in while he is vapping has old rustic wooden chairs and a dusty wooden table. The house he is in is lit well. There is a picture of an AR-15 on the wall from the 1960s in the kitchen Gabe is in. Gabe gets a knock on the front door from his father. Gabe opens the door. His father looks completely the opposite from him. Gabe's father is well dressed giving off the appearance of a middle class man. Gabe's father is wearing a white dress shirt, tan dress pants, and good brown dress shoes. Gabe's father's hair is short and his face is clean with teeth that are clean compared to Gabe's. Gabe looks at his dad with a blank hateful look while his dad gives a concerned look at Gabe.
"What do you want?!" said Gabe carelessly.
"You should remember by now what I wanted Gabe. You're supposed to see the psychiatrist for an appointment. I called you last night several times and texted you. Did you block my phone number again?!" asked Gabe's father.
"Just come on Gabe!"
"I don't need to suck some faggy Jew's dick. I'm perfectly fine."
"Gabriel if you don't come right this instance, I am taking away your apartment!"
"For fuck's sake fine!" pouted Gabe.

>> No.20566367

Hang yourself

>> No.20566392
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That sounds interesting! What's the big step?

>> No.20566398
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-06-22-03-01-26-716_com.deezus.donatechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true lads? you can make bank writing smut?

>> No.20566470

>"enabler" is 4chan lingo and not woke newspeak
Yeah and we were always at war with eastasia

>> No.20566481

>use a female name
I say all the time that a lot of different groups of people should be gassed, but simps should be gassed for real. I can't think of a category that is doing more damage to humanity.

>> No.20566504

Tell you what, how about I upload what I got so far of my story instead of this slow thing.

This is what I have written so far:

>> No.20566505

My biggest problem at the moment is always being tired and having zero energy.

>> No.20566532

>sick of being stuck taking care of grandma
>sick of being so alienated from everyone in my family
>sick of losing even more time and falling even further behind
I just wanna runaway to Wyoming, but my conscious won't let me. I'd feel too guilty.

>> No.20566552

Learn a skill and plan an exit from your situation because if you just wait for grandma to die, you're going to have zero purpose when she kicks it. You need a life outside caring for her, and you should make the foundation steps of it now before you need to build it.

>> No.20566570

yeah, no, that's not the issue. The issue is that I feel I'm wasting so much time *because* I'm taking care of her.

>inb4 ask someone else
There really isn't.

>> No.20566586

It’s a real word. How old are you? There’s nothing new about it.

>> No.20566599

same, exercise helps

>> No.20566601

>get 7-8 hour sleep
>wake up tired
>feel like shit all day

>> No.20566603

You've got to make your peace with that. You're either wholly choosing to do it, or else you should just leave. You can't have it both ways, because it is your choice ultimately, and pretending it's not is just cowardice. You'll blame circumstances for everything else you choose too. Your conscience isn't imprisoning you.

>> No.20566607

I don't know anybody. I just learned this since he shared at a work-organized social function. Both jobs I had, just applied to randomly on LinkedIn. Granted, it's software development. Several rounds of quiz-like questions, and there you go, a job!

>> No.20566608
File: 147 KB, 1900x1266, 8AFECE07-6E58-44D7-828E-6A163A044A67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wim Hoff

>> No.20566817

Does most conversation just seem shallow in general? I'm really getting frustrated of mundane stuff

It's getting worse because I'm not translating any of this frustration/anger into my writing and other projects. Feel like I must be novelty-seeking or unable to relax

>> No.20566823

And I wish it weren't so difficult to express myself because my projects would be so much farther ahead

>> No.20566854

Can someone please post that vaccinated wojak guy meme picture

>> No.20566860

it just cost me 20 canadian loonies of gas to mow my lawn.

>> No.20566874

During pride month my tranny smut has been selling like never before

>> No.20566912

Funny, I sell pride pins. I hate trannies but by god they're huge consumers for a bunch of communists.
>tfw they have no idea people they hate are making bank off them

>> No.20566937

Nine Inch Nails is the best band of all times

>> No.20566954

Can you hang yourself

>> No.20566955
File: 2.79 MB, 3264x2448, 20220622_151433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which should I read first bros

>> No.20566960
File: 2.99 MB, 3264x2448, 20220622_151611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an alien left a spot of green semen on my book

>> No.20566997


>> No.20567007


>> No.20567014

Lick it.
Tell us how it tastes.

