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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 04441DE6-CC93-4171-ADB3-56ADFF19AF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20560434 No.20560434 [Reply] [Original]

Does any exist on this board?

Of so, share your impressions of this board; it’s reading habits and fads. (And it’s abhorrent misogyny)

>> No.20560446

Do you have to be female to qualify as a /lit/ sister?

>> No.20560450

Transgirls are welcome too XD

>> No.20560451

Femanon here. If you see threads about medieval Bosnian poetry, I most likely made them.

>> No.20560453

Off topic. Go back to >>>/soc/, tranny

>> No.20560460

OP here. I’m leftist btw.

>> No.20560469

I just want to add that If you are a woman and you're here you must be ugly as shit, but then again the same applies to men.

>> No.20560472

People will hate one women a lot here but the average booktuber girl is a lot more well read than them

>> No.20560473

She definitely has that 1,000 yard cock stare

>> No.20560485

I'd be interested in reading iconoclasm poetry or general literature from the byzantine satellite sites of that period. I'm sure it must exist and it would be fascinating to read state-sponsored exaltations for burning and destroying the previous lot of state-sponsored exaltations.

Voltaire alleged that Constantinople was a worthless repository of declamations but I've never read anything out of there.

>> No.20560497

OP here, will share this on leddit

>> No.20560510

Op here, I just received my bottom surgery, when does my vagina starts looking normal?

>> No.20560514

I tried reading that Elena Ferrante thing people here were shilling but the prose was abominably bad.

>> No.20560529

> Elena Ferrante thing people here were shilling
It was literally one tranny who also spams Ducks, Newburytrash and Sally Trooney

>> No.20560533
File: 83 KB, 700x701, 1652951036447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abhorrent misogyny
shut up bitch
you can go to thousands of other websites that will fawn over you and cater to your whims yet you come here and whinge
tits or gtfo

>> No.20560541

As would I, though I’d guess most of it, along with other iconoclast material, was destroyed.

>> No.20560550

> >>>/soc/,
.. that was a disgusting read .. thanks anon

>> No.20560554

>pick me with no tits pic
You're hopefully not my sister, but either way, have you considered that people hate you because you're you, not because you're female? Because that's probably why.

>> No.20560559

pretty sure this was a joke,
>(And it’s abhorrent misogyny)

>> No.20560564

you know, for a society of drag queens and babyspeak the early 21st century has a real sense of humor problem

The Emperor was right to burn all information about this time,

>> No.20560565

>Not the sister part too
Oh anonkun

>> No.20560568

You're the tranny who alleges conspiracy theories about /lit/ posters.


>> No.20560577

Thanks for confirming that you’re the tranny, anon. Absolutely boiling and I knew my post would have you put down your HRT meds for one minute to respond

>> No.20560583

Is this the Gore Vidal thread?

>> No.20560595

I mean, if it is, it's not funny, surface level trolling that took OP 20 seconds to come up with like the majority of shitposting here, even then the fact that everything here is a joke is implied, no need to spell it out anon.

>> No.20560617

what's the point of this thread femoid? you're never going to have a badge that says you're female which grants you entry into the thread, so it's completely pointless.
tits with timestamp is the only valid proof, newfag

>> No.20560627

I've been surprised and happy with the board. I imagine the gender demographics of us are 30%. The men here seem sensitive and Conservative with about 10% of liberal loudmouths.

>> No.20560667
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Yeah I prefer book girls that look like this. Modest and booky

>> No.20560675

And also for the “satellite sites” (I’m esl so if I’m wrong correct me) meaning provincial regions, these weren’t as impacted. It’s partly folklorish but it’s reported that iconophile monks fled to Southern Italy (ones from Sicily would also flee due to the Muslms). These regions would have less of a chance to have any poetry as they were more militarized and less impacted. If any did survive it’d likely originate from Constantinople.

>> No.20560678
File: 11 KB, 236x236, 906FAD4F-80BF-4349-9402-806A03DA76B6_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was literally one tranny

>> No.20560940


>> No.20560959

never seen a thread be so derailed.

>> No.20560968

Average UK male

>> No.20560985

There's at least one other person who notices you and your troon threads, me. Good to know it bothers you that people caught onto your weird routine with the other discord troon. What is it with you two and terrible threads like this?

You're doing important work my friend, this quarter we're putting 42% up on the big board for sure.

>> No.20561018
File: 104 KB, 379x670, BFD62AFF-943E-4F5F-9DED-57569A67C740_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... you know too much

>> No.20561038

Womans right to vote was a mistake. Lesbianism destroys lives and promotes degeneracy. Cutting your dick off does not in fact make you a woman. Muslims are inbred violent savages.
Cope, seethe and fuck off

>> No.20561043

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.20561044


>> No.20561067
File: 636 KB, 1000x1200, cdbbbaf0-e6f1-11e6-9ad4-02d866374b79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does this chic even read, or does she just like sit on them and absorb the knowledge through that end?

>> No.20561071

0 pussy mf

>> No.20561102

>replying to yourself

>> No.20561126


>> No.20561193

oh- I meant "states"; satellite states.

Yeah it's a shame, I'd think there must have been iconoclast literature and songs and things to explain what they were doing. If it's to be considered that Iconoclasm resembled more the Islam of that time; rejection of images, then we'd have to assume poems and songs - maybe this actually survived in the Muslim states around them, Turks, etc. I don't know.

oh well, I was curious, thanks for indulging

>, if it is, it's not funny
Well I could see the joke; it was on those people who took the bait.

> surface level trolling that took OP 20 seconds to come up
that's exactly what they did, yes!

Even if we agree that the prey we caught were only rats and toads, you've got to admit the trap took some skill. And we will eat tonight.

>> No.20561479


>> No.20561484

But they're american...

>> No.20561514

>muh soggy knees
you didn't build civilization, so dilate.

>> No.20561543

I feel like percentage of hot male posters is the highest on this board than the others by far, with probably pol as a decent second (not that I agree with them). The only blight upon it is the science fiction nerds, who should have their own board. Everyone is also much smarter here than elsewhere, and also more liberal (I don't see a lot of "abhorrent misogyny", like if it comes up a bunch of ppl will be like go back to pol). On other boards I'll say something obvious and get literally some of the most stupid people alive responding with completely incoherent paragraphs mostly filled with insults thinking they're killing it. Doesn't happen here. Anyway those are my impressions

>> No.20561632

>smart, hot
You've probably just read a lot of my posts. I've been here for the last couple of weeks.

