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20521719 No.20521719 [Reply] [Original]

Coomers are literally subhuman.

>> No.20521731

“Asceticism is based”
Yeah no. This post inspired me to bust one to anime ass then smoke a bowl of pot while I watch Stranger Things.

>> No.20521736 [DELETED] 

>bust one to anime ass then smoke a bowl of pot while I watch Stranger Things
The most 21st century thing I've read all day

>> No.20521750

Nice pseudoscience mustachio

>> No.20521754

Have you ever tried it?

>> No.20521799

Not for longer than 2 weeks.

>> No.20521805

Well there are people who have used semen retention for years to decades, so why so sure you know what you're talking about?

>> No.20521900

What about simply eating it to regain the nutrients

>> No.20522110
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noble prize of economics right here solved world hunger and sexual emergencies

>> No.20522118

advanced semen retention 101

>> No.20522965

Abstaining from ejaculation is dumb, but hedonistic overindulgence in either masturbation or sex is dangerous. So is porn. So I agree coomers are subhuman, but "le nofap superpowers" is retarded as well.

>> No.20522970

>but "le nofap superpowers" is retarded as well.
How do you know, have you tried it?

>> No.20522978

I'm suffering from a porn and masturbation addiction. I'm trying to stop, but not to gain some esoteric testicular energy, rather to improve my mental health and stop being a slave to my desires.

>> No.20522979

Nietzsche thought you should coom brtween thighs of handsome youn man

>> No.20522985

>blatantly fake quote
>full of typos
>clearly photoshopped image
why do your retards bump this?

>> No.20523074
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if u are a male between the ages of 13 and 30 and aren't fapping 1-2 times daily, u are not healthy. go see a doctor, improve your sleep and diet, start exercising, preferably a contacts sport like judo

>> No.20523098

Go outside

>> No.20523106
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yeah sure

>> No.20523109
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>> No.20523112
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>> No.20523116
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>> No.20523379

If you are a male between the ages of 13 and 30, and not impregnating women 1-2 times daily, you are not healthy.

>> No.20523395

It takes decades of abstinence for the effects to show, like Jesus's resurrection from the dead, it's literally the overabundance of reabsorbed semen reanimating his tissue. It's a type of white necromancy, like organ transplants.

>> No.20523407

The source is in the image.

>> No.20523413

Yes I tried. One and a half year to be precise. It's an absolute meme.
If you don't fap for Jesus that's fine, but lying to people about magically getting in shape and gaining 10 IQ points form not cooming is not going to convince many people.

>> No.20523479
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>> No.20523482

Nietzsche is right and this is why I allow men to bukkake my open wounds.

>> No.20523484

I have the book open in front of me and the same quote is right there.

>> No.20523488

>No fap
>Feel the power of semen pumping through my veins
How did anyone ever take this guy seriously?

>> No.20523492

So gays are superhuman?

>> No.20523518

So do I with Lincoln, what's your point?

>> No.20523524

incel cope

>> No.20523533

>Google the quote
>every link returns to the nofap reddit who in turn cites some nebulous curated anthology of Nietzsche's works (just like op), never once revealing the actual work it is from
makes you think

>> No.20523546

The anthology lists it as coming from Nietzsche's notes from 1880-1881. Is Kaufmann's scholarship not good enough for you?

>> No.20523549

That's what I thought he meant when he said reabsorption

>> No.20523597

>is the Jew who openly brags he sanitized Nietzsche for American audiences not good scholarship
also what page in said notes? I don't see it here anywhere

>> No.20523613

>and gaining 10 IQ points form not cooming
cumbrains are factually brain damaged. I have talked to these people on a regular basis sadly and not only they are incapable of any taste, or truly liking things unless there's ssomething to jerk off to, but they're also goddamn fucking stupid, have a braindead sense of humor, and generally speaking should be collectively fucking gassed. Why do you think half of them latch onto anime or children's cartoons?

>> No.20523637

First of all it wouldn't prove anything relating to a causal factor.
Second, it is utterly disingenuous to present a false dichotomy between no fap and sex addiction. Men with healthy testosterone levels must coom regularly short of not doing it for Jesus or something. Takes them a few minutes then they move on with their day.

>> No.20523716

lel look how the replies just stop when you demand specifics

>> No.20523766

>your direct experience is worthless because my theory disagrees
and fuck.you too

>> No.20523796

>make up a quote and attribute it to some popular intellectual
>make retarded claims that go against all knowledge of anatomy
>demand people to follow your teaching for decades before they form an opinion
Nofappers are literally r*dditors, and thus subhuman.

>> No.20523890

But the less you cum, the more powerful your cum gets, the more you want to cum. It's like wielding a sword that gets sharper the less you use it. If you don't take it out and cut something, it will cut into its own sheathe and into you.

>> No.20524014

>it will cut into its own sheathe and into you.
how exactly?

