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[ERROR] No.2055973 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know where this place is?

>> No.2055980

the Paradox Bookstore, 2228 Market Street, Wheeling, WV.

from flickr vis tineye http://www.flickr.com/photos/jschumacher/4975268639/

>> No.2055996


>> No.2056001

Probably an old bro who enjoys reading books.

>> No.2056005

Cant say if this is the case with this guy, but there's a similar bookstore near where I live and the books are usually those mass paperback romances, thrillers, etc.

>> No.2056018

If I make a lot of money someday and can afford to retire early, I will open up a store like this.

>> No.2056030

I live about an hour's drive from there. I'm literally tempted to go down there tomorrow night and take every one of those books. At the moment, I see no reason not to....

>> No.2056032

There's one like this in Raleigh, NC, too (except you pay on the honor's system overnight through a slit in the door, and the money goes to the local NPR station) and it's a mix of ancient textbooks and reference books, pulp stuff like that, and good books. I could always walk away with about ten or a dozen good books without feeling greedy of them when I lived near there.

>> No.2056033

That these places wither if you do that, and that they depend on people being basically good-hearted about it?

Stuff like this is the reason why naming them online is a bad idea.

>> No.2056051

People aren't good-hearted. Whoever owns this store is incredibly naive.

I live in Wellsburg. I'm going to visit Wheeling tomorrow night with my truck. Then I'm going to take all of the free books at Paradox. I'll come back here, take a pic of my bounty, and put it up on /lit/. Keep this thread bumped for another day.

And for any goody-two-shoes out there, the people who run this store know full well the risks they took on in doing this; if it were any detriment to their business, they simply wouldn't have done it.

>> No.2056063

I live in Singapore and those books would be gone overnight. Crime is low, but people fight for every free thing they can.

>> No.2056066

how about basic human decency?

>> No.2056148


So you're going to "rob" what is essentially a library that runs on the honor system just to prove a point.

Out of all of the business in the world to do this to, you chose this one.

gg, Anon. You are truly a criminal mastermind.

>> No.2056155


I live in Brookside and my posse and I are going to be there ready to make a citizens arrest (peacefully of course).

>> No.2056164


buffalo here, making a 'special' road trip tomorrow to join you

peace to da bookz nigz

>> No.2056167

Hell yeah
Paden City Comune raedy to roll out and protect these books from misfortune

>> No.2056175


I live in fucking Pittsburgh, and I might just drive down there as well.

I am DEFINITELY calling that bookstore the second it opens tomorrow and telling them that there is going to be some fucker trying to take all their books.

>> No.2056178


You know what, fuck it, I live in London and I can't stand shit like this - maybe it's time to pipe up and do something about it - where/when are we meeting?

>> No.2056179
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I love you /lit/.

>> No.2056182

Fuck /lit/ you guys really love books.

>> No.2056190

Empty threats, but I appreciate the effort.

I rather look forward to the day I run into a "posse" of smelly Guy-Fawkes-mask-wearing imbeciles who try to stand me down.

>> No.2056195

I doubt that they'd be wearing Guy Fawkes masks.

Why would you bother going to the store and stealing the books? What would you prove?

>> No.2056198

Do you think if I left right now from Los Angeles in my Mercedes, I could be in West Virginia by tomorrow?

>> No.2056200


I hope you do go there, and the only shit they have is a bunch of romance novels, and computer textbooks from the 90s about how to use Word 95!

I like how you really think I won't come there.

>> No.2056201


I have some really good computer textbooks from that era - mind you, they're CS textbooks...

>> No.2056204


Obviously he wants to prove that he has yet to evolve past his animalistic urges that are in the back of his brain. He thinks he is going to prove Hobbs theory that everyone is inherently evil, while in reality all he is going to prove is that he is a jackass.

>> No.2056208


Congratulations on bagging a truck full of books that nobody wants.
Have fun with that.

