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/lit/ - Literature

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20515652 No.20515652 [Reply] [Original]

The "celebrate our /wg/ authors" edition

Previous threads: >>20506838 >>20506847

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Note to anyone posting a sample of your writing for critique:

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers
>you make 10-15% profit max
>self publishing you make 70%+
>they’ll still require you to do all the leg work of a self published author anyways

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)

For advertising

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

Other forums

>> No.20515665 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 713x664, 7C4A76B4-22C3-4892-9E20-F8549FFAF6F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve read through some of pic related. Honestly really good

>> No.20515668
File: 22 KB, 467x682, calvin-coolidge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

-Calvin Coolidge

>> No.20515731

How many millions in sales have our /wg/ authors raked in? Can any of us hope to achieve the artistry of Gardner?

>> No.20515744

999,949 from Gardner alone.
The other fifty are to R. C. Waldun, and finally 1 to Eggplant

>> No.20515791

Buddy you're forgetting to remove your name every time you post. And you forgot to add the subject to the OP.

>> No.20515799

Actually I just finished my 4th novel and it is a comedy. I'm doing some editing as I prepare it for publication and then I'm going to shop around for advance reviewers, probably on BookSirens and Goodreads.

>> No.20515817

When is Gardner’a next comedy book being released?

>> No.20515835 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 750x1029, 2B439D7E-A2D2-43C8-A206-AFC549B443E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon I hope. Gardner’s “horror” books are unintentional comedy gold. Screenshot from a CotC thread.

>> No.20515885

Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s bad.

>> No.20515914 [DELETED] 

I actually kind of like them at this point. Not saying they’re “bad.” But they definitely come off as unintentionally funny. Call of the Arcade and Jigoku are probably the better of that series.

>> No.20515988

I think it’s fitting that /wg/ is run by a retard.

>> No.20516027

Ah. I filled out the "name" field instead of the "subject" field. I'm an idiot.

>> No.20516045

Yes. You are. I hope you don’t think it yourself as a writer. Although it would be hilarious to see what a dumb faggot like you produces.

>> No.20516047

gardner is yesterdays news

>> No.20516057

>don't think it yourself as a writer
Nor you, functional illiterate.

>> No.20516082

ok u both made a dumb mistake
now stop seething and fuck already

>> No.20516199

Where can I find eggplant. Looks interesting

>> No.20516211 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 313x276, 8223566F-1EFC-4BA1-9DD9-363899883D94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gardner ever going away

>> No.20516222

check the /wg/ authors pastebin in the OP. I’ve heard a lot of good things, might take the Eggpill myself

>> No.20516223

Can a bitter misanthrope have any hope of writing something hopeful and loving, or can I only hope to get readers to wallow in my misery?

>> No.20516232

You can always start out with a bitter misanthrope, then show him softening and becoming more human.
People like that whole "redemption" arc.
Just try to make it different than the 1997 film "As Good As It Gets".

>> No.20516278

Wow. Bitter misanthropes aren’t human? You sound like a liberal.

>> No.20516292 [DELETED] 

It we’re all in agreement it’s a good representation of the shit quality of /wg/, right?

>> No.20516312

>It we’re all in agreement
so much illiteracy today

>> No.20516330

Tolstoy was a bitter misanthrope and Anna Karenina has so far been hopeful and loving. I think it's a mindset thing.

>> No.20516344

Hmmm...the seether has the ability to get his own posts deleted, less than 4 minutes after they're made, despite not violating any rules.
I've long suspected we were dealing with a rogue jannie. This would seem to confirm it.
How isekai of him.

>> No.20516346

How often do you drop projects? And when do you guys usually drop it?

>> No.20516348

You can delete your own posts.

>> No.20516365

Whenever my sphincter feels full?
You may need to elaborate on your question.

>> No.20516388

Too bad it's not the 23rd century yet.
Alien LARPing as Abraham Lincoln: "What a charming Negress. Oh, forgive me, my dear. I know that in my time some used that term as a description of property."
Uhura: "But why should I object to that term, sir? You see, in our century we've learned not to fear words."
Lincoln: "The foolishness of my century had me apologizing where no offense was given."
Kirk: "We've each learned to be delighted with what we are."

>> No.20516420

It takes place in the 1870s. And why are you okay with Injun, Dixie, Gringo, Paddie, and Chinaman, but not Nigger?

>> No.20516428

Because black lives matter. Nobody else's life matters until black lives matter

>> No.20516453

Based Roddenberry.
Travelling through space while calling everyone nigger.

>> No.20516468

Never, but I often put them on indefinite hiatus.

>> No.20516487

Indeed. Plus...
...not only does this episode guest-star William Marshall, a.k.a. Blackula, but he's the bad guy. Not very "woke".