Especially the mentions of Harlan Ellison.

>> No.20561696
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As a woman reading has really broadened my horizons and taught me valuable lessons

>> No.20561703

You know, actually, you make a good point. I got a little sullen-faced last week that a couple of more interesting topics didn't seem to go anywhere but remembering how terrible it is in other places I probably shouldn't have expected too much.

>> No.20561713
File: 93 KB, 319x321, Screenshot_20220621-232326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dakota has hit the wall so hard it's not even funny. Compare how she looked even a year ago to how she does now.

Or, as I'm sure she'd put it,
"Endless stretch of time, so masculine in his rapidity
I look and see everything
But when I look again my innocent
Ripped and torn

Must it always be this way?
Why do men like little girls?
I weep;
I want to be a little girl
I want
to be a Girl"

>> No.20561718

This was what Lady Damaris Cudworth was aiming for all along; an ignorant Woman is no more free or able than an ignorant Man, but it is far worse for a Woman to be ignorant than a Man as the Woman is the teacher in the home and raiser of children.

>> No.20561728

>smart therefore must be attractive

>> No.20561752

idk man, the people who 'want' to fit in (craving for normalcy) tend to be low confidence and hideous.. hence the craving for normalcy. You never noticed this?

>> No.20561777

also it really is a great error to think that humans didn't develop mental agility; to plan the hunt, along with physical agility; to succeed in the hunt, and that the two things aren't divided by nature in any way.

>> No.20561789

Looks like a kid gross

>> No.20561794
File: 146 KB, 747x1023, 1652208566235-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for reminding me that I need to be more actively misogynistic. It's nothing personal but women have ruined every single hobby or entertainment industry they've infiltrated. Video games movies TV anime books drama comics geek/need culture I could go on. There is no contesting this. There's also the obvious argument of how women have objectively been the root cause of the downfall of multiple civilizations via political machinations, but that at least can be contested.

Women are all whores. I love masturbating to girlsdoporn because I know that almost all of the videos were nonconsensual and the girls were coerced into doing it. It makes it so hot to know I'm supporting that.

>> No.20561804

>geek/nerd culture

>> No.20561820

Self snitching nonce. Out my face sicko.

>> No.20561833

Everyone "wants to fit in" and "craves normalcy". So, no. For you it seems to boil down to "good must be pretty" and "bad must be ugly" which is the normiest opinion of all. No one with any sense on this shithole spends time here as a fashion statement. Its a place to openly discuss censored topics. If I wanted to I can make a thread discussing a book like "Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors" and no one would bat an eye.
The truth is peoples intelligence and physical appearance arent connected

>> No.20561834
File: 42 KB, 471x313, mfw women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image search
>watch video
>video includes paid promotion
>she uses henceforth incorrectly
>uses queer because homosexual is not inclusive enough
>"archetype of human"
>recommends things the person she describes will have already read like getting a fantasy reader lord of the rings, 1984 for a dystopia lover, poe for a horror reader
>describes notes from the underground as anarchist
fuck this shit. never watch booktubers. stick to videos with under a thousand views by over educated weirdos who rant for an hour at a time.

>> No.20561835

> women
one Woman.

>> No.20561838

There are no (actual) women on the internet.

>> No.20561845

Or at least, not on this board.

>> No.20561848

women online are essentially tripfaggots. I have the exact same visceral reaction seeing a poster insinuating or stating that they are a foid as I do seeing a tripfags post.

>> No.20561855

>thinks /pol/tards are hot

>> No.20561858

Second time Beavis & Butthead was posted today

>> No.20561863

Chuds are pure sex

>> No.20561868

Rent free

>> No.20561881
File: 30 KB, 300x169, thumb_sam-hyde-encyclopedia-dramatica-52256859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mention Sam Hyde on a female message board. Most blackpilling experience of my fucking life.

>> No.20561884
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>> No.20561888

why? what was the reaction?

>> No.20561894
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>> No.20561906

>"good must be pretty" and "bad must be ugly"
I wasn't saying this at all; rather: those who try too hard to sculpt their outward appearance tend to be lacking things already; probably you and I would have completely different people in mind for what we would consider ugly and what we would consider attractive.

Fashion models; bronzed skin, fake tits, bleached hair, these Women are physically disgusting to me. And they are ugly anyway; the outward cosmetic is there to distract and it's sad to me that Women copy these things.

>Everyone "wants to fit in" and "craves normalcy".
strongly disagree; maybe subconciously you could say the desire to istance onself fro the normie is itself an act of craving normalcy - but it's location, peer and group dependent as to what normalcy will constitute from one place and time to the next; whereas the people who tend to lead people don't follow anything at all, recognizing that there's no merit in common opinion or consensus agreement - if it's in error.

>The truth is peoples intelligence and physical appearance arent connected
I have to disagree, I find people who are both stupid and malicious tend to have very tiny eyes - whereas the most evil people tend to take the most attention to groom themselves and present themselves as super friendly.

So there is some proofs here of intelligence or conscience, maybe, and the correlation with appearance, superficial and physiological.

>> No.20561909

from what I understand women find rough dumb men hot in a forbidden way. so in general they're not going to stop and flirt with a construction worker when they're being catcalling douches and will date a gentle Jewish guy instead but when they masturbate they're thinking about the construction guys. similar vibe for conservatives and /pol/, notice she said she doesn't agree with them which means she probably finds them coarse and gross but despite herself she knows they probably take care of their body, would treat her roughly etc and there's a vibe to that they're into secretly

>> No.20561910


>> No.20561919

Women only romanticize rudeness and roughness when the guy is physically hot. If you're rude and not particularly attractive you're just an asshole.

>> No.20561922

tell us

>> No.20561932

> she knows they probably take care of their body, would treat her roughly etc

best joke post today

>> No.20561939

>> she knows they probably take care of their body, would treat her roughly etc

>> No.20561965

i got the impression it was more like that kind of guy (in 1920 we'd be talking about working class) are so beneath her intellectually that it's fun to play around with them; for a Man it'd be like picking up a 17 yr old or someone with very simplistic manners of thinking who can't ever outwit you.

There's an episode of Steptoe and Son I suddenly remembered where Harold falls in love with a "posh wife", Albert explains the situation to him; he denies it, Albert is soon proven right.

Personally I think the total loss of any kind of concept of class has been one of the worst factors in confusing people.

