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20550012 No.20550012 [Reply] [Original]

What do zoomers read?

>> No.20550016

Does /lit/ read?

>> No.20550026
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>> No.20550027

Aeschylus and Yeats are my favourite authors. I turned 18 yesterday.

>> No.20550028

Barely any do so no. It's why threads like these get made and why threads with potential turn to shit a few posts in.

>> No.20550033

fag thread

>> No.20550037

Zoomer boys look like THAT?!
Kek yung cynical

>> No.20550173

Of course it is, this webm was just posted on the homosexual containment board /fit/

>> No.20550206

Shame /lit/ is such a shit board.

>> No.20550297

cute boy

>> No.20550315

Twitter threads about some e-celeb they didn't know about 5 seconds ago.

>> No.20550325

I wish he was licking my penis, and not that icecream, if you catch my drift.....
Not gay btw hes just really pretty

>> No.20550346

They just masturbate to pretty teenage boys.

>> No.20550353

F Gardner novels

>> No.20550361

There's no way the average zoomer is reading as many books as a similar reader a few decades ago. You have to remember (if you're old enough) that there really was nothing else to do. I used to have an hour long bus ride before and after school. That gave me two extra hours a day to read with no smartphone to distract me. Then there was lunchtime reading too. Movie rentals were once a week at most. There were video games, but the further back you go the less attractive and addictive and portable they were. There's no way I would have read Robert E. Howard before grade three if I was born after YouTube. No way I would have completed The Lord of the Rings before I was out of grade four. In short, zoomers don't really read. The ones that do are an anomaly.

>> No.20550392

Zoomers want blood so badly but struggle to pull the trigger on a airsoft gun

>> No.20550395

Would you?

>> No.20550426

He's on /lit/ so he doesn't read.

>> No.20550464
File: 847 KB, 1080x1871, Bpdandecstasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand, so I ask again
Would you?

>> No.20550479

Any books on how aoc has fooled so many people?
Ted K's The System's Trick?

>> No.20550487

I hate zoomers so much it’s unreal

>> No.20550490


>> No.20550495

the tattoo above my penis (it says arbait macht frei)

>> No.20550499

No, they're all knuckle dragging morons.
I fucking hate this place

>> No.20550560

He looks 14 you sick fucks.

>> No.20550564

i'm 20 and currently steeped in pynchon, eliot (t.s. and george), philip roth, and nathanael west

>> No.20550565

He looks 18-22. Meds.

>> No.20550572

This webm makes me nauseous.

>> No.20550584

Fuck that's a good freeze frame.

>> No.20550645

No he doesn't you sick fuck.

>> No.20550659
File: 814 KB, 1068x1899, Cockhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm...source on that claim!?!?

>> No.20550678

Look at his face

>> No.20550680

I’m not even one of the fags but he’s obviously not 14

>> No.20550696

16-18 maybe

>> No.20550713

are you guys saying this because you don't want to admit that you're attracted to a 14years old

>> No.20550725

>There's no way the average zoomer is reading as many books as a similar reader a few decades ago.

Because there's nothing for them to read. Millennials culturally gentrified the genres meant for them. It's called young adult for a reason, but yet only millennials read that shit. As always, millennials ruin everything.

>> No.20550731

>Zoomers want blood so badly but struggle to pull the trigger on a airsoft gun

Typical millennial projection. Last I checked, it was a zoomer who shot up a Texas school and Buffalo supermarket. Meanwhile, millennials are online whining about Harry Potter house trivia and frog memes.

>> No.20550734
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>He looks 14 you sick fucks.

>> No.20550751

Even better.

>> No.20550769

Zoomers are so superior to millenialcucks it’s not even funny.

>> No.20550775

He looks less developed than my 17 y.o cousin. Fuck off pedo.

>> No.20550780


Every generation is, not just zoomers. Millennials are a glorified speedbump in the annals of history.

>> No.20550809

I hate millenials so much it’s unreal. Behead all those who insult zoomerfrens. Protec zoomers from kvetching millenials.

>> No.20550838

>guys coom over youthful babe
>seething roastoids and elderly bottoms come out of the woodwork
Every time

>> No.20550850

>I hate millenials so much it’s unreal.

I don't hate them. There's plenty of decent millennials around. I just love poking fun at the boomerlennials, the ones who just regurgitate what their parents said at zoomers because they think it gives them power. No, it just implies you know deep down Mom and Dad were right: wasting your life being terminally online is just for guys what a gender studies degree is for a woman. But don't take my word for it - wait a decade or two for the suicide statistics to roll on in.

>> No.20550869

Okay, let's have a real answer here: Boy zoomers don't read, girl zoomers read WattPad stories and maybe 13 Reasons Why.

>> No.20550895


Neither boy nor girl zoomers read. Shit, son, nobody reads, period, except millennial cat ladies and Dan Schneider (Cosmoetica) types.

>> No.20550935

who is he?

uni media students at goldsmiths read joan didion & zizek

>> No.20550937

we don't

>> No.20551070

Fiction wattpad stories about some gay shit or something so unrealistic that zoomer girls set unachiavable standards and it takes them ages to realize that their wattpad bullshit isn't real life.

