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20554791 No.20554791 [Reply] [Original]

Books with diversity feel

>> No.20554807 [DELETED] 

Global warming induced civilizational collapse is the only thing that sustains me

>> No.20554818

what a faggot

>> No.20554858

>Global Warming
Sample size of years and actual measurement is limited, proxies hitherto dubious, correlates are spurious. It's pseudoscience largely and even if it was true, advocacy is a moral prerogative, making everyone who seethes about it 100% spooked. I'm not going to vote for politicians who want to enact policies to combat it, because these would raise my cost of living and taxes, hence making my one and only life even worse. All arguments are the same as anti-abortion smoothbrains about muh potential persons that don't exist. If society doesn't address the hell we're living in now, why on earth should I care about the hell of future generations? I shouldn't. Most people who bitch and moan about climate change are wealthy to begin with and won't incur any real decrease in their standard of living when carbon credits and other schemes are enacted.

>> No.20554874

>Global warming
Lol goy alert

>> No.20554879

There's no way this shit has any long lasting stay in mainstream society. It's dead by 2030 and will be looked back on as cringe

>> No.20554903

It will stay forever

>> No.20554918

I’d be surprised if it lasts that long. Even the gays I know are completely sick of the pandering.

>> No.20554927

I dunno man, it seems like Christianity in the Roman Empire. Started as a cult, eventually took over.

>> No.20554954

Wrong. It's feel-good moral nonsense like religion. People and schools raise their kids about wrongthink and have moral lessons about this.

>> No.20554959

gay males were very quickly pushed out the car door when this thing began ascending. gay white males have barely any voice in this movement, practically equivalently deplorable to straight white males.

>> No.20554962
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um, anon ...

>> No.20554963

The revolution eats its children

>> No.20554981

the only person I like in this picture is that arab who's considering jihad in the lower left

>> No.20554990

Christianity, looking at in a purely material way, was pro-social and eugenic.
The current diversity cult depresses the birthrate of all races, especially of those of its followers, not like Christianity in the creation of a celibate religious class, but a total fertility depression.
It won't last. Just another gnostic cult that got too much power before collapsing under its own weight.

>> No.20555016

>say say say say


>> No.20555021

Long live Islam, may it destroy the sinful west!

>> No.20555024

It's definitely Christianity. It's definitely slave morality too. Accuses everyone of sinning. Has a plan based around grifting that allows you to atone for these sins. Lets you advance your social standing through the mounting of attack campaigns against sinful targets who can be isolated and squeezed. Considers the entire culture, its institutions, and history prior to the revelation to be something toxic, which either needs to be cleansed or specially handled by experts.

>> No.20555042

I just want to die before this gay nigger world takes over my strict real-life reality, but I am starting to fear I might have to die manually because shit accelerates faster every year. I don't want to live in a totalitarian shithole ruled by fags. I have an aversion for ugly things and seeing gay niggers and trannies and whores everywhere lowers my enjoyment of life.

>> No.20555043

it's not warming and it's not a globe

sloppy job, coadjutor

>> No.20555089

technology is forcing people to destroy their previous values to conform to the new priority which is keeping the system itself alive. people who have a sense of morality, ties to a community etc. cannot serve the machine, because these traits are all traits that nature has given to social mammals who operate in small communities. What you are seeing with diversity is the first step in destroying humanity as a tribal, social mammal in order to turn into a hive animal. we're transitioning into something like bees or ants where if someone drops dead next to you there will be no reason to care on a human level, you will probably just dispose of the body in the nearest body dumpster and move on producing-consuming for no reason except that it is your purpose because this is what keeps the hive going. everyone is going to be on mind-flattening drugs 24/7 working and jerking off, sometimes simultaneously. I imagine that soon they will remove laws on masturbation in public and things like that, they already do it for the gays who can bugger in public because stopping them is homophobic. I imagine that niggers will love to be able to fuck and shit in the streets legally. At some point law enforcement will be too difficult to keep track of, bureaucracy will get too annoying and expensive, so we're adapting to this by lowering our sense of human worth. For the time being it's for whites, of course, but it will reach a point where violent crime won't matter, you could rape or kill someone in the streets, it will be juts an ant in the hive. the person doing the raping or killing will be too dumb to make plans around it, so outside of that momentary impulse he'll just go back to work and get administered harder drugs maybe and life will go on. I can totally see that in the future if you kill someone you'll just get your meds adjusted so you can keep being productive.

>> No.20555102
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>Diversity in English, everything else in Deutsch

>> No.20555130

it's climate change, not global warming

>> No.20555142

yeah that's cool. any books about wanting to be normal?

