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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 123 KB, 850x486, Pay the mourner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20528207 No.20528207 [Reply] [Original]

Pay the mourner Edition

Previous Thread:>>20518340

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20528235

First for I love everyone

>> No.20528261

Are there any good Star Wars books?

>> No.20528302
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Conan chads in the houuusssseee tonight
Everybody gonna have a based time

>> No.20528308

>Are there any good Star Wars books?
Darth Bane trillogy is definitely worth reading, but aside of that I don't think there's anything worthwhile, except maybe the book about Plagueis and Sheev. Most of Extrended SW Universe are shit, so don't touch them. Only other book that I can think of is Thrawn books/s, but I've never read them, only heard good opinions.

>> No.20528344 [DELETED] 

>bakker more like cuck

>> No.20528369
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>> No.20528371

>Meng Hao more like he's my pal!

>> No.20528372
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>> No.20528383 [DELETED] 


>> No.20528504

Next thread OP needs to be cleaned up.

>> No.20528520

Anyone know of any stories of Ugly Bastards?
Either about an Ugly Bastard or with one as the MC

>> No.20528527

My diary desu

>> No.20528530
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No no anon, Im asking about books with the Ugly Bastard archetype, not a book about someome thats ugly and a bastard

>> No.20528553
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I thought Conan was based, but after reflecting on the stories, and how Conan acts, I concluded that Conan is a Simp, there is many instances where he saves women or tries to impress women, he does a whole adventure only to end it pleasuring some whore he saved, the ultimate barbarian cuck, imagine having a bronze complexion and a hunkish body only to be a Simp, Conan is unbased, and Conan Simps will have an unbased time.

>> No.20528566

>I thought Conan was based, but after reflecting on the stories, and how Conan acts, I concluded that Conan is a Simp, there is many instances where he saves women or tries to impress women, he does a whole adventure only to end it pleasuring some whore he saved, the ultimate barbarian cuck, imagine having a bronze complexion and a hunkish body only to be a Simp, Conan is unbased, and Conan Simps will have an unbased time.
Judging Conang from modern viewpoint is ludicrous, men take care of women and treat them with more sensitivity than men because they value them, their feminity and womanhood. Conan acting like a 'simp' means that he isn't a modern, deluded man who treats a woman like he would treat a man.

>> No.20528577

>values women
>treat women differently because they have pussy
The ultimate Cimmerian Simp, if he was based he wouldn't try too hard to impress and save women, he is just a barbarian in heat looking for women to pleasure and Simp for, what a joke.

>> No.20528621

a few threads back i talked a lot of shit about ryoka but i actually like her a lot now.

>> No.20528626

if i had this much internet-induced brain damage i would just off myself

>> No.20528638

Brain damage is when you think a story about saving women is based, there is a bunch of Conan story where the whole adventure is him working too hard to save some random prostitute.

>> No.20528719

>TWI reader (book2)


>> No.20528758
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>> No.20528821
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>a few threads back i talked a lot of shit about ryoka but i actually like her a lot now.
A typical journey of a Ryoka hater, but don't fret, you'll have a lot of opportunities to hate on her later on, periodic Ryoka hate is one constant of TWI readerbase. And of course some other characters, but you aren't there yet.

>> No.20529008
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Yeah. Alotta the old EU I've read is decent. Better than the new movies. They aren't genuine works of art but they're enjoyable
Thrawn trilogy is good
First Darth Bane book and Darth plagueius are both good
Shadows of the Empire is fun as are the Han Solo adventures (these came out before ESB and are not to be confused with a later trilogy of solo books) with Han Solo at Stars End being the best one imo
Splinter of the Mind's eye is cool, for the fact that it was Lucas' back up plan for a low budget sequel if a new hope failed (obviously that didn't happen and we got Empire Strikes back).
First X wing book isn't bad, I know alot of people love that series but I haven't read beyond book 1

Most people recommend starting out with the thrawn trilogy. I agree with that as some of the characters introduced in it pop up in other books. Just be ready for some semi questionable continuity in relation to the prequels

>> No.20529062
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I like elves. Especially ones with brown skin.

>> No.20529072

Recommendations for sci-fi novels with good space dogfights?

>> No.20529073

brown skin elves are cute

>> No.20529078

Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest. Don't be turned off by how they are children's books, they are still good if you read them as an adult.

>> No.20529088

I like giant dwarves

>> No.20529146

There are a ton of good Star Wars books in both continuities, but there are some books you really REALLY want to avoid.

In the old canon (EU), generally, if a book was written by Kevin J. Anderson or Karen Traviss, you do not want to read it. But they aren't the only ones, the Lando Calrissian trlogy from 1983 sucked, Splinter of the Mind's Eye sucked, honestly most of the New Jedi Order sucks (kills off Han and Leia's kids and Luke's wife and introduces the Yuuzhan Vong, which are widely regarded as the worst thing ever to happen to Star Wars), and Truce at Bakura sucks, those are some of the most prominent disappointments I can think of off the top of my head. Generally however, if the authors are either Timothy Zahn, James Luceno, Aaron Allson, or Michael Stackpole, you're usually in for a pretty good time, and there are plenty of other good books besides, like Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry and the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy by KW Jeter and the Han Solo Adventures by Brian Daley.

In the new canon (Disney) there's a lot less content, but then again there's only been about 5 years of books being written opposed to the 40 of the EU. There are quite a few stinkers - the Aftermath trilogy is notorious for its terrible obnoxious redditor prose ruining beyond all hope what would have been an inoffensive plot. However, James Luceno and Timothy Zahn are still producing great books, and Lost Stars is one of the most lauded novels of the new continuity. There's a couple books with intrusive real-world SJW politics (Aftermath included) but most of the time the biggest complaint about new canon works isn't so much that they're bad, so much as that they have a tendency towards blandness because nobody was actually allowed to write anything that might possibly interfere with what the retards in charge of the sequel trilogy were doing.

>> No.20529150

oh also, the novelizations of the 6 Lucas movies are pretty good too, if you enjoy reading movie novelizations

>> No.20529172
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>> No.20529217

>the Yuuzhan Vong, which are widely regarded as the worst thing ever to happen to Star Wars
i believe you'll find that outside very specialized online communities the yuuzhan vong are widely regarded as "what's that?"

>> No.20529245

that honestly applies to the books and comics and games of both Legends and Disney lore
clearly when I say "widely regarded" I mean among the autistic losers like myself who actually enjoy reading about star wars instead of watching it once in a theater 45 years ago

>> No.20529338 [DELETED] 

Why are these threads just talking about chinkshit and litrpg stuff now
Whenever I post about Malazan, black company or even stormlight questions it gets no replies

>> No.20529345 [DELETED] 

1. nobody else has read those books
2. soulless chinkshit and litrpg bugpeople drive off the people who actually care about the genre

>> No.20529350

>nobody else has read those books
Not him but do not speak for the thread when you are this pitifully new.