Other than that - zoomies don't read. Period.

>> No.20551220

He wrote a cycle on homosexuals. Sophocles is better.

>> No.20551245

Good thing us zoomies are all cowards

>> No.20551321

Jesus Christ.

>> No.20551348
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>> No.20551351

What's it like being handsome? The idea of having innate and ostensible value is so deeply alien to me. God I wish anyone would love me.

>> No.20551661


>> No.20551708
File: 351 KB, 1080x756, Athlete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Jake Peterson
What a qt

>> No.20551746

Hes 17 in the video, fgt

>> No.20551784

I read Chaucer quite often, right now I'm reading The Soviet Union Under Brezhnev and Idylls of the King

>> No.20551813

>doe eyes
>no facial hair
Oh so he’s just a low t bitch

>> No.20551892


Millennial girls read that shit, anon. Trying to pass off a decade of millennial femcels as zoomers....lol, what a crock. We really are blessed to live in an age where lunatics aren't thrown into padded cells but are instead encouraged to broadcast their every waking thought to the world, though. That's why I wish boomers would stop being so hard on you losers: you're God's gift to comedy. Can't wait for the suicide statistics to skyrocket once y'all realize frog memes and Harry Potter house trivia ain't gonna get you anywhere. Faggots. Rib busting faggots.

>> No.20551990

Yes, literally built for cock

>> No.20551994

Shut the fuck up, loser lmao

>> No.20552588

>It's another midwit millennials give their milquetoast regurgitated opinions about Zoomers thread
I fucking hate this site

>> No.20552657

am Zoomer, 20: just read Mystries by hamsun, and Heart of Darkness. Am gonna start à la recherche du temps perdu (swanns way) today, and am slowing getting through either/or also. In addition, my favourite book (for the moment) is either V (Mr. Pynchon), The Collector, or To the Lighthouse. (Am lit student btw)

>> No.20552738


>> No.20552745

Mainly light or YA novels. Not many of us read to begin with, but there are some who do.

Currently reading Red Badge of Courage myself

>> No.20553009

>wasting your life online
uh..where else am i supposed to go again to have fun? outside? lol..

>> No.20553018

I'm 19 and finished the plague recently. Reading brave new world at the moment

>> No.20553071

The majority of posters on /lit/ are 18 to 21 years old, literally zoomers. So just check the catalog I guess.

>> No.20553110
File: 130 KB, 1250x423, FVLc5UgUAAAyAeK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure if you want to know what incel nazi zoomers read. The "normal" ones read Heartstopper and Song of Achilles. Unironically.

>> No.20553536

sweet anon i had my birthday yesterday too

>> No.20553567

It's literally just that. The issue is that, like anything, you get acclimated to it, and it no longer gives you a high as when you first realise it; then of course comes the pain of its inevitable loss.

Not that I'd know lmaooooooooooooo

>> No.20553697

If you read the song of achilles you're not normal, you're a 29 yo white fujoshi on tumblr.

>> No.20553703

they're literally more retarded than millennials

>> No.20553705

Nothing, they're almost as retarded as millennials whose iq goes into to the negative, making them read Harry poofta

>> No.20553708

this is one of the saddest posts i've read this week
go to the gym or something man

>> No.20553712

I fucked your gf on vacation fat millenial kys.

>> No.20553719

what's your 1 RM squat again
oh yeah you don't have one

i'll keep pleasing your 20 year old sophomores at 27 though

>> No.20553737

>not a zoomer
lol nvm faggot you don't even have a woman. I'm sorry

>> No.20553740

i would bet my house that I had more sex with more women last sunday than you have in your entire life

>> No.20553749

Nah you didn't but really i will stop bullying you it's not right to harass the mentally deficient. Enjoy your funkopops son, ah and let me know how the new Thor film is. Go to the gym though and shed some weight.

>> No.20553755

They read porno self insert fanfiction and published picture books

>> No.20553756

By and large? Not much. We statistically read less than every generation before us, including millennials. The more enticing way of getting information (which is highly valued among Gen Z) is through long-form Youtube video essays. Anyway, I worked at a uni library and the ones that do read tend to go for YA and "life-affirming" stuff like The Midnight Library, basically positive affirmations in paper form to keep them from killing themselves. We're definitely the weakest generation of all time, mentally. I worry for Gen Alpha.

>> No.20553761

yeah that's definitely incel prose
we're done here. i don't waste my knowledge and time on men who can't even do a pullup

>> No.20553765

>comics and manga
>zoomers read this

>> No.20553768


>> No.20553770

90% of video essays could be done in ~10 minutes. It's impressive honestly how they manage to spread it out to be hours sometimes

>> No.20553778

That's youtubers in general desu. Midrolls used to be good money and the culture of getting 10+ minute vids stayed.

>> No.20553862

Yes they do

>> No.20553865


>> No.20553880

this is in the top 3 worst threads on /lit/ right now

>> No.20553893

These ones always are lad.