>> No.20561981

Every time I see an ugly woman who is an artist or intellectual I can only think of the scene from American Psycho and I swear it’s ALWAYS true. Even if they aren’t ugly they are at least not attractive every single time and it’s kind of sad. There are attractive women who are intelligent and knowledgable but not who have made it their career

>> No.20562003

I mean, the human brain seems to struggle with the idea that other people can be more intelligent or less intelligent than themselves; it's quite the social capital to play on guilt over the matter, but to have to grind the differences between people down in a persons own mind in order to arrive at that 'common denominator' which is insisted by the society to be 'morally correct' (i.e. "there are no differences") only ends up in this physical identitarianism; All Women vs. All Men, for example, whereas the real actual points of what make one Woman good and one Man good are entirely missed.

spoiler: it's 100% intelligence.

>> No.20562009

What did you expect, anon? Intelligent literary discourse from an easy-on-the-eyes Barnes and Nobles shill? Booktubers are always going to try for mass appeal rather than bothering to know what they're talking about, and that means fetishizing idea of literature instead of actually engaging with it. Most people that watch that shit are just obsessed with the "aesthetic" associated with holding a book in your hand, not in really knowing what the words on its pages mean. This is also why such types like to insert their political views into the text wherever they can. Take a look at this board, for example. All around you are pseuds. Pseuds as far as the eye can see. Twenty-something retards insecure of their own intelligence that think that because they know what the word "verisimilitude" means, they're part of some privileged upper-class in the schizophrenic social hierarchies of their mind. If that were true, though, I'd be saying all this in a thread about something that isn't whether or not you faggots have a vagina between your legs to pair with your Jane Austen novels. And yet, here we fucking are. I hate all of you.

>> No.20562010

95% of women are attractive by default. Where those women go wrong is usually their ridiculously inflated, obnoxious ego, lack of a real personality, and self-inflicted ugliness such as obesity, partying too hard, and in case of white women making themselves ugly on purpose with piercings, danger hair, and the like.

>> No.20562014

ugly compared to what though? Our physical features are phenotypes and genotypes. We tend to like people who look like us, I find.

Is a poodle more ugly than a dachshund? You're talking about beasts, anon. As beasts one ought only judge them on how well they can track and maul a quarry.

>> No.20562020

No, I dont mean beauty standards or fashion sense I mean attractive people. Also, your idea of how people work is off. There is no such thing as someone who exists outside his nature. Humans have built hierarchies for eons because its their nature. You dont just simply "walk away" from your nature because you chose to distance yourself from one. If you and your friends get together you form a hierarchy for example. 4chan is no different nor is any sort of punk or fringe movement. "Board culture" exists for this reason and so does various /lit/ based presuppositions (reading "x" book makes you reddit" etc). Humans crave structure and are lost without it

>I have to disagree, I find people who are both stupid and malicious tend to have very tiny eyes whereas the most evil people tend to take the most attention to groom themselves and present themselves as super friendly.
Evil exists in all people. There is no one select "evil group". You have the capacity to murder, kill, rape and steal. There are no "good guys" and "bad guys". If you cant see that I cant help you

>> No.20562025

>they're part of some privileged upper-class in the schizophrenic social hierarchies of their mind
The more interesting thing is that the moment a Woman appears the most insecure Man begins to talk-down the other Men in an attempt to peacock with their bottom feathers.

Not a sign of maturity, anonobon.

>> No.20562034

Projection, I'm a hot ass nibba and know several arthoe type girls that frequent /lit/
This was written by some fat oldhead who thinks 4chan is still the fringe resort of ugly fats like him

>> No.20562053

I think you're on the right track by it's less about "playing with them intellectually" and more just that working class men tend to be a lot more manly. Intelligence is a requisite for an intelligent girl when it comes to dating, but libidinally a meaty bluecollar daddy who thinks "idiot" has an e in it scratches a deeper itch. There's probably also a puppy dog factor of being so stupid that it's cute. I feel like the fact that I can write all this is a testament to my security in my heterosexuality by the way

>> No.20562067

Women shouldn't be allowed to be interested in literature unless they're ugly
This is disgusting

>> No.20562072

Fuck you, troglodyte. I miss the days when this board was more than the playground of microdicked English majors and their girlfriends making threads about the comfiest books to jerk off into. There used to be intelligent conversation in these threads, not the r9k tier bullshit we have now. If you don't believe me go back and look at any of the old threads on desuarchive pre 2016 or so. Longer, higher quality posts, good discussion, and anons that had actually read the shit they were talking about.

>> No.20562080

Hrm. I just don't see it the same way; if you've been in a position where people look up to you for leadership then you already know that "their opinions" are largely contrived to accord with what you happen to say from one moment to the next; this is something I'd figured out by age 11. It kills the notions you mentioned earlier of "needing to fit in", or that "all people crave normalcy", it's just not true; it's a sign of immaturity on their part or its a perspective phase of adolescents or over-grown children (or women, some would say in private).

> There is no such thing as someone who exists outside his nature
This I agree with; but our nature is that of a hunter-builder who is built to fully fathom hi or her surroundings - the notions of following things that don't work or doing something just because some idiots in the group are doing something is counter to nature; it's what we're coerced to do all the time, of course, peer pressure and consensus, etc., but if it doesn't work and you realize it doesn't work (i.e. the group undertakes a task which doesn't produce the desired outcome) then it's silly to keep the idea in your head to keep acting in that way.

>"Board culture"
never heard this term

> presuppositions (reading "x" book makes you reddit" etc).
Ah! Here's the problem though; that kind of remark is not a valid response; it's a political response; they say (XYZ) because they disagree with the theme or undertone of the material and are seeking to dissuade the more impressionable people from going to it by using a stock phrase.

>Humans crave structure and are lost without it
Humans more like seek to claw their way to the top of a pile of screaming chimpanzees like them, but this accomplishes nothing in and of itself; they grow no crops, they build nothing, these things remain being done by the people who actually are in charge of the chimp colony at any given time.

>There is no one select "evil group".
I was making a joke about Germans. But the second part of that I stand by; it's entirely valid as some humans, of course, also prey on other humans.

>> No.20562087

>Fuck you, troglodyte. I miss the days when this board was more than the playground of microdicked English majors and their girlfriends making threads about the comfiest books to jerk off into. There used to be intelligent conversation in these threads,
AWWW boo hoo bo hoo. I think you'll find those 'men' are taking pictures of themselves wearing their mothers underpants andposting it to porn sites - where those 'men' belong.

