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/lit/ - Literature

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20543853 No.20543853 [Reply] [Original]

How can I read more? How long does it take to start having discipline?

>> No.20544204

Go on a technology fast for a week. I did this for the first time a couple weeks ago and read the Iliad in 4 days. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you don’t have your mind pumped full of dopamine and entertainment. Now I came back to the internet i haven’t read a single page in weeks.

>> No.20544285

Kitchen timer. Train yourself to read the instant you start the timer. I like setting it for thirty minutes if I'm not feeling like reading. You might have to start with fifteen minutes. It just gets easier and easier to do. If can do this living with a mood disorder, you can manage. It's not about discipline. You train yourself like a dog.

>> No.20544293

You don't need to. I can already read plenty.

>> No.20544337

Just do things that require more discipline. Go on a diet, wake up earlier, set a timer and force yourself to complete tasks. Take a cold shower. Stop jerking off, or at least resist the urges for awhile.
Work out. Go for a walk. Better yet, go for a run. Then force yourself to read 15-30 pages.

You can do it. Don't take the easy way out and deny responsibility

>> No.20544345

KEK at these plebs forcing themselves to do what we do for pleasure.

>> No.20544349

how long did it take you to start seeing more ease?

>> No.20544352

Also, just a quick extra. Not sure if you're at the place you want to be in life. If you are, good for you

If not, you should probably try to get more things done. Do it faster too. Time passes fast. You are really going to regret it later if you fuck it up now

>> No.20544360

Unplug your TV, turn off your phone, take out your ethernet cable, go into a well-lit room, and set a timer for however long you wish to read.

>> No.20544846


I also find that people waste a lot more time on youtube than they care to admit

>> No.20544892

You need to learn to enjoy it. Find books that you would be interested in and start there. Read plenty of what you like until you're someone who reads regularly, even if it's absolute shit, then slowly pull away from your comfort zone and towards better literature.

>> No.20545001

This. Don't be afraid to not finish books you don't like. Every time I've forced myself to finish a book I really dislike it puts me off of reading for a while.

>> No.20545145

Similar to the pomodoro technique

>> No.20545214

Kitchen timer. Train yourself to read the instant you start the timer. I like setting it for thirty minutes if I'm not feeling like reading. You might have to start with fifteen minutes. It just gets easier and easier to do. If can do this living with a mood disorder, you can manage. It's not about discipline. You train yourself like a dog.

>> No.20545963


>> No.20546112

Leave the book pile near the toilet

>> No.20546863

Reading books you actually enjoy helps.

>> No.20548166

You don't need to. I can already read plenty.

>> No.20548310

unsub from netflix, nbo and the rest
sell your tv, steam account etc.
join book club, irl one online ones are useless

This is the most important bit.