>> No.2056210
File: 479 KB, 200x136, jacksonpopcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon who posted the address here. Wasn't really expect all of this to happen. But I hope everyone actually checks in tomorrow.

But yeah, Thief!Anon is a dumb faggot that won't gain anything out of this if he succeeds.

>> No.2056214

I'm actually going to call them, what is it like 30cents for long distance now? I hope you uys call in to, if more people call in they might actually put the books in and feel like it is a serious threat.

>> No.2056236

If they actually do take the books inside then that anon who was making shit up about stealing the books will have won big time. So... don't.

>> No.2056240

Assuming this isn't an elaborate marketing ploy disguised as altruism (though it probably is), the owners of the story are very naive to sell their merchandise via an "honor system". This isn't a fucking Inuit clan.

>come at me bro

lolk. Also, who knows, I might find something valuable.

>> No.2056245

>implying you're not a fat neckbeard with gingivitis-laden gums, grinning as you totally tell /lit/ you're going to leave your musty house to steal some Danielle Steel

>> No.2056259

I don't get it. What will this accomplish? You call the bookstore, but I take the books when they're closed. If they put the books away for a day, I'll just come later. If I find a fucking roadblock of neckbeards, will it be that hard to come when the neckbeards are dispersed?

>> No.2056260

>still >mplying you're not a fat neckbeard with gingivitis-laden gums, grinning as you totally tell /lit/ you're going to leave your musty house to steal some Danielle Steel

>> No.2056275 [DELETED] 

You fucking dirtraced nigger if I had any means to do it I'd drive a spike through your retarded little half evolved monkey skull while dancing in the blood and shitting on your corpse.

>> No.2056282

You are also slightly naive. People who are the kind of assholes who would steal a book normally don't read many books, think about it.

>> No.2056284

Cool horse laugh fallacy bro.

Internet tough guy? You're on /lit/ dude. I don't think you'd kill a spider.

>> No.2056286

Please provide data to support that assertion.

>> No.2056297
File: 477 KB, 2048x1536, no_anarchists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely not this place

>> No.2056304

Only if the spider's a prick.

>> No.2056305
File: 78 KB, 480x720, 2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who tries to bring harm to this book shop is going to have his arms broken.

Pic related, it's me deadlifting 405lb for 5 reps.

>> No.2056322

How about no? Google it yourself.

>> No.2056331
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>> No.2056333

If that is really you, congratulations. I like the awesome details, like your lower incisors. Fuck yeah.

>> No.2056339

I'm not saying that they're not naive, I'm saying that being a dick for the sake of being a dick proves absolutely nothing.

>> No.2056345


>Hot guy
>Deadlifts 405
>Handsome, scruffy facial hair
>Browses /lit/
>Alpha as fuck
>Protects books

Words cannot describe how smitten I am right now. I'm so smitten that I actually used the word smitten like a massive faggot.

Fucking marry me, please. I would like to bear your child. I'm a guy and you're probably straight, but those are just minor details we can work out.

>> No.2056362

You are so thick it is amazing. From the first sentence it is obvious that you do not even consider that there are people whose top priority in life is not MAXIMUM DOLLARZ!11!. The most likely scenario is that the owners of the bookstore are aware that they will probably end up giving some books away for free but that they figure that the number of people who buy books will not really be affected by that and since used books cost almost nothing for the bookstore they decide to be laid back about it.

>> No.2056380
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Reminds me a bit of Shakespeare & Co. in Paris.

>> No.2056384

It's pretty fucking CLEAR that the owner of this store has put the sign and books up to encourage people to read if they don't, or familiarize themselves with a chill-as-fuck store that lets them grab books based on an honor system if they do.

I mean, he wouldn't have done this if he didn't consider the projected losses acceptable. Also, who the fuck steals books? Especially cheap as fuck secondhand books?

This douchebag >>2056051 wants to prove the point that such a (admittedly somewhat naive) system can't work in the real world, but really because so few people read anymore, or have any interest in books, i don't think the owner is in any danger of coming in one morning to see all his 50cent fucking secondhand novels have been stolen.