>> No.20529468

I enjoy slasher movies. Particulary horror movies that has a supernatual element. Was watching a streamer play The Quarry and it got me in the mood for more of the same.

Anyone know of any non-Stephen King horror fiction that deals with a group of people going up against a supernatural threat? Can take place as early as the 50's.

There's obviously a lot of movies but I've probably already watched them, and I'd rather read a book at the moment.

>> No.20529591
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Star Trek books >>>>> Star Wars books

>> No.20529701

not true, most star wars books are better than star trek ones
however, I have never read a bad star trek book, whereas I have read numerous bad star wars books I regret reading so that's undoubtedly a point in star trek's favor

>> No.20529761

>Splinter of the Mind's Eye sucked
No it didn't. It was good and would've made for a fun movie had it been adapted as originally planned

>> No.20529773

>not true, most star wars books are better than star trek ones
nuh uh

>> No.20529782

What star trek books are worth reading
Only one I've read is trek to mad world and it was just ok

>> No.20529803

>terrible obnoxious redditor prose ruining
Curious of a few quotes. How bad can it be?

Thrawn trilogy by Zahn is the only I've read, and I really (as a teen) liked it. Not sure what I'd make of it as an adult. Everyone always says start there, and Zahn is best, so above reply is on the money.

>> No.20529837

Anything by Peter David and Diane Duane is a good start. I’ve read a lot of them and have yet to not enjoy one. What eras are your favorites

>> No.20529852

Original series and enterprise

>> No.20529859

I've liked the ones I've read. The Darth Bane trilogy, Darth Plagueis, and Phasma. I feel like "good" is subjective here. I liked Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson the most out of those.

>> No.20529865

I haven’t read any Enterprise but my favorite TOS books so far are Doctor’s Orders, Ishmael, How Much for Just the Planet?, and The Autobiography of Captain Kirk

>> No.20529872

Those titles at the very least sound interesting

>> No.20529915

Kirk’s biography is a pretty straightforward retelling of his life which ties into a lot of Trek canon. The other three all have very interesting high concept plots, and a couple of them are very funny. Not just for Trek books, they’re actually funny.

>> No.20530086

Huh, I only know Duane for her Young Wizards books. Didn’t know she wrote Trek, good for her.

>> No.20530110

If Conan was based he would have a wife on a farm somewhere that he leaves alone for years at a time who's terrified of him. Then he comes back suddenly and catches the neighbour saying hello so he rips the poor bastard's spine out in front of his new son who he hasn't seen since the boy was a pregnancy bump.

>> No.20530121

>Curious of a few quotes. How bad can it be?
Please for the love of God, do not ask again. You do not want to know. God forbid another anon post that filth here. The worst part about this is that the story outline that was given to him by Lucasfilm wasn't even that bad but he had to go and ruin it with his tumblr-fanfic "talent"

It totally sucked, it was completely boring and edgy to boot; Vader just stood around doing nothing except getting dabbed on by underlings, while Luke blundered around and Leia became a murderous psychopath, and there was some nonsense about space elephants, and the mimbanese managed to be even less interesting than their non-appearance in the Solo movie. I am so glad that shit was obliterated from canon by the second movie George made, SOTME was absolute schizo-brained wierdness from a guy who had no idea what Star Wars was about, and not even the good kind.

>> No.20530125

jolenta's breasts enjoying the sunlight upon them while severian rails her on the boat

>> No.20530133

Ok, which Conan book do I start with
Is there a reading order pic somewhere?

>> No.20530137

that doesn't sound like something Robert E. Howard would actually write...

>> No.20530151

If you haven't read the Prince of Nothing series I strongly recommend you add it to your list. I'm part way through The Warrior Prophet and have very much enjoyed everything I've read so far.

>> No.20530172

Obviously not, he writes Conan rubbing shoulders with whores and concubines because those are the kind of women who are in his social circle of adventurers, soldiers, and criminals.

>> No.20530207

>Conan acting like a 'simp' means that he isn't a modern, deluded man who treats a woman like he would treat a man.
I hate modern culture and social norms but this is where modernism got it right. Treating men and women equally is the real progress.

>> No.20530316

The Complete Chronicles of Conan.

>> No.20530677 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1000x3248, 1654538018792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made the connection between Laken and Ace from 999 (blind and nicknamed Prince at times) and I'm never gonna be able to dissociate them now

>> No.20530680
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I just made the connection between Laken and Snake from 999 (blind and nicknamed Prince at times) and I'm never gonna be able to dissociate them now

>> No.20530757
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, Ted Nasmith - Gondolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20530765

That’s none of your concern, you creep.

>> No.20530781

Philosophy in the Flesh

>> No.20530857
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Currently reading: >>20521643
Planning to read: pic related.

>> No.20530996

currently reading: silmarillion
planning to read: lotr trilogy

>> No.20531030
File: 101 KB, 665x768, 286932751_5265798740133338_7874382588818348153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading: I shal seal the heavens book 9 (100 pages left to finish)
Planning to read: I shall seal the heavens book 10 (last book), Cradle dreadgod release on july 5, Duna 1-2, Neuromancer, also thinking about buying hobbit/silmarillon/lotr since i only watched the movies 1230918239x but never got to read the books, dungeon crawler carl, and maybe travelers gate

>> No.20531048

conan a simp holy fuckin shit what a giggle

>> No.20531089
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as a matter of fact I'm (re)reading The Hobbit (1977 illustrated Rankin/Bass edition) and I'll be finished with it by tomorrow so I can get to (re)reading my fancypants expensive quarterbound Lord of the Rings illustrated by Tolkien

>> No.20531120

Currently reading The Three Body problem. Will probably read The Dark Forrest next. Does the translation get better in the second book? Because it's pretty bad in the first one.

>> No.20531178

reading well's murderbot #5 before i start on foundation

>> No.20531216

learn chinese so you can get the full experience

>> No.20531222

Sure, might be able to read in 1-2 years.

>> No.20531374

I will never stop being mad that ZTD exists.

I got caught up to Infinite Realm and I have no idea now. I have been idling with Martial World.

>> No.20531469
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He literally tries to rape a goddess (AFTER killing her brothers) in The Frost-Giant's Daughter. Doesn't get anymore anti-simp than that.

>> No.20531490

ZTD is fine. Never stopping being mad is the real problem.

>> No.20531579
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>> No.20531611

Why the fuck do you post this shitty bugman "self published gem" in every thread? I will never ever read this because of you.

>> No.20531643

Is Murderbot good? I do like nonhuman protags.

>> No.20531771

>mfw you have eyes to see but can't recognize mt tai

>> No.20531793

Hey guys what are your thoughts on the bicentennial man? Is the book or short story better?

