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20534547 No.20534547 [Reply] [Original]

Are there such things as Apollonian or Dionysian cultures? Which countries are Apollonians and which ones Dionysians?

>> No.20534595

Niggers are Dionysian

>> No.20534628

Nigger-tier magical thinking autism is totally cool and not weak-willed submission to the patterns that be faggot.

>> No.20534633

There could be primarily Apollonian countries in which order and justice are the default mode of action, and there could also be countries with a Dionysian slant, where people act more by impulse than in accordance to careful contemplation of consequences, but I don't think any country could be purely Apollonian or pure Dionysian. Even the most rational minded, self-controlled group of people could burst into collective fits of panic or could become enragred by the presence of a threatening element who has no respect for morals and values. On the other hand, even the most loose, unruly group of people, who will get into deadly fights over petty issues, must have some kind of internal desire for self-preservation and must look out for making sure that what is necessary for survival is available, which would mean that even a group of hunter-gatherers with no knowledge of agriculture or formal government systems would still have to engage in food collection for themselves and their kin, and having some kind of shelter that may withstand threats presented by the elements. Even the construction of a hut with dried coconut skins is something that requires plenty of foresight and dutiful dedication, which is why it should not be thought of as shoddy work done by primitive savages who are entirely driven by irrational urges and live only for the next day.

>> No.20534641

What? I can't make out what you're saying with those oversized lips?

>> No.20534660

Shamanism has both an Apollonian aspect in its belief that the gods/spirits must be revered and that rituals must be performed for them so as to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the populace, and a Dionysian one in the frenzies that they can undergo during the performance of religious rituals.

>> No.20534831

>the gods spirits must be revered.
that's not a strictly Apollonian feature though.

Dionysian is matriarchal. Apollonian is patriarchal. In easier to understand terms, matriarchal cultures are more pleasure oriented (but they still have their deities of pleasure they perform rituals to), and patriarchal cultures are warrior cultures, where men are raised "in the manly, masculine virtues", competitive, disciplined, one where everyone *doesn't* get a trophy.

Generally you'll find Apollonian and Dionysians existing side by side, due to the fact that the Apollonian cultures will typically invade a weak Dionysian culture, like the Dorians did with the "Greeks" (who were probably either Phoenician, Cretan (i.e. Phoenician) or some other non-Aryan peoples. Or like the Vedic Aryans (Apollonian) did with the Dravidians of India, the nomadic Hebrews (whether they were Aryan nomads or Semitic nomads, they were patriarchal at the very least) did with the matriarchal Canaanites.

>> No.20534841

Define “country”
No, really. Land and nature are always “Dionysian”, people are always both and interchangeable, culture is usually tied down by law and customs that are typified as “Apollonian”

>> No.20534870

Greeks were dionysian?

>> No.20534998

yes and no, i'll explain because it's not just a simple question.
What we call "Greece" and "Greeks" didn't begin until much later in their history. Originally it was "Triple Goddess" worshiping, which is to say matriarchal. They weren't great warriors, very similar in culture to the Minoans of Crete, and they were matriarchal. Great traders, rich, decadent, culturally advanced.
But eventually Greece was invaded by great warriors migrating in waves from the north (Aryans). Culturally backwards, they often borrowed heavily from their culturally advanced neighbors or from the people they conquered.

In Greece, this invading warrior culture became represented by Zeus and the Olympians. The older matriarchal culture that underlay everything was represented by Hera (and later by Dionysus), hence why Hera is always bickering with Zeus in the myths. Robert Graves espoused this view. But it's absolutely certain that Greece was not an ancient times ethnically pure. The later waves being the war-like Aryans (Dorians), the earlier groups having strong cultural links to Phoenicia, Crete.

By the time period of the Greek plays, there's the ruling class often being Apollonian (e.g. Creon), patriarchal. Then there's a Dionysian bedrock.
Nietzsche talks a lot about this in Birth of Tragedy.

So, as i said, "yes and no". The Greek art that has the perfect statues, very lifelike, with the flaccid penis (small/normal sized) that's apollonian, the greek statues that are rough hewn and show a completely oversized erect penis, usually of Pan or some satyr, that's Dionysian.
Nietzsche thought that Greek culture dried out and went state because of too much Apollonian. Which is most likely true, because the Apollonians were always borrowers of culture. They had a culture of their own, but it was always lagging behind matriarchal cultures, in ancient times as well as now. Even now conservative movies lag behind Hollywood/dionysian movies. Just as Hollywood/dionysian lags behind conservatives in warrior abilities.
They can summon huge armies, just as ancient matriarchal cultures could, but they never compared to the dominating strength of patriarchal warriors.

>> No.20535033


>> No.20535094

Proudly posting from dionysian country