>> No.20567015

Wanna come over and lick it up?

>> No.20567016 [DELETED] 

Niggers. I hate them.

>> No.20567047

i just can't bring myself to stop this it seems. Unfortunately there is no cure. Sad but happy to be. I sometimes ask myself in what realm these feelings go. Anyway that's how things are. I swore I would change them because they will not change me. Then, on I go in my madness, in an effort to make right.

>> No.20567071
File: 39 KB, 907x544, reinhard blushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys give me some ideas. I was on the phone a few days earlier with a classmate I really like. It's summer and she told me she needed a hobby. I think this might be a good opportunity to get us to do something together; problem is all I ever do is read, write, and work out. What are some hobbies a pair of people can enjoy together?

>Inb4 sex

>> No.20567087


>> No.20567115

always read Dickens first

>> No.20567138

go outside

>> No.20567176

Even though we're on good terms, I don't think I can convince her to drive an hour out to the nearest hiking spot. It's also close to 100 degrees here in Texas.

>> No.20567249

Can you help me write lyrics?

>> No.20567261

I’ve spent the last 5 years doing pretty much nothing but reading and I thought I found a deep interest, but for the last 6 months I haven’t touched a book. For the last 6 months I’ve had an entirely new fascination and now I’m confused.

>> No.20567268
File: 1.46 MB, 1460x2100, 4254ADF2-2D37-4A23-BBC4-B1B4872428D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad breath. Those cars get packed in rush hour

Moving to nicer countryside. Will miss my friends here but I gotta go

>> No.20567271

That sounds very nice. I might be moving to Europe to try and restart my life.

>> No.20567276

How are you going to restart your life? Your life is finite. Some of it already happened and can never happen again.

>> No.20567314

It's all a throw of the dice once licentious lice begin to dance on the edge of the knife.

>> No.20567320
File: 329 KB, 1512x2016, C4C308C7-AD66-4D78-B5FE-390D7B65D40B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By re-embracing life, resetting your perspective even, you can just dust off the past.
You guys shouldn’t ever listen to antinatalists or some other pessimistic philosophers.


>> No.20567327

This nation chose its fate, we sealed our doom. No matter who wins, we're fucked.
A criminal or a cuck

>> No.20567335

The oligarchs and their government fucked up. They’re the ones who should pay

>> No.20567340

Moving to somewhere I won't be repeating traumatic experiences and memories daily. Starting study, able to leave the house and get my license. Being for the first time in a supportive encouraging environment.

>> No.20567359
File: 71 KB, 480x258, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever feel like you can't trust your own judgment on things? What do you do in these cases? I feel like it throws me on a vicious cycle of making decisions/taking action without confidence in it, failing and seeing that as yet further evidence that my judgment is not trustworthy.

>> No.20567470

I constantly ask people for advice and reassurance and it's never enough. I am so paralysed by failure or making the wrong choice or decision that I generally end up wasting away. So yes. Sometimes this can be caused by early childhood experiences of never being good enough or being blamed if something you chose didn't turn out well. Responsibility is one thing but being frozen into non activity isn't really "normal".

>> No.20567493

>Daily reminder /lit/ is filled with smart people pretending to be dumb and dumb people pretending to be smart
I think a lot of reports that aren't for shit like dicks and pussy come from idiots with a massive dose of Dunning-Kruger. The one time I saw an OP complaining about the state of the board where he showed what threads had to go in his opinion, all the threads had valuable content. They had a trollish OP to ensure responses but they also had serious effortposting. One of the threads was on Brideshead Revisited, and it had niggers explaining Greek and Latin and Catholicism, and listing every foil in the book, detailing Waugh's real life influences, the TV series from it, and reasoned discussions going on for paragraphs.

Turned out the reporting anon stopped reading at the OP, and was trying to get all that discussion trashed because he was too ADHD to read a thread. Asked why he didn't turn any of the threads he listed around, or contribute to any of them, or make better threads, and all he could say was something to the effect of "/lit/ is shit, stop pretending it's good".

Now when a good thread gets deleted, I just assume it's because an ADHD retard didn't read it before reporting. You can't even spoonfeed shit to them like the faggots in the Brideshead thread were willing to do, because they can't even read a 4chan thread. They just see the OP and are done. Old /lit/ used force feed good shit to bad OPs, and I'm glad something of the tradition remains. The Brideshead thread survived the banhammer because even mods could tell there was no way to delete it without having Oxford classics obsessed faggots hunting them down to force them deeper into alcoholism, but it's not going to work for rarer works. A lot of the ones that anon listed were already in the archive by the time mods showed up because they were more obscure books.