>> No.20531807

Is known space (ringworld) or future history (Lazarus long) better? Still trying to decide what to read next

>> No.20531864

Read it and tell us

>> No.20531892

Because she's a goddess though. He wouldn't rape a woman, he specifically says he doesn't like that in The Vale of Lost Women.

>> No.20532020
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How do I start writing? I'm so shit I wouldn't even be able to write a simple essay. But I want to try.
Any tips?

>> No.20532031
File: 337 KB, 1400x1050, 6E55EF26-DFCD-4F08-81AD-04EFB9CBC09A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked you last thread, but are you the anon that was reading The Undertaker: Death Transition? Seems like similar genres.
Gettaloaduv this guy
Do it in the order the Del Rey collections have. They’re the order they were written by Howard.
Excellent choice for both anon.
I’ve said in another thread but amazing choice anon. The version I plan to re-read.
>thinking about buying hobbit/silmarillon/lotr
If you’re like me, some of the magic of Lord of the Rings may have been lost through seeing the movies too much so I’d almost say The Hobbit is a better starting point. The Silmarillion is a masterpiece but challenging.

>> No.20532035

Find a time when you are feeling inspired to write and dive in. You gotta capture the magic when it comes. Even if your first stuff is shit, you will get better if you work at it. You can do it my man.

>> No.20532042

>Any tips?
You have the wrong general, go to the writing general. >>20528795

>> No.20532117

My friends: I have begun The Thousandfold Thought. I repeat: I have begun The Thousandfold Thought.

>> No.20532123

i've only read known space

>> No.20532140
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This my guy, I wanted to write Arthurian Christian Xianxia last november so I went down the rabbithole of reading random history and religion books but I never ended up writing anything

>> No.20532170

>Arthurian Christian xianxia

I don’t get it. Like, Galahad finding the grail by cultivating to immortality?

>> No.20532177

well what I do is that I have so low standards that when I do write vitriolic gutter trash I don't delete it and keep writing anyway

>> No.20532189

>Communion bread/wafers = spirit stones
>Bards/Druids = cultivators
>The three cauldrons = the three dantians
It's all there if you think about it

>> No.20532199

Saw some cyberpunk cultivation books on amazon so go ahead and try arthuria christian xianxia bro, theres nothing to lose

>> No.20532339

That doesn't make him a simp.

>> No.20532343

Are there books in which both the protagonist and the antagonist are POV characters?

>> No.20532346
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Requesting cute and funny recommendations.

>> No.20532453

I want to read Malazan or black company in space

>> No.20532461

Stormlight archives has plenty of antagonist PoVs, so does prince of nothing

>> No.20532470

Wait a few years, I'm still working on it.

>> No.20532571

That's sort of GRRM's forte, A Song of Ice and Fire has perspectives from all sides of the ongoing political conflicts.

>> No.20532578

Block out time to write and just write whatever you can during that time. Put your phone in a drawer, close any internet browsers you have open, close steam, any kind of distractions you have.

>> No.20532587

Finishing up the last Mark Lawrence book. After that, I'm not sure. Might look for a new author, or might do some rereading. 3 day weekend coming up so might go to the used bookstore and just peruse for some old stuff. They have tons of old out of print pulp novels there for cheap.

>> No.20532812

even rebbit hates the new (final) art of the adept book lol
the decisions made sound retarded so i can't blame them

>> No.20532860

anyone read darkover? how was it?

>> No.20533061

>read Game of Thrones
>it's shit
>reading Wheel of Time (on book 11 now)
>it starts out ok, if boring, and goes downhill

>> No.20533065

should've read I Shall Seal The Heavens instead

>> No.20533141

holy shit these are so much fun to read! any suggestions on similar stuff? steampunk memery optional

>> No.20533147
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forgot pic lel

>> No.20533247

Are Watts' novels prior to Firefall worth a read?

>> No.20533262

i like both (wheel of time more, though)

>> No.20533289

>chinese shlock for indians and SEAs
no thank you

>> No.20533314
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Just finished I Shall Seal the Heavens book 9, it was good

I didn't expect the author to kill so many people, it was genocide after genocide

>> No.20533330
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I think the covers of book 9-7-1 are the most beautiful, especially book 1 and 9, the statue's facial expression always grabs my attention

>> No.20533485

I like hairless Hobbits

>> No.20533503

It's obviously the author trying to "market" it but utterly failing, everyone ends up annoyed like you.

>> No.20533515

Obviously a chinese author is going to trawl 4chan lit sffg to plug his work that has been banned by the communist government

>> No.20533587

Just finished up to recent chapter of this litrpg I found called Deathless Dungeoneers. It’s about a guy who has finally saved up enough money from diving into dungeons to buy his own dungeon, though he finds out that his dungeon was a lot more than the middling report he got from the Dungeon Owners’ Guild. The story was quite tense as the main character did everything to take hold of his own fortunes and reach for success even when all odds were against him. I would give it a 9/10 compared to other litrpg novels.

>> No.20533605

Okay lit I loved the three-body problem. Are there more books like it ?

>> No.20533612

try the sequels?

>> No.20533627

I'm going to but i was asking for similar books with very similar feeling of existential dread and deep physics and hard scifi

>> No.20533732

become an astronaut then

>> No.20533822

I want to lick Esmi's butt!

>> No.20533831

Finished TWI book 2
mildly surprised it didn't have a climax of any sort.
also erin is so likeable.

>> No.20534002

I never bothered to check who the author is, so that can tell you how well the anon's approach works.

>> No.20534090

>Thrawn trilogy by Zahn is the only I've read, and I really (as a teen) liked it. Not sure what I'd make of it as an adult.
It really doesn't hold up, like, at all. But people still keep recommending it out of nostalgia for when they read it as kids.

>> No.20534150

Check out The Icarus Hunt if you want a good standalone by Zahn.

>> No.20534158

it's entirely possible that anon isn't RI shill but someone who saw how annoyed RI shill made people, and the shitstorm that followed last time I saw serious discussion about it, and decided to troll with minimal effort by posting the image.

>> No.20534430

How is the mars trilogy? I wanted to read environmental sci-fi.

>> No.20534433
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I love her

>> No.20534533

Is there really no good scifi military books?

>> No.20534540

I'm tired of small squads with minor characters that are GODS AND WIZARDS
I want small squads where minor characters are ALIENS

>> No.20534591

linda nagata, the red

>> No.20534666

Is Aftermath really that bad? I have the trilogy sitting on my bookshelf unread.

>> No.20534737

yes, yes it is
the author got into a twitter meltdown & they fired him

>> No.20534744

Yes, yes it is
Sloppy, amateurish, surface-level. You could genuinely go to Star Wars on Fanfic.net, sort by length/reviews, pick out a random fanfic, and get something way better

>> No.20534796
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What volume are you on? Do you like best boy?