>> No.2056389

This sort of honor system works fine enough in a homogenous white society.
However in our "diverse" "multi-cultural" society, such a thing really cannot exist. Just another piece of the cancer pushed by leftists.

>> No.2056393

>I mean, he wouldn't have done this if he didn't consider the projected losses acceptable. Also, who the fuck steals books? Especially cheap as fuck secondhand books?

An asshole. >>2056051 is simply trying to prove his own cynical worldview by fulfilling it where others won't or haven't. It's a bit like fulfilling a personal fantasy, but more awful.

>> No.2056394

As a white person, I really want to get a gang together and mug you, preferably while blasting some classical music.

>> No.2056395

You'll hang from a tree, traitor.

>> No.2056398

Also just like to add about the delusional world view of a traitor cultural marxist who wants to ally himself with non-whites against his own race. it's an altogether too common kind of idiocy in this modern age.

>> No.2056401


You shitface, if people are doing the wrong thing it doesn't matter what race they are.

>> No.2056402

I keep reading your post and I really have no idea what side you just came down on.

>> No.2056404

Yes, because white people have never done bad things to other white people.
>consults history
Oh. The more you know.

>> No.2056405

Also, to clarify, I did say I would ally with whites against this one specific guy. Nobody else involved. So there's that.

>> No.2056413

Has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand. If you are trying to suggest race doesn't matter, then hint hint NOONE agrees with you.
Seemed clear to me.

Not sure how that is supposed to disprove my claim.
diverse societies are universally worse off on every possible social metric.

ya, because i'm "racist"
Which is why you are a traitor.

>> No.2056418

>ya, because i'm "racist"
Which is why you are a traitor.

Nah, I just wanna purge the gene pool of the insecure. BTW, completely aware that you're a troll, but I do enjoy these exercises from time to time.

>> No.2056420

Hear that, anon >>2056405? You're a traitor to racism!

I hope you feel really bad...

>> No.2056421
File: 17 KB, 165x115, ArgentinaIsWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to ignore the new troll, guys.

>> No.2056424

America goes from 90% white to 60% white.
White children are a minority among the children...

We will be joining brazil and other south america countries as backwater shitholes soon enough.
Or worse, at least south america do not let negros run the country.

>> No.2056431
File: 76 KB, 519x600, HAHAHAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel terrible! I've thrown an important societal institution to the wayside in return for a broader and more diverse discourse! Oh god, why did I forsake thee!


>White children are a minority among the children...

The best seats on the schoolbus are in the back anyway.

>> No.2056434
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Now, back on topic.


I hope you do this, we need more places for the intellectuals of the world to congregate on a local level.

>> No.2056437

Typical delusional liberal thought process.
Non-whites laugh at whites for how weak/stupid/naive we are, and you think they will be as kind and generous as whites have been.

South africa/rhodesia shows us how whites get treated as minorities, hunted and genocided.
Hell, look at how blacks/mexicans/gooks treat whites in our own coutnry, rampant racially motivated violence.

>> No.2056438

Oh, anon, you're such a worrier! Here, have some unsolicited advice: try doing well at life. It might make the world seem a little less doomy and help you turn that frown upside down.
>pats head

>> No.2056440

>opening up a store in a liberal country/area
lol. Not only are they all homosexual faggots who take it in the ass, but they buy and read ebooks on their ipads anyways.
Enjoy your no business + eventual negroid robbery and shooting.

>> No.2056442

>that's right goyim, everything is well in hand, you just get back to work and paying taxes, nothing you can do will make a difference anyways.

thats you.

>> No.2056445


It's official, no one cares.

Get back on topic.

>> No.2056455

I like how /lit/ stands up for human decency in the face of racism/trollism.

>> No.2056459

Wouldn't that make /lit/ trollist?

>> No.2056480

Such is how a civilization dies, respond with fallacies/fake assertions/death threats, in response to stating the gods honest fact.

Brave New World come true, emperor has no clothes etc.

