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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 289 KB, 1080x1023, rfvr02kfm1s61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20543419 No.20543419 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh you also like reading Anon? Who's your favorite female author?

>> No.20543420

Fyodora Dostoyeska

>> No.20543422

A black, trangender, female author.

>> No.20543423
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Savitri Devi

>> No.20543430

>I don't care
There's your answer. If she stops talking to you over a humorous statement like that then you were simping too hard.

>> No.20543433

Susanna Clarke

>> No.20543436

Jane Austen, Hope Mirrlees and Ursula Le Guin

>> No.20543441
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>You don't care? Wow, what kind of an incel answer is that?

>> No.20543447

She asked for one not three you goof

>> No.20543452

>Ursula Le Guin
Oh come, that's just plain pandering.

>> No.20543454

>You look like a femcel.

>> No.20543459

You know that's not true. I mean just look at her.

>> No.20543463

I never in my life read a female author.

>> No.20543469
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Flannery O'Connor of course

>> No.20543472

>Anon, do you read any female authors?
Nice try, tranny.
>Err... not even Jane Austen?
That's a man.
>Emily Bronte?
>Jan Morris?
Actually yeah her travel writings are pretty kino.

>> No.20543475
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>> No.20543480

Ann Coulter.
Just kidding, it's Ayn Rand

>> No.20543498

Doesn't matter. She will cease her defiance. She looks like the type who's trying to be pretty anyway.

>> No.20543503

Has /lit/ ever heard about Jane Leade? An English esotericist and author of the Revelation of Revelations. Schopenhauer quotes her in his book "On the Will in Nature" in the magic and animal magnetism chapter.

>> No.20543525

Alissa Nutting

>> No.20543531 [DELETED] 
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None, women are fucking stupid.

Corrective rape.

>> No.20543538


>> No.20543564

Dorota Masłowska, and that it pretty much it. Wojna Polsko-Rosyjkska pod Flagą Biało-Czerwoną is so retarded it’s kino.

>> No.20543575

aoki ume

>> No.20543588
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Why are you so mean Anon

>> No.20543595

Reviewbrah not like that...
Good film too

>> No.20543602

I have read hundreds of books in my life, and I have never read a single female author

>> No.20543603

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.20543605

Ok Anon not like I don't get the sentiment, but that's overkill.

>> No.20543614

I don't read.

>> No.20543640

No it's mainly by accident
I never read Harry Potter as a kid, just Tolkien and a few other YA things
then as an adult I have read almost exclusively pre-1800s classics, poetry and philosophy. It's not that hard to avoid female lit entirely

>> No.20543642

>as an adult I have read almost exclusively pre-1800s classics, poetry and philosophy
Ok that is FVCKING based

>> No.20543675


>> No.20543739

It's Wojna Polsko-Ruska and it fucking sucks. Read Gombrowicz if you want retarded Polish writing not some millenial pseud who tried their hardest at writing a shitty, faux-postmodern book while being a juvenile shithead.
t. P(r)ole

>> No.20543757

> a shitty, faux-postmodern book while being a juvenile shithead.
That’s it’s retarded charm. It’s not good, and it is juvenile, but it’s retardedness is prima sort.

>> No.20543768


>> No.20543778
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I write like Flannery O'Connor because I'm insane in the membrane but I admire the subtleties of Eudora Welty a lot more.

>> No.20543791

>Anon knows the Philadelphians
>He found out about them from reading Schopenhauer on electricity
We spiritual married now anon, let's meet in purgatory

>> No.20543801


>> No.20543804

>She looks like the type who's trying to be pretty anyway.
Doesn't sounds like a bad thing to me heh.

>> No.20543816
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Yes, bit she doesn't have to

>> No.20543839

Female writers are the incels of the literary world.
Ah bloo bloo bloo, I’m entitled to male readers.
I’m entitled to wealth, fame, love, respect and attention from male readers.
And male readers are like
No. Lol.

>> No.20543865

left looks better desu. Right looks a bit too much like hillary clinton

>> No.20543869
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Hildegarde of Bingen
Catherine of Sienna
Theresa of Avila
Therese of Lisieux

>> No.20543874



>> No.20543880
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Speaking of Teresa of Avila...

>> No.20543894

Sayaka Murata. I really relate to her autism.

