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/lit/ - Literature

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20537519 No.20537519 [Reply] [Original]

>If you can only be tall because someone else is on their knees, then you have serious problem. And white people have a very, very serious problem.

>> No.20537527

>*would be living in a mudhut if not for Yakub’s spawn*

>> No.20537546
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>>*would be living in a mudhut if not for Yakub’s spawn*

>> No.20537551


She looks like a gorilla

>> No.20537600

Is there a point to this thread?

>> No.20537610

We gave these crakkka ass mfers all civilization
Mansa Musa was the EMPEROR OF MANKIND. Genghis Khan and Charlemagne (2 contemporary crakkka “emperors”) knelt to him fr

>> No.20537620

Being racist is the point of this thread.

>> No.20537624

t. retarded nigger

>> No.20537639

proving her right

>> No.20537649

She's like 75% white.

>> No.20537810

Whites mostly built their civilization themselves though. Anti-whites are delusional and think blacks and native americans built all the roads, all the tech, all the economy, etc. So fucking tired of this obvious anti-white rhetoric.

>> No.20537944

>very, very
so you won a fucking nobel prize in literature and the best way you can come up with to express something you consider to be an extremely large amount is to write the same vague word twice

>> No.20537958

white people last year were literally forced to kneel to not hurt people's feelings

>> No.20537999


I think it was my grandma who used to say that " 'big' is bigger than 'very big' ". No dick jokes please, she was referring to the strength of the simpler sense.

>> No.20538003
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>proving her right

>> No.20538019

>t. rhetoriclet

>> No.20538028
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> And white people have a very, very serious problem
Yeah we do and there's a word for them

>> No.20538060

The real problem we all have with anti-white resentment is that these people are clearly filled with ethnic hatred but pretend as if they aren't. They can't simply declare that they dislike white people and desire racial conflict. They wrap all their resentment in a labyrinthine language of power structures and relativism so that their perspective can seem as morally righteous as possible while denying white people the possibility of disagreeing with their malice.

>> No.20538137
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>tfw had to read this chimp's dreck for my mandatory english 101 course in college
>fuck that I'd rather coast through and pass with a D
>skimmed the wiki page and just regurgitated how bad racism was over and over instead
>got an A on a 3 page final paper I wrote in less time than it took me to half watch an episode of Pokemon
political correctness HIV is both a blessing a curse

>> No.20538151

I liked Beloved.

>> No.20538160

>got an A on a 3 page final paper I wrote in less time than it took me to half watch an episode of Pokemon
I hate this shit so much. I don't like being two-faced and I would rather write genuinely. It really denigrates the whole point of going to uni.

>> No.20538162

To clarify I don't hate that you did it, I hate that it's a viable strategy, a blessing and a curse as you say. I feel like I'm wasting my time when sucking professor dick is so effective.

>> No.20538167


>> No.20538168

You have to learn to love liblarping.

>> No.20538171

>the whole point of going to uni.
How did it prevent you making contacts to further your chosen career?

>> No.20538174

You don't write in college. In college you say what they want until you can graduate.

>> No.20538185

True, I still have this naivety where I try to get something out of essays and assignments for myself.
And how did you do that? Just have fun with it? If I were to do that how I do now it would be way too clearly of a pisstake
fuk u

>> No.20538187

>tfw no frens in real life so larp as a racist on 4chenz because its the only community I've got and I want to fit in

>> No.20538196
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>he thinks the average person on here is only pretending to be racist
This is bait, right? Have a (you).

>tfw ended up making a really good friend at my job through our mutual hate of the darker races
Friendly reminder that perfectly ordinary people use this site and think and act as you do, you are not alone.

>> No.20538202

Don't go overboard (especially on "hot topics" like race or homosexuals) but you can have fun with it to an extent. I once did a paper that was basically an laughable strawman of right-wing economic views; borderline shitpost, and got like a B on it.

>> No.20538206

188cm northern european Chad here, I don't care what american midgets (average US malelet height: 176cm) say.

>> No.20538216

>not even 6'2
>thinks he is particularly tall
lmao you are like a little baby
t. 6'5 Amerislav

>> No.20538231

>when undergraduates try to 'express themselves' in their essays
Why do you do this? You are less credentialed than a high school teacher, nobody gives a fuck what you think, just do the fucking assignment you were given

>> No.20538240

>when non-human slaves try to have an opinion on (previously) white education
Talk about no one giving a fuck about someone's opinion

>> No.20538378

>>If you can only be tall because someone else is on their knees, then you have serious problem.
This is not wrong. If you can only shorten others in order to be tall you are pretty shit.

Now, who is trying to bring who to their knees?

>> No.20538397

Sounds smart, why does /lit/ hate her?

>> No.20538423

Is it a serious problem to not be tall???
Check your privileges, lanklet.

>> No.20538576

Its sounds smart only if you have intelligence of a chimpanzee.

>> No.20538780

It only worked because it was an English 101 course. It's a course EVERY college enrollee must take. The bar is extremely low and everyone gets an A. If OP tried that shit in an actual English course his essay would've received a C or below.