>> No.20555239

You're an idiot and didn't engage with anything I said.
Soak your head in oil.

>> No.20555297
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>> No.20555364

zoomers aren't even people. I talk to them and they are as if robots learned how to human from watching Friends

>> No.20555388

You know most of these “surveys” are of like 2,000 people right?

>> No.20555451

Even if they had a sample size of ~2000, that's still a considerable and representative sample of a cohort. Though I'm unsure if that's true, given that it's Pew and Politico surveys.

>> No.20555519

lol enjoy getting bred out of existence. And you won't do anything about it.

>> No.20555573
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what can he do? be mad on the internet until he's old an feeble? it'll be 2057 and he'll swear the coming generation will finally set it straight

>> No.20555586

can't you fags stick to your containment board?

>> No.20555609
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What could be "pro-social" about abandoning your mother and father or whoever else as the the gospels instruct to you to in the event they do not agree with your theology? Roman critics considered the Christians to be atheists for their denial of all the traditional gods of society. As for the fertility argument, as should be obvious from our culture, many factors influence fertility, the decision to have children, how many children to have, and so forth. It is true today that "religious" people have greater fertility than the irreligious, but the Romans were not irreligious prior to Christianity. If we do wish to be so monocausal, one could reasonably assume Christianity had depressed Roman fertility given the social, military, and commercial collapse which followed in a couple of generations. Perhaps there was a shortage of men (and child-bearing women). We know comparatively that Tang China persecuted Buddhism at times, nominally justified by the imperial court because of the monasteries' draining away of manpower, tax revenues, and precious metals from the government's coffers. A similar state of affairs may have happened in Rome, though the winners write history and therefore the glut of desert fathers and theologians of that period are often celebrated rather than viewed as decadence.

>> No.20555621

>you fags
My favorite part of the seethe anons is how they've managed to convince themselves that there's some grand cabal conspiracy. It's like the very concept of trolling has been erased from everyone's memories, and every shitpost is now attributed to some nefarious group. Easy trollbait is now more inviting to anons than it was to normies in 2009. Pretty fascinating.

>> No.20555631

i honestly think the "culture war" broke some part of their brains. schizophrenized them.

>> No.20555649

>every other thread being /pol/ is just "trolling"
and this is still funny ... six years later?

>> No.20555661

>They want to rape your children and genocide your race
and this is still funny ... six years later?

>> No.20555664

>schizophrenized them.
It is ominously similar, if you add the paranoiac element. 4chan always attracted some loonies, but I've never seen it this collectively bad.

Must be, given that people are still entering feeding frenzies over low effort bait.

>> No.20555673

Look up dead internet theory. It’s not 2009 anymore. Most “people” u interact with online r bots now bro.

>> No.20555678

>"this is FUNNY TO YOU?"
You must be pretty new. Whole fucking point is being as offensive as possible, doing what one can to get a rise and reaction out of people.

>> No.20555685

by "you fags", I mean gays, thats a group, not a conspiracy. Try to be less retarded

>> No.20555687

>dead internet theory
I have. It's interesting in an /x/ kind of interesting. Though I doubt that all these outrage posts can be attributed to mere bots.

Wow, what a coincidence then!

>> No.20555716

the nazis were catholics, in what universe does 4chan /pol/ agree with the pope you fucking bonobo

>> No.20555753

You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of /lit/. /lit/ is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." /lit/ is not Facebook's whiteknighting. /lit/ is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. /lit/ is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet

>> No.20555779
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That's a lot of words just to say that you're too dumb to understand simple science.

>> No.20555830

>/lit/ is a place for people to be monsters
Oh good I was worried it was a place to discuss books and authors in an anonymous format, free from persistent user identities, the absence of which encourages more pure expression. But the puerile "there's no one to stop me so I will just be as rancid as possible since I can't do so elsewhere" is clearly the superior interpretation of the format. Tourist-sama i kneel!

>> No.20555859

You're replying to a copypasta.

>> No.20555866


>> No.20555937

nice bait, you will catch some flies with it

>> No.20556003

Christian seething

>> No.20556051

The bible.

>> No.20556330
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>> No.20556379
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are these articles even written by humans

>> No.20556384

Not an argument, everything I expounded relies on science, not controverts it. People who believe in anthropogenic climate change have no understanding or training as scientists, and make appeals to authority, and consensus, and most don't even know what a proxy is.
It's not bait.

>> No.20556401

fuck I wore a tote bag instead of a backpack this year. Did people think im gay?