"I feared the New Man,"
Hitler, being fearful of Stalins Mustache.

>> No.20562104

Well I find a perverse pleasure in slutty girls, but I wouldn't consider them relationship material - I guess it's the same kind of thing. Fucking monogamy forcing us to have only one person.

>. I feel like the fact that I can write all this is a testament to my security in my heterosexuality by the way
I completely agree with this sentiment.

>> No.20562114

>never heard the term board culture
lurk moar newfag

>> No.20562147

i'm good thanks

>> No.20562162

I would gladly take a board of literal crossdressers if it meant that there was a thread about something actually related to literature once in a while.

>> No.20562165

He had already fucked all of them

>> No.20562171

Compared to niggers. Is that what your wanting? Dumb fucking cunt, "ugly compared to what?" Like people don't fucking know what ugly is when they see it.

>> No.20562175


>> No.20562176

I fear a big throbbing cock will be shoved up my airtight hairy pussy.

>> No.20562180

Fuck off newnigger

>> No.20562193

>I was making a joke about Germans.
>I have to disagree, I find people who are both stupid and malicious tend to have very tiny eyes - whereas the most evil people tend to take the most attention to groom themselves and present themselves as super friendly.
i dont get it

>> No.20562204
File: 415 KB, 600x387, Damaris and Mary Astell (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, so you believe in advertising magazines written by homosexuals from the late 1990's defines 'beauty' for all time in the emaciated face and vacant expression of an artificially oranged Dutch or German woman with her pubic hair removed so as to resemble an infant baby, gotcha.

You're totally straight and the contrast of yourself to Black Africans is not at all scraping the bottom of the barrel to self-justify by extremes.

>> No.20562208

>uses the example of one childhood experience to dismiss the notion of culture
Yeah, nah. Culture exists as an ultimate presupposition which binds us and makes it possible to build complex structures. Everyone knows where to go and what to do. That doesnt simply go away because leadership has the capacity for corruption and arbitrary orders (which it has because all humans have the capacity for corruption and evil). The fact that there has been bad leaders does not invalidate culture nor the structure itself. Its a failure of society to make its people vigilant enough to guard against their own debauchery
I recommend reading Jung, especially Aion

>never heard this term
lurk more
>Ah! Here's the problem though; that kind of remark is not a valid response; it's a political response
Its a cultural response. Redditors are "bad" because they symbolize mainstream thoughts and ideas. Placated idiots who do nothing but consume what theyre given. Supposedly

>Humans more like seek to claw their way to the top of a pile of screaming chimpanzees like them, but this accomplishes nothing in and of itself; they grow no crops, they build nothing, these things remain being done by the people who actually are in charge of the chimp colony at any given time.
Wrong. People form a structure because its the most effective possible way to orginize. Not because some "chad" happens to be an effective tardwrangler. This is all very basic and easily observable. The one at the top of the structure is supposedly the most competent and knows the structure the best. He is also the guy woman want to fuck because their children has a chance to be more competent than average.

>> No.20562217

..cos.. Romans and Greeks said this about Germans; and Schopenhaur the German also mentions it nearly two thousand years later when describing traits of low intelligence. It's more of a joke on the 'aryan' delusion of german-centric whiteness held by contemporary people who don't realize this.

>> No.20562220

>teehee maybe if I make a bunch of assumptions I'll win!
I don't read magazines. I don't get my ideas of what's hot from them. The only people that do are women. I literally only fuck bookish nerd women and have convinced them to grow out their pubic/pit hair for my preferences. Fucking retard, go read a book or something.

>> No.20562222

I hope some thick-necked hunk wearing a white tee that was torn by his bulging muscles doesn't unzip his denim shorts, releasing his fleshy sledgehammer to rip my fragile pale white body in two. That would suck.

>> No.20562232

sounds like youre a racist

>> No.20562249

>I literally only fuck bookish nerd women and have convinced them to grow out their pubic/pit hair for my preferences.
Unfathomably based

>> No.20562253

what a wasted set of quads.

>> No.20562274
File: 342 KB, 1799x1133, IMG_6175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And think this tart could have been a millionairess by now if she'd been less bombastic about inflating her "smarts," and had instead focused on cultivating and promoting her farts!

>> No.20562291

You beat me to it. It appears a few true patricians are in this thread. Although I only like the bush between the legs. I prefer hairless armpits that I might lick them.

>> No.20562294

>pubic hair removed so as to resemble an infant baby, gotcha
Kek how's the Wall treating you roastie?

>> No.20562295

Stop samefagging Braden

>> No.20562297

reminder that film was made by a woman
a feminist dyke no less

>> No.20562325

Yep, that's precisely why it's kino. Tried to critique toxic masculinity and ended up creating something that is fundamentally relatable to men and young boys. Patrick Bateman acts out, and to a certain degree is able to verbalise, the feelings that we all have buried deep within us.

>> No.20562329

> Culture exists as an ultimate presupposition which binds us and makes it possible to build complex structures. Everyone knows where to go and what to do.
Everyone knows where to go and what to do from a presupposition? That's what I ws getting at; there's nothing in a presupposition of the 'habit' of doing a thing one way or another which holds any bearing on whether that way is actually effective or not. That was my point: if you observe 'society' or 'people' doing a thing wrong then why would you follow them? That's where I was saying it's an immature thing; as a children we're more inclined to kow to peer pressures from lack of experience, but we usually grow out of this - or become mentally deranged from repetition of performing actions that don't work whilst having to maintain a facade that the action is "perfectly fine".

>because leadership has the capacity for corruption and arbitrary orders
I wasn't saying anything about this; I was observing that what seems to people as being "very important culture" is typically derived from one Man or Woman here or there who is looked up to for one reason or another.

Think of Men talking to Women; smiling and nodding and trying to please, this kind of thing. There's no culture dictating anything; the Mans 'opinion' changes based on what she says next. It is, therefore, utterly invalid to base anything upon 'that' opinion because it is not real.

a drug addict wastrel haha, I'd recommend Reich; Freuds other and better student.

> Supposedly
It's an acculturated response if people do't see it for what it is an d copy it, but then that's the intention of the political types who start memes in the first place.

Consumerism is nothing new; their association with a similar messaging website strikingly similar to this messaging website reads moreso of trying to make themselves seem superior by contrast; as echo chambers and peer feedback loops weren't 'cultural' constant of online forums.

culture.. hm. yea i see what you mean..