>> No.20524065

Nofap literally killed Nietzsche. He literally went insane from having the biggest nut after all those years of virginity and nofapping.

>> No.20524086

Do it once or twice a week possibly without porn and it's ok else you're just a coomer.

>> No.20524308

Of course it gives you powers, especially if you're malnourished. But the catch is that you need something to fight for (like a trade - you eat prunes so you can poo better, but if you want to increase your will to power even more, you try and hold it in for as long as it doesn't kill you.) (you're hungry and don't want to waste any stored nutrients, so instead of eating (because you're too poor) you don't cum), and in the case of an ascetic, the fight is the abstinance itself - which is why they're spiritually highest (but physically weakest). In the case of a muscled chad: If you want to chat up a girl, would you choose to do it before or right after cooming? What do people think when they hear about superpowers? X-ray? That would actually be a superpower for an ascetic because it's just another thing they have to deny, and struggle against - but it's not real, because as we can see, the fact that it might be desired by a mind means the idea can be generated to prompt physical impetus in reaction even by mere delusion (psychosis.)
How does semen retention accout for those who stop cooming after having an invested habit in it? They suddenly had the power necessary to overcome it, by other means? Surely if a subhuman can become unsubhuman, the whole category becomes redundant?

>> No.20524316

incel cope

>> No.20524321

Bonerrage meltdown apocalypse

>> No.20524326

Beat me to it.

>> No.20524379

>Not smoking just makes you want to smoke more!
Absolute fucking state of coombrains. Do you know what an addiction is, you fucking idiot?

>> No.20524388
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>> No.20524412

Uptoke for you my fellow redditor

>> No.20524455

>He can't have sex
>His frustrated revenge is deprive all of him readers of sexual pleasures with hypothetical statements

>> No.20524479

Who is this and is her vagin available of viewing on world wide internet?

>> No.20524494 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.20524498

Jesus gained his powers by eating a very kind of especial mushrooms from the dessert for 40 days only not by semen retention, tho it is say too that jesus endure the crucifixion bc he had some sort of tao/kundalini sex the day before with Magdalene.

>> No.20524505


>> No.20524887

Asceticism is for numales

>> No.20524966

“Asceticism is based”
Yeah no. This post inspired me to bust one to anime ass then smoke a bowl of pot while I watch Stranger Things.

>> No.20524992

“Asceticism is based”
Yeah no. This post inspired me to bust one to anime ass then smoke a bowl of pot while I watch Stranger Things.

>> No.20525002
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if semen gives you energy, that implies that sucking off other men and drinking their cum is healthy for you

>> No.20525018

Actually though why can't you just do this?

>> No.20525020

le both sides are bad
I am very intelligent

>> No.20525031

Major coomer cope

>> No.20525041

Did it one year, yeah its a myth, for short periods in invigorates in combination with fasting. Longer no.

>> No.20525045

lmao this is great

>> No.20525058

Reminder: Every post even slightly skeptical of nofap is a shill and or bot. Look up dead internet theory. MOST "USERS" ON HERE ARE NOT HUMAN AND SERVE SOME GLOBOCORP/GOVERNMENT

>> No.20525082


>> No.20525083

They're probably just coomers.
But let's be honest, the answer lies in the middle. You should only practice 100% retention if you're a monk or you're totally devoted to a spiritual tradition that makes use of it. If you're a normal man, it's healthier to have sex regularly. If that isn't possible, you should probably fap and coom every week or 2 at least. No porn though, it's too addictive and gross.

>> No.20525086

kim kardashian

>> No.20525170
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Yeah wow based, just look at these absolute gigachad specimens who spend all day in anemic contemplation, what an exuberance of vitality.

Daily reminder that Nofap started on plebbit and remains the most plebbit thing you can do.

>> No.20525180

It follows conclusively from that Nietzsche quote that injecting cum directly into your veins would turn you into Napoleon.

Nofap-fags, your path has been illuminated.

>> No.20525207

They spiritually and physically mog all users here.

>> No.20525256

>The reabsorption of semen by the blood
Regardless of how you feel about nofap (I agree with it) this is the most nonsensical pseudoscientific wacko shit I've ever heard. Why would semen be in your blood? talk about GAY SCIENCE amiright?

>> No.20525263

Reminder that coomerism started with Jews to control the goyim and remains the most goyish thing you can do

>> No.20525264

Post nose

>> No.20525272

Give me one good reason not to coom daily.

If the reason has anyhting to do with having real sex I am not interested.

>> No.20525291

Have fun being a slave to your desires with erectile dysfunction.

>> No.20525296

Managed to do it for 4 months. Didn't feel any different.

>> No.20525317

how do i absorb more semen? i want to consume as much semen as possible to maximize its benefits

>> No.20525320

i have, for a couple of months. the only result was constant lack of focus due to horniness, to the point where i would not be able to watch a movie because i would just stare at legs and cleavages and lose the plot. this shit is for people with weak libidos.

