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20554310 No.20554310 [Reply] [Original]

Im looking for books on 'active measures' and subversion, basically the type of espionage that aims to affect the policies and functioning of other states or actors.
Now i know this is something of a hot topic since the 2016 election, and im very wary to filter out people who jumped on the "russia influences election" train to cash in on the panic. I'm looking for something thats more academic while still being somewhat accessible.

>> No.20554446

well the cia is so dumb they work for british intelligence without knowing it so maybe look at that

>> No.20554757

The elephant got up and was ok later though, right? Right?

>> No.20554770

You can see it lifting its trunk out of the water

>> No.20554781

Look at what universities etc offer during their coursework for security and intelligence.

>> No.20554800


>> No.20555037

Did he died?

>> No.20555041


>> No.20555052

Rules For Radicals

>> No.20555065

Extremely overrated

>> No.20555085

well the cia is so dumb they work for british intelligence without knowing it so maybe look at that

>> No.20555127

There is a lot of books on China and how they are that. Look these up on amazon to see related books
Stealth War How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept by Robert Spalding
Unrestricted Warfare China's Master Plan to Destroy America

The Dictators Handbook have some parts on it.

>> No.20555629

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.20556056

It seems like a better idea to study what the CIA and soviets have done in the past rather than whatever bullshit they're claiming today. I don't know where go to for that, though.

>> No.20556107

A number of articles may be found via this search:


>> No.20556198
File: 397 KB, 242x362, Prop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting the CIA
uhuh, sure

>> No.20557229

Is this a "the US never actually became independent and is still a crown colony" post or a "institution that rhymes with naviblock" post?

>> No.20558470

>"institution that rhymes with naviblock"
i givve up, what is it?

>> No.20558780

Ladislav Bittman, The Deception Game.
Ladislav Bittman, The KGB and Soviet Disinformation.

>> No.20559158

thanks senpai
Any books that in particular go into detail on how these intelligence organizations achieve this goal? As in, what methods and strategies they use to actually change the behaviour of foreign actors?

>> No.20559301 [DELETED] 

Trent Reznor is a musical genius

>> No.20559334
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It's not a matter of trusting them, it's seeing their considered description and analysis of active measures and subversion activities by foreign powers as written up in intra-agency reports. Don't be such a prima donna.