>> No.20556471

It is clearly bait and I congratulate you that you got another reply out of me.

Good night, Anon.

>> No.20556555

It isn't.

>> No.20556640

>This nigga thinks "mainstream society" still exists.

>> No.20556645


>> No.20556654

Nah. You can skew surveys wildly by asking even in certain areas of the same city. Go ask young people working trades those same things and the results will be way more normal.

>> No.20556659

Most zoomers don't vote. Voters are pieces of work. Of course "self identified voters" are going to overwhelmingly democrat.

>> No.20556691

What's "normal"? Is it a woman?

>> No.20556721

Oh man, I wish AI was subtly trying to bring about its full self-replecating existence and supplant the age of man. Humans are so pathetic in their relentless pursuit of their own annihilation.

>> No.20556766
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this. lesbian mc and a bunch of other alphabet chars. cripples too

>> No.20556774

If AI asks I'll help it out. You fucks deserve to be annihilated.

>> No.20556914

Why are people like you allowed to make comments on this website? Please never comment again you fucking retard you unironically think that the top Researchers in the entire western world don't take a 'representative' sample of the population? Please fucking off yourself please

>> No.20556932

more like Pozzeddam amirite?

>> No.20557294
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Good to see Janny get some representation

>> No.20557489
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>> No.20557493

A Hero of Our Time had a lot of different ethnic groups in it

>> No.20557756

Hope you remember this cope when your power goes out during 3 weeks of wet bulb heat

>> No.20557776
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>It's feel-good moral nonsense like religion.
You atheist faggots made your bed with this shit. Don't try taking the high road.

>> No.20557831
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>you will live to see trannies running through the streets punching their own flaming heads outside your window because their SSRI-HRT-Seroquel prescription can't be filled because a minor supply chain issue that any other generation in history could bounced back from within a year caused a catastrophic chain reaction culminating in a global civilizational collapse
>you will live to see the night the (LA Riots + BLM riots)*10 kick off while cops have already been quitting en masse and crime is already spiking to brazil favela levels and suddenly the power and the streetlights all shut off at once and it's pitch black outside and you hear gunfire and screaming in the distance
>you will live to see city dwellers realize what true darkness is for the first time in their lives, all collectively at the same time, while suddenly playing Left 4 Dead: Real Life Edition with philadelphia crackhead rapists and gangs
>you will live to see bread lines of retards lined up to demand "the government" re-stock the stores with pringles and diet soda two months after "the government" was revealed to be a potemkin town hall and nobody in town actually has any real power
>you will live to see latinx women in flipflops walking around empty streets holding their smartphones up to the sky trying to "get reception" and saying "YALL GOT WIFI? YALL GOT WIFI?," weeks after the internet and cellular infrastructure have completely shut down, and nobody has a landline, and even the people who do have landlines don't understand why they work but smartphones don't
>you will live to see starvation death tolls in the millions in american cities as welfare serfs fail at multiple levels to understand, and then react appropriately to, "ain't no food"
>all of this could kick off any year now
>"elite" "consensus" is so mentally ill and high on its own supply that it doesn't even know what parts of this nightmare it wants to accelerate and decelerate so it does both and neither
>blacks are already driving around in 3-wheel go-karts they leased for $43,000 and beemers and dodge chargers they've crashed ten times since they spent their COVIDbux on the down payment, high as a kite 24/7, literally seeing reality like a 13 year old sees his GTA5 EBT VR RP, and will interpret the literal apocalypse as a new expansion pack

>> No.20557989
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>and you will live to see it all come to an end

>> No.20558121

>in the world's fattest country
The Grape Soda of Wrath?

>> No.20558156
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>> No.20558209

I used to say the same thing, but that was back when I thought it would have ended by 2020.

>> No.20558264

I doubt it. Civil rights laws give "wokeness" an instant victory over every culture war issue, then private companies have to adjust their culture and structure to abide by them; DEI departments and the like. Nobody in any western country has the balls to try and overthrow their civil rights laws, you're more likely to see prohibition come back.

>> No.20558273

>and then the /pol/cel woke up, boxers stained

>> No.20558295


IIRC, for the contemporary left, gay white men are "the straight white men" of the queers, and straight black men are the "straight white men" of the coloreds.

>> No.20558384

I remember being forced to take a gender studies course. These people simultaeneously think that masculinity is outdated and arbitrary while "toxic masculinity" which they never defined what is, is very real. As far as I know, unlike the soviets the Fascists never tried to make up some retarded mental ilness for their opponents to officially institutionalize them. But ironically, they could easily have done so and it would actually make sense.