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File: 420 KB, 1000x667, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20523891 No.20523891 [Reply] [Original]

It's Schuyler black goatskin for me

>> No.20523900

>purchasing anything (((Black)))

Curse of Ham upon you.

>> No.20524056

I think what made me the most hopeless about Christianity is the product-fetishization of Bibles. It's literally just an old fashioned Nintendo Switch now.

>> No.20524061
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1560 geneva for me

>> No.20524303

Exodus in the 1400s or the 1200s?

>> No.20524471

It's ridiculous yeah
Arguing over translation is fine and will always happen. Even debating a specific type of bible is ok eg: study bible, topical bible, etc
>you gotta get premium large print red letter 2 silk book mark (one black one red), ironed calf skin gold gilded edged paper and bible cover, warship edition, study bible authored by X person with their name plastered on the cover and of course coming in a variety of colors
is ridiculous and I don't understand why people do it.
It's what's inside that matters, not the outside.

>> No.20524485

>I don't understand why people do it.
I think it's because our generation is so spiritually broken by modernity that when we approach religion we can only do it under a consumerist lens.

>> No.20524508

Gentlemen, it is with great sadness that I inform you...

>> No.20524543
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I really hope they actually use those and don't just leave them laying around
I have four bibles and I feel bad cause I only really use 2 of them.

People say buy this translation and that transltion, the more the better, but I feel there comes a point where you are just going to have ones you don't use

>> No.20524557

I just now clicked on the first video. Looked at the last 2 previously.
I don't have words for it. Why so many?

>> No.20524655

>read (King James) Bible
>become Presbyterian
Who else?

>> No.20524745

I was a Baptist before reading it and stayed one
Now I just get confused looks when I read from it in Sunday School

>> No.20524757

I just have a cheap ESV and a Lexham Septuagint. Have never felt the need for anything else.

>> No.20524836

Premium prices for partially 3rd world construction.

>> No.20524842

Yeah but men are also doing that.

>> No.20524861

I wonder what Jesus would say, and if they would care.

>> No.20524906

Men "collecting" shiny and colorful Bibles are no better than women.
He probably would ask why they're writing, highlighting, and drawing all over God's word instead of treating it with the utmost physical respect.

>> No.20524916

>implying all those Bibles aren't just sitting on display untouched

>> No.20524950

The third video with the Asian girl clearly shows them written in and highlighted to shite.

>> No.20524976

>He probably would ask why they're writing, highlighting, and drawing all over God's word instead of treating it with the utmost physical respect.
My Bible is the only book I highlight/take notes in. I have one specifically for that and one I do plain reading from/take to church.
I've found highlighting/writing helps me to remember stuff, allows for easier call back and makes me go slower and retain more so I wouldn't consider it wrong to do so (assuming you're doing it for study purposes and not doodling over the pages or something)

>> No.20525029

I don't use highlighters but I draw brackets to the sides of verses and make notations in the margins, and write additional cross references into the ref columns. I'm sure that God loves taking His word so seriously that we include reminder data for enhancing whenever we are preaching His Gospel with others.

>> No.20525177

>Now I just get confused looks when I read from it in Sunday School
I’m waiting for this to happen. Everyone else uses modern versions. I read the KJV out loud pretty passionately when alone.

>> No.20525190

Any non-English Bible chads here?

What do we think Reina-Valera and Louis Segond?

>> No.20525223

Yep. Everyone else uses NIV or ESV in my class except 1 or 2 that use NKJV

>> No.20525238

At my work, there was a guy using the NKJV on his phone. He often hung out with the Catholic who used his physical Douay-Rheims copy.

