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20518831 No.20518831 [Reply] [Original]

>writer is depressed
>has the fortitude to write
doesn't compute

>> No.20518874

No no no no no, here's what really happened:

1. High Expectations
2. Expectations Don't Match Reality
3. Depressive Episode
4. "I'm depressed, yay! Now I have an excuse for my hedonistic lifestyle!"
5. "Damn, that was a lot of cum. I need to stop this. I'm going to get AIDS."
6. Writes about it.

This is how it goes for me, at least.

>> No.20518888

are you girl

>> No.20518935

I’m a gay man

>> No.20518956

For women, "depressed" means bored, mildly disaffected, or experiencing mediocre angst.

When one of them determines she can enlarge her simp farm by writing she does that. Usually because some simp in publishing has laid out a red carpet for her. OP related.

Unless the civilization is collapsing and everyone is actually starving, or the cities are burning from war, women don't actually suffer. They CAN'T suffer. They only tell you they do with their mouths. The only hardship a woman will ever experience is her pangs of childbirth, which last less than 48 hours at the outside.

>> No.20519000
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To add, I understand that "simp" may seem anachronistic in the context of weepy dames of yore like Plath. Not so. Egirl network platforms didn't exist, but OnlyFans CULTURE has always existed. Even St Joan and the French peasant soldiery played out this dynamic. Wherever there are organs of state propaganda, there are also women using them to acquire simps.

Joaney though... she's different. Not like the others. She's a good girl.
When she lost her daughter and husband she was so genuinely devastated she cranked out yet another bestseller about it!

God I love this woman. She's best girl. I wish I could venmo her two hundred a month and buy stuff on her Amazon wishlist.

>> No.20519003

0 pussy alert

>> No.20519009

I was married for twenty years.

>> No.20519030
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>> No.20519063

Yes. Thank god. Bitch got no money either.

I won't even bother making fun of you for being a virgin. You seem desperate enough already.

>> No.20519136

I spend half my life depressed or more. You write on the good days.

>> No.20519163

Imagine all of the posts and questions you poured into 4chan, social media, the internet, just got poured into books instead.

>> No.20519362

She killed herself

>> No.20519381

makes u think

>> No.20519392


>> No.20519535

those would be some shit-ass books

>> No.20519586


>Gay dude in 2022 not on prep

Come on anon, it's fucking free if you're poor. No excuse, your gay ancestors would be livid if they could see a future where pills to prevent HIV exist but some sluts are just too damn lazy to take em.

>> No.20519654

yes it is lol

>> No.20519854

for some people,writing works as a form of therapy

I have a journal I use mostly to vent. I believe more talented people could transform this, after edited, in something worth reading

>> No.20519876


>> No.20519894

>doesn't compute

>One night, I was layin' down
>I heard mama 'n papa talkin'
>I heard papa tell mama
>Let that boy boogie-woogie
>'Cause it's in him, and it got to come out
>Well, that felt so good
>And I went on boogie'n just the same, yes

tl;dr: It's in her, and it's got to come out.

>> No.20520209

She looks like a 58 yo Italian grandma with a zest for life. Hope she sheds some weight soon.

>> No.20520217


>> No.20520265
File: 83 KB, 627x789, 6A5B9763-FF09-413E-B193-9E3AA361BC6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Lust for Life trole.

>> No.20520286

What the fuck is "mediocre angst"? Lmao just say you hate women; it's faster so there's less opportunity to reveal what a retard you are.

>> No.20520679
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-no-men-who-really-think-deeply-about-women-retain-a-high-opinion-of-them-men-either-otto-weininger-90-30-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based based based.

>> No.20520702

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.20520710
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Oops, wrong pic, sorry

>> No.20520713
File: 29 KB, 212x290, Oh please (fuck me).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry for help gone wrong. Did you even read the Bell Jar? She describes how she backed out of the same stunt.

Sometimes you think the paramedics will pull you out of the oven and you'll wake up in the hospital in your best dress looking like the most sophisticated and desirable suicide attempt they've ever seen.

And sometimes you're a dumb bint who doesn't realize you're just a body, not a protagonist.

Into the RandomStuckUpThots folder she goes.

>> No.20520773

Elaborate on your point then, OP. I see it as when people are at their worst and lick the salt of the stones on the ground then they reflect and the inner monologue is at its loudest but also most obnoxious. At that point you're in writing territory because when you drag yourself through those thoughts in order to find meaning then you're doing exactly what a writer does; pulling shit out of your ass and throwing it around in order to see what sticks and what doesn't.

>> No.20520782

you are so juvenile

>> No.20520817

I'm also right.
She's not going to fuck you.