>> No.20534807

Probably enjoyable, if you can get past how he writes. I just don't like his style.

>> No.20534816

>Woman author
Is it dark?

>> No.20534843

Aftermath of Aftermath

>> No.20534846
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I'm around the end of Volume 4. Last chapter with him was the rescue of Lady Rie in her estate.
I really like him as a character, he's just fun and interesting all around. I can't say I've disliked any of his chapters either, even if they've been the most litRPG-ey ones in the series so far, I think.
Also, I'm looking forward to hearing more from Wiskeria and Rie, I feel like they're certain archetypes I'm usually a sucker for.
I will say I'm a bit worried about how his Emperor status will influence the rest of the story and events and just how it'll be handled.

>> No.20534857

Reading: Gardens of the Moon
Planning to read: The Eye of the World

>> No.20534902
File: 22 KB, 420x702, The_Bonehunters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a couple hundred pages left in The Bonehunters. Then I'm planning on reading Reaper's Gale or The Iliad. Not sure which. It would be nice to read something shorter than 1200 pages.

>> No.20534911

How many hours a day are you writing? The thing about being a writer is that you have to fucking write instead of pretending to.

>> No.20534960

sup scienciefiction/fantasyniggas

>> No.20534968

Wheel of Time is a series that I can't believe is still getting recommended to people. If you only read one of those books a month, you'll have more than a year of reading. You could read three other books a month in place of those books. It's just not worth the trade. I did it because it was a "bucket list" item from my childhood.

>> No.20534970
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Rie and Wiskeria are good characters. Prost is shit, and Durene's alright. About his story feeling a bit litRPG-ey, it's in the next volume when what him being an emperor means is truly explored. Which leads to the most controversial TWI arc.
Here's hoping you end up on the right side of the debate.

>> No.20535142
File: 116 KB, 600x600, laken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always a pleasure seeing fresh readers talk about Laken and how they like him and the Riverfarm plotline. Be a dear and update your impressions later on, would you?

>> No.20535158

wassup my nig

>> No.20535176

NTA but i read his first chapters recently and i liked them.
the first two clown chapters on the other hand... they were kinda cringy, even if they had their moments here and there.

>> No.20535220

That's the problem, sci-fi and fantasy should have separate generals

>> No.20535223
File: 2.05 MB, 2457x1507, only thing they fear is Clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first two clown chapters on the other hand... they were kinda cringy, even if they had their moments here and there.
The author said that the first two clown chapters weren't that good, even if people generally like them a lot. I think the next C chapters In Volume 4 are much better.

>> No.20535290

Is that some murder hobo?

>> No.20535333
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, Tom vs Aaron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked his first two chapters. The music was a fun gimmick. V4 clown chapters were somewhat lame and didn't do much more than say "maybe the demons aren't all bad", which was obvious by that point. Now the V7 clown chapters, those were the best.

>> No.20535359


>> No.20535384

good list

>> No.20535393

how are you liking malazan?
>he is intimidated by big books and series

>> No.20535426

Any recommendations for just comfy fantasy story with good prose where the guy just explores tombs and shit?

>> No.20535453

library at mount char

>> No.20535459

could try cradle, there be tombs and shit there, tho its more generic cultivation novel with western bend/writer.

dungeon crawler carl is often recommended, tho i cant speak for it

if you want dedicated tomb raiding, i dunno, nothing in partivular comes to mind

>> No.20535534

Thief has a great ancient tomb sequence, but it's not really about that

>> No.20535611
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For the anons asking after a legit star wars rec, this mogs the OT even without my rose tinted specs

Now someone rec me some sci-fi written in the last ~3-5 years that is at least as good as Iain M. Banks and contains no woke narrative cancer.

>> No.20535651
File: 245 KB, 537x484, 1689452455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any wandering inn clone, but with a male mc?

>> No.20535660

my nigga
i, jedi is good shit too

>> No.20535782

Dave Wolverton was Sando's mentor

>> No.20535916
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 061360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some new fantasy, can be wn, traditional, xanxia, cultivation, litrpg (just not over the top), no slice of life, no female leads or harems, ideally no ya

>> No.20535960

Carlton Mellick did two (Clusterfuck and its sequel), but I haven't read them yet. Probably more playing with the genre instead of doing it straight though.

>> No.20536033

lord of mysteries has a lot of comfy moments because of how slow it is but later in the novel the plot picks up.

>> No.20536040

>no female leads

>> No.20536055

I read it a few years ago and it was my favorite of the robot stories so I thought about checking out the book version but so far it just seems like the original story but slightly longer.

>> No.20536146

Because they are annoying

>> No.20536195

If representationalism matters - and I think it does - it's just as important for white guys to have access to white guys heroes as it is for black women to be able to read about their own kind.

>> No.20536202

Here are some I've read recently:
Lord of Mysteries
A lovecraftian inspired progression fantasy set in a parallel world's industrial revolution. The series follows Klein a person from earth who possesses a body after it killed itself due to mysterious happenings. Follow him as he steps into the world of Beyonders, people who gain unnatural powers through consuming potions and conducting rituals. The series starts out slow but ramps up after 200 chapters, the length is probably due to it being a chinese translation as chinese is more concise.

Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Watch as how Salvos starts out as a tiny demon larva and evolves into stronger and stronger versions of herself. Of course that is until she accidentally gets booted out of the netherworld and gets stuck in the overworld where everyone has a kill-on-sight mentality. Will she get back to the netherworld and meet up with the only companion she's hand since birth? How will she survive in an environment that is much different than her small life has been used to? (She's female but she's a demon so gender really doesn't matter)

The Dungeon Without a System
Do you have autism? Do you play ten hour Civilization matches for fun? Are you all about creativity? Then how about reading a novel about a man transported into another world as a dungeon (no litrpg shit that ruins the genre). Find out as he creates and builds himself to survive against people that are out to kill him.

Deathless Dungeoneers
Welcome to a shitty capitalist world where people dive into mortal danger for pennies compared to the golds their overlords are making. Rhen, our main character, after many long years has saved up enough cash to become an owner of his very own dungeon. Now he can grind in peace with his guild guaranteed middling dungeon and finally put himself ahead in life. That is until this middling dungeon turns out to be much more than it was guaranteed for.

>> No.20536224

>She's female but she's a demon so gender really doesn't matter)
Is her thought process male or female? She may not have female body but does she think like a female?

>> No.20536233

You are not a murderhobo if you are in a war

>> No.20536255

She doesn't think in male or female because she's a demon, its actually pretty unique. Also she doesn't understand romance because she's five years old by the latest chapter.

