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20532898 No.20532898 [Reply] [Original]

I've read 100 Questions.
What else should I read by this mad lad?

>> No.20532904

Nothing. You've already wasted too much time.

>> No.20532910

I haven't read any Mosley, but I read an interesting book by an Australian called 'The Pleasure of their Company'. It describes the author's friendships and adventures with various literary figures, mostly (but not exclusively) on the political right, like Roy Campbell, Inky Stephensen, Henry Williams, and Richard Aldington, among others, as well as his friendship with Oswald and Diana Mosley. You might find that chapter of the book illuminating.

>> No.20532914


Go back.

>> No.20532953

No u

>> No.20532958

Sounds interesting. Thanks

>> No.20532968

You should read his contemporaries

>> No.20533039

Such as?

>> No.20533076

I'm afraid I'm out of my depth there, I recall speaking with someone quite familiar with the work of his contemporaries suggesting that they were a much better read but I don't know the names.

>> No.20533078

Do you mean other British politicians or other third positionalists?

>> No.20533135

Fascism for the million would definitely be next

>> No.20533163
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How's The Alternative?

>> No.20533183

I wouldn't know I've only ever read fascism for the million and felt it gave me enough of an understanding of fascism to know it wasn't for me

>> No.20533187

oh wait scrap that, now that i remember i did read the alternative LOL
Yeah it's good and i'd suggest you read that before fascism for the million

>> No.20533188

third positionalists
I think one of the names he mentioned was macdonald and something about a plain speaking column

>> No.20534638

It's good, but Fascism isn't for you? How come?

>> No.20535049
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Anyone read this biography? Worth getting if I wanna understand this mustache man?

>> No.20535686

>Why is a retarded ideology that waged an unwinnable war against the entire world and lost bad?

>> No.20535842

If you are the poster I was responding to before, I was genuinely curious. You said that you liked The Alternative, but also that Fascism isn't for you. My impression was that you are at least sympathetic to Third Way, so I wanted to hear about why you disagree with it.

>> No.20535860

No I'm not him. But this "Third Way" retardation is self-destructive and you would stop if you had any concern for your own well-being.

>> No.20536947

>But this "Third Way" retardation is self-destructive and you would stop if you had any concern for your own well-being.
Says u

>> No.20537019

Yes? I mean if you want to be a retarded faggot loser that's ultimately up to you but I would advise against it. You're probably too far gone though, doomed to be a waste of resources.

>> No.20537107
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For My Legionaies, Codreanu.

>> No.20537178

Optical illusion

>> No.20537275

>What else should I read by this mad lad?
Nothing, he hasn't written anything of worth.

>> No.20537404

do you guys know where to get his stuff for free? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.20537684

Yea uh says u

>> No.20537699

You do not deserve to exist.

>> No.20537799

I'll actually be helpfull:

- Fascism for the Million
- The Coming Corporate State (written by Alexander Raven Thomson, the defacto Economist for the BUF)
- Tomorrow We Live
- Mosley's Blackshirts: The Inside Story of the British Union of Fascists (1932-1940)
- Automation: Problem and Solution

Let me know if you have any questions!

>> No.20537806

His biography is helpful for getting an understanding of context, but generally just read his political material. You can also read various books about his movement rather than his life, but his biography is good and helpful nonetheless.

>> No.20538428

Chapter 19 specifically of "My Life" is kino.

>> No.20538433


>> No.20538436

Kek the mentally ill commie is in every fascism thread to seethe

>> No.20538567

It's the truth. If you're an adult who's embraced neo-Nazism there is little to no chance for redemption.
Not a communist. Anyone jumping on the fascist fagtrain is obviously mentally ill. Project harder.

>> No.20538635
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>Reddit, the post

>> No.20538768

why are you gay?

>> No.20538802
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You can smell the communist-kikery.

>> No.20538905

I've been watching Peaky Blinders and Mosley seems very evil. I wouldn't read this guy if I were you.

>> No.20538924

Why would you want to save or preserve your race? Do these people not believe in evolution? Different ethnic groups evolved because they lived for extended periods of time in particular environments, bound by primitive modes of transportation. Why try to freeze your race in time? Makes no sense. Ethnic groups have always been changing.

>> No.20538926

I dislike the phrase in that image. The situation is hopeless because of their propaganda. Their propaganda is both necessary and sufficient.