>> No.20543901

i just make up an obscure women's name that sounds foreign they shut up straight away

>> No.20543961

that's a man

>> No.20543972

Not true

>> No.20543990

The only female writer I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest were pure cancer.

>> No.20544015
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>> No.20544019

That's a weird ass fucking question. What's your favorite left handed author?

>> No.20544053

>Schopenhauer on electricity
Animal magnetism is legit. I practice it on myself sometimes.

>> No.20544055

Virginia Woolf

>> No.20544100

it's basic but Jane Austen

>> No.20544103

Anne Frank

>> No.20544104


>> No.20544109

shut up woman

>> No.20544114
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>> No.20544121
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based ivy compton-burnett

>> No.20544128

Simone Weil
Camillle Paglia
I don't read women aside from them

>> No.20544145

I don't have one

>> No.20544147

Then maybe you are one.

>> No.20544148

Shit taste.
I really don't think Winthrop would say that in this instance.

>> No.20544214


>> No.20544219


>> No.20544228


>> No.20544237
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>> No.20544241
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>> No.20544244

Charlotte Bronte. Sex, now? Be my Jane and I, your Edward Rochester. Awwooooooooo

>> No.20544247

AAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so fucking lonely

>> No.20544257

I don't think I could even name a left handed author besides myself.

>> No.20544281

Don't worry Anon. Ella is as rancid a whore as the worst of them.

>> No.20544287
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Alissa Nutting

>> No.20544342
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I am a guy. Why would I read female authors?

>> No.20544638

I just got finished with Lord of The Rings, and I'm only halfway through the Dune series. Next I'm reading Gene Wolfe/PKD. And after that... probably Andy Weir. There's no female author on the horizon, and frankly, I don't give a fuck because my male backlog is so massive.

>> No.20544675

No dear, you’re a frog. Go away now.

>> No.20544677

This chick is ugly as fuck. Jesus

>> No.20544721

Nothing compared to your local Cameroon girls, right?

>> No.20544740
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robin hobb

>> No.20544747

cute girl

>> No.20544817


>> No.20544847

>Haha I don't think I've read a female author in ten years. I'm more into male stuff
This is how you talk to women

>> No.20544857

The only female books I've read in my life are HP and Frankenstein (actually written by a man). There are so many good books out there, you'd practically have to go out of your way to find a woman's worth reading

>> No.20544858

Reading is my escape from the femoid personality

>> No.20544873

No, editors don’t count. Frankenstein is a work written by a woman. An author like her mother and father

>> No.20544891

I could kill that woman with a single strike.
It’s amazing how much better men are than women.

>> No.20544896

Anne McCaffrey

>> No.20544934

Anais Nin. Her diaries are great

>> No.20544938

Jane Austen

>> No.20544945

I like her books about the dragons cuz im like 4 mentally

>> No.20544947

This is a stupid meme

>> No.20544956

>3 hours of makeup and 35-attempts later
>this is the photo
Yeah, I am thinking women are retarded

>> No.20544999

I mean... She's a model. That's too few shots if anything

>> No.20545016

Women are superior to men because they can fluster one and make them seethe without ever meeting them

>> No.20545030

Based. I thought her style of fiction was a little too extravagant and needlessly lengthy, but I enjoyed AS and TF thoroughly and even wept at parts. Rand has a strong message that it's hard for some people to understand.

>> No.20545039

Women are hated because they're simultaneously everything and nothing. They pass the most important judgement, yet have no other telos. When artificial wombs are finally created - which they will be, capitalism demands it - that will be the end of women and eventually the end of humanity.

>> No.20545050

That’s fine by me. You all can have the artificial wombs and I’ll take all the girls

>> No.20545074

No reason we both can't have both. The value of pussy will collapse like nothing you could ever imagine.

>> No.20545087

No it won’t. Men have always wanted a soul mate, not a robot and test tube baby.

>> No.20545107

>that thing
>a model
Affirmative action really infects every industry

>> No.20545110

That's a very naive belief. Look at where we're at now, entertainment already eclipses sexual activity for many - and not just men.

>> No.20545112

Women spend all day on twitter, IG, and TikTok shitting on men. YWNBAW

>> No.20545118

Solid answer. I'll accept it.

>> No.20545122

I’m not talking about entertainment or sexual activity. I’m talking about loneliness

>> No.20545127

One with the biggest ass and tiddies of them all.