>> No.20536258
File: 51 KB, 394x630, 2940166710437_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the writers saving anthropomorphic fantasy and sci-fi from the godless and degenerate furries.

>> No.20536262

what kind of last name is that

>> No.20536274


>> No.20536290

Go back to /r9k/. Jesus Christ.

>> No.20536301

It's pronounced "eye-foe-lut"
It's dutch I think.

>> No.20536302

Is this knockoff Usagi Yojimbo?

>> No.20536531

Is it pronounced 'baker' or 'back-ker'

>> No.20536534

>female leads are annoying.
>reee go back to r9k

>> No.20536558

If by "knock off" you mean clearly inspired and influenced by Usagi Yojimbo then yes.

>> No.20536565

Its actually blak-'er (l is silent and normally not pronounced)

>> No.20536579 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1435x978, 3umnr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“So you beat what shreds of him you find in me? Is tha—?”
>“Because murdering your own son in fact, murders him in effigy? Becau—?”
>“Fool! Mummer! Who spills their own blood to punish ano—?”
>"I do."

based king of tribes. This needs its own bakker wojak edit.

>> No.20536600

Do you prefer to read digital/kindle or do you still buy physical books? Do you read only digital or only physical book? Do you still feel like buying physical books? Honestly, sometimes I think about buying a book, but as I think about how much easier it is to have digital, I give up on the idea.

>> No.20536606

Gonna read Lord of the Rings, whilst trying to find more orcish lore this time.

>> No.20536609

What's with these stupid questions? Just read and don't be autistic.

>> No.20536617

I read it last year. It's fine. The Thrawn problem just resolves itself too neatly.

>> No.20536631 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 3kPNCP4b_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was thinking was wondering

>> No.20536745

Spare yourself the dissapointment and don't read Salvos, it's the word fucking popular litrpg. Utter trash.

>> No.20536808

My story takes place in a fictional world. Long ago, before the sun rose in the sky, a sub-race of humans ruled the endless night. When the Goddess birthed the Sun, this race is similar to the idea of vampires, they became weakened by the new sun and integrated into society, but became known as a "weaker race" of subhumans. They are persecuted, systematically mistreated, and are mostly in poverty.

I want to name this race after an ancient human race of people. I'm of South Indian descent, so my first thought was naming them Aryans, as in like the proto-Iranian/Indian race, but I don't want to confuse them for the Hitler Aryan race, because that's controversial and not my intention. My other idea was naming them after the Emishi, but that's a japanese group and my story doesn't involve japanese names. Any other proto races I could name them after?

>> No.20536809

There's nothing better

>> No.20536818

>My story
Don't care, take that shit to the writing general.

>> No.20536833

>I want to name this race after an ancient human race of people
I wouldn't name them after any proto-race as that is stupid and would cause clear confusion. What I would recommend is finding out how a proto-race was named and use the same convention to name your race. For example a quick google search shows that Aryan was derived from the Sanskrit word ārya which meant honorable. Using a translator the word for night in Sanskrit is aktā, see what you could do with that.

>> No.20536845

Wrong general, here you go. >>20536420

>> No.20536878

Yeah, I'm loving Malazan Book Of The Fallen. The characters are great. Karsa Orlong being a fave. The world building is top-tier. The battles are epic beyond compare. The magic is actually magical. There's way more comedy than I expected. It's continually surprising me.
>>he is intimidated by big books and series
This would be a faulty conclusion.

>> No.20536906

I prefer digital for everything that doesn't have a lot of diagrams or footnotes these days. The problem is that if you read a lot, you can pile up a lot of books over the years and you'll only read most of those once. Often people even buy books they don't read at all. That said, it's kind of retarded paying more than a couple dollars for a digital book you don't really own.

>> No.20537021

I don't like Star Wars, but I like the idea of space fantasy. Any good recs?

>> No.20537031


>> No.20537036 [DELETED] 



>> No.20537054 [DELETED] 

>Any good recs?
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis by James Luceno.

>> No.20537065


>> No.20537100

>My story takes place in a fictional world


>> No.20537138

>I didn't expect the author to kill so many people, it was genocide after genocide
It's a standard trope for xianxia novels, human life is worth less than nothing.

>> No.20537190
File: 148 KB, 800x844, 1637289432027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be fun at parties, jackass.
Many fictional stories take place in real (contemporary or historical) settings.

>> No.20537193

>An /sffg/ thread where the Bakker posting is minimal to nonexistent

What's going on here? I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth but I'm suspicious...

>> No.20537197

heh joke's on you; I don't get invited to parties.

>> No.20537202

Noooo... REALLY!?!

>> No.20537203 [DELETED] 

That’s why they call em bugmen cause they see each other nothing more than bugs to be crunched under a 5 inch shoe

>> No.20537210

>five inch shoe
Why are you putting shoes on your dick? LMFAO

>> No.20537246

on god?

>> No.20537253
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>> No.20537469

Second time around and I'm not as into Idoru as I was the first time. Virtual Light had the opposite effect: not so much about it to think about, but fun to read.

>> No.20537531

Similar in what way? Also, I think that series overall is pretty good, but its final volume is the weakest of the four.

>> No.20537541

Agarthans, Lemurians

>> No.20537586

Why have they not been genocided to extinction?

>> No.20537680

I just finished it I don’t feel like the extra pages in the novel added anything new and it made me sad all over again. Now I’m going to read nemesis and the naked sun

>> No.20538011

>David Eddings was a convicted and jailed child abuser
Who are some other fantasy authors with checkered pasts?

>> No.20538023

All of them if they're famous. Marion Zimmer Bradley probably takes the cake though.

>> No.20538027

Speaking of David Eddings why was Polgara such a bitch?

>> No.20538073

So I was afk for a couple of days and the dicks over on /t/ let my colossal science fiction and fantasy collection thread drop off the rear end of page 9. Its not even in the archive anymore. Thanks a lot. At least there is room for more black on white tranny scat threads now.

>> No.20538114

im actually really disappointed they didnt make those new jedi order books into films. the yuuzhan vong were literally invulnerable to the force and had organic technology were a mongol horde-tier extragalactic threat that was consuming the galaxy (they conquered Coruscant for Christs sake). That along with Ben Solo etc. would have been a much better film trilogy than whatever Disney retconned out

yuuzhan vong > anything in disney wars

>> No.20538155
File: 738 KB, 913x1200, R_Scott_Bakker_3_240409 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of /sffg/

Simple as.

>> No.20538195

Is there any Euro sci-fi stuff that's actually scientific to an appreciable degree, and not just surreal new wave dogshit like Fantastic Planet, Gandahar, or anything by Jodorowsky?

>> No.20538204

Truth Shines.

>> No.20538210

I know MZB was a full-blown incestuous pedo, but what did Eddings do?