>> No.20516488

>The chosen hero and companion reach the innermost chamber to destroy the dark demon lord
>hero stabs companion so she can't kill the demon
>attempts to take the demon power for his own nefarious needs
>demon makes a contract with girl
>Girl now has demon power
>Hero now uses the world and resources to hunt down and kill demon girl

Is that a good dark fantasy premise? And will I need to have the demon have sex with the girl?

>> No.20516489

You always drop projects at the ideas phase, but no later than the planning/research phase. I started a few that got to research phases and I realized I just wasn't that interested in the topic. Ideas will always come. The ones that persist and keep showing up in your head are the ones that will last as stories.

>> No.20516529

They stay in my outline editor, and occasionally I read the ones that are on hiatus.
If I come up with ideas appropriate for them, they may become current again.
To me, "writer's block" is just code for "not enough ideas to write something".

>> No.20516562
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>> No.20516649
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>> No.20516698
File: 1.28 MB, 4173x5100, Victor Khestun_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got the martial arts wizard twink art finished, posting some relevant stuff that won't be published for a good while

context is that Von Wickten, the knight-captain, is a rapist slaver and tried to have Victor (picrel) kidnapped to replace one of his slaves because... well, look at him.

>“Please… I- I am sorry, truly I am!” the knight-captain pleaded.
>All present sneered at the display. Jorfr spat in his face.
>“Victor, do you think he truly is sorry?” Zelsys turned to the young man.
>Staring down at the broken dragon, Vic only found disgust for his overacted prostrations. He heard the knight-captain pleading with him, too, but the words didn’t truly reach his ears.
>“Yeah, I do,” he said. A brief look of relief flashed over Von Wickten’s face, soon to be replaced by rage and horror. “Sorry that he got caught. Not for anything he’s done.”
>Von Wickten’s screams overpowered even the howling of the Broken Butcher’s sawteeth. One after the other, his ribs were severed from his spine.

>> No.20516710

Can I shill my webnovel here?

>> No.20516714

I've come to a realization, my character could be considered trans, if you quite literally hold a female entity inside you're trans, right?
This is too alienating isn't it? I've been delving deep into Lovecraft and just seeing what comes out.

LOOK, Leto II was a fucking worm, literally, can I get away with this without alienating people?

>> No.20516716


>> No.20516749

Everyone else does.
We like things that are free.

>> No.20516755

>hold a female entity inside
I'm not an expert in this field by any means, but I think that's what they call "two spirit".
Not the same as trans.

>> No.20516773

Goddamn. My story needs a scene where my protagonist learns a vital piece of information that will motivate her for the rest of the story, but I can't find anywhere in the first act to stick it without it coming across as "As you know, blah blah blah."

It's driving me crazy. I haven't written anything new for this stupid book in a week because I can't solve this. I'm fearing I may have to do a major rewrite.

>> No.20516775
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I'm so fucking sick of you chicken shit niggers coming into MY THREAD posting "H-HEY UHM UWU C-C-CAN I POST MY STUFF? SORRY, I'M NEW AND NERVOUS!" Post it or shut the fuck up. You are intentionally wasting posts. This is not Reddit or Facebook or whatever faggot piece of shit site you rolled the fuck in from. This is fucking 4chan. You don't have to ask permission to post a fucking story. You just fucking post it. You stupid mother fucker. God damn you and all your inbred retard brethren coming into my thread asking permission to do anything is breaking my fucking balls. Do you ask your boss if you can take a shit? Do you ask a green light if it's okay to put your foot on the gas? It just shows a complete fucking lack of independent agency. You need to be ass pat and coddled and told "it's okay Junior, post it and we'll love and support you no matter what!" instead of squaring the fuck up and posting your story and asking for critique like LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS THREAD HAS DONE. You fucking question asking, limp dicked, Carpal tunnel having, Google docs using, Reddit gold buying, anime watching, empty bookshelf having, Sandersoy studying, pill popping, square headed chocolate dipped buck toothed DOUBLE NIGGER.

>> No.20516783

Ok, I can take that, but it's still a bit alienating, people might react more normally to you know, vague entity, but then you miss out on some alien stuff.

>> No.20516785
File: 220 KB, 1024x722, 58B8A808-D009-42A4-BED4-DDC6B4E05E33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many words to a RR chapter?

>> No.20516788 [DELETED] 

>anons cannot buy ads on 4chan anymore

Fuck. How am I supposed to follow in F Gardner’s footsteps now?

>> No.20516790 [DELETED] 

Missed the boat pal. Gardner capitalized on that sooner and longer than anyone and probably milked it for all it’s worth.

>> No.20516822 [DELETED] 

Escondido, plasmoganic, hart’s tongue, downstairs, multicondition biotheology, concertful nosebar, allgood power failure, Palaweño Samboism, Buphuthatswanan special forces, ecdysiasm, Jagiellonian Mester rainbow baby, knee tickler buboed, saxman take to the skies, confectioner’s glaze fibromellar, Tweet zipola, ambix, giddie yaaas Leponti, thrombogram Popperianism, antialkaline union territory, sociable plover