>People form a structure because its the most effective possible way to orginize.
Naw this is a kids perspective; you presently believe that society is perfectly structured and organized properly with intelligence in mind; that what it says on the building is really what goes on inside, for instance. Not true at all. I wasn't even trying to make the point that "all humanity" is a series of one cult of personality after another because it's not really ..... but it would be more accurate to look at things that way, to get the best broad overview of how things and people do operate.

>The one at the top of the structure is supposedly the most competent
lol I think you already know how false this is.

that's a great way to put it.

You're presupposing that groupies are possessed of that depth of foresight, even if they're in error in the first place to assign it to the musician; to mistake the character with the actor.

>> No.20562353

This is bullshit. If you were doing this you wouldn't have questioned what I said in the first place, timewaster. You literally fuck nothing and wank off to gay porn, like all other men in our society. except me.

And quit replying to yourself.

kek! Not a woman, just replying to tell off the guy who was talking about niggers; saying that "all the world" thinks one particular gay invented idea of women is shared by everybody.

Gay Men wrote and published those fashion magazines. Shaved cunts were designed to get you used to pedophilia. Just factos.

>> No.20562365
File: 918 KB, 1189x636, tiberius julius caesar germanicus drusus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. If Germanicus had gone a little further into Germany and stabbed more German babies to death, our society would be fine today.

Next time when the eagle crosses the rhone we wont be held back by notions of pity against the tiny eyed northern barbarian animal. roma invicta.

>> No.20562370

touch grass

You drive poeppe away with your shittiness; it's no surprise that you only encounter the worst. They're the only ones with low enough standards not to avoid you.

>> No.20562377

>This is bullshit. If you were doing this you wouldn't have questioned what I said in the first place
No faggot, it's because you asked some gay little, "look at me I've really thought things through comment question thing designed to make me look smart." Hope it helps you sleep at night just absolutely know that you're the smartest guy on this board. We get it, we've heard everything you're gonna say 1,000 times before. We all went to high school and heard all the dimwit fags trying to articulate their ideas before. Fuck, you are a faggot, set off on a crusade because I gave you the easy nigger catch you were baiting for.

>> No.20562383


>> No.20562418

Haha you're still just timewasting - you wanted to make yourself seem smart by talking about DEM NIGGRZ so that tells me you're low IQ low paid trash to start with.

>smartest guy
Oh, so your'e just envious that a Man is doing better than you and you need to tell yourself that you've had sex and are "telling a girl to grow her arm pit air". Yeah, for sure,
>Hope it helps you sleep at night

I do sleep well at night, and I forgive you for being angry. Just don't try this with a Man IRL or you will get a chair put over your head.

>> No.20562427

desu, if you were legit in the first place,
this was how it went:

we were talking about attractiveness and intelligence,
you came in talking about niggers.


>> No.20562428

then men are truly fundamentally evil as i always suspected
yes, i admit women can be weak petty and shitty but males overall are straight up murderous raping demons inside. you see this across the animal kingdom and you yourself admit it.
logically it follows that males should be culled to the tune of 10%, in the role of breeding studs and elite warriors, so that humanity can evolve into a spacefaring matriarchal hive species similar to bees as we were always meant to

>> No.20562437

>fundamentally relatable to men and young boys
Unless said man or young boy had the brainpower to look beyond its gory sequences and visual panache and see it for the vapid critique of yuppie culture it was. I'll never understand you morons that think you're being "edgy" or countercultural because you applaud any instance of a woman having her head torn off on film. "American Psycho" is, and always has been, a tasteless, insipid novel that does everything in its power to reinforce milquetoast liberal conceptions of masculinity; the film is only saved by good casting decisions and a competent editorial staff.

>> No.20562445

It's probably more nuanced than that. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they write and think. Physigionomy is real

>> No.20562447

>I do sleep well at night
When I was a kid we'd call this one kid gay and he'd say, "you're right, I am happy!" You remind me of that kid.

>> No.20562448

Dude, it's obvious that your just a paedo trying painfully hard to convince himself that he isn't one. This is just cringy to watch. Please stay away from children.

>> No.20562450

it can also just be termed someone’s aura, vibe, energy, what have you
“ugly” people can still be physiognomically beautiful, for instance phillip seymour hoffman

>> No.20562452
File: 33 KB, 600x493, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud was a drug addled waster though, kek

Anyway im not reading that. I made my point. Youre just regurgitating word vomit at this point based on the fact that people did what you said at one point when you were 11. Scanning through its all just really basic white bitch shit and not worth my time. Im not your dad. Its not my job to explain to you why culture and structure is important.

>> No.20562466

Look whose talking stop posting literal teenagers

>> No.20562484

Okay, do it then. Rise up and kill us.
Oh wait you're women lol

>BUT MUH ITELLECTUAL CRITIQQUEE and yet Bateman continues to be a representation of the apotheosis of masculinity whilst verbalising the crushing emptiness and resentment that today's teenage boys experience. Curious.

>> No.20562488

> Im not your dad.
wh- what? I thought you were the Bosnian Woman. If I'dve thought you were a little guy I wouldn't have stayed here this long.

>Its not my job to explain to you why culture and structure is important.
i.e. you're pushing a political position.

>word vomit
i.e. you can't understand what's being said to you.

>. I made my point.
i refuted you a couple of times quite clearly and explained how your position of viewing society is based on looking at a group following a Man or a Woman and making up universalist explanations to avoid noticing that it contradicts your political position (see above), which you will not change, so there's no point carrying on.

You make a good drag queen tho, I'll give you that much.


>> No.20562490


>> No.20562494

big difference between Freuds medicinal cocaine and Jungs acid.

legalize today. cure depression.

>> No.20562496

>“ugly” people can still be physiognomically beautiful
This makes literally no sense whatsoever. What the hell does "physiognomically beautiful" even mean?

>> No.20562507

Will one of you be my gf? I'm tall and cute and a total midwit so I'll be impressed by your mediocre poetry

>> No.20562509

>When I was a kid we'd call this one kid gay
Was that because he could speak english better than you as well? Shit. Some kid said that to me once and I beat him up and threw him down a stairwell. I would've yelled "you're right, i am happy" if I'd known about this.


>> No.20562515

Holy fuck, i lost several IQ points reading this thread. Fuck pseuds.

>> No.20562527

>starts fantasizing about being a violent retard
No, he didn't do shit. That also reminds me of you.