>> No.20538238

>This isn't even a Marion Zimmer Bradley, allegations made after death kind of thing. They were arrested, put on trial and they both went to jail for a year in 1970 for imprisoning and torturing their adopted son. Both their adopted son and daughter were removed from their custody and their adoption papers revoked. Eddings lost his job working in academia in South Dakota and they were forced to relocate to another state, Eddings having to take a job working in a grocery store because he couldn't get another job teaching young people for love nor money (and probably legal requirements).
>There is no suggestion of sexual abuse, but the details of the story are still pretty grim. They had a dog cage in their basement (where several animals lived) that they made their four-year-old adopted son sit in for hours and perhaps days at a time, and inflicted physical punishment on him with a belt and other implements. They were literally caught red-handed in the middle of beating him when the cops showed up and arrested them.
>After becoming famous, Eddings joked that he left academia because the pay was better working in groceries. In the pre-Internet age the story never came up (in fact, they didn't even change their names, otherwise the story may have never come to light).
>It should be noted you don't need to go burn your Eddings books: Leigh died in 2007, David in 2009 and all proceeds from their estate now go to Reed College in Portland, Oregon.

>> No.20538272

What a psycho.

>> No.20538329

Sounds like a normal British family to me.

>> No.20538344 [DELETED] 

prepare to get bakkattacked

>> No.20538345

Sisters, are there any other known fantasy books that were written by pedos/criminals/terrorists whatever? Just like Zimmer Bradley.

>> No.20538347

There are people in this general who get seriously mad by RI no nonsense approach and based protagonist, the simple fact that others like and discuss RI make these people seethe even more.

>> No.20538350

Anyone here read The Faerie Queene? Going into Book Two with enthusiasm tonight.

>> No.20538354

Plenty, just go read whatever wins hugo awards post 2010.

>> No.20538357

I'm semi fluent in Chinese and can contact RI's author on wechat, anyone have anything they'd like to ask him?

>> No.20538362

Ask him if he was influenced at all by Huanzhulouzhu

>> No.20538365

>I'm semi fluent in Chinese and can contact RI's author on wechat, anyone have anything they'd like to ask him?
Tell him to do a rewrite in the time he cannot write more chapters, he will have a solid base to have the old readers return and entire the new ones. As it is the story is barely readable, cutting a lot of fat would go a long way to make it worthwile reading.

>> No.20538367 [DELETED] 

every xianxia author was influenced to some degree by the chink tolkien

>> No.20538368 [DELETED] 

Ask him to send the Chinese government after all the tards who keep spamming it here.

>> No.20538371
File: 402 KB, 819x493, Selection_044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm currently waiting for the ban (on RI) to be lifted
>It's not a question of money
>I can exchange/take questions

>> No.20538391 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 180x208, 328f0c2e26391296371706f41774330414f6744_v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for new and existing Bakker poems to add to my based Bakker poetry collection. If you have bassed poems you can post them here. New poetry from Bakkerpoets is also welcome here.

Bakkerchads dominate the crowd
Among the peasants standing proud
Bakkerchads dominate them all
Those who dare to resist will fall

>> No.20538405

Ask him to release RI in Taiwan, ask him to officially publish his work (properly translated) in the west and move out from china, tell him current web lit scene in the west is garbage and if he can continue RI or write a new similarly based story he could make good money from patreoncucks.

>> No.20538432

I bought a kindle recently but fucking halff the books seem to be region locked for some reason, so retarded, so I have gone back to reading on Google books.

>> No.20538437

literally pirate your books you fucking newfag

>> No.20538443

Call them Futapyres

Make all your ancient vampire race futas

>> No.20538464

I'm only buying books with good looking covers. Any recommendations?

>> No.20538493

I do
But I don't pirate for the kindle, because idk how
I I ly got the kindle last month and haven't really looked into it. Do I need to unlock it or anything or is it as simple as drag dropping some kindle files onto it?

>> No.20538494
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>> No.20538495

Gardens of the Moon, Assail

>> No.20538497

Letting the stress fall on “to” “all” and “er” means you will never make it.

>> No.20538498

>is it as simple as drag dropping some kindle files onto it?

>download calibre
>download epub of whatever books you want
>drag them into calibre
>convert to .azw3 or .mobi
>drag to kindle
of course, you can download .azw3 or .mobi files too and cut out the middleman but .epub is the most popular and common ebook filetype.

>> No.20538501

I use zlib to download epubs, if they are blocked by a publisher they just add a Tor link to the file instead

>> No.20538504

i think b-ok and zlib are the same thing
also lib gen
mobilism is the best for new releases (you can find bigger titles like a day or two early sometime) but it requires a quick free registration

>> No.20538539

Converting into mobi from epubs can cause all sorts of formatting issues.

>> No.20538545

I've never had much issue. My biggest problem has been converting books in pdf format into, well, anything.

>> No.20538604

If it's not even in the archive that means it was removed.

>> No.20538620

It's still in the off-site /t/ archives for anyone who wants it. The thread can be remade, copypasted elsewhere, or just linked to.

>> No.20539203

run koreader & standardize your reading format

>> No.20539213
File: 676 KB, 1024x727, the-claw-of-the-conciliator-by-bruce-pennington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any novels with non-human protagonist? preferably goblin or Orc protagonist or any weird race, no half elves or elves pls. no The goblin emperor too because i know that one already
Gardens of the moon. planning to read either another novel of Malazan or Wheel of Time.

>> No.20539219

Soldier Son trilogy by Robin Hobb.

>> No.20539254

i've read hundreds of books this way and i've had no issues, at least not wth epub->azw3 which is what you should be doing with modern kindles

>> No.20539260

what's this scene supposed to be? where's sev

>> No.20539270

unironically true

>> No.20539275

No idea, I didn't read Claw of the Conciliator yet but this is the cover of one of its editions. I really wish there were more novels that give this feeling of exploring a weird fantasy world that is similar but very different than ours.

>> No.20539281

>t. peasant

>> No.20539311

It's that time again
Bridgeburners Vs the black company

Who wins

>> No.20539426

>Any novels with non-human protagonist? preferably goblin or Orc protagonist or any weird race,
The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale, it's a finished webnovel. The protagonist is a goblin that'd been caught and taken into a cage, just for some bandits to release him and take him as a servant. The goblin goes on to become a hobgoblin. Pretty decent story, the protagonist is more of an anti-hero, no heroic bullshit. I recommend it.

>> No.20539445

the esthelm arc is just starting and this is quite something else. my expectations are also kinda rising since i heard this arc mentioned a few times here in the past.

>> No.20539450

sounds interesting, thanks

>> No.20539626

That's fucked up. Had no idea David Eddings and his wife were terrible human beings. Thanks for ruining my enjoyment of a childhood series anon.