>> No.20545131

Anon, dopamine numbs pain. They will never realize they're lonely, they'll just think they're not consooming enough.

>> No.20545143

No, those are escapes they use for loneliness. Most realize that. Every hear the phrase “lonely in the middle of a crowd”? Most people desire genuine human connection

>> No.20545148

Nah I think you're commiting a typical mind fallacy. Sorry Anon, normies are just too dumb and far less sensitive than you. The culture itself is also starting to turn increasingly atomized.

>> No.20545153

Ask a drug or sex addict if they are happy

>> No.20545168

You're just bringing up edge cases. Also there's a social element to it - i.e. an entertainment addict will most likely say that they are in fact happy.

>> No.20545179
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why yes, ackshually my favourite novel was penned by a dame. it's Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar... perhaps you're familiar with her, fair damsel?...BWAHAHA! of course you aren't. dohoho...

>> No.20545183

Happiness is transient and good and bad times pass. Everyone desires to be more content and in a better situation than they are

>> No.20545195

That I agree with.

>> No.20545236

Hildegard von Bingen

>> No.20545340
File: 105 KB, 640x800, xFU9eFmi-YlcsdIibGp06VwmDU6Nv1soE5xkGQsaNfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow this turned out to be a nice thread.

>> No.20545517



>> No.20545619

Shirley Jackson

>> No.20545988

I can't tell you because I never assume the gender and pronouns of the writers of the books I read :)

>> No.20546009
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>anon will you support my patreon? my tuition fees are due next month

wat do

>> No.20546048

What male readers? The entire publishing industry is carried by female consumers, why would any author give a shit about a tiny, declining demographic when you can source all the shekels, film and TV deals and prestige from an exclusively female reader base? Of course, women still perceive males as authorities on “good taste” to an extent…but as the real and perceived social and economic status of women continues to increase, they’ll have even less reason to care.

>> No.20546068

Women are less likely to pirate your book on libgen. I'd cater to women too if I were a writer

>> No.20546076

Marie louise kaschnitz

>> No.20546151

I wish she wouldn't cover up her freckles

>> No.20546158

Paglia or Yourcenar.

>> No.20546161


>> No.20546182
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Last time this happened I lied and claimed it was Blavatsky. I actually see her as a total joke after reading Guenon's (pbuh) takedown on Theosophists and haven't read any of her work at all, but she was the first female author that came to mind and thinking for too long would have made me look autistic. Which I probably am, but I don't want to look the part.

based af

>> No.20546197

I don’t know why but they do.
They desperately crave male validation. Not enough to stop writing werewolf billionaire schlick fantasies but they still write Guardian articles about men who don’t read female writers. They blame the male reader for their failure to be interested rather than the female writer for failing to entertain. Like I said, they’re the incels of the literary world.

>> No.20546314

Because their wombs lust for seed of course.

>> No.20546385

Sylvia Plath

>> No.20546405


I actually met Ursula LeGuin and didn't know it was her at the time

>> No.20546413


Right. The world is a perfect capitalist system without any cronyism.


>> No.20546417

Olga Tokarczuk

>> No.20546442
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You already know

>> No.20546451

I recently happened to read The Bookseller of Kabul by Åsne Seierstad if that's anything

>> No.20546508

You have not read Rand

>> No.20546553
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Uhhh Sappho
>t. only reads classical and vodka /lit/

>> No.20547209

My favorites

College is a waste of time. The debts should be ignored if you’ve already gone.
Nothing wrong with sex and nudity, but making it work is abominable.

>> No.20547621

Kate Dicamillo

>> No.20548075

Clarice Lispector

>> No.20548346

Jane Austen, Hope Mirrlees and Ursula Le Guin

>> No.20548423

I don't read women. They have no perspective worth considering, or even hearing.

>> No.20548525

Nice. Those books are actually pretty interesting. The degree to which the protagonist gets flagellated is fucking insane.

>> No.20549020

That's actually both based and a great answer.

>> No.20549035

Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Susan Sontag
Jewesses really do it for me.

>> No.20549053

Stop wearing glasses if you don't actually need them to see, stupid bitch. You would be 1000% more attractive without them.

Stupid woman.

>> No.20549057
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>it's Jane Austen *winks at camera*

>> No.20549070
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>> No.20549073
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>L-like this Anon?