>> No.20538973


>> No.20538982

>Do these people not believe in evolution?
Evolution is literally not true

>> No.20539054

Why do you say that?

>> No.20539057

Metaphysics prove it impossible. Evolution begins with incorrect presuppositions.

>> No.20539062

Any books you could recommend that elaborate on this argument? Trying to keep an open mind.

>> No.20539068

On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ by Saint Maximus the Confessor

>> No.20539140
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Shalom rabbi

>> No.20539160
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You do not understand natural selection, an animal that breeds a dozen young among different females is adapted to survive but never advance in any metric. An amimal that can marshal his enviroment to grow food, build shelter and raise young to build on what came before can surive almody anywhere. And so we do.

>> No.20539170
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>> No.20539188


>> No.20539195
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>incorrect presuppositions

What are these incorrect presuppositions and what makes them so? As far as i am aware we began with the evidence of gradual change over time and arrived at a conslusion, precluding them from being presuppositions. Not only do you fail to grasp rudementary Science, you also fail English Comprehension.

>> No.20539202

God is not mad at us, he loves us. Atheists are the only ones who are mad at everything.

>> No.20539211

I'm aware of how natural selection works, and what you've described is true, but I don't see where race enters the picture.

>> No.20539216


>> No.20539223

They misrepresented him

>> No.20539230

>Why try to freeze your race in time?
Since when are we trying to do this?

>> No.20539259

>fascism is neo-nazism

>> No.20539273
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I love life and enjoy it fully, abstract concepte like love, honor, and loyalty mean a great deal to me and those like me. It is not anger, but disgust that a creed commands you to disown your brother, your son, your mother. That all the undue sufrering will be rewardee in the next life. It is truly evil.

Race is natural selection in action, it is why some peoples never developed. Though you ignore my question so i shall repeat it again for you.

What are these incorrect presuppositions and what makes them so?

>> No.20539285
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"God loves everyone" is a lie. It's not from the Bible and it wasn't found in any sermons of early America. God's anger and wrath is burning against unrepentant sinners, the prideful wicked, this perverse generation.

>> No.20539286

>nazis tainting fascism with their stupid racial theories yet again
gtfo of this thread

>> No.20539289
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>Ethnic groups have always been changing.

Most havs been improving, some are entirely disgenic and can only be improved at the expense of others.

Also brown eyes are disgusting to me.

>> No.20539291

Thanks for giving me a real response!
Overall, do you think his version of Fascism is worth dedicating time to study?

>> No.20539299

So who are the fascists I should be reading who oppose those stupid racial theories? Much of the third position rhetoric appeals to me, but once I start hearing them talk about race they lose my support.

>> No.20539302
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>Homogenous, safe communities of peoples tied by blood, culture, and creed are now racial theories.

>> No.20539313

Those well-born people before the revolution believed a lot of stupid things. Not the strongest argument there, Evola.

>> No.20539354
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Yet thet were still able to advance metalurgy, shipbuilding, agriculture, aninal husbandry, chart the celestial stars further than any culture, create beautiful art, masonry, food, music and lit.

Whiles others sat around sucking the farte out of goats and building villages miles away from water sources.

>> No.20539362

Read Mussolini's doctrine of fascism first if you haven't to get a proper definition by it's founder and then move onto either Gentile or other non-italian fascists like the spanish Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera or the portuguese Rolao Preto (I don't know if his works are translated though)
You can also delve into brazilian integralism (some of their leaders were anti semitic, but the ideology never was) or belgian rexism (before WW2)
Ignore Romanian Fascism, the Ustase, Russian Fascism and obviously Nazism
that guy wasn't even a fascist

>> No.20539373

Those well-born people didn't advance any of that. They sat around while others worked.

>> No.20539384
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>> No.20539386

Wow people with alot of money could do cool things, people who got taxes in order for them to have money couldn't do cool things.

Very deep analysis of society, I'm impressed

>> No.20539506

Models prove that ethnocentric groups readily outcompete everything else.

>> No.20539513

Not really. Basically every model is a mutt.

>> No.20539541
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What do you mean not really? Every multicultural nation on Earth has had problems, homogenous ethno-centric (or even similar peoples like Irish/Scottish or the Nordics) thrive. It is very difficult to other somebody when you all share common ancestry and dont smell like used cooking oil and menthols.

>> No.20539607

Any .pdf or .epub?

>> No.20539797

Based.Oh hey i visit /pol/ too.

>> No.20539994
