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/lit/ - Literature

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20548027 No.20548027 [Reply] [Original]

>Why are books on the English school curriculum still in the grip of straight, white men?

>"You can see why these books keep turning up. They speak of empathy and humanity, and challenging blunt authority imposed from on high. They have a liberal slant that more or less puts them on the right side of history. But they also assume default narratives that come from ideologies so wide that we can’t easily see the edges of them, default masculinity and default whiteness being two of the biggest. We can’t ignore the fact that these books were written at points in history when social narratives were mainly limited to the perspectives of straight white men."

>"Since the Black Lives Matter uptick of 2020, conversations surrounding the so-called decolonisation of the curriculum have gathered pace. It is a broad ambition, to see a curriculum born out of Britain’s imperial past shaken free of its colonial shackles. The stories we choose to tell are central to this aim and when it comes to curriculum choices, there are no accidents."

>"So what should be on the curriculum? Well, it depends on who is being taught and the debates taking place in the world around them. This has to include identity politics and social justice, but also sustainability and geopolitics too. In these key areas, the curriculum must seek to widen perspectives, bring marginalised narratives into the centre and accept the truths of the past, no matter how unpalatable these truths may seem."


>> No.20548032

John Taylor Gatto is the real alternative to failed schooling. A dead straight white male

>> No.20548067
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>accept the truths of the past, no matter how unpalatable these truths may seem
Okay - let's begin by discussing the Barbary slave trade; or the Arab slave trade, the Saharan death march, and the mass castration of negro slaves; Tatar raids across the steppe; Apache war bands, scalping; human sacrifice, genocide and slavery in pre-Spanish conquest Central America; the purchase of negro slaves from negro despots in West Africa; thousands of years of genocide in Central Asia; Manchu domination and humiliation of ethnic Han for centuries; Indian, Japanese, and other caste systems; inter-ethnic warfare and routine genocide in pre-colonial Indonesia; and many more.
No - none of these ignorant niggercattle will ever bring up the endless atrocities committed by non-whites. Most are too ignorant to even know of such things and among those that do know not a single one will speak up because it doesn't fit the narrative of "white man bad".

>> No.20548081


>> No.20548143


>> No.20548187

>ask me is what

>> No.20548197

The point is that literature taught in schools is always from a white perspective, and it is often racist. In a multicultural society such an education system is bound to further alienate minorities, who are already alienated simply by the fact that they are minorities. It is therefore important to teach black and minority writers, in order to give minority children the self-esteem and dignity to hold their heads up in white society, without thinking that everybody hates them and thinks they are inferior.

>> No.20548205

White people have to right to make the rest of the world submit to them, we are the only moral people.

>> No.20548209
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>> No.20548215

don't forget that the brits forced the world to abolish slavery in the 19th century by invading and shore bombarding anyone who refused

>> No.20548222

Nothing we did too the rest of the world, including setting up colonies, annihilating other tribes, running slaves, etc none of these matter, because the people we did it too where uneducated barbarians who would have done the same thing to their own people.

>> No.20548224

Of course we want to alienate minorities and promote White rule, its because they are barbarians and we are not, the only thing that matters is the rule of art and culture.

>> No.20548226

>but children in diverse societies
The pretense of the “they’re just like us” is removed. “Quintessentially british” my ass. Now the real work of replacement begins with the gradual elimination of the host culture.
We call this genocide when other nations do it.

>> No.20548233

Most people don’t want to humiliate and destroy others’ self-esteem

>> No.20548236

>Most people don’t want to humiliate and destroy others’ self-esteem
Wrong, this is basically what almost everyone does, including the average leftist, who just enjoy down-grading and attacking his betters.

>> No.20548248

Im all all for reading actual arabic and indian classics in our curriculum, but that never happens. Instead its some shitty ya book that involves "people of color"

>> No.20548271

>They have a liberal slant
> the right side of history.
> straight white men
> Black Lives Matter
> decolonisation
> shaken free of its colonial shackles
> there are no accidents
> identity politics
> social justice
> sustainability
> marginalised narratives

These people have one language: cliche, pompous cliche at that.

Then again you cant even insult them. 'self righteous? sure! we are right after all'
They understand politics. Confidence and rationality will triumph over caution

>> No.20548295

Except that you can tell that something is wrong with this mindset because the answer is never to sample a wide variety of world literature from throughout history, cultivating a rich understanding of humanity, different cultures, and literary traditions (as >>20548248
says) so that students comprehend the transience of great peoples, nations, and empires, the constant change in all things, and the long term benefits that come from bringing many peoples together in peaceful coexistence in competition and cooperation. Instead, the solution has two parts:
>1. Find moral failings in established writers to reduce their stature, interpret history and literature to unearth examples of imperial sin, lay a paralyzing burden of national guilt on the shoulders of children and teenagers, and make false assumptions that population groups like white males possess outrageous power, wealth, and influence (which in reality only belongs to a tiny percentage of old fucks).
>2. Replace established writers in the curriculum with mediocre writers, not because of any literary significance of the texts they wrote, but because the mediocre writers are from certain population groups or because their writing includes approved and unsubtle moralizing.

>> No.20548315

Just abandon morality, for identity centric politcs and it all ends. Which is the purpose of leftwing moralizing, its forcing us to simply state, I only care for the wellbeing of my own people.

>> No.20548329

the idea is to just destroy literature. they want to do to literature what modernism did to the arts.

>> No.20548344

while I was typing this a car went by pumping autotune rap garbage, yeah they destroyed music too. the point is just destroying the shit that reminds you of anything higher than the here and now, ooga booga. god I hate niggers

>> No.20548358

Embarrassing post (/lit/ ca. '22 everybody)

>> No.20548373
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>This has to include identity politics and social justice, but also sustainability and geopolitics too.

>> No.20548591
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>> No.20548603

>white people create their own culture and society that ultimately reigns supreme despite the chaos and horrors of history
>they teach their own perspective in schools they develop


>> No.20548617

I hate Foucault but he was up to something

>> No.20548634

Revolt of the Elites, the chapters on education.

>> No.20548658

He's right and you will never be a woman

>> No.20548662
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>accept the truths of the past, no matter how unpalatable these truths may seem.

>> No.20548679





>> No.20548687

What's your point tranny?

>> No.20548709

Anglos must be the most mentally ill people in the world, thank God they're accelerating their own extinction

>> No.20548716

I used to have respect for them, but this entire mental illness they exhibit is just deplorable. I can't believe they fell so low after giving so many greats.

>> No.20548736

Keep taking the agitprop bait.

>> No.20548741

You're a tranny. You have no point.

>> No.20548843


>> No.20548884

I don't live in a multicultural society. I live in a monoculture under invasion.

>> No.20548893

We need to start genociding niggers, Jews, women, fags and trannies RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.20548904

You mean journalists. Most people don't think like this at all. But we're not allowed to speak out anymore.

>> No.20548911
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Maybe because our epoch is built upon white imperialism? That doesn't mean it's the only form of exploitation that has ever existed in history, just that it is the defining feature of geopolitics over the past centuries. You think all of that shit is going to be taught in school curriculums? In any case seethe more, /pol/cunt.

>> No.20548915


>> No.20549029


I'll read when niggers can produce a work of literature that isn't just a thinly disguised demand for money from White people.

>> No.20549036

>Commie libtards spluttering with rage when they notice a few remaining white people on Cuck Island

>> No.20549251

straight and white in "straight white men" are not coordinate adjectives and do not require a comma you stupid bonobo