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File: 85 KB, 500x333, 2722504333_cf02e3e3cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2053427 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best country to live in right now?

>> No.2053435

Vatican City


>> No.2053439

Is that Anthony Fantano?!
where the hell did you get that pic op?

>> No.2053440

You can't actually live there unless you have something to do with the Vatican, and if your position is one that isn't permanent then you're forced to leave once you retire from that position.

If it were possible to live there, though, I totally would.

>> No.2053455

Anthony looks hilarious with that haircut

As a person he intrigues me

>> No.2053457

Finland or Norway

>> No.2053459


The Vatican is officially one of the most overpopulated states in the world. Why the fuck would you want to live in that shanghai-style theocratic tenement?

Also, as a secondary issue, aren't we supposed to hate theocratic governments these days? How long before NATO and sarkozy start bombing Rome and subjecting the pope to extraordinary rendition?

>> No.2053464

I'm Catholic so I wouldn't mind it.

>> No.2053473


>> No.2053577

You wouldn't want that to happen, that would be another Biblical prediction come true.

Unless of course you're a Christian by then, you'd be all set.

>> No.2053595
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>> No.2053605
File: 7 KB, 176x176, thebible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the traditional rules in these countries (excluding Japan) are based off of Christian principles and have been for hundreds of years.

Japan is practically Christianized by association though. Its present government is modeled after Christian nations.

>> No.2053608

Denmark. Fuck Finland, fuck Sweden, fuck Norway and fuck the rest of Europe.

>> No.2053609

samefag. I derped on Australia, but obviously the point still stands.

>> No.2053612

>Japan is practically Christianized by association though.

Eh. It's true they celebrate Christmas, but more as a Valentine's Day sort of thing. And they visit Shinto Shrines on New Years Day, not churches.

While there are western influences in their culture, they're not religious influences.

>> No.2053618

Is there an imagery-related term that means the same thing as "loaded language"? Because this is full of it.

>> No.2053622

Well, USA is #4 HDI on 2011 report. States like New York, Connecticut, Hawaii, Vermont, Massachusetts have higher HDI than any of those countries.

What now atheists?

>> No.2053623

"Cultural influence" is more or less a friendly way of saying religious influence without saying "religious". Western culture is very heavily based around religion.

>> No.2053641
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>> No.2053647

Propaganda is the closest AFAIK

>> No.2053650

From their actual website it sounds like a pro-globalization effort to me. I'd also like to know if these ranks are based only by votes from people.

>> No.2053656
File: 89 KB, 560x494, ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't a country without prisons. Global economic failure means global chaos, and if these governments DON'T FALL, that's even worse, because austerity means prison.

>> No.2053662


First of all, Japan is less than 0.5% christian, so i don't understand where you're coming from. Just because it's heavily influenced by western culture in no way means that it is influenced by "christian culture". Japan has historically always been a country of little to no actual religious standing. Yeah, there is a lot of shintoism and buddhism, but shinto is more of a cultural thing and only around 40% of japanese people are actually buddhist.

>> No.2053665

It may not be influenced to become religious, but it is influenced by religion. Simple as that.

>> No.2053669

I'm sorry, but can you tell me the ways in which japan is influenced by western religion?

I fail to see where you're coming from.

>> No.2053671

anthony fantano?

>> No.2053679

This is /lit/, not /int/

Christ, everybody in this thread is like a deposit of fucking osmium - dense as fuck.

>> No.2053683

It's already been noted that they do Christmas, so that's one thing. All I'm saying is you absolutely cannot say that a country is influenced by western culture and then say it's not influenced by western religion.

>> No.2053684



>> No.2053688

ok. sorry if I offended you.

>> No.2053882
File: 208 KB, 1920x1200, 1295103598489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any country with nordic cross flag.

>> No.2053895
File: 72 KB, 800x497, 1269802348462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The United States of America

Anyone who disagrees is a filthy fucking bin-Laden sympathizer.

>> No.2053898

model of the world
perfect balance between capitalism(the state doesn't eat everything you make) and socialism(safety nets and healthcare).

the least racist country and the most multicultural, bilingual and a flavor of European(a la Quebecois culture) and North American(rest of Canada) cultures, environmentally friendly, huge and with amazing landscapes and natural geography yet has well-developed industries.

the cornerstone of the Anglo-speaking world, since it balances American culture with British culture and fuses it together, and inevitably the world becomes more English-speaking the role of Canadians in shaping it is heightened.

I can go on, but Canada only needs to speak for itself. Ask anyone what their opinion on X country is, Canada is the most positive. The only real thing said is that Canada is America's hat, irrelevant, etc.