>> No.20539636
File: 677 KB, 762x1260, Niven Ringworld 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a larry niven book with a retro cover

>> No.20539643

nothing. because being semi-fluent means you're probably garbage and can only use babby vocabulary and expression at most

>> No.20539647

What aspect of The Wandering Inn do you want in the clone? Because I highly doubt there are other 9 million-word epics lying around with enough of the same themes to call it a clone.

>> No.20539803
File: 1.33 MB, 2331x3860, DEACFE4C-E911-4A12-8951-795A418A920A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Night Land getting good bros… the first chapter was a bit iffy

>> No.20539823
File: 37 KB, 640x640, f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started on Lord of the Rings and I'm reading it in J.R.R. Tolkien's voice

>> No.20539840

Did anyone like Three Body Problem?
I found it insufferable. Not sure if it was the translation making the prose awkward, or the fact it seemed like an extremely contrived "hard science!" story with the most tripe narrative I've ever read full of 1D cutout characters mostly.
It felt like it was hyped because it was Chinese, in a moment when we were still promoting Chinese culture. Not sure about that, but I can't figure out why it's so hyped otherwise. It wasn't good. At all.
Maybe it's because I read it right after Leviathan Wakes...

>> No.20539848

Huffty puff boofity boof mellow
A hobitty hopped across the willow
Bombity bom boombity boom bimbo

>> No.20539876

gave up around halfway through for the same reasons

>> No.20539930

Yes, it's popular and well-liked overall, but also has a substantial amount of detractors, of which I'm one. I think one of the reasons is because since it's popular among people who don't really read SF and is the only one they've read of this type of SF.

>> No.20539953

I'm looking for a book I started reading a while ago but can't remember the name.

It starts off with a girl, around 14 I think. She has these dreams about the world ending and some kind of alien invasion. She also sees herself become a soldier and that she is the one who will help end the war. Think that it is revealed that she is some sort of telepath who are outcasts.

She then sets off to join the army, and that is as far as I got.

There was also something about a religious group that supports the telepath or whoever they are.

>> No.20539957

what is some good chinese sci-fi

>> No.20539966

I'm trying to like it but I don't get the hype.

It's pretty average to be honest, the characters are all pretty dull and don't seem to have any emotion.

>> No.20540170

Not that anon
There's very little professional novels that are translated. There's somewhat more short fiction. I've linked basically all there is before.

>> No.20540191

>robin hobb
Kek, into the trash

>> No.20540569

>you want some suffering porn, anon?

>> No.20540621

Currently reading DUNE in conjunction with SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM
Next reading more of the classics, you tell me should I move from Thucydides onto ARISTOPHANES or XENOPHON? Or is it time to tackle PLATO? And if I'm going to pair it with a modern academic text what is the best? Is it time to read THE WESTERN WAY OF WAR?
Next /sffg/ read will probably be THE BLACK COMPANY

>> No.20540632

Also I ought to add for my summer internship I'm reading Higgins, "Analysis for Financial Management;" Ittelson, "Financial Statements;" Porter, "Competitive Strategy;" and Funk, "Option Writing Strategies for Extraordinary Returns." I'm happy to have a foot in the door but also fuck me

>> No.20540692

>Currently reading DUNE
are you reading the whole chronicles?

>> No.20540737

No just the first one, but continuing with MESSIAH is another option for next sff read. First time reading it, greatly enjoying the read. I think I tried when I was 10 but couldn't get through the beginning because I thought it was weird. Probably a good thing I never read it as child because I was autistic enough and would probably have larped as Paul.

>> No.20540800

when i first read them i didn't like dune much and much preferred the later books but i re-read them recently and it was much better than the first time

>> No.20540920

Black Leopard Red Wolf

>> No.20540962

Ringworld is nice but what the fuck was this cover artist thinking? Like why does the ringworld look like a zoetrope, with landscape pictures on their side? And why is it so fucking wonky-looking?

>> No.20541060
File: 58 KB, 308x512, a-gift-from-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a whimsical interpretation and it's kino like most del rey and sphere covers of niven books

>> No.20541155

Bros, has anyone ever read Beggars in Spain? Would they recommend it? I haven't read any post-70s sci-fi since I was a teenager, can anyone recommend some top-tier post-70s sci fi?

>> No.20541213

I want more Ringworld books /sffg/ bros...

>> No.20541234

I'm glad that you aren't concerned that a woman wrote it. It's generally well-regarded but not necessarily by /sffg/, though I can't be bothered to check at the moment.

>> No.20541257

Bros… the Unmasking Room scene in The Warrior Prophet… that is some grim shit

>> No.20541266

If you read Foundation, I would highly recommend Edward Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Not only was it the inspiration for the Foundation series but it delivers the history with brilliant prose

>> No.20541355

Tbh Anon, I'll read anything I can my hands on at the moment. I'm 2 weeks sober and the escapism of /sffg/ recs has kept me going.

>> No.20541357

>I want more Ringworld books /sffg/ bros...
Be silent or Rihanna Pratchet will pull a Brian Herbert and rape her father's universe the same way Brian did. Although, she appears to have at least a modicum of talent, considering she wrote Mirror's Edge and worked on other good games, especially Overlord franchise. Too bad she took part in destroying her father's favourite franchise, Thief.

>> No.20541384

Ring, not Disc.

>> No.20541500

really? Soldier son sucked but royal assassin was great.

>> No.20541501
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Why are so many fantasy authors named Terry?

>> No.20541557

i feel somewhat ambivalent. i love larry and known space but honestly the latest books set in it weren't that good. i fear he may be gone but i would still read a new known space story, specially if he wrote it alone

>> No.20541561

Dorcas reciting her family tree while little Severian junior probers her with his tiny flaccid cock

>> No.20541565

I will pay whoever can sketch a drawing for $25 USD

>> No.20541566

>really? Soldier son sucked but royal assassin was great.
I used to love Assassin's Apprentice series years ago when I was teenager, but now I'm almost afraid to read it again. Things like (second trilogy spoilers) Bastard blaming himself when his woman fucked his mentor and then made a family with him and then the woman being angry at him AND THE STORY TREATING IT AS IF SHE WAS JUSTIFIED were just weird to me back then, but today it might be just too much for me to bear. I've never got around reading the third trilogy, so I guess I've never really finished the story. Gotta do it one day, properly, back to back nine books.

>Ring, not Disc.
My mistake, idk what Ringworld is.

>> No.20541584

Nice I'm about to begin Part 3 of The Warrior Prophet. Going on vacation in one week so now autistically deciding whether I should pick up my reading pace to finish it by then or come to a halt so I don't have two physical books to carry on vacation.

>> No.20541599

Hyperion and moreso the Fall of Hyperion kind of gets into that realm.

>> No.20541606

For me, it's Istriya.