>> No.2056482

>Brave New World come true, emperor has no clothes etc.
Not sure if this is self-parody or just parody, but either way, I am impressed and amused. Well done, sir.

>> No.2056499

This has really gone so far off-topic.

>> No.2056513

Well, OP's question was answered by the first reply... it's a tribute to /lit/'s creativity that the thread then moved on to entirely fictional criminal and anti-criminal plots and then to the grand Jewish-Muslim-Marxist-Black-possibly also Mexican, I guess? and maybe female and gay, if we can fit them in somehow? conspiracy that threatens to confirm that OMGBraveNewWorldwasright and also perpetuate the myth that the Emperor is wearing clothes.

...I like /lit/.

>> No.2056544


So /lit/'s creativity is a bad day on /int?

>> No.2056959

If this place does get robbed, I got a TON of books I've been trying to sell off. I'd be more then happy to send it to them.

Boston, reporting in. We got your back.

>> No.2057144

I just looked up the bookstore online, apparently the dude that runs it isn't one of those stupid 'anarchist bookstore' kids. He is a 65 year old man with a beard named Tom.

How does that make you feel thief? Way to rally against the dumb anarchist ideology of an old man who wants to encourage people to get to reading.

If you don't think that more people should be reading then what the fuck are you even doing on /lit/.

This old guy isn't trying to push some stupid ideology you are trying to rail against, the guy just really likes books. PICK A REAL TARGET YOU FUCKING BULLY.

I can't believe anyone would even consider messing with an old man who is trying to encourage reading.

>> No.2057196


He named his beard Tom? Is he senile?

>> No.2057206

best sunhawk post ever i actua;;y laughed and choked on my last mouthful of boooooze XD

>> No.2057278

I don't know whether this thread makes me feel uplifted or depressed - on the one hand, it has racists and book thieves. On the other hand, the majority of the people here are rallying against the fucktards, so...

>> No.2057296

I already called the guy, hes going to replace good stuff out there with old pulpy romance/mystery shit he can't get rid of.

Also, the old man said in no uncertain terms 'I don't care if they take it all, fuck em'

Hear that book thief? He doesn't even give a fuck.

>> No.2057329

I'm happy to see support for the guy, yet upset at the theif for being a heartless cunt.

He thinks because he is on 4chan that everyone is a heartless cunt like him. In reality the world generally runs on an 'honour system'.

If he does get jacked, I have a vast collection of books I was planning on giving away anyway (included a good portion of my Russian lit translations that I've replaced with newer/better ones).

>> No.2057441


Shit, by taking the books you'll be doing him a favor by removing something that can't be sold in that state.

>> No.2057470

It's obvious that the only solution is violence.

>> No.2057505

Yeah! FUCK YOU BOOK THIEF. The old man with the beard named Tom says FUCK YOU!!! Go ahead and make his day asshole! He doesn't give a fuck if you take the books. And then just to piss you off, he'll go home and make love to his black wife. And your racist ass with your truckload of crappy books that he hadn't been able to give away in the first place will return home to cry about how few white children there are because you're such a loser that the local white chicks would rather be impregnated by black guys who will be consummate deadbeat dads than have anything to do with you or your icky seed.

>> No.2057520

fifty cents each or five half dollars for two? or just take them for free?

who would pay five half dollars for two if you can buy one for fifty cents?

>> No.2057707


No it says 50cents each. OR

5 books for 2 bucks. So if you buy 4 the fifth is free.

>> No.2057807

Fight the powa!

>> No.2057824

Someone (most likely BookThief) posted this thread on /b/


I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how they are responding.

>> No.2057842
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the guy is asking for it

you can't tread water forever /lit/

>> No.2057880

/b/tard here. If anyone from /lit/ shows up, try not to murder our guys.

>> No.2057881

Well, he also posted this to /b/.

Maybe you don't believe it, but the /b/tards called the shop next door.
Tom, the owner of Paradox Books (the shop has no phone) was
Also there where dozens of calls at the local police.