>> No.20562539

this was the word i meant when i said physiologically.

If you're the same guy who was talking about niggers, why exactly is it so hard for you to admit or acknowledge that "people find people who look like they look to be attractive"? It's literally race and tribe. It's totally racist if you think hard about it. You should be on board with this 1000%.

>> No.20562555

dude, if you uttered your political beliefs in public you'd be jobless and thrown in prison. You're coming from the social pov of a crack addict man covered in his own piss.

>> No.20562565

Thats hot. I'll be your breeding stud

>> No.20562572

>apotheosis of masculinity
If you honestly believe this, you're either an angst-riddled teenager that never had a proper father figure in his life, black, or both. They mean virtually the same thing, anyway.
>verbalising the crushing emptiness and resentment that today's teenage boys experience
One, Bateman didn't verbalise shit (the braindead word salad at the end of the film doesn't count), he was a caricature of an 80s American stereotype that both the novel and the film go out of the way to assure the audience cannot think for itself; and two, that "resentment" and "emptiness" that teenage boys experience is called angst, and you can find that shit in anything from Catcher in the Rye to The Breakfast Club.

>> No.20562580
File: 308 KB, 849x565, Yawning2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i refuted
you didint refute anything. You disagreed because you didint feel that way. Your opinion has no bearing on facts. Nothing you said had merits. Me telling you you you are a waste of time is just that.
nope, cope
>i.e. you can't understand what's being said to you.
nope, its just word vomit. You wouldnt call a schizophrenics rambling a master thesis

>You make a good drag queen tho, I'll give you that much.
ie "you are not a real man!". Basic bitch character assassination

But hey if it makes you feel better to feel that way its really your problem

>> No.20562588

>Some kid said that to me once and I beat him up and threw him down a stairwell
>You're coming from the social pov of a crack addict man covered in his own piss.
I'm a dangerous crackhead for making fun of your ego. You are a paragon of virtue for violently overreacting like an insecure nigger if someone calls you a fag.
There are protestors that yell faggot at every big event, why don't you go face the real world and stop them?

>> No.20562592

When is my angst supposed to go away?
t. 23

>> No.20562597

still here

I think you missed the point of that; I mention it because it was something starkly obvious to us as children in the first place.

>Anyway im not reading that.
And that's fine. Not being able to read quickly and understand sentencing structure is vital in being able think properly. I wouldn't want to give you a tension headache by forcing you to process all those patterns if it's not something you're used to doing.

nice chat tho,

>> No.20562598

I have no idea what you're on about. And no, I'm not the guy who was talking about niggers.

>> No.20562600

>medicinal cocaine

>> No.20562608

>Capacity for violence
>Gets what he wants
>Fucks and kills many women

>Hurr durr world salad.
Filtered. I mean come on you can say that about anything. I say your posts are word salad. Therefore bad.
The ending monologue is brilliant because it so perfectly captures what we feel.

As to your third point, you are deluded if you really think the current plight of males isn't a unique and novel phenomenon.

>> No.20562611

When you become a man. Don't worry, we all get there in our own time. Usually.

>> No.20562621

He's making the point that
>We tend to like people who look like us, I find.
If this is news to you, you are either 13 years old or mentally retarded. He's now trying to articulate "inner beauty" like it's a knew thing that he's come up with.

Instead of actually acknowledging real issues that could be present in a young man's life, anon decides to insult. This is a clear mark of his own insecurity -- the need to prove his intellect and maturity on 4chan's /lit/.

>> No.20562623

>implying you have the capacity to make anything complicated enough to give me a tension headache
>nice chat tho,
if you say so

>> No.20562668

>feel that way. Your opinion
Er.. no,I made at least two cases and presented the argument clearly (re: culture is a "presupposition"); and you responded with "cant be bothered to read", changing the subject and switching to insults - which is probably dissonance or selective recall because you didn't like being proven wrong.

>political, cope cope
Yeah, clearly you've got a preheld political supposition based on the naive idealism that 'society is structured', which it's really not.

>master thesis
Quite basic points actually the notion that 'culture is vital structure' is more like an agreement from an armchair lamenting "structure from previous times" - but you can't demonstrate to me when any form of 'structured culture' existed that was not derived in some way from one guys actions. You're sort of coming to a socialist statist big-gov (maybe church?) position; which isn't bad, I've just been saying to you for three posts that it does not actually exist.

cite examples, i think i asked you for this originally.

>word vomit.
You only started saying this when I'd begun to pick up and refute your structured society position; this itself was a proof that you held a political position, otherwise you wouldn't have begun to play politics by pretending you couldn't read what was being said when it began to refute you.

>meme yawning picture
appeal to audience

you still here? Wow.

You know, I'm starting to think I'm talking to the same person.

>> No.20562693

>"inner beauty"
omg is this where you thought i was coming from when you replied with NIGGERS IS THAT WHAT U WANT TO HEAR


No. What the fuck were you arguing with me about in the first place? I told you that at the time, that you wouldn't be questioning what I said if XYZ was true.

time waster baka pls learn to read in the future

>> No.20562699
File: 786 KB, 1080x2047, Screenshot_20220621-204253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry your pretty little head about that. Multiple people thing you are dumb and annoying. You write like you're about to take an AP english test.

>> No.20562711

Because he "works" at his father's company.
Vanity is not a masculine trait.
Same as Rich
>Capacity for violence
Which he misuses.
See the above point.
>Gets what he wants
He explicitly does not do that in both the novel and film, unless by "gets what he wants" you mean frivolously indulges in hedonism.
>Fucks and kills many women
Mostly hookers and (in the novel at least) a series of women he has to pathetically coerce with drugs and alcohol to sleep with him. He literally gets cheated on by his fiancé.

I'm not going to bother to respond to the rest of your post, because you're just repeating yourself. But also:
>the current plight of males isn't a unique and novel phenomenon
It is, but not one which is covered in American Psycho whatsoever.
I was joking but holy projection, Batman

>> No.20562713
File: 54 KB, 354x514, 5765B171-635F-4541-BE65-451BF7B5F69A_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these gay effortposts? These threads are usually fun

>> No.20562717

I will never have sex because I'm too scared of rejection :(

>> No.20562720

>feel, opinion
>"basic bitch"
and you are using those words which tells me you're coming 1000% from politics,

but honestly, I think you're in America, I'm not. And I have a free day of relaxing ahead of me tomorrow so I'm going to bed. If the threads still here tomorrow I guess I'll run my stick along your monkey cage and make you jump up and down again, mr murkia

good night =)

>> No.20562724

>I was joking
Fooled me, work on your delivery!
>I am foreign but I won't say what country
Kinda cringe, dude

>> No.20562737

but anon, we know I'm right because when I refuted your position you started to say rude things to me and stopped talking properly.

this is transparent as fuck. You must on opioids and your brain is fucked up or something if you think nobody notices this.

anyways.. cya

>> No.20562745

walked by some tranny today dressed like this slut, like some kind of doll but he was so painfully awkward. i said hi, but he noticed i noticed his hairy arms and he rubbed them and walked away.