>> No.20541614

The only military part was the dunecoon section and that was just a setup to fucking some time travelling thot.

>> No.20541624

What about the entire second book with General Morpugo's briefings about the Ouster invasion?

>> No.20541681

well it made sense imo, she thought he was dead

Undying mercenaries, kinda shlocky imo but still fun.

>> No.20541718

The outer thing was basically swept aside. They were made out to be a threat to planet inhabiting humanity but Simmons cucked out and went AI lol

>> No.20541730

>reading children of time
>get to the part with the humans landing on the planet
>suddenly giant 15 centimeter long ants cut off a woman's leg and crawl into her body and come out of her mouth and other holes they carved

What the fuuuuuuuck???

>> No.20541764

>Three body problem: scifi noob approved...
Why would anyone who's not into the genre ever choose this as a favorite?
Especially if you're into normal fiction with exceptional writing, this is the absolute worst choice.
Is it intelligence signalling or something? I got that sense from the Martian, people liked it just because "science!", even though (desu only saw the film) it had a lot of fairly unrealistic happenings and was marginally entertaining. I hope the book was better and more involved for its fans' sake.
Is it that any time science fiction doesn't have literal warp drives and wizard ninjas people just jump on it? But I'm sure there's tons of that being written by amateurs that probably can write better than Liu (even in the native language). Why'd he get picked up?

I doubt the hardness of the science in 3BP as well. It was like half fantasy half, hard scifi, all terribly written.
I really just don't get it.
It. was. a. bad. book.

>Good authoritarian-permitted literature in an extremely exotic language few can read
Don't hold your breath.

>> No.20541772

Yeah but there is tons of military dialogu happening, in space… which is what the anon asked for. Unless he was asking about battle scenes (which even still, there is some). So fuck you.

>> No.20541773

>Good military scifi
The Expanse has a lot of space-naval combat that's 50/50 hard/plotarmor. It's probably the most accurate depiction of what space combat would be like with near future technology and a bit of hand waving.
If you watch the show, it really drags in the last two seasons (which never conclude), so maybe switch to the books after season 4 (you have to for the ending anyway). Good series, well written genre work. The adaptation was pretty solid too (Naomi was awful though), inline with GoT S01-04.

>Hyperion Cantos
I don't recall a primary emphasis on the military in either book. It was mostly a giant Journey up the Esoteric Mountain with a DnD party that included a half-goat bard that was avoiding an unstoppable force of nature scary magic monster. Unless my memory is truly that terrible... Great two books (skip the third), but how militaristic was it?

>> No.20541886

>idk what Ringworld is.
you should

>> No.20541893
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>> No.20541917

>idk what Ringworld is

Are you 5?

>> No.20541980

if representation matters then white guy heroes is an oxymoron

>> No.20542002
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>if representation matters then white guy heroes is an oxymoron

>> No.20542028

Supreme overlord of sublime gastronomy.

>> No.20542034

Not to white guys.

>> No.20542057

>white guy hero
That's the same word repeated three times

>> No.20542066


lol good ones

>> No.20542154

This thread almost lasted for three days, I’m rather surprised by that.

>> No.20542155
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Malazan Spoilers Up To Book Seven Ahead Do Not Read:
>reading malazan book of the fallen
>epic fantasy battles with wizards and warriors
>soaking up all the lore and mega worldbuilding
>raptors with swords for arms? hellz yeah!
>wow, it's just getting better and better
>this character is really growing on me after a few books
>out-a-nowhere a magical ghost sasquatch rapes him
>wut-da-fuck just happened?
>keep reading... okay then... I guess...
>couple of books later I'm over the rape
>out-a-nowhere a magical ghost sasquatch appears
>gives a random wizard a handjob and then disappears
Steven Erikson is just trolling us, right?

>> No.20542258

>This thread almost lasted for three days, I’m rather surprised by that.
Thread was also comfy and slow.

>> No.20542456

Isn’t there another thread in /t/.

>> No.20542467

Just like having sex with me.

>> No.20542476

Fall of light spoilers
olar ethils rape of illgast rend in the middle of his warcamp actually made me laugh, she sends him a vision while he's looking into the fire then jerks him off until he cooms, but to everyone else they just see him jerking himself off while everyones eating

>> No.20542489

I have seen all the expanse show yrh. Which book would you recommend me jumping to from that point?

>> No.20542513

NTA, but the Expanse books are show diverge almost entirely after the first season. Though honestly, everything after the second book is pretty bad.
If you want more somewhat realistic space battles, then the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell is a good bet too. The title is what it's about, there's a fleet, they're lost in hostile space.
If you want the Military part without getting bogged down in realism, then the Undying Mercenaries series is a great ride, in the big, dumb, and totally ridiculous sense. It's about a group of interstellar mercenaries that use alien machines to re-create their bodies and upload their mental engrams every time they die.

>> No.20542521

I hate when that happens.

>> No.20542581

Fall of light was good, the lead up to and then the suddenness of hoods war on death was pretty moving

I got a general Malazan question too.
Is the elder god behind chaos errastas?
I couldn't figure out what made him such a strong opponent to k'rul

>> No.20542663

>Fool, my seal can only be undone by 13th level qi cultivators and there are only 9 levels!
>*unsheathes levels 10-13*
>To be a part of this secret society meeting you must have a pass!
>*kills a guy right in front of the whole society* "Here's mine"
How does Meng Hao keep getting away with it?

>> No.20542684

the society one was actually simple, people there dont know each other, and they would rather let the fat die than try to touch someone they dont know the power level

its also why the western cultivation (the one meng hao followed to the society meeting) attacked him thinking he was weak and regreted because he almost god killed

And i cant remember the seal lvl10-13

>> No.20542714

Why do common fantasy stories come up with alternative names for things that are basically trolls, dragons, ogres and such?

>> No.20542718

They don't want to seem generic, but they, indeed, are.

>> No.20542744

yeah that's dumb
i come up with shit like boars that have parasitic giant centipedes as armor and huge beetle pincers instead of tusks and just call em beetle-boars

>> No.20542817

>my story calls knight ser
>well my story calls them syr

>> No.20542827

The funny thing about cultivation world is it's like high school bully, if you're quiet they'll think you're weak and they'll mess with you, but if you act like a lunatic they won't even think about standing in front of you, they will think that you are strong or that you have a very strong backing (Clan, sect, family, friends etc)

face/pride is everything

>> No.20542962

>My story calls them Fists

>> No.20543058

New thread

>> No.20543070

And it’s ruin by retards already.

>> No.20543091

yeah bro, 3 comments really ruined an entire thread

shiet, you right, the thread is ruined, why don't u just close and go sleep? come back and after we get a new not-ruined thread, retard

>> No.20543095

>yeah bro, 3 comments really ruined an entire thread
Glad you agree..