>> No.20549478

We only have a few fragments of her. It's a bit of a stretch to have that as favorite. Colette is better for some lesbian literary kino.

>> No.20549496

Give a generic answer like "I definitely like you more since you read but if I have to choose it'd be Jane Austen or something. "

>> No.20549514

Who is this qt 3.14?

>> No.20549531
File: 46 KB, 460x843, aOQnWQN_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this cool thing called reverse image search?

>> No.20549736


Called it last time: >>/lit/thread/S20533711#p20535201

>> No.20549744

It was already known them. She will get launched to superstardom now.

>> No.20549927

You can just lie and say you love harry potter
It's easy to fake being a HP fan

>> No.20549995
File: 433 KB, 1586x2048, B5AC311F-841B-4567-A6C5-CE3A277DFE29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emma Goldman

>> No.20550052

>still believes he was just an editor

>> No.20550109

Why is this cringe shit allowed on /lit/?

>> No.20550165

It's on topic. Cry more roast.

>> No.20550181

Toni Morrison

>> No.20550221

It's not and you know it.

>> No.20550251
File: 111 KB, 1222x686, dDnRAA895hP8eTbbCHqwBx98vuyymMOyUoLkHuaD6BU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'sIt's just a slightly different way to starca thread about books.

>> No.20550256

you just know they fuck back guys

>> No.20550259

*start a

>> No.20550344


Also, >>20548075

>> No.20550862


>> No.20550878

This is a man

>> No.20550908

Like... pegging?

>> No.20550933

Rainer Maria Rilke

>> No.20550944

this girl should fuck >>20550012 and I watch

>> No.20551129

She should fuck me.

>> No.20551222

m8 the Percy edit is shit. That's why most publishers don't use it. If you honestly prefer the Percy edit, you're legit siding with the feminine forces of ao3 and lost to good taste forever.

>> No.20551247

Shut up you stupid chud, sex wirk is real work.

>> No.20551257

I think the only female author that I've ever read is the woman who wrote twilight

>> No.20551405

holy kek

>> No.20551438
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>B-bend over Anon

>> No.20551464

Parting* is such sweet sorrow!

*my cheeks

>> No.20551875

>s the real and perceived social and economic status of women continues to increase
This is unsustainable and everyone knows it.
Except women lol

>> No.20551880

the fun thing about butters is sex work will not work for her. Too old.

>> No.20552309

Liberal moment

>> No.20553596

Jane Austen, Hope Mirrlees and Ursula Le Guin

>> No.20555141

Earthlings was wild

>> No.20555183

Toni Morrison

>> No.20555305


>> No.20555309

Flan O'Connor, the list goes on

>> No.20555321

Christina Rossetti

>> No.20555597
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Anna Komnenos

>> No.20555610
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Fucking based

>> No.20555847
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>> No.20556082

The harry potter, but mostly because of the terf thing

>> No.20557302
File: 174 KB, 1706x2560, 71fSpBTHAOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephanie Meyer after I found out about pic rel
I finally understood

>> No.20557318

Ugly commie. Would be a femcel if she wasn't Jewish.

>> No.20557334

she's an e-celeb not a model
she literally doesn't model

>> No.20558210

Not a commie, dumb bitch poster. The woman was smarter than you.

>> No.20558274
File: 99 KB, 634x880, 1635029945167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, torrey peters of course! "she" is an award winning "authoress"!

>> No.20558414
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She literally does though.

>> No.20558440

Left looks 100x better. I will never get women and their obsession with shitty make-up.

>> No.20558443
File: 62 KB, 407x280, 216-2162452_pepe-meme-rarepepe-happy-animals-pepe-frog-autistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astrid Lindgren

>> No.20558449


>> No.20558455

What happen to her nose?

>> No.20558468

Probably just skin irritation caused by make-up, ironically enough.

>> No.20558516

Incel? I am not familiar with this neologism.
I simply prefer to read the classics, as contemporary writings can greatly vary in quality.
You can't go wrong with the classics, as they have passed the trial of time, and I don't have much time to read, so I read them. It just so happens that almost all of them were written in a better time in which women were not allowed to express themselves, it really isn't my fault that I don't read female writers, as you can plainly see.

>> No.20558577

This. Left will be infinite better with few more punches on the eyes.