>> No.20562746

>Kinda cringe, dude
ok,old man. way to do politics with the youth =)

>> No.20562748

Sorry I don't argue with violent niggers that throw children down stairwells. Hope whatever foreign place you're from has the proper mental health facilities to help you.

>> No.20562751

moids pretend to read for attention. the reason 90% of newly published books are targeted for a female audience is because scrotes just play vidya gaymes and coom. none of them read, and if they do, they just read crap like neet-cheese and /sffg/ neckbeard-core.

all /lit/ moids are either cows like voxpox day (narc pseuds) or incels who read tiddy-elf books and pretend it counts when it's just porn comic books without the images. 90% of books marketed for men are just gender reverse twilight. they're intellectual toddlers who need a mommy to beat their ass for getting cum stains on the wall again.
you definitely have that zero-pussy knee-knock and nerd-neck.

>> No.20562755

She would never fuck you. Stop being pathetic.

>> No.20562765

I forget that girl’s name but her poetry is extremely mid and the veneer of dark/edgy imagery and diction she applies to it to cover up the lack of substance is both transparent and cringe-inducing. Savannah Brown’s stuff is a lot better even though she misses a lot too. Her peaks make up for the rest. Consider the imagery in the following two stanzas for example:

did we appear as dually flickering lights
above a hazy skyline?
fluttering, distant,
choking on stifling fog:
first solitary decades of life
as a lukewarm utterance into the vacuum,
whispering, “oh, what is this emptiness?”
haggard gesturing suggesting
half is not missing, but whole

and someday, when beacons collide,
not coincidence, but prophecy,
wrenching claims of meant-to-be
the sparks erupt in ultraviolet chaos,
volcanic, raging,
a mighty wallop of colour and sound,
a shattering cry of belonging
splitting time itself.

>> No.20562768

You dont seem to understand the difference between being written off as a waste of time and "winning" an argument. I wonder why, kek

>> No.20562798

>Fooled me, work on your delivery!
Sorry! I reread my comment and see how that could have come off the wrong way. ygmi, anon!

>> No.20562804

it's meh, the guys here are kind of retarded sis

>> No.20562809

>they're intellectual toddlers who need a mommy to beat their ass for getting cum stains on the wall again
Are you volunteering?

>> No.20562817

Janny please delete tjhis atrocity of a fucking thread. Its like an NYC pub speed dating night in here
Its like /adv/ 2.0

>> No.20562818


>> No.20562822

(the implication being its full of trannies and dudes pretending to be girls)

>> No.20562825

Greentext reminded me of a friend in childhood who would blast off so hard he stained his bedroom ceiling. I don't understand. I cum a lot, like a real man, but not like a rocket. A nice sensible shot in some quantity is what I give off. The idea that some of you fellas out there could shoot a purse thief from twenty yards out and drop him cold boggles my mind. "Stains on the wall." Bro it should just be a sort of magma over your hand

>> No.20562826 [SPOILER] 

I don't see why they wouldn't, I look at off topic threads on lolcow dot farm or crystal dot cafe and they're full of intellectuals

>> No.20562827

janny won't save you

>> No.20562833

>full of intellectuals
so dudes

>> No.20562835

No, this thread needs to be fucking pinned. This is the new face of /lit/, anon. Behold it in all its awesome splendor!

>> No.20562837

>Its like /adv/ 2.0
That's /wwoym/

>> No.20562841

You should tie me up and humiliate me

>> No.20562845

Retard here. You should be my gf.

>> No.20562846
File: 24 KB, 400x400, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all my /lit/bros are gonna lose their robux to traps

>> No.20562848

It's not that unusual from what I understand. I can reliably hit my ceiling fan from across the room.

>> No.20562856
File: 73 KB, 600x1017, DD7AAF21-E8BB-4517-B94A-C53AFA44A91F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abhorrent misogyny

>> No.20562857

Seek an exorcism

>> No.20562865


Bitchass got a weak urethra

>> No.20562875
File: 9 KB, 205x286, angry hank9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you huwhat you delet this now or I'm gonna kick your ass

>> No.20562880

>implying they don't already
with the amount of hornyposting I've seen around here recently, I think its safe to say about 80-90% of /lit/ is suffering from no bitches

>> No.20562881
File: 21 KB, 255x173, ED8F4E07-19E3-4DCC-8308-6EB5D3D740BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should just be a sort of magma over your hand
Wrong, it should be in your wife

>> No.20562894

80-90% of the horny posting is coming from me

>> No.20562896

I agree, it should be in your wife

>> No.20562904

Actually true. Average verbal IQ of a user on Crystal Cafe or similar websites is probably about twenty points higher than this board, even accounting for the difference in relative size. They're actually pretty funny, too. I go there sometimes to jerk off to the male hate threads.

>> No.20562907

Talking about the film darling. The novel is indeed big epic satire on American whatever. But they tried and failed to turn it into a film. The film has a new identity now; one that greatly appeals to men because they see their ideal selves represented. It's no wonder why women can't understand that. I shudder to think what women's ideal selves are.

>> No.20562917

You are jerking off to males pretending to be women who hate males. Jsyk

>> No.20562930

I was referring to both the film and the novel in my posts. But you're right, it was silly me to think that someone on /lit/ would have actually bothered to read something.

Stay pissed, scrote.