>> No.20553922

I find it hilarious how the webm from twinks I post on /lit/ perpetuate their sporadic existence here for ages.
Easily influenced closeted homosexuals.

>> No.20553931
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every time somebody makes a thread asking about what zoomers read we get all the zoomers crawling out of the woodwork "hurr durr look im 18 and reading wittgenstein and pynchon and arno schmidt see zoomers do read" no shit if you're on /lit/ then the chances are you do read books; we're asking about the normal zoomers that don't visit this place

>> No.20553947

What do millennials who arent on lit read? This thread has been disingenious from the start niggy you know it too. This whole thread is whining. Feminine thread frfr no cap.

>> No.20553952

Insane yea, usually these threads are pure cope from old heads but with the homobait OP all the old fags come here to see what the jizz is all about. I'm surprised there's only been a few "Source?" replies.

>> No.20553966

post the other homofag files you have. i am certain 90% of them you will have ripped from /lit/ threads, hence me

>> No.20554008
File: 2.87 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_6997902790760746246_charli-damelio-bckup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while this is technically true, i cant help but feel like its a big disingenuous to the few zoomers who are actually reading not with the goal of appearing smart or copying an aesthetic (pseudo-intellectuals) but who are actually reading for their own sake or to further a genuine personal goal or interest

why are you so defensive over videos of this guy? are you his real boyfriend or something?

>> No.20554011

I just wish you retards would one day contribute something original yourself and not just repost whatever you saved from someone else.
Seeing the same old files is boring.

>> No.20554028
File: 2.87 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_7108780155774061870_charli-damelio-bckup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a big disingenuous
*a bit disingenuous

I made these two webms myself so i don't know what to tell you. also your twink is a lot less attractive with the acne and the faintly visible pube-stache and is almost repulsive when he starts acting like a degenerate

>> No.20554032

Does this person ever wash their face&hair?

>> No.20554035

yeah I can read your file names dont worry.
and not my twink. stop projecting your vicarious living personality.
But I have never seen this video before, msut be less than 6 months old. Congrats!

>> No.20554063

Hw u rd?

>> No.20554152

he actually is a fag...
not hot anymore :(

>> No.20554153

two girls one cone

>> No.20554216
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, 20220620_151131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moost of this Books are herman which i get cheap from the flew market like Karl der grosse (charlemsgne) a biography about charlemagne by ernst w.wies Jeanne d arc and Würtembergische geschichte (history about wurtemberg from the iron age until the post ww2 era by karl weller) and reclam books (a german publisher that prinst cheap short books mostly piblic domain Literatur) about 48 revolution and the german empire.
Other books are mote known like prussia and wilhelm II by Christopher clark and the Crusades by thomas Assbridge(which got a recent translation into german)

>> No.20554245

that can't be true, nobody reads Zizek

>> No.20554272
File: 1.90 MB, 2276x3322, 20220620_152451 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now im reading Pic related.
An old university Book about mostly everthying from ancient babylon and egypt,the greeks anbd Romans the middle ages and the spanish english empires aswell as WW1 and WW2

>> No.20554288
File: 3.07 MB, 4032x3024, 20220620_152515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After this here is my Backlog.
The onlything here that isnt some obscure german Book is the political testemony of the Hohenzollern and Bismarcks Gedanken und Erinnerngen

>> No.20554326

Yaoi and other Jap shit. Or fanfiction. Or any other smut. As long as its not too problematic. I.e more sex and paedos and less toxic masculinity.

>> No.20554415

That's not the same dude from op's webm

>> No.20554449

You sound insufferable.

>> No.20554455

faceblind autist, it clearly is

>> No.20554870

So he's really gay? That's fucked up.

>> No.20555207
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He just acts gay

>> No.20555301

he's hot...

>> No.20555382

Born in ‘98. I just finished Tower of the Elephant and Sam Agonistes.

>> No.20555699
File: 81 KB, 588x682, 1655315738700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread finna kinda sus on god fr

>> No.20555817

Rene Girard is the only god of the Zoomers

>> No.20555822

What's the point of these threads? Other than being off-topic?

>> No.20555839

Mein Kampf Stalag

>> No.20555846

AI generated pornography

>> No.20555973

Just dropping in to say I look just like this guy
>tfw no charisma + autist
>tfw still lost virginity in HS and fuck qts all the time.

Blue-eyed Blonde hair master-race reporting in.

Throw in high IQ and large penis size too, I pulled a pretty good roll at birth.

>> No.20555982

yes pls

>> No.20555994


>> No.20555998

I love you

>> No.20556004

>fuck qts all the time.
Do you think women feel safe around you bc of your soft feminine features?

>> No.20556012

Keep larping

>> No.20556061

Post ass

>> No.20556096
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>> No.20557125

how big

>> No.20557206

Six and a half inches. Girls tell me it will make them bleed.

>> No.20557224

Y’all are fags

>> No.20557236
File: 664 KB, 1536x2048, 1655545087109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Licking that chocolate so sensually...
Uhhh...I think I know what he's thinking about...