Ranting on this has stirred up another fond memory of /lit/ bullying people with books, now that I'm thinking on the subject. I once saw an anon take down an entire /Pol/ raid by refusing to talk about anything other than Pushkin.
>You wanted to talk about race? Tough shit have a sonnet. It's by Pushkin.
>You want to talk about gommunism? Okay I want to talk about a love poem. It's by Pushkin.
>You want to talk about Nazism? That's nice I think you should really look into how Russian assonance can be translated into English. Here are three different versions of one poem by Pushkin.
>Pushkin was a nigger! I know, here is how you get into his fairytales if you were unlucky enough to not have a Russian Babushka to read them to you.
>Baaaah you're derailing the thread!!!
I'm going to have to go back in the archives to find that wizard now I remembered him.

>> No.20567512

>actively defending a thread where people only post the word Alfred Janny
Now you're the fool.

>> No.20567518
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If old me saw current me he would have went through with it. He was braver than I.

>> No.20567536
File: 749 KB, 1124x1331, 1654567807439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant make a choice in anything so i feel paralyzed all the time
i wonder if its just low t or something

>> No.20567554

I don't understand how shilling for or apologizing on behalf of reheated century-old dada shit is any less out of touch and kitsch than the guys wanting ebin neo-neoclassicist art. Like playing for outrage and trying to own the nonexistent conservative middle classes in 2022 is the lefty equivalent of VGH-ing over bernini and canova statues.

>> No.20567566

>Now you're the fool.
I see you're unfamiliar with Pushkin.

>> No.20567601

>i wonder if its just low t
Go lift some heavy things and see what happens.

>> No.20567606

It's more likely your anxiety that lowers your T than the other way around.

>> No.20567629

is it a vicious circle?

>> No.20567699

Yeah I imagine that often, and then I realize I don't know what productive activities I could have actually done, and then I go further into the throws of despair from knowing that not only have I learned nothing in that time, but I'm no better off.
>but it's never too late, to say it's too late is loser talk after all
Agreed. Because it's this thing, you'll look back in 5 years and have the same same thought. And 5 years after that. While it's never too late, better to fix things 10 years ahead than not.
>Does most conversation just seem shallow in general?
Yes. That discussion over how many times the kebab place has changed hands in 5 years is obvious, banal, self-evident but it's what's unsaid that is important. I was well into my late 20's before I realized that what you say is far less important than the fact you said something at all, and the mood or emotion you bring into an interaction.
>It's getting worse because I'm not translating any of this frustration/anger into my writing and other projects. Feel like I must be novelty-seeking or unable to relax
Why not?
Little hard without knowing her interests but: film a horror movie on your smartphone. Do salsa dancing together. Mountain Biking. Create a custom card deck where each of you do the designs of two of the suites. Start a band. Go antiquing. Collect vintage books. Mushroom foraging. Cooking. Psychedelic Mushrooms. Start some kind of side-hustle?

>> No.20567737
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>Do you ever feel like you can't trust your own judgment on things? What do you do in these cases?
I usually do nothing or commit as little as possible to a decision where I know my judgement is faulty, which causes problems in itself so I don't recommend it.
> feel like it throws me on a vicious cycle of making decisions/taking action without confidence in it, failing and seeing that as yet further evidence that my judgment is not trustworthy.
Why are you taking actions you're not confident in? Is this a kind of masochistic thing where you "unconsciously" choose things which are destined to fail? Or is it a self-fulfiling prophecy where you fully intend to succeed, but the lack of confidence means you're prone to errors in the execution of actions, and so while it could have been the right decision you turned it into the wrong decision because of your lack of confidence?
Or are you simply overestimating your ability - for someone with more skills or experience choice A would be the optimal one, but you don't have those skills and experience so the less attractive choice B is a better compromise, but you go for A?