>> No.20562933


>> No.20562935

Can one of you man hating /lit/ sisters be my gf

>> No.20562943
File: 54 KB, 500x500, avatars-000329803451-65lb5q-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you guys are cringe

>> No.20562946

Most aren't and I've seen a couple trannies reveal themselves there before and they get a really negative reception after that

>> No.20562957

We should hang out some time

>> No.20562959

Not manhating but here are my requirements.
1. Must be a minimum of 5'10. This is generous. Thank me.
2. Must be capable and ideally even in possession of a handsome stubble. Must not have a beard. Occassions when you shave your stubble should be seen only as an opportunity to regrow stubble.
3. Must be older than 30.
4. Must not be a vegetarian.
5. Must not be excessively political one way or the other.
6. Must not read feminine literature.
7. Goes without saying must be attractive. This doesn't necessarily mean classically handsome, for instance Matt Smith is v hot. I think it's mostly about how you carry yourself. So must not be a dweeb. There is nothing that repulses me more deeply than an awkward twig uncomfortably in his own limbs.
8. Must not be a simp. I can't stand men that worship me. I like chasing actually, the only two men I've fucked have been dismissive of me. I like to thaw the ice you know.
9. Must not play video games forgot that one.
10. Or watch anime.

>> No.20562973

These are just my preliminaries by the way there's a lot more to consider than this obviously.

>> No.20562981

when you greentext I can't tell if I'm included, and I'm too lazy to look, so as epic as it might seem to you it's self defeating

>> No.20562982

You have the syntax of a eleven year old.

>> No.20562983

>1. Must be a minimum of 5'10. This is generous. Thank me.
>2. Must be capable and ideally even in possession of a handsome stubble. Must not have a beard. Occassions when you shave your stubble should be seen only as an opportunity to regrow stubble.
Yeah I got that
>3. Must be older than 30.

>> No.20562988

ok but are you a virgin and do you know how to cook

>> No.20562991

What the hell is "feminine literature"?

>> No.20563016

>Anno Domini 2022
>No video games
>No anime

>> No.20563035

Close to 30 is also fine I just prefer older men.
... Books by women like Jane Austen or Sylvia Plath? Not allow.

>> No.20563039


>> No.20563042

How old are you

>> No.20563047

Get a real individual hobby you geek.

>> No.20563052

Oh btw what do you think about penis size and your expectations/fetishes during sex

>> No.20563073

If I hate Jane Austen do I have to become a moid now?

>> No.20563078

Elle a peur

>> No.20563086

It does sound suspicious. I've never met a female who doesn't like Jane Austen. Are you wider than you are tall?

>> No.20563092

>wider than tall
you mean like Austen fans? Sadly, no, i'm not a fatty chan.

>> No.20563094

That's because you've never met a female anon.

>> No.20563100

This shallow take is sooo old.
You’ve never been in love and probably never even went out on a date with one

>> No.20563146

why does that matter?

>> No.20563165
File: 42 KB, 658x439, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

into the trash it goes

>> No.20563174

Because it does. Really, it's self evident. Wanting your partner to have fucked other people is mental illness.

>> No.20563181

>the only two men I've fucked
right there in her post. incels are always so stupid

>> No.20563187

im so tired of men oppressing sexuality when they can fuck however many

grow the fuck up scrotes

>> No.20563190

>I know, let me dedicate my entire life to a girl that rimmed some dork in high school!

>> No.20563192

Anime is completely mainstream now, it's outdated to associate it exclusively with nerds. For instance EVERYONE is watching SpyxFamily right now

>> No.20563197

>woman has an entire laundry list of requirements
>man has 2
fuck off you mentally ill waste of time

>> No.20563213

this woman is so annoying

>> No.20563216

I think this is one of the most right wing boards next to /pol/. you can casually discuss Christianity, Traditionalism, sometimes fascism here, but on other boards some libtard will spaz out at you

>> No.20563219
File: 83 KB, 380x285, 2334234133312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20563241

The real solution to the double standard is to make chastity a virtuefor men and women. Why does no one ever propose this?

>> No.20563254

tradition did, the modern world pissed away tradition and when the ashes settled and we realized why debauchery is bad it was too late

>> No.20563258

Most haven't realized that debauchery is bad yet. The consequences are only just beginning.

>> No.20563290

So the solution is to give up our sexuality, dive back into “chastity” for it will solve all the problems of the meek and sexless. Because it will make everyone as meek and sexless.

I would rather we go the opposite direction

>> No.20563296

>give up our sexuality

>> No.20563306

Hide it behind your Mormon underwear, don’t show attraction openly, wait until a state/church certified ceremony before seeing any nudity. The usual.

>> No.20563314
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>I can no longer be a whore this is LITERALLY the removal of my sexual identity.
Tells us more about you than it does us kek

>> No.20563317

I don't see how modesty and monogamy are the death of sex. What exactly does "sexuality" mean?

>> No.20563344
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1655332376516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask me why i've been awake 40 hours and read this entire thread

>> No.20563347


>> No.20563351

>What exactly does "sexuality" mean?

>> No.20563374

i'm gay

>> No.20563471

take your cunt out of the oven

>> No.20563520

That poster is 100% male incel

>> No.20563542

Yeah, I actually genuinely like Savannah Brown's poetry. I think she has a lot of talent.

>> No.20563568

she would be better on a blackedraw video

>> No.20563581

>Crystal Cafe
damson them bitches catty lmao

>> No.20563620

kek, no kidding. On lolcow I saw someone get banned because the janny was obviously jealous of her. Woman are so silly

>> No.20563625

thread is only 11 hours old. Also youre probably on some sort of stimulant

>> No.20563630

Are you dense? Anon has been awake for 40 and is reading the entire thread. They never said that reading the thread is the only thing they've done for the past 40 hours. You retard.

>> No.20563639

Nigga said throw in fancy adjectives and call it poetry

>> No.20563646


>> No.20563658

Why is this thread still up? Jannies need to eat a bucket of cum-sogged moldy bookpaper.

>> No.20563749

misogyny on the internet
she wept
i laughed

>> No.20563777

kys tranny

>> No.20563809

Yeah the kiwi farms trannies are not a fan. I assume the crystal cafe sows aren’t either.

>> No.20563829

Where do I find womxn like you? Everyone I know, just reads young adult, Murakami and other cringe fiction. I am so lonely. And the men only read self help.

>> No.20563833
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>> No.20563838

this shit never works because men are bigger then women though.
weapons aside, it hard to enforce upon a person when physically they are either gonna be 30 - 50 % larger than you.
its like when women tell their husbands "go sleep on the couch" what happens if the guy just says no and lies in bed lmao.
anyway, women are gay (except Emily bronte and my mom) and they should go kick rocks.

>> No.20563840

nevermind then

>> No.20563845
File: 721 KB, 2128x1416, CFD74664-F81C-4EB5-872D-DD62ED423430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