>> No.20558624

A man of culture.

>> No.20558935
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>W-why are you hurting me Anon

>> No.20560285

imagine being this wrong

>> No.20560420
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Isn't this the slut who sleeps with asian men

>> No.20560612

What are my chances of getting with a girl like this if I can’t even think of one, let alone one I like?
No wait! Uhh Emily Dickinson. That’s someone right?

>> No.20560622

>Underage passing
>wasted on bugmen

>> No.20560716

flannery o connor, toni morrison

>> No.20560736

is that the girl who does jav videos? Melody or Harmony something.

>> No.20561221

It gets better. Her first BF was like 10 years older than her and she was like 15. Don't ask how I know, that info is gone anyway.

>> No.20561447

She keeps on posting how she doesn't like European looking men.
Kinda racist, not gonna lie

>> No.20561460

Robin Hobb

>> No.20561487

Nice reference

>> No.20561496

Ursula K. Leguin, although I do my best to divorce my opinion of her personality and politics from my appreciation of her work.

Also this.

>> No.20561502

>>You don't care? Wow, what kind of an incel answer is that?
Get married.

>> No.20561516 [DELETED] 
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>> 20558210#

This guy knows wasup

>> No.20561517

>being this new

>> No.20561530
File: 245 KB, 400x387, 1FD64351-74D4-47FF-8D0D-94796BD36E01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>20558210 #

This guy knows wasup

>> No.20561546

Even if her philosophy is garbage, Rand writes a really good sci-fi page turner.

>> No.20561614

Jane austen, Elena Ferrante, Isabel allende....

>> No.20561959

allisa nutting

>> No.20562225

I love that she was against any woman becoming president

>> No.20562239

Is she autistic herself?

>> No.20562283

Agatha Christie

>> No.20562309

Objectively false. Off the top of my head I can think of: Zora Neale Hurston, Carson McCullers, Flannery O'Connor, Virginia Woolf, Clarice Lispector, Hilda Hilst, and a few others who aren't worth mentioning because they aren't very good. You either need to read more or just read more widely. The other sex doesn't lack for good writers (although it is mostly lesbians who make up that number).

>> No.20562663
File: 933 KB, 319x144, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd practically have to go out of your way to find a woman's worth reading
>Objectively false.
>a few others who aren't worth mentioning because they aren't very good.

>> No.20562778

Shirley Jackson is bretty gud. Most of what I read is written by men, though.

>> No.20562792

>actually written by a man
I've said it once and I'll say it again: the only way that you get a male protagonist as effeminate as Victor Frankenstein (he gets fucking PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS when he "conceives" and "births" the monster and faints constantly) is if it was written by a woman. If Percy had written it, 90% of the book would have been the last 4 chapters where he hunts the monster in his self destructive quest for revenge.

>> No.20562867

>I read a lot of Enid Blyton when I was 9

>> No.20562889

oh shit it's this bitch who does vids in Japanese but has the speaking skills of a 4 year old lol

>> No.20563067
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Having a type isn’t racism
Hell, she looks half Asian as it is. Is she Russian?

>> No.20563453

>Oh you also like reading Anon?
These are my wagie instructions.

>> No.20563459

Imagine not being censored porn enjoyer.

>> No.20564344

Sylvia Plath

>> No.20564356
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>Oh right. Hey can you bring me and my friend more coffee real quick before Chad gets here?

>> No.20564415

nyx land.

>> No.20564427


>> No.20564452

Clarice Lispector
(it's the only woman I've read, didn't like it that much)

>> No.20564453 [DELETED] 

Looks like a dude. Can't think of any female authors that I enjoy. What do you recommend for a guy who likes classic literature? I like the romantic movement. Is Frankenstein worthwhile?

Already tried the tale of genji, it's not really my thing

>> No.20564480

Looks like a dude.

I love Pride and Prejudice, I need to read more Austen. I'd also love to try Anna Komnene. What do you recommend for a guy who likes classic literature? I like the romantic movement. Is Frankenstein worthwhile?

Already tried the tale of genji, it's not really my thing

>> No.20564584

Oh probably Fitzgerald , who is basically a woman anyways

>> No.20564605

Horrible fucking choice. May I suggest a rope and a stool?

>> No.20564725
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Sweet darling Joan, of course.