>> No.20567941
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I learned how to drive stick on my first deployment when I had to take a shitbox bus to pick up the guys from the airfield when they returned from a mission. Me, a cherry ass little bitch, picking up a bus full of killers in full kit who regularly smoked the fuck out of me, and the only stick I'd ever touched was the one stuck between my legs. Needless to say they ridiculed me as the bus stalled and lurched its way back to the hooches. It was pretty funny. Later a Russian immigrant corporal took me out in a Hilux and gave me a more thorough driving lesson. He had an economics degree and would berate me for reading fiction because he didn't see and practical reason for doing so. He insisted I was wasting my time and should be reading textbooks instead of Dumas.

>> No.20568030

what's the best biography of foucault? the many lives of michel foucault one sounds more authoritative cuz his bf spilled the beans to author, but the other one has a way more stylish cover

>> No.20568113

Hey femanon lets have a quickie, no strings attatched

>> No.20568118

I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow and I'm sleepy today
good night, fellas

>> No.20568141

I don't have sex without love, ever. Never have and never will.

>> No.20568201

Pleasant smells at night can ward off nightmares:
It worked wonders for mine.

>> No.20568279

wonder if this is about me. Anyway my dreams were annoying and draining like normal but not really 'nightmares'.

>> No.20568295

I’ve had a few flings, but never with men, much less random strangers from online.
Like the other femanon indicates, it’s kind of a hollow experience. I end up missing their company, and I’ve missed the opportunity for a friendship (for some reason) because of it.

>> No.20568340

tried it with lavender and did nothing sadly. mine are all CPTSD shit and it's awful man

>> No.20568479

other femanon can we be friends? I don't ever speak to other girls and my only female friend is very busy with her own life so we barely speak

>> No.20568489

>and I’ve missed the opportunity for a friendship (for some reason) because of it.
I'm going to make a unfair assumption that you didn't miss out on a opportunity for friendship because they only were making overtures of friendship with you to fuck.

>> No.20568505

I have no idea how I'm supposed to monetize my art. Should I just not? So far I have found much dignity in selling paintings only by word of mouth. I also find something vain about "marketing" my artwork when in all reality I personally consider myself a student. I would seriously not mind making any sort of recognition for myself until I was 40.

>> No.20568525

ill literally buy one if its less than one hundred bones and not total shit

>> No.20568533

I'm annoyed at myself for qualifying my statement with 'literally'. I need to stop doing that. It's just as bad as saying 'unironically'.

>> No.20568553

Have you ever bought a painting for less than $100 that didn't suck? The lowest I paid for a painting was $75 and it was dog shit, basically a cheap acrylic job on cheap sketch paper which was clearly ripped from the artist's sketchbook. It was a pity buy, and I never did more than glance at it when I pulled it out of the envelope it came it. I later threw it away without giving it a second glance.

Yes, my paintings are good, but I sell them from around $500. Thanks for the interest.

>> No.20568558

was meant to reply to >>20568533

>> No.20568590

I'm super curious what they're like but I understand if you don't want to post them

>> No.20568632
File: 323 KB, 413x311, 51enqh0F-WL._SR600,315_PIWhiteStrip,BottomLeft,0,35_SCLZZZZZZZ_FMpng_BG255,255,255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my paintings are in an Orozco style. I learned to paint on walls but now I paint on canvas. Similar to picrel but prbly 70% detail. Slightly more crude that is. Same palette for sure. Usually on canvas 3x4 feet.

>> No.20568636

How do you save the princess from the dragon when the princess is the dragon?
Why does a girl being cruel to me make me adore her more?

>> No.20568640

what 0 pussy does to mfer

>> No.20568643

save yourself

>> No.20568656

I get the whole "find happiness in yourself" shit. And that's great. But that doesn't make me human.
How can I become a human without the love of a woman?

>> No.20568658

Trauma in the past actually makes you seek out traumatic relationships in the future.
Sounds really nice, good job dude. Building up skills is always impressive.

>> No.20568668

Thanks brother.

>> No.20568673

Wait and find a woman who isnt a dragon. Who isnt a princess to save either.

>> No.20568678

There are so many god damn people in the world holy shit

>> No.20568683

Did you ever love somebody?

>> No.20568687


>> No.20568701

Yes. I loved him more than anything.

>> No.20568723

my cousin is in love with me. Also we have sex.

>> No.20568733

Where the FUCK is the depression coming from?

>> No.20568757

Is at least one of you female (female)?

>> No.20568765

she is yeah. Also only 2nd cousins and our parents dont care so it's not as scandelous as it could be

>> No.20568776

My parents tried to hook me up with my cousin. I declined the offer though because I'm afraid of women.

