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/lit/ - Literature

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20540840 No.20540840 [Reply] [Original]

Am I capable of being a good writer as an autistic?

>> No.20540855


>> No.20540875

Probably. I mean just look at Call of the Crocodile. If F Gardner could meme himself into being a famous author from here then any of us probably can too.

>> No.20540883

Only schizoids make good writers

>> No.20540884


>> No.20540892


>> No.20540940

No u

>> No.20540959

If anything autism probably correlates positively with artistic ability but your likelihood of success is hindered by social retardation

>> No.20540976


>> No.20541010

Become a fantasy author and world build around your obsessions.

>> No.20541022


>> No.20541041

that explains why f gardner is memed so hard by this board

>> No.20541075

Schizoids and autists are closely related, anon.

>> No.20541091

>good writer
>F Gardner

>> No.20541247

Autism has nothing to do with it.
If language is one of your strengths, you can write well. If you have issues with people and social interactions as I do (got my autism certificate a few years ago) and try to write a book with a lot of that, of course it's not gonna work. Take One Hundred Years of Solitude as an example, there's barely any dialogue at all, and it's one of the best books ever written.

>> No.20541263


>> No.20541265

You can’t write literary fiction. But I’m sure you can write a nice book about gay dragons or robots for other artists to masturbate to :)

>> No.20541273

Damn I meant autists. These fucking “this day in history” videos cover up the text field when I’m trying to reply

>> No.20541393

But I want to try writing a lot of social interaction

>> No.20541412

Nothing is stopping you from trying Anon.

>> No.20541432

First thing you have to do to be a good writer is to sit the fuck down and just fucking WRITE. Spend all your available free time writing down everything and anything you want to if you want to become a serious writer. You don't have autism btw because you are clearly socializing in some manner on the internet. I would know because I have a PhD in psychology with a focus in internet personalities.

>> No.20541438
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If you're even moderately neurotypical it's over

>> No.20541484

EZ guide to becoming a writer:
Step 1) Write 300 pages of a story
There is no step two

>> No.20541804
File: 75 KB, 314x489, ADBC8CAE-1624-4B0C-9669-81729453AE7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who wrote this

>> No.20541833

You mean you? Stop shilling your garbage book.

>> No.20541853

Empathic gay aliens like Proust make good writers though

>> No.20541895

Of course, you clearly have a keen eye for derail

>> No.20541920

I mean the book that has been spammed and memed here everyday for the past two years. Fuck off if you’re implying I’m Faggot Gardner

>> No.20542235


>> No.20542242

You are. There is no actual memes that came out of the book besides Faggot Gardener (you) spamming it.

>> No.20542250


>> No.20543724

What’s the personality type of the average /lit/ poster

>> No.20544598


>> No.20544611


>> No.20544940

>have a PhD in psychology with a focus in internet personalities.
Is that a real thing? Fucking kek