>> No.20564736
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>> No.20565177

damn dude you should use this, it's even smoother and cooler sounding than you imagined, would definitely throw off any suspicion that you are an incel, you DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT!!!!!

>> No.20565928

>men who don’t read female writers
I do this... I've found that all the books I dislike are from female authors, and now just steer clear of them altogether.

>> No.20566258

God I hope so.

>> No.20566330

helena blavatsky

>> No.20566344
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>I actually see her as a total joke after reading Guenon's (pbuh) takedown on Theosophists and haven't read any of her work at all

>> No.20566352


>> No.20566681
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I think it’s a question of focus.
Male writers tend to focus more on creating works of fiction that I love and enjoy.
Female writers tend to focus more on taking things I love and enjoy away from me, killing them then desecrating their memory.

>> No.20566692


>> No.20567342

My favorite author is F Gardner and I don’t read books written by women.

>> No.20567355

>Female writers tend to focus more on taking things I love and enjoy away from me, killing them then desecrating their memory.
What lit examples are there?

>> No.20567387
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Honestly, I love her prose. She exaggerates a bit in Atlas, but in The Fountainhead and in We the Living it's absolutely perfect. It's at the same time descriptive and polemical, her polemics have enormous rhetorical power, and despite how long her novels usually are none of the words feel unnecessary. In those two novels she also excels a lot in characterization. Peter Keating and Gail Wynand are some of the best written characters in English-language 20th century literature.

I'm pretty far from being an Objectivist, but I genuinely admire Rand as a writer and think most of the shit she gets is due to her political positions and personal behavior.

>> No.20567419
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>> No.20567433


>> No.20567484

Jk Rowling

>> No.20567514

The shrieking feminist harpies have been at the corpses of Philip Roth, Norman Mailer and Saul Bellow within the last year. While I commend them for their anti-semitism, you have to admit they love to hate books that men enjoy.

>> No.20567527

Do not ever post that again faggot

>> No.20567953

2 > 1 > 3 > 4

>> No.20569384

Because mods baby sit off topic threads and ban literature threads

Thread full of fucking losers crying "incel" at every post they like too

Also, women ARE stupid.

>> No.20569389
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>> No.20569403

Rowling. Im a big harry potter fan hehe

>> No.20569654


>> No.20569749

>Oh, I'm currently reading the works of Hajime Kanzaka, it's very funny, there is a scene where the bad guys capture the main heroine and have an issue where they can't decide who has to rape her
>One is a fish with legs and is simply incapable of raping her
>One is a wolfman-troll hybrid who finds her so horribly disgusting he can't get hard
>One is a Knight with an oath of celibacy, and
>the last is a human chimera who can't get hard with screaming women
>It is so hilarious and wacky, what are your favorite funny rape scenes? Besides the one in your immenent future hohohoho

>> No.20569787

The Gospel of Mary is my answer.

>> No.20569789

no one says this

>> No.20569795

I hope you read this post in the future and feel immense shame.

>> No.20569798

That guy who called her race traitor was some brownoid from /int/, he posted about it

>> No.20569821

Why? You don't think this would help pick up a girl?

>> No.20569826

btw they had to tone it down for television but here is the scene
It's quite funny

>> No.20569851

Catherine of Siena was batshit crazy. She has no business being a saint.

>> No.20570321

>has three visions, record one of them in writing
>get severe anorexia
I guess being legit anorexic counts as insane but she was aware of it and just didn't understand why she threw up everything up to death.

>> No.20570383
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>> No.20570960

Outhärdligt baserat

>> No.20571217

I never read this. Does it mention how the entire reason Achillies stayed in his tent and watched his fellow Achaeans get slaughtered was that he was made about his sex slave being taken away from him?

>> No.20571222

>She has no business being a saint
Most saints are, paradoxically, not people who should be imitated.

>> No.20571410

I don’t know, I don’t read books by women

>> No.20571536

Well, I like “The Giver”. I wouldn’t say Lois Lowry is a favorite though. Edith Hamilton’s mythology is fantastic but I still haven’t read Robert Graves so I can’t compare yet.

>> No.20572569

Kek, can't say I'm suprised

>> No.20572611

Honestly Ella is one of the few actual IRL people that I would consider stunningly beautiful.

>> No.20572989

>post op photo
>ywn slap her limp dick while slammer her lilly white bussy