>> No.2053903
File: 968 KB, 2000x1333, France St Engrace. Zuberoa. Basque Country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Iceland a lot, but I don't know about making it my home.

>> No.2053906
File: 542 KB, 1215x1800, 1389870-R1-E014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do it in a heartbeat.

That island is magic.

>> No.2053908

Iceland seems like an incredibly boring place to live.

>> No.2053913

I have been staying in Norway a month now and I really like it. I have 5 months left until I get kicked out, but I think I might just spend a weekend in Stockholm and come back on a tourist visa again.

I'd like to believe I can live my life this way.

>> No.2053914

>the least racist country and the most multicultural

>Implying being a dumping ground for all of the worlds filth is something to brag about

>> No.2053919

>model of the world
What the fuck am I reading?

>perfect balance between capitalism(the state doesn't eat everything you make) and socialism(safety nets and healthcare).
No, Canada is fairly socialist and I know a thing or two about socialism.

>the least racist country
Given how you all treat your Indians, I beg to differ.

>and the most multicultural, bilingual
America is more multicultural and countries like India are more bilingual.

>and a flavor of European(a la Quebecois culture)
Quebec isn't any more European for speaking French than Jamaica is for speaking English.

>and North American(rest of Canada) cultures, environmentally friendly, huge and with amazing landscapes and natural geography yet has well-developed industries.
I won't argue with you here. I just hope the budding oil sand industry doesn't fuck up your environment.

>the cornerstone of the Anglo-speaking world, since it balances American culture with British culture and fuses it together, and inevitably the world becomes more English-speaking the role of Canadians in shaping it is heightened.
Words are not spaghetti. You can't just throw them against paper and expect them to stick in some reasonable manner that makes any sense. Either you don't know that, or you're seriously brainwashed by your government.

>I can go on, but Canada only needs to speak for itself. Ask anyone what their opinion on X country is, Canada is the most positive. The only real thing said is that Canada is America's hat, irrelevant, etc.
Canada is fine. Canadians are not. Most of them have a massive inferiority complex and spend most of their time bad-mouthing their American neighbors to the south. The rest of their time is spent praising their "free" healthcare system, while paying ungodly high taxes to their government.

Saging for /int/ material.

>> No.2053922
File: 82 KB, 550x298, norwegian-prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do as a living?

Pic related, Norwegian jail

>> No.2053940

>mixed economy

>> No.2053943

that looks a lot like where i lived back in college except it seems norwegian prisoners have space for a chair. i didn't have space for a chair in my "room."

>> No.2053946

Ah, but you were allowed to leave your room.


>> No.2053953

Yes, but we also have to share the time we're in our room with a roommate, usually some child who has no idea how to live with other people.

>> No.2053959

>letting the government tax you to take care of your health because "the government knows best"

>implying there are degrees of socialism

>> No.2053975
File: 23 KB, 250x330, we are all socialists now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh. There are.

>> No.2053983

But its free board, also nice library and internet access:

It looks nicer than most public schools in United States.

>> No.2054464

my dick

>> No.2054750

is there an image board similar to this one, but has less americans? i'm starting to think my place is elsewhere.

>> No.2054787


>> No.2054806

Northern Europe. I live in Belgium and it is going to shit fast here. We're in a political impasse of disastrous proportions here.

I'm seriously considering moving to Luxemburg or the Netherlands, back to my family roots.

Also I think Luxemburg is pretty much up there with one of the best.

>> No.2054857



Who am i kidding? Fuck you OP.

>> No.2055190


>> No.2055198
File: 28 KB, 392x316, 156158_174283439256379_100000241737184_549633_5180279_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanto Region, we have pokemon in here.

>> No.2055202

Why don't you vote for some netherlands nationalist party who wants to remove the immigrants then?
Or do you not have any?

government bureaucrats ALWAYS know best, don't you know that yet? How much statist propaganda do you need to hear before you understand!

And it's not just about providing you "free" health care, but providing every single immigrant in the world with free health care too!

>> No.2055206

I hope to move from Scotland to Lisbon after I've finished college. It's not the best country to live in, but I like it.

Also: Who cares, just move somewhere you want to live. Everywhere is a shithole.

>> No.2055210

Here is the modern liberal attitude, thinks countries are just "places to live". Thinks nations just kinda randomly become good or bad places.

Everywhere is a shithole, because a good country to live in wouldn't let TRASH and VERMIN like you in.

>> No.2055376

they're all going to end in 1 year anyway