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20541638 No.20541638 [Reply] [Original]

I finally got my book on ancient Mesopotamia and I will be reading it to get a decent background knowledge of the Bible.

>> No.20541644
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But you haven't even read the Bible yet.
>b-but I will after this!
No you won't.

>> No.20541652

It would have been preferable if the Babylonians had ended (((them))) there and then, instead of the foolish misguided Persians freeing (((them))), so that way your trashy Bible, Koran, and OT would not exist then.
There is not a SINGLE beautiful thing in the entirety of Abrahamic traditions.

>> No.20541663

Anyone seeing duplicates lately. It’s like ai or something, idk feels very sinister

>> No.20541666

Forgot to add: hate my parents for making me go to the church. FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!

>> No.20541675
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>666 digits

>> No.20541692


>> No.20541882
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>> No.20541891

I hate these memes so much

>> No.20541896

not the jews fault everybody started larping as jews desu senpai

>> No.20542232

>Talking about how much he hates the church
>666 trips

>> No.20542243

no the ai posts are the random nonsense that's suddenly been filling not so baity threads lately

>> No.20542265

What the fuck was wrong with the Assyrians? They seem like the most evil people who ever lived, aside from those other ones (you know who I mean)

>> No.20542268

>you know who I mean

>> No.20542299

Can you tell me what was so evil about them? I grew up historically illiterate

>> No.20542304

Ancient Mesopotamia was so soulless and bugman.
Alexander’s conquest imbued it with sovl

>> No.20542332

They just used mass terror as a weapon. If the Assyrians conquered your city, they'd do dumb shit like burn all of the babies as a sacrifice and then skin everyone alive and blah blah blah. What's interesting about this at the time is that other bronze-age societies were really hesitant to kill people because of the mass labor needed to farm at the time. The Assyrians brought with them a very Semitic view of society that is also seen in the Jews, who, throughout the Torah at Yahweh's command, engage in a similar idea of warfare as ultimately about exterminating the people in the territory so that it can be yours even if you aren't going to necessarily do anything with it. The Assyrians, and the Jews, then had no trouble doing comically evil shit like this because they're trying to free up the land.

It's also telling in that regard that other ancient conquerors had very firm ideas of conquering too much because after a certain point it just becomes ungovernable, whereas the Assyrians and Jews had no conception of such a thing (Because they weren't really using most of the land anyways).

>> No.20542337

Comedy levels of terror

Tablet after tablet of
>And then I gouged out their eyes and caused their entrails to fall out and I skinned 500 women alive and wrapped their skins over the children and set the children on fire

>> No.20542360

Bruh Jesus Christ, and I thought the epic of Gilgamesh was a little disturbing with all the "and I slaughtered them, and buried them so deep no ghosts will haunt me" shit.

Any good books to read about this? I'm fascinated now. Comparing that to say, the Greeks (especially in the Iliad) would be interesting

>> No.20542379

>and I slaughtered them, and buried them so deep no ghosts will haunt me"
When was this in Gilgamesh?

>> No.20542396

You idiots will just believe everything? No wonder our societies going down the drain

>> No.20542399

what are you even objecting to?

>> No.20542431

no it's just a christian posting a political compass with wojaks, they tend to be like that

>> No.20542870

Trying to hold some superior moral high ground over Assyrians by saying that they were “evil” is the most retarded crap I’ve ever read on this website. Do you live in the Bronze Age? Were you surrounded on all 4 sides by enemies? Hurrians in the north.. Babylonians in the south.. Iranians to the east.. Arameans and others to the west.. there’s no such thing as EVIL in this situation, all there is, is the necessity to survive by any means. And if being ““brutal”” means warding off enemies, so be it faggot!

>> No.20542878
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Their takes on who owns and has the rights to modify "books" was pretty interesting.

>> No.20542892

Can I get a qrd?

>> No.20542940

no wonder the jews end up doing stupid shit everytime and get their shit pushed in, then start crying as if they're the victims

>> No.20543008

The inventor of the story (or more likely some oral story whose creator either is lost to time or not even 1 person), the scribe, and the owner of the tablets weren't usually the same person.
The owner of the physical tablet was the person who had the "right" to change it. The person who created the story actually had the least "right" to his story. Very different to the egocentric artistic (often legal) rights of today