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20529885 No.20529885 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so hated? I read a few of his articles and they seems pretty uncontroversial, although a bit depressing.

>> No.20529898

Why has he written 173.300 tweets

>> No.20529914

maybe he wants to be friends with everyone but is afraid they will be mean to him

>> No.20529923

>writes 173.300 tweets about how modernity is superficial
based retard.

>> No.20529963

I don't know why they hate him so much but they do. Maybe they realise the equality experiment hasn't gone as planned but has instead lowered standards

>> No.20530156

Don't know who that is OP but he's pretty fugly

>> No.20530261

his anti-cannabis stance mostly

>> No.20530742

Because he's a moronic outrage merchant who will write anything for clicks, and doesn't act out a single one of the religious beliefs he insists the whole planet should follow.

Typical Albion scum, with their beady eyes and their moronic stiff upper lips. I can only hope that Ireland invades and returns the ile to righteous teachings of In Dagda and that Ogma may beat the snot out of this prancing little pebble wistler

>> No.20530747
File: 72 KB, 330x244, 1653924119589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20530768

Don't know who that is OP but he's pretty fugly

>> No.20530864

Don't know who that is OP but he's pretty fugly

>> No.20530873

>communist past
>zionist present
What's there to like?

>> No.20530935

Former Trotksyite who saw through the bullshit enough to leave it

>> No.20531111

I don't know who he is.

>> No.20531218

What's funny is I remember Peter Hitchens once using his column to talk about how ridiculous it was that journalists were using Twitter and social media in general.

Then he finally gave in and became one of its biggest addicts lol.

>> No.20531231
File: 143 KB, 906x1200, PHitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This early pic of him always makes me laugh

>> No.20531691

Faggot American spotted

>> No.20531732
File: 313 KB, 601x397, this_retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL @ pseudo-Irish Americans.

>> No.20531744

the jerry mungo years

>> No.20531749


Boring, unoriginal, impotent, liberal-democracy conservative still under the false impression that his way doesn't lead populist fascism. A total non-entity and a waste of time.

>> No.20531795

What he doesn't know is that he probably has more anglo than irish in him

>> No.20531800

Redditor spotted, ignored....

>> No.20531982

There are really very few Irishmen most "Irishmen" are Viking rape babies or descendants of Anglo settlers

>> No.20532159

Not an argument.

>> No.20532719

>doesn't act out a single one of the religious beliefs he insists the whole planet should follow.

>> No.20533971

>Boring, unoriginal, impotent, liberal-democracy conservative still under the false impression that his way doesn't lead populist fascism
You honestly think he hasn't realized that himself?

>> No.20534704

he's retarded?

Rails against marijuana and has nothing to say about alcohol, by any measure a far more harmful substance.

>> No.20534862

Yes, he appears to be firmly in the camp of Putin, is that a good example of Christian love?

>> No.20535269

Yes, just as much as the Crusades. Cope, you're an atheist anyway.

>> No.20535567

Good bait

>> No.20536184

It's not just that. Don't you remember the interview he had with that hobo from the series Friends? He flat out denied that addiction is even a thing

>> No.20536194

Okay cool, just don't come complaining to me wjen they declare you a heretic and chop your head off

>> No.20536331

When did that last happen?

>> No.20536357

I meant that LARPING 'irish' Americans usually have a lot of British blood in them. Americans see it as shameful to have anglo blood, which is sad but funny

They also often have Northern Irish blood (scots-irish) who are from Scotland.

>> No.20536360