>> No.20525253

>He often hung out with the Catholic who used his physical Douay-Rheims copy.
That's cool. Don't think I've ever seen anyone irl with a Douay-Rheims but then I don't know too many catholics. Wish I had friends who were more religious. As it stands only friend I have that ever wants to talk about it is pagan

And older english seems to deter more people than I'd have thought. Don't know anyone outside of my family really that uses a KJV anymore. Yet I know there have to be some in the church I go to because the pastor explicitly said he is not a KJV onlyist (so I assume some have mentioned it to him)

>> No.20525266

It's never a bad thing to have a lot of translations, allows you to get a better understanding of the text. Especially if you can read multiple languages.
I keep a Louis segonde with me at all times to brush up and keep up, even if you don't use them often it's nice to know you can read deeper at any time

>> No.20525407

Why is Isaiah so long winded? Maybe I'm just retarded and have a zoomer attention span, but it seems like it could have been summed up. It is quite beautiful, the poetry and all, but it just seems to go on and on. I am enjoying it nonetheless.

>> No.20525415

It's exactly what the Father wants it to be. Embrace it.

>> No.20525423

>Everyone else
should be gassed.

>> No.20525432

>zoomer attention span
Yes. The contents of your mind is critical to Christianity and all of this and such things as the genealogies, temple instructions, etc. are meditations that are helping to reprogram you into Him oriented psychic modes. To pass over them is to reject His mental patterning in favor of that of the world.

>> No.20525448


>> No.20525478
File: 103 KB, 1600x990, DNWth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Nelson. Premiere collection. Giant print KJV. Thinline. Goatskin cover. Red letter edition. Satin ribbons. Gilded page edging. 2k Denmark typeface on 36gsm European paper.


>> No.20525490
File: 215 KB, 800x775, CBPKJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Church Bible Publishers. Compact Cameo King James (no "V") Bible. Ironed calf skin. Gold gilded edges. Smyth-sewn pages for strength and flexibility. 2 1/4″ wide ribbon markers of perfect length. Center column cross references and translator's notations of original language alternatives. 15 Beautifully printed maps with index. Clear, readable 8.5 pt text of whatever font on whatever paper, printed and bound by independent Baptist church folk hands in the United States of America.

>> No.20525539
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, 106021_griego-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Bible Society. Greek Bible, as used by the Apostles. Sturdy hardback. No womanly frills like ribbons or red letters or gilding or human skin covers to get in the way of properly reading God's word as intended.

>> No.20525567

>yellow ribbon and text
>"no womanly frills"
Enjoy your Ukraine flag themed "bible". It probably has its own OnlyFans page.

>> No.20525576

>god's word
>edited countless times throughout history
LMAO. christcucks, you make me laugh.

>> No.20525583

Never been edited.

>> No.20525950

These threads make me so depressed.

>> No.20525974


>> No.20525982

>these threads depress me
>better give it a bump
What would "depress" me is there being no ambassadors for the LORD God Almighty here at this terrible shithole web site. Even though some of these brothers are members of institutions corrupted by Satanic Babylonian paganism and crypto Ishtar worship, I praise Him that they are here doing their best in earnest and providing worthwhile sharings/insights and answers for inquirers often enough, and the threads are more or less "always here" for when those opportunities/moments arise. These threads give me at least a small boost of *hope* because of them.

>> No.20525997

Because all I see is just a bunch of people posturing, not even clear if ironically or unironically. You get console wars, stupid product worship, all flavors of LARPing and maybe a couple genuine posts that are probably from people who are just dipping their toes and trying to believe seriously. I am not even sure if Christian communities are about anything else at this point. I wish I had better grounds to defend Christianity and Christians but I have nothing on my hands except that I idealize it all.

>> No.20526049

4chan will always have more LARPers and nonsense than quality posts. They have been some threads in recent days with quality posts and discussions but jannies keep nuking them

>> No.20526062

This is 4chan, do you expect threads here to resemble a...formal and serious thing to compare them to? Everyone here is in some way...off from the standard norms. There are both positive and negative reasons for that, and ramifications to the output. But, with that being said there are also some very subtle undercurrents of deeper things behind what you call "console wars" and "stupid product worship" that are not so readily described, expressed, nor gleaned, and can take some time for their fruits to bear out within the participants and perhaps witnesses of the exchanges. This is a very unconventional venue, populated by mostly unconventional (to varying degrees and depths) people, and yet here we are, talking about the LORD God Almighty, who Himself can be said quite "unconventional" to say the very least.