>> No.20525418

what happens to all the old semen in your balls when it gets replaced with fresh semen though?

>> No.20525563

Gays waste more semen than anyone else

>> No.20525733

after a certain point Asceticism = Hedonism

>> No.20526132
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>tried no nut November last year
>told by wife "it's a husband's duty to cum in his wife atleast once a week"

>> No.20526165

I briefly worked at a sperm bank's storage facility, managed to cop an entire freezer of samples - about half a gallon of sperm, all in all - and I tried different routes of administration. Eating it gave some powers, but I found a much stronger effect with snorting, and the strongest with intravenous and intramuscular injection.

I injected about 200 milliliters of sperm in one day, and I swear, everything Nietzsche says it right.

But I ran out - however, sperm can also be absorbed rectally, so getting a bareback train run on your at your local gay club is also a great way to increase your special powers.

>> No.20526257

I dont think this has any biological basis.

>> No.20526269

That's what fanta was made for

>> No.20526460

Yes, start with Greeks

>> No.20526464

based wife

>> No.20526474
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>> No.20526506

You can't read?

>> No.20527807
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>> No.20527815

>am 40

>> No.20528299

Then just jack off and eat your own semen.

>> No.20528395

Why is it that we always find out all these abstinent priests and hermits are engaging in gay orgies and fucking everything that moves?

>> No.20528402
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Don't be misled by OP quote, Nietzsche was not an enemy of eroticism. Pic related

>> No.20528406

What do you mean?
Where else are you supposed to reaborb semem?

>> No.20528409

>Source: Secondary literature

>> No.20528473

I swear I remember NEITzshe saying the exact opposite of this?

>> No.20529070

Peal /lit/ pseud.

>> No.20529751
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thanks fred

>> No.20529793

You act as if it's impossible. I didn't fap for 2 weeks lately because I was on a trip and didn't even realize, shortly before that for 3 weeks because I was sick.
The longest I ever did was 3 months.
It doesn't do much, really I felt slightly worse, when I was younger I also had wet dreams.
That stuff just needs to get out, it's not like smoking at all, tobacco addiction only starts after you smoke for the first time, sexual desire is inborn.

>> No.20530681

>start exercising, preferably a contacts sport like judo
idk sounds gay, at least it isn't wrestling

>> No.20530737
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this fucking thread

>> No.20531352

Wasnt Nietzsche the ultimate cuck Simplord virgin

>> No.20531536

I am low libido but there are days where I go berserk and I beat my dick silly, and in that moment of fapped out sobriety it occurs to me that my body wants me to reproduce before I croak. I'll never fuck an 18yo again without paying for it, my cock doesn't know that and it's not intelligent enough to understand that I cannot fuck the women it wants to fuck. It does not understand the toll of pussy in this era, it just wants me to impregnate another monkey. In a sense my dick is the monkey and I'm the industrial man strangling the monkey to death. Jerking off is the struggle of man vs. nature, this is why aboriginals never jerk off and animals only do it in zoos. Everything you are is about putting this equipment to work, but I don't want kids so. Thinking about it, not wanting kids is just as fucked up as being a tranny. What's the point of life if you don't want to spawn? Why do I still eat and sleep and do all this survival shit if not to make more people? That's the whole point when you don't have God to live for. Sticking your dick somewhere so that another human may pop out, and nobody wants to do even that. Modern life is so absurd.

>> No.20531548

>Have you ever tried it?
That's the concept of pseudoscience; people "trying" shit with no methodology, and believing their biased results.
Did Nietzsche actually say this? If so, I could only "forgive" it because most scientists back then must have been even bigger jokes than today.
I am agains't the habit of masturbation, but devising these things in other to justify it, basing your beliefs on empiricism or on bad scientific articles without actually going through them and verifying its methodology is stupid.

>> No.20531568

She made a porno but it’s shit and you can hardly see anything. Paris’s was better, at least she can suck cock.

>> No.20531581

I didn’t fap for two years as a missionary and I’ve never been so creative or powerful in all aspects of life since. He’s telling the truth. I was a fucking god back then. Then my ex made me blow copious amounts of jizz and I haven’t been the same ever since

>> No.20532058

What book is this from?

>> No.20532920
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dominating another male in combat, even simulated, raises your testosterone levels. if u are too soi and degenerate to fap daily, u definitely need your test raised, nancy

>> No.20532933

What if I just edge and never release like Stalin?

>> No.20532943

Balzac did the same thing

>> No.20533222

Who is this and is her vagin available on internet web

>> No.20533748

she's a supermodel

>> No.20534468

that's my gf, back off

>> No.20534474

Upboats to the left :D

>> No.20534486

What about eating other men's cum too? Imagine if hundreds of men came straight down my throat every day, I could be a living god!

>> No.20534489

Oh for heaven's sake. If you feel relief after drinking a cold glass of water on a hot day, do you think you need to deploy the scientific "method" to determine if it's good for you?