But feel free to drive there anyways. Its seems that Tom has some
real rare books in his stock. You could also donate to him. He's 75
and his shop is not going very well.

>> No.2057890

It really isn't. He's a playwright and a literature enthusiast who is just kind of making ends meet. He's almost sold the shop a few times over the last few years, but he doesn't want to sell it unless it carries on it's similar tradition.
Fuck these thieves, the worst kind of people. Seriously, what's more chicken shit than stealing free shit from an old man that just loves spreading literature?

>> No.2057910

If shit goes down I'll post him a cheque for a few bucks.

>> No.2057925


/b/ made a donation thread for Tom. Isn't that nice? But shouldn't that be the job of /lit/?

>> No.2057934

/lit/ can always help too :)

>> No.2057939

If I wasn't a poor and unemployed college student then I would donate to this dude. I'll put that on my list of things to do when I finally find work.

>> No.2058001
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This made my day.

>> No.2058045

Just a reminder: Thief!Anon said he was going to pull off his great caper at 11 pm EDT.

>> No.2058307

The police are patrolling, and many of us vigilante types are looking out.

>> No.2058377

It's 11:01. Did that faggot show up?

>> No.2059053

Apparently so. There was a shitstorm on /b/ about it.

>> No.2059057

wait so he did!?

>> No.2059058

Can we have a link? I'm too scared to click on /b/...

>> No.2059060

So what happened?
Back in my day shit got archived or someone at least wrote an ED page.

>> No.2059061 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 251x251, HNI_0048_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an asshole nabs an original, first-edition, german copy of Mein Kampf or an original Shakespearean manuscript

>> No.2059078 [DELETED] 

Noone is allowed to mention the FACT of the difference between races. That's pretty fucking obviously emperor has no clothes.

Typical cuckold retard/nigger lover.
So the death of our society is a ok because you'd rather call people losers over the internet huh?
If tom really had a nigger wife, the only person who benefits is the black woman because her children are superior to her. Except they are then identityless mongrels who will have higher rates of disease or mental illness.

>> No.2059081


>an original Shakespearean manuscript

Uh, those don't exist.

>> No.2059100

Your post implies that niggers give a shit about books, which is patently untrue.

Opening a bookstore in the ghetto is like opening an Apple store in an Amish village.

>> No.2059108

Niggers don't give a shit about books, however they will rob you for the hell of it and the few dollars you have on hand.

>> No.2059112

This thread is hilarious. What actually happened in the end?

>> No.2059113

I want to know too!

>> No.2059124

A few /b/tards waited. The assholes came and took the books and the /b/tards choked and didn't stop them. At least that's the current story.

>> No.2059128


>> No.2059129

It's not like the books are worth anything. Tom probably put out shitty ones after /b/ warned him anyways.

>> No.2059132

But it's the principle of the thing dammit. I just hope the books were filled with flesh-eating parasites or something.

>> No.2059713


Someone earlier said that the cops were there too. What happened to them?

>> No.2059715

They bitched out too.

>> No.2059776

Strange thread. Where do you guys live, that used bookstores don't have racks of 50cent or 1dollar books out on the sidewalk? It's normal here (NYC).

They buy books at estate sales, store closing sales, etc... only a minority of them are actually worth something. To make room inside for those, they put the overstock out on the sidewalk. The token price is just to lure you inside. At which point you won't resist browsing.

It works, too. I've lost count of the number of times I've walked into the Strand, with a handful of 50-cent books off their sidewalk rack, only to wind up leaving 3 hours later with 40 bucks' worth of books.

>> No.2059782

There's a bookstore in my city ( Pensacola ) that has many, many crates of free and 25 cent books out front

>> No.2060923

Assuming this is true... the anons should be ashamed and the cops should be fucking reprimanded. Why the hell didn't the anons just STAND NEAR THE BOOKS????


There's no proof or sources and the story smells of bullshit so I'll just assume nothing went down at all.