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20551692 No.20551692 [Reply] [Original]

Death of the author? Not so fast....

>> No.20551705

>Céline is forgiven or defended through one of two strategies. In one, the anti-Semitism is separated from his work, so that it somehow exists in an island independent of the rest of his sensibility. This is an inherently dubious proposition in itself—writing doesn’t work that way—and it’s doubly indefensible given that a rawness, an overcharge of emotion and appetite, is exactly what makes Céline’s work so characteristic. The anti-Semitic fulmination is all of a piece.
>The other tactic is to normalize his hatred of Jews as commonplace at the time, or else as so obviously hyperbolic and hysterical that it could only be taken as a kind of nightmarish rhetoric, like a Bosch drawing, rather than justifications for a future genocide. Céline didn’t really hate Jews as Jews, the defense goes, but as representatives of materialist civilization; he never really collaborated with the Nazis but only reaffirmed their most horrific bigotries as a literary exercise. And so on. A hard literary pill to swallow, this, at a time when Jewish children would shortly be machine-gunned by the thousands into mass graves or marched into the gas chambers.

>> No.20551709 [DELETED] 

Fucking kikes

>> No.20551716
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Does this journalist also say that all of the anti-white rhetoric in today's media is vile too?
I suspect that he does not.

>> No.20551721 [DELETED] 

>some faggot jew has not read it
>seethes nonetheless
Lmao so predictable

>> No.20551722 [DELETED] 

How can I tell this jewish cocksucker that he is a jewish cocksucker?

>> No.20551801

The third strategy is to call him based

>> No.20551947

Now I'll read your book

>> No.20551968
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>And made to eat grass while we watched and ate breakfast and sipped our coffee.

>> No.20552606

>hard pill to swallow
> normalize

so this is the superior New Yorker house style? even the sentence structure is banal

>> No.20553605


>> No.20553625

What about the third tactic? To normalize antisemitism in general for all times?

>> No.20553626

>writing doesn’t work that way
But it actually does? To say that every piece of literature written by an author always contains each and every one of the different aspects of his sensibility is fucking asinine.

>> No.20553694

Ah, The New Yorker!

What an equality-driven enterprise this magazine is. Let's just look at the equal representation each ethnic receives in its pages:

>David Remnick (Jewish)


>Amy Davidson Sorkin (Jewish)
>Emily Nussbaum (Jewish)
>Evan Osnos (Jewish)
>Ben Taub (Jewish)
>Susan Glasser (Jewish)
>Jane Mayer (Jewish)

>Jia Tolentino (Asian)
>Jiyang Fang (Asian)
>Hua Hsu (Asian)
>Dhruv Kuller (Brown Asian)

>Daniel Alcercon (Latino)

>Jelani Cobb (Black)
>Kelefa Sanneh (Black)
>Vinson Cunningham (Black)
>Doreen Felix (Black)
>Sheldon Pearce (Black)
>Keeanaga Taylor (Black)

>Amanda Petrusich (token whitey)

>Sheelah Kolkhatar (Not sure, sounds Indian)


>> No.20553714

Nobody is responsible for the crimes of another. Say I hate person X and talk to people about how much I hate him, and then those people go out and kill him, am i responsible for his death? Absolutely not. Only the person who pulls the trigger or orders the trigger to be pulled under threat of violence or psychological manipulation, is responsible. Unless Celine pulled the trigger or ordered it, he is not responsible.

>> No.20553898
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Why do normies adore/excuse misanthropy only if it's politically correct?
You can't read Death on Credit or Journey and expect him not to have fucked up views

>> No.20553920

Because the left unironically have this general belief where they think "X is okay but only if we do it".

>> No.20553927

So is it going to be published or destroyed

>> No.20553934

What awful arguments and framing. Disgusting to read.

>> No.20553938

It's published in France already.

>> No.20553942

Celine is one of my favorite authors and I literally could not care less about his hatred of the long nose people. I don't think I've ever met a jew irl

>> No.20553943

Okay good, I was worried

>> No.20553953 [DELETED] 

the reason libs embrace celine is because it has subtle pro-lib messages sprinkled in his shit like that gruesome scene where the girl is dying of a botched illegal abortion. they make a big hoohah out of him being a naughty fascist but for some reason he hasn't been cancelled unlike say paul de man who also wrote some fascist stuff during the occupation.

>> No.20553954

>at a time when Jewish children would shortly be machine-gunned by the thousands into mass graves or marched into the gas chambers.
Nice conspiracy theory

>> No.20553959
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>> No.20554062

Do you think the people who write stuff like this actually care, or do they just write it with people they know will care in mind?

>> No.20554092

go back

>> No.20554179

what if i fake evidence saying "Person X is planning to kill you"... still not my fault?

>> No.20554210

Second one. Jewish men keep their women and children in constant fear of anotha shoah so that they will never leave them, perpetually fight for israel and jewish power and never breed outside the race. This is at least one reason for the crying to antisemitism. Another is that it gives them power through guilt from the goyim in the media and government who just want to maintain their jobs, and if they let up on the messaging at all they feel that their power will slip since it’s based in guilt and pity

>> No.20554239

>Jia Tolentino (Asian)
Her parents were putting immigrants under a system of identured slavery, while she complains about white privilege on various publications.

>> No.20554268

Is the novel any good?

>> No.20554316

>Glenn Greenwald: I realized that in order to be an effective advocate or propagandist — and there is some of both in being a lawyer — you have to get yourself to believe what you’re saying. That’s necessary not only to be effective (though it is that). It’s hard to persuade people of things if you consciously know it’s bullshit, because people will sense that on an intuitive level and that’s where most persuasion happens….but it’s also necessary to be able to believe you’re on the side of good, something which all humans other than absolute sociopaths and psychopaths want to believe. I’m sure there’s no shortage of each of those categories in elite U.S. ruling class circles, but most people operate by the same dynamic as the rest of us. So I think, yes, they do get themselves to believe what they’re saying, that it’s not consciously cynical.
I’d respect it more if it were consciously cynical. The fact that these imbecilic media cretins and career State Department and CIA functionaries actually believe themselves when they say that they’re deeply offended by the repression of Putin or the CCP or Iranian mullahs or Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro — right after they get off a call about the latest U.S. arms shipments to the Saudi monarchs or cash transfers to Egyptian despots or support for a coup against the democratically elected government in Bolivia — is frightening. How could anyone believe that the U.S. actually opposes domestic repression? That kind of self-delusion means humans can get themselves to believe literally anything. That’s more frightening to me than if they were knowingly lying for power.

>> No.20555635