>> No.20538789

Depends on OP's intersectional identity desu

>> No.20538803

>If you can only be tall because someone else is on their knees, then you have serious problem.
Damn, that’s a really cool quote.
>And white people have a very, very serious problem.
This thread is getting derailed by poltards instantly

>> No.20538807

This. It is why I’m much more sympathetic to black nationalists than to idealists like MLK

>> No.20538813

It makes me curious how many “real” libs are actually just larping too. A spooky thought

>> No.20538890

>Damn, that’s a really cool quote.
Kek the non-white inteliigence everyone

>> No.20539004
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Deal with it sweaty. All boards are ours.

>> No.20539074

Holy kek

>> No.20539087

What's the name of that painting?

>> No.20539109

>If you can only be tall because someone else is on their knees, then you have serious problem. And white people have a very, very serious problem.
Blacks have a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, serious problem then.

>> No.20539124

Major cope.

>> No.20539147

Them just stand up lmao

>> No.20539234

>It really denigrates the whole point of going to uni.
EE student here. I used to think that students that cheat to pass exams would only fuck themselves later. I was wrong. Most of them finish university, get a job that hardly uses anything they learned in university(since my field is on generation, transmission and distribution, they can get a job at some distribution company and only work doing excel shit, using nothing they learned in uni) and have a good life. I have realized that the biggest lie I knew was that you need to study to finish uni. You don't even need to learn anything if you can cheat.

>> No.20539250

Congratulations, you've entered freak territory.

With what? A country that ISN'T mine getting balkanized and experiencing an unprecedented civilizational decline in real time?

>> No.20539319

Tors strid med jättarna by Mårten Winge.

>> No.20539387

I'm not a fan of polemics, but this is hardly above par in terms of being incendiary. All polemics, be they against "elites," or nobility, or a foreign power, a gender, or an ethnic group, have a tendency to ignore the larger complexities surrounding and issue and break it down into a manichean struggle.

This only makes sense. Polemics play to our nature. Natural selection has endowed us with a preference for stark contrast, a focus on threats, and situations simple enough that immediate action can be taken.

The irony with the people quoted here, or particularly this >>20538060, is that they almost invariably also love polemics. They just like polemics where they are the good guys. The Patriots versus the evil Elites. The champions of civilization versus the hordes of barbarism. The same sort of simplification and demonization, appeals to emotion trumping careful analysis.

Look at /pol/ and the love for Tucker. Tucker is just one of the more extreme examples of liberal grievance porn flipped for right wing audiences. "Make sure to tune in and find out what you should be angry about today. Remember, you are the righteous, they are the scheming evil ones, simultaneously weak, craven, lazy, and short sighted, but also all powerful, pressing you at every turn. Never forget how oppressed you are." Even the catch phrases are similar. You're "red pilled," or you're "woke." This goes back at least to 19th century nationalist and socialist revolutionaries, who always had this idea of becoming "awaken to" or "enlightened about," the real circumstances of society. Circumstances that just happen to fit nicely in a Manichean narrative.

The funny part is, it is them people who most enjoy (or perhaps more accurately, are susceptible to) polemics of their own side that get most enraged by those of the others. It's a symbiotic relationship where talking heads of either persuasion can make their hay pointing out the contradictions in opposing polemics, never turning that same analysis on their own.

That's on you. Regardless of how I feel about her racial polemics, she's still a very good writer and there is much more going on in her books than "racism is bad." Sure, that's an element, but it's far from the only one. That's like reducing One Hundred Years of Solitude to "colonizing corpos, bad" or The Unbearable Lightness of Being to "Stalinism, bad."

>> No.20539453

Go to hell, descendants of Cain

>> No.20539456

/lit/ has a tendency to hand wave minority complaints, but then, with minority writers, they will look at a book at a very surface level and say:
>"This is just bitching about muh slavery."
>"This is just bitching about muh Holocaust."
>"This is just bitching about muh colonization."

As if a work can't be about a specific event and the wider human experience. Is A Tale of Two Cities just about the French Revolution. War and Peace just "muh Russia invaded by le evil West." Is the darkness is Dostoevsky just applicable to the state of imperial Russia?

No. And they'll see this for majority authors, that setting <> focus, but when it comes to minorities discussing settings that influence them it's "oh this is a Jew/Jap/Black book about their issues."

Beloved for example is about self alienation. It takes place in the aftermath of slavery, but it isn't a book about slavery anymore than it is a ghost story because it has a ghost. It was written as deindustrialization got under way and is as much a product of late industrial capitalism and alienation in the West generally as the author's ethnic background. Moreover, it's also grappling with the psychological thinking of the day, which also put an emphasis on crises of identity.

Plus, the schizo ghost baby bits are great, pure ego disintegration:

>"I am Beloved and she is mine. I see her take flowers away from leaves she puts them in a round basket the leaves are not for her she fills the basket she opens the grass I would help her but the clouds are in the way how can I say things that are pictures I am not separate from her there is no place where I stop her face is my own and I want to be there in the place where her face is and to be looking at it too a hot thing"

>> No.20539601
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I know that this is an off topic pol thread but has anyone ever read her books? I had to read Song of Solomon in highschool because it was Obama's favorite book.

>> No.20539656

Intellectual dishonesty, the post.