>> No.20520830

I like how everyone focused on my other misogynistic posts but had no love for sweet darling Joan.
Neither did you check my trips.


>> No.20520886

What the fuck is "mediocre angst"? Lmao just say you hate women; it's faster so there's less opportunity to reveal what a retard you are.

>> No.20521513

please anon go outside

>> No.20521561
File: 358 KB, 1536x2048, 1655106440133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalfags don't experience "depressive episodes" and i'm sick of pretending that they do. they might feel sad, or even a light blanket of depression, sure, but they don't experience depressive episodes. the meaning of that has been so watered down that it just means le heckin sad because muh bf broke up with me :( and i can get likes for saying it. most people cannot relate to what a depressive episode really is, where all of the lights in your brain go out for at least a few weeks/months. when you've had a real depressive episode, you come out of it and your brain isn't even working properly at first, your memory won't be what it was for like a year until your brain fully stabilizes itself again. i can't stand normalfags so much it's unreal, this "mental illness acceptance" bullshit is just social accessory bullshit for women.

>> No.20521583


>> No.20521586


>> No.20521603

So what? “normal fags” cant have depressive episodes? they absolutely do, the difference is that they learn to move from their trauma, while other anons here on this shit website choose to wallow in it, and live like there’s nothing else beyond their self-loathing.

>> No.20521677

>normalfags get a little sad and move on
sounds about right

>> No.20521681

shut the fuck up woman

>> No.20521730

It's called moving on, your effort to dehumanize people is noted. Their struggles, in the end, are something all people must overcome in order to live, you know nothing about them. I don't expect the mentally ill to understand sympathy, because while people like you live and breathe, you are already humiliated in your present situation, especially when you try to rationalize overcoming trauma as something to be looked down upon. Get real and experience life, you recluse.

>> No.20521737

>It's called moving on
yes that is what i said

>> No.20521747
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>> No.20521753
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>> No.20521764

Why aren't you fucking men instead? It seems like you'd like them more.

>> No.20521765

>Normalfag gets a little sad and moves on
You don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Lack of evidence of the internal struggle to you doesn't mean they have minuscule issues, what kind of reasoning is this.

>> No.20521768

She didn't have computers to allow her to harmlessly blow off steam for an infinite number of hours like you do. If you shut the fucking computer off and put your phone away fro three (3) days, you would feel a rush of motivation and creativity like you never thought possible.

But you never will :^)

>> No.20521773

>Neither did you check my trips.

Here’s your (you), please go back to redddit to get more (yous)

>> No.20521836


>> No.20521857

>just move on bro
>anyone who doesn't just move on is actually just engaging in self pity
Your privilege is showing, time for you to check it

>> No.20521901

>>just move on bro
correct, I can discard your other gobble gook.

>> No.20521925

Whats prep

>> No.20522771

>you need a high opinion of women if you want to have sex with them
Ask me how I know you haven't gotten laid this year.

>> No.20523090

Very good post

>> No.20524348

I have the same opinion as that anon and have sex with men only, because having sex with women goes against with my political beliefs

>> No.20524700

Anon, when I was at the worst place mentally of the last few years I was writing like a madman. Most of it barley made sense, I think I was the edge of schizophrenia reading this shit now. I went back, and read all the symptoms and they are too similar. Maybe I'll fully develop it later in life and end up like Terry.

>> No.20525049

This has to be bait.

>> No.20525142

the pain of the depression cooks the brain

>> No.20526765

the not get aids med

>> No.20526781

Summer is coming and the Zoomies are stirring... God help this board.

>> No.20526953
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1551232422466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex.

>> No.20526962

This resentment to this amalgam of traits you call normies isn't healthy

>> No.20527101

She faked her suicide (with the help of publishing agents in the CIA) to draw attention to her writing; it's an excellent marketing move and really hammers in the "waaah I'm so depressed I want to die" propaganda she was hired to write. John Kennedy Toole, author of A Confederacy of Dunces, did the same thing (notice his middle name? so did JFK), and so too did Robert E Howard and David Foster Wallace. None of these people were depressed enough to die because they were the wealthy offspring of hidden elite families. They fucked off into seclusion after getting bored of a nepotistic writing career. Musicians do this all the time except instead of suicide, it's pretend drug overdoses. Drives normalfags crazy to see their precious idols drop like flies lol.

>> No.20527361

Magic pill that stops you from catching aids.

>> No.20527407
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Nice malaprops, midwit.

>> No.20527417
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1591502192309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. Beware faking your death with the help of your glownigger buddies. They just kill you. You figure out you've been had in your last ten seconds.

>> No.20528050

I don't see it desu
Doesn't make me wrong though

>> No.20528145

I write in my laptop

>> No.20528249


>> No.20528260

Rooting for you, anon