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20527048 No.20527048 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20527075

The left were defeated by their primary motivation: altruism. They were given too many plates to spin, scrambling to save each of them and becoming increasingly dizzy and unfocused in their attempts.

It's over.

>> No.20527093

>their primary motivation:
Read something other than Rand next time. That take is on the level of thinking "you're voting against your own interests" is a sincere plea and not libtard condescension on being filtered.

>> No.20527116
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-whom-do-i-hate-most-among-the-rabble-of-today-the-socialist-rabble-the-chandala-apostles-friedrich-nietzsche-107-17-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by the "real left?" Communism, Anarchism are all just the same form of slave morality and victimization politics. Nobody is coming to save you. No book will change that. If you have to turn to left-wing beliefs in this day, and age, you are doomed to be a pauper for the rest of your life.

>> No.20527132

I have never read Rand. I am not an Objectivist. The 'real left' has been pulled apart by its members' desire to save whatever they consider to be the oppressed, which today varies wildly, losing any cohesion they once possessed when pursuing their original class-based goals.

>> No.20527135

>The left were defeated by their primary motivation: altruism.
The primary motivation of the real left, when it existed, was hatred of the bourgeoisie. When that hatred was bought off or hammered down by various means, the bourgeoisie itself stepped in and usurped the left's movements and symbols and turned them into bourgeois social clubs. By the '60s the "left" was synonymous with rich kids at university reading Franz Fanon and experimenting with ass play, which is all it has been ever since.

If you want a real left back, ban rich people and people whose parents are rich. Whatever influence and "perspective" they bring with their Harvard degree in Anthropology is not worth the damage they will bring to your movement with their homo ass play and dadmoney energy.

>> No.20527161

>thinking "you're voting against your own interests" is a sincere plea and not libtard condescension on being filtered.
Point is still valid and you're using Objectivist level logic aside from word choice.

>> No.20527169

That hatred is born from the left's natural altruism. They only hate the bourgeoisie due to their being deemed the oppressor. It is the emancipation of the oppressed that is their primary motivator, not their hatred of the oppressor (though I am not denying it is A motivator, it is not the primary motivator.)

>> No.20527172

>If you want a real left back, ban rich people and people whose parents are rich.
The funny thing is - we have evidence show this will never work. A recent study was done comparing the wealth between pre-revolutionary China descendants (basically people related to the emperor and landlords), and post-revolutionary China decedents. What they found was that the pre-revolutionary Chinese group was still significantly richer. This is because the real generators of wealth, genetics and social capital persist even after fierce government eradication.

>> No.20527195

That first line is essentially correct though.
The peace movement is what the Secret Services used at first, later adding PC and cultural wars. The divide and conquer method.
I went to one protest in my life and it was so weak and lame. The hippies have been instrumental in keeping the fight peaceful and easy to bust. pepper spray and arrest for cataloging. They/we’ve been herded into controlled opposition groups.

Manufacturing Consent, and How Non-violence Protects the State,
I’d like a good book with something on Julian Assange, and the cowardly media Wikileaks supersedes, but that story isn’t over yet.
How about Gore Vidal?

>> No.20527202

I can't make out what OP's image is trying to say. Can somebody translate for me?

>> No.20527204

Can you explain what you're trying to get accross here? Maybe I'm misreading you or you're misunderstanding me.

I am not saying that altruism is a bad, only that is can be abused. The left has come to encompass such a broad realm of ideas, and has taken the lead in so many different areas (environmentalism, LGBT issues, racial issues, to name a few) that they don't appear to possess the cohesion they once had in regards to the issue of class. I believe that much of the left have been intentionally led down the garden path in order to divide and conquer, or at the very least bog them down.

>> No.20527208

The left was always neutered
>b-but le based trad coal miners fighting the cigar smoking porkies!
The equivalent of the “Heroic Age” for leftists. Totally mythologized and largely detached from the actual history.