>> No.20568777

probably be less afraid if you let people hook you up

>> No.20568784

Getting whiplash shifting between euphoria and overwhelming suicidal thoughts

>> No.20568790

Oh. I see.

>> No.20568829

I did dry hump her when I was a kid. Somehow I got social anxiety as an adult..

>> No.20568912 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20568970

Thank you for writing this. I feel like you can understand my struggles despite being a stranger, truly.

>> No.20569056

>eastern european hours

>> No.20569061

I think there are very few people in the world or on this board who have the same great interest in cinema, music and literature

>> No.20569145

what do you mean by great?

>> No.20569280

>when they call you a fool and you immediately say 'thank you'

>> No.20569298

How could you tell? This sounds oddly suspicious though.
t. Eastern European whose mom and grandma kept talking about how my cousin likes me

>> No.20569325

If basically nobody agrees than how do you justify calling it great?

>> No.20569340
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Alcohol and a warm bath are a great combination

>> No.20569342

lol preggo

>> No.20569348

Males can't get pregnant

>> No.20569373

I’ve been working on a project for the past couple years. Originally I wrote it as a screenplay but I know I could never make it into a film. It’s a sprawling and ambitious story about young people traversing modern life and lately I’ve been reflecting on the reasons why I don’t want to write it as a novel. The answer I think is because literature is largely irrelevant these days. So I’m weighing my options: if I decide to make it into a novel one day, how could I attract a major publisher and ensure that it’s a worthy work? I don’t want to just be some random person who published an obscure book, I want it to be recognized as great. Kind of pretentious but I think that’s the mentality aspiring artists should have. I’m just venting here but I do hope I can realize this project one day

>> No.20569424

Males (females) can.

>> No.20569523 [DELETED] 

classic 90s jam. when i first moved to nyc and i would listen to the radio on my walkman at work everyday and after howard stern ended they would play all these grungy rock songs including that one.

>> No.20569546

Definately want to cheat on my gf only thing stopping me is it would take a lot of work and l'm very lazy

>> No.20569547 [DELETED] 
File: 2.51 MB, 1800x2775, 9780691221991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the princeton summer sale is on 50% off almost everything not that there are many people left who read but for those who do

>> No.20569603 [DELETED] 

my roommate is sitting there doing remote work right next to the bathroom i couldn't take a decent shit now my whole day is fucked up hopefully i stunk it up at least

>> No.20569642

do it

>> No.20569649

do it.
she already cheated on you

>> No.20569673
File: 189 KB, 462x450, 45v5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that there was a point in time where people started to use the word "virgin" to refer to men as well is baffling
maybe it was used as an insult for men. Like "sissy", and "woman", and "pussy"

>> No.20569811
File: 209 KB, 512x468, 1655312452318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start dating this chick
>close friend tells me after i start dating her that she got a lot of issues not before

>> No.20569820

virga originally meant stick or young shoot, and is used as a euphemism for dick. virgo derives from virga, taking the young and unused green shoots sense as inspiration for virgin.

>> No.20569827

it has never been used colloquially in premodern-to-modern english to refer to men

>> No.20569833

you weren't gonna listen. Idiots like you hate being told about red flags when your cock is fully erect

>> No.20569841

you can fix her...

>> No.20569860

It's used in Latin and middle English to refer to men.
>premodern-modern English
Tell me you don't know shit about history or English without telling me

>> No.20569861

I was gonna. I'm not that stupid.

>> No.20569863
File: 588 KB, 596x573, unknown (4784).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The belief that one is the "protagonist of the universe" - the only one with salient complex thoughts, personality traits and dimensions, viewing all other people as simple and featureless "NPCs". Alternative analogy - protagonist is the "main character" of some story, while others are "supporting characters" who are not given much development.

The dangerous and harmful part of this belief is that, unlike a conscious ideology such as solipsism or egotism, protagonism is unconscious. The victim is unaware of his self-bias, he doesn't know that he's an egotits who gives no mind to other people's thoughts and problems, and does not even consider that such as thing as "their perspective" exists.