Of course, (You) can always make the choice to return to and stay at reddit.

>> No.20526063

I guess this is why this one is staying up.
I miss when I could read some sense into the Bible but it became unintelligible again. I don't know what happened but there was a brief period where I felt close, and now I'm back to square one.

>> No.20526084

You have to *walk* it, not just read it, for it to ever make any legitimate sense.

>> No.20526088

And *breathe* it, I should add, but I always thought the expression "walked with God" (per Enoch and Noah) really speaks volumes all by itself.

>> No.20526137

Is there any way to copy the entire text of a translation from BibleGateway without having to go chapter by chapter? Is there a backend .txt or something available?
>inb4 BibleHub paid shill
Theirs has typos and I don't want to have to find and correct all the typos myself.

>> No.20526142

Suit yourself, just stick with the ZOGdervan owned BG and do it capter at a time then.

>> No.20526149

pray for it.
what do you mean with not being able to understand anymore?
what kind of stuff dif you understand, as an example?

>> No.20526198

anyone else escape the atheism cult? Boy am I glad that's a phase I snapped out of

>> No.20526259

>what do you mean with not being able to understand anymore?
It just feels very opaque, which is how it looks to atheists normally. I still like reading parts like the Sermon of the Mount of course but most of it feels like reading hieroglyphs, except I don't even seem to have that initial energy that made me start studying. I only ever managed to take one step forward and I miss that period so much but I.tthink.I legitimately can't believe.

>> No.20526266

just found out that Michael means "nobody is like God" (written as a rhetorical question).
the devil is conquered by Michael, whose name is the antithesis of the snake's lie, that fooled Adam and Eve (that they'd be like God).

>> No.20526290

Just take something concise yet vast in implication like Psalm 23 and walk it daily to the best of your ability. Simptglify and build organically.

>> No.20526295

consider the fact that bibles used to be fancy books written by scribes, they were always treated as a big deal until mass literacy and the printing press made cheap bibles a thing. the idea of the literal word of god on a cheap piece of shit just hits different, granted you are correct that ultimately the message is the most important part but i would compare fancy bibles to fancy cathedrals. those buildings are made to glorify god and so the church justifies the expense (well, they are good for tourism too) and you could argue that if you going to have one fancy thing, it might best be your version of the word of god.

this idea of fancy bible fetishization as a new consoomer phenomenon is ahistorical. in fact, it was such a big deal among illustrated manuscripts to venerate the word of god that various names of god such as YHWH were written with a single stylus that was then discarded. a bible is not a trivial thing, it is an artifact and bothering with the expense is similar to how the bible commands you buy the most expensive incense etc. for altars.

>> No.20526298
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>He probably would ask why they're writing, highlighting, and drawing all over God's word instead of treating it with the utmost physical respect.

>> No.20526307

what do you feel when reading something like >>20526266 ?
keep going. try to find some theology material, videos, presentations.
that must be a hard time. i think getting Scripture explained to you will really help with it. try the Bible Project stuff, especially the word studies. (careful as their theology is a bit simplified and iffy due to that, but it doesn't really come into play on most 'concept' videos)

sorry for the vague answer. keep searching, studying, pray for it, and that spark will come back. those explanations usually already link it to the OT, and that is great. before when i read it (without the OT) it felt good, but a bit empty. now that i'm reading the OT, when i follow the cross references it's just so much deeper.
more from those studies is they help you to know 'how Israel lived' and that helps get the examples used in Scripture.

remember the delight from learning something new from and about Scripture, and keep going after more knowledge.
it clears up, and keeps getting better the more you learn.

>> No.20526336

This is completely different than modern Bible fetishization.

>> No.20526350

Enjoy your Project Gutenberg typos.