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/lit/ - Literature

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20530262 No.20530262 [Reply] [Original]

Have any books made a good argument for drugs?

>> No.20530285

People have right to bodily autonomy, black markets are inevitable, safe, regulated, and educated access to drugs is the lesser evil between total prohibition and total laissez-faire drug policy.

Drugs and getting have existed since the beginning of time, even other mammals use substances recreationally. You can't it go away with prohibiton as the last 100 years of western world drug policy have shown. You just end up making things really dangerous and fantastically profitable for criminals.

>> No.20530291

That's not a book.

>> No.20530295

Yeah, but could you stretch this out over, like, four hundred pages? And spice it up with a little sex too.

>> No.20530352

Anything Terrence McKenna. I read Food of the Gods it was an interesting historical overview but it's far from being scholarly. In the end I don't think too highly of him but he is a staple nonetheless. The Acid Diaries was a pretty good book too. Idk about other substances. Do you just want to feel justified? Read a book that shares your opinion so you have some arguements? Why don't you read some books on both sides of the coin. Might be worth checking out some 19th century literature where it was more of a novelty. I know it's not pro-drug but i find PKD has a rather balanced view.

>> No.20530370

What is it with drug threads today?

>> No.20530385


>> No.20531106

None that i can't think of.

>> No.20531131
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This. Also F Gardner who talks about the same things (dmt machine elf stuff) except in fiction.

>> No.20531143

Gardner’s a surprisingly good option. Horror’s Call feels like a weird hybrid between Lovecraft and Terrance McKenna.

>> No.20531513

drugs arent that interesting , do sumting else like the anatomy of feet. and/or the beautification of feet

>> No.20531880

No, but remember to read agains't it too, just so you don't become biased.

>> No.20531887

stick to coffee kid