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20537765 No.20537765 [Reply] [Original]

James Patterson apologizes for saying white writers are discriminated against

>> No.20537769

Yeah? Well I say white people are better than people who aren't white, and I'm not half the FAGGOT James Patterson is, whoever he is, so my opinion counts at least double.

>> No.20537770

He's a neo-Clintonite centrist.

>> No.20537776

I thought he was in a coma from trying to go cold turkey on benzos, is he better now?

>> No.20537777

It's almost like he did it for attention.

>> No.20537796


>> No.20537798

Truthful lucky number 7.
>diversity is white men being underpublished
Ofcourse he doesn't care but I wonder why he mentions such a thing when it's a faux pas to acknowledge it usually. Probs only loyal to himself i guess.

>> No.20537807

Celebrities need to stop apologizing. Im waiting for one to finally reply with, "I say what I mean and I mean what I say".

>> No.20537819 [DELETED] 

Multiple traumas.
Heavy childhood abuse, a lot of violence.
Had to kill someone I loved.

>> No.20537823

It's insane how often celebrities make these wrongthink claims and then get threatened into backtracking. Even Nick Cannon and Whoopi Goldberg, at the height of BLM, were forced to backtrack for their judaism rants.

>> No.20537826 [DELETED] 

White "people" are pathetic

>> No.20537830

It's not white people who are discriminated against in lit publishing. It's men.

>> No.20537832

found the incel

>> No.20537838

How many Blackx male presenting writers have you read last year? Michelle doesn't count btw chud.

>> No.20537847

None I don't read books written by blacks.

>> No.20537850

white bros get cucked again

>> No.20537855

t.incel who's gonna shoot up a supermarket. If only you had understood how men, especially black men, are underrepresented.

>> No.20538013

what did he say?

>> No.20538016

why would ANYONE do that? just say things for attention? that's just ridiculous

>> No.20538442

What a cuck. I had no interest in reading any of his books anyway, but now I have a moral reason not to do so.

>> No.20538763

He said white male writers are actively discriminated against in the publishing industry and as screenwriters. He said if you're white, you're not even considered, and it's a form of racism.

>> No.20538782

That’s Jordan Peterson anon

>> No.20538849

The fact he has to apologize doesn't imply he was right about whitoids being discriminated?

>> No.20538862

I'm so fucking glad I'm hispanic and I don't have to whine all day about being discriminated loke poor white men.

>> No.20538874

Retard moment.

>> No.20538879

I'm a white male author.
I want to fucking kill myself these days.

>> No.20538891

That's literally the way spics got their privilege, only they never were discriminated against. You should move on to saying that white men are discriminated against but it's "positive discrimination." That's the updated progressive reasoning.

>> No.20538903

>muh mediocrity
Whenever I see someone use this term in a context like this, I look to what they think is excellent, and so far I've yet to find whose standards I can take seriously.

>> No.20538912

>is he better now?
of course not, can't you see what he just tweeted?

>> No.20539005

In america I would be a spic, but in my country I'm seen as white and the publishing world is dominated by leftists who will only publish women, faggot, indigenous people. Bros, I don't think I will make it.

>> No.20539012

>*earth circles sun*
>"Not thing."

Cool and interesting.

>> No.20539036

what a sad spineless faggot

>> No.20539043

He must've had a gun against his head to 180 like that

>> No.20539049
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Why do boomers ALWAYS cuck out
They are the most spineless and conformist people.

>> No.20539102

Why do twitter check marks always talk in this really soulless and robotic way?
>I apologize
>I absolutely do not
>morally reprehensible
>and that is not ok
>here's why

>> No.20539112

What a cuck

>> No.20539114

He has a blue check

>> No.20539123

Just rediscover your injun heritage like Liz Warren and call yourself bisexual. GOLD STAR DIVERSITY BABY!
Not only are you incentivized to do this, there’s no real hurdle to claim it either. What are they gonna do, gene test you? Make you suck a dick?

>> No.20539129

Buck status:

>> No.20539134

That'll get you killed THO

>> No.20539150

PR people either write or sign off on these messages before they're sent out.

>> No.20539156

So he should unironically an hero

>> No.20539196
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So be it.

>> No.20539224

There is no money in it either way, unless you write hogwash, so who cares. Thinking about this instead of writing and perfecting your craft, enticing your inner cherry to burn hotter and hotter is an artists goal.

>> No.20539271
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Your words. You're the one who's constantly thinking about such acts. You trying to project your murder fantasies onto others isn't fooling anyone. Repent.

>> No.20539283

Good lord dying over whites being screwed over in publishing will not make you into a Jesus

>> No.20539304
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>> No.20539492

Says who?

>> No.20539533

lol coward

>> No.20539969

My favorite is
>I educated myself
Dystopian shit.

>> No.20539979

Incels are based. Fuck niggers I have to deal with them daily hope they all die in drive bys