Being less of a constructed ideology and more of a parasitic mental infection, protagonism causes victim to regularly engage in following exercises:
- caricaturizing other people and their beliefs
- reductionism in arguments
- selfish, narrow-minded words and actions
- self-aggrandizing worldview, narcissism, stubborn belief that one is a unique special snowflake
- inability to empathize, sympathize
- thinking "for" other people, attempting to simplify their personas and "predict" their choices

PROTAGONISM stems directly from man's pride, but in the modern era, it is a mindset that you are incredibly much more prominent to falling into: because on the internet, one constantly engages with people whose name, face, voice are obscured (as well as actual real bots posing as human), it is easier than ever before in history to forget their humanity.

Don't fall into protagonism. Consciously remind yourself that other people exist and their inner world is just as complex as yours, and their lives are just as rich in experience. Don't engage in reductionism. Don't be selfish.

>> No.20569864

That OP is my wallpaper. I think it looks cool.

>> No.20569867

do you also call men "old maids" you stupido?

>> No.20569881

if you have an accurate and brutal view of the world, you don't have to be consciously cruel. you simply just say/act in ways that are interpreted as such. if you find yourself having to be actively cruel then you live in a dream world and haven't been hardened by life yet. Nietzsche was right in saying that men should all be taught in the ways of war while women should only play the part of relieving him of this state of mind.

Remember that much of what is 'true' of reality can be and is usually interpreted as cruel or harsh by women and children.

>> No.20569885

>This confirmed bachelor hoping history doesn't agree

>> No.20569888

what a gay ass mf

>> No.20569892

>thinking that confirmed bachelor is a synonym for old maid
illiterate moment

>> No.20570006

>Thinking I'm not just calling you gay
You're a faggot

>> No.20570075
File: 217 KB, 521x343, ScreenMichael S. Judge is creating DEATH IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER novels Patreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started listening to the free episodes he has on Pynchon and this is pretty damn entertaining. He seems pretty well-read and knowledgeable and isn't as schizo as somebody like John David Ebert is. Is it worth the $5 a month to get access to the 200 other episodes?

>> No.20570205

Tokyo Fist is the best depiction of violence I’ve ever seen, and there’s no one to discuss it with. There’s no one to watch old series like the Dekalog, I, Claudius or the original Twilight Zone with. No one to tell about how Camus’s essays on travel are beautiful or how I can never get into McCarthy's writing style. To discuss creative projects and critique each other’s work, or even collaborate from time to time.
There’s only me, myself and I. Looking for friends and lovers that never come and feeling alone with the ones I do have.
Good to know I’m not the only one. Do
you have any idea about what causes it? In my case, I’m pretty sure it’s related to big changes in my life and failing or feeling inadequate socially.

>> No.20570238

is suicide the only way?

>> No.20570241

the only way to do what?

>> No.20570251


>> No.20570252

16 more workdays
Had a mini meltdown at work today

>> No.20570277

to kill oneself by oneself

>> No.20570306

And then what? NEETdom?

>> No.20570323

really don't feel like going to work today bros
might just call out
but on the other hand it's $100+ I'll be missing out on

>> No.20570332

Did you guys get vaccinated?

>> No.20570344

You deserve a pause.

>> No.20570347

of course

>> No.20570357

For 4 months yes.
Except for the 1 day in the week where i will be following a course.

>> No.20570359

Assuming you're talking about the covid vax.
No, why would anyone?

>> No.20570360

no, I also caught corona, was very sick for about a day, got my whole family infected with it (all of whom are vaxxed) and have no major side effects or debilitations half a year later. haven't worn a mask since then, never got reinfected despite working a job with very high customer traffic.

>> No.20570364
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>> No.20570367
File: 81 KB, 640x479, 89995c2a-c725-4384-97cd-148307883828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have been worse, the book could have been called Cock.

>> No.20570371

Yeah, but not with the RNA one. Also didn’t take none of the gazillion booster jabs.

>> No.20570382

really the only thing that has me in such a lethargic mood is that I had a string of lengthy shifts, one day off which was yesterday, and now it's back to work today for 8 hours. then it'll be another 2 days before I get a proper 2 day off window. don't like that one bit considering I've specifically asked for my days off to always be consecutive (it's literally a checkmark you can set when changing your availability).

>> No.20570387

I needed to do it for a job, otherwise no work for me

>> No.20570388


>> No.20570430


>> No.20570445

I prefer Tetley

>> No.20570450

My western european family mad a lot of creepy jokes about myself and my female cousins. Think its just a european thing
t. Thanking God every day to have been born American

>> No.20570516

I think it's about an anon who was on meds for nightmares? I posted about a dream which I guess could be viewed as a nightmare in the thread before the thread where medicated nightmare anon showed up. Anon is probably conflating a few of us who post dreams. I don't consider my dreams to be nightmares, though I think most people would consider a lot of them nightmarish.

I just have a disorder where I dream weird shit and sometimes wake up during the night like I watched a movie if I don't smoke weed. They're not draining or tiring, just lucid and feel long. If I smoke weed I stop remembering them, but it doesn't get rid of the underlying disorder, so I still wake up occasionally if less often. It's annoying to remember them, but it's thankfully not tiring or scary.

>> No.20570604

make law that forbids women from having a job before they have at least 1-3 kids(depending on whether is convenient to scale down or up). There. just saved the West.

>> No.20570611

what did they mean by this?

>> No.20570631

tfw from kazakhstan

>> No.20570664

Someone was probably really drunk. The mystery deepens when you realize the little symbol between Van Fleet and Stanton is supposed to be a trace left by the animal (the one for dog has paw print), yet that one looks like it was done by a horse.

>> No.20570669

Is manga lame?

>> No.20570718

all men are from kazakhsstan deep down

>> No.20570722

yes, stick to books up to the 19th century

>> No.20570757

I read "The Man in the High Castle" and watched the show and lmao.
If it's supposed to be anti-nazi/japanese propaganda they did a shit job. Like, how do you fuck up something like this.

>> No.20570791

I find them more difficult to escape into and relate to.

>> No.20570813

It'd be great if I could turn off the natural drive that makes me feel lonely. I'm an ugly dude with a horrible personality. I don't need to spend my time feeling down because I'm headed towards wizardhood.

>> No.20570823

>horrible personality
how it's horrible?

>> No.20570834

I've had a lot of relationships fail in the past and most were because of something I did or said. My former best friend cut contact with me out of the blue and never talked to me again, several coworkers talked about how much they hated working with me when they thought I wasn't around, et cetera. There's obviously something off about me and pretending otherwise seems like a good way to repeat the cycle again.

>> No.20570857

what country would be the opposite of kazakhstan feels?

>> No.20570863

It's obviously a book about farm animals but the inconsistency annoys me greatly.

>> No.20570866


>> No.20570868


>> No.20570875

definitely not

>> No.20570876

How are divorces even real? Just fuck your wife's brains out twice a week. Just take her to a nice place twice a month. Putt at least three babies inside her belly.

>> No.20570877

well, did they say why it's horrible to be around you? maybe you can fix it's something objectively bad.
You know people make little tribes and if somebody doesn't fit in the tribe they shittalk him to death.

>> No.20570882

Probably one of those liberal, high level happiness Nordic ones like Finland or Sweden.

>> No.20570886

What if the guy is impotent?

>> No.20570891

it's over for them

>> No.20570901


>> No.20570910

Until she just isnt in the mood and begins to resent her children

>> No.20570914

why does that happen

>> No.20570932

New thread

>> No.20570936

Seems natural for the human being to grow tired of the mistakes of their past sometimes.

>> No.20570944

I think theres just this point in everyone's life where a person contemplates his or her decisions and positions in life and thinks "maybe things could have been different"

>> No.20570953

I think the real problem is people think of their decisions as mistakes. Maybe stacey thought she could have done better. But life is so full of variables that there's no way she could really know if option A would have been better than Option B

>> No.20570973

>I think the real problem is people think for themselves
Yeah, so some get a divorce, finish raising the kids, or maybe they’ve done that already. They live alone or remarry, bisexuals will maybe take opportunity to find a same sex mate.
There’s no rule book stating one must stay with an old mate. It’s romantic, and still happens, but it sometimes doesn’t happen is all.

>> No.20570982

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20571199

I don´t know how to get out of this. there is always a voice saying "whay are you doing this, what for" "so much effort for nothing, alway for nothing"
I know where that came from (mom) but i can´t getting it out of my head.
When I would stop this, whet I would star to do something, and most importan, when I would finish the things that I start?

I'm in a black hole.

>> No.20571475

Quit my job. Decided to drop everything in life and move to Omaha Nebraska for no particular reason. What am I in for?

>> No.20571995
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 2F3D8280-FA05-41D1-996E-5B0E16C36A83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been to Nebraska. Hope you find a nice place to settle. Or be able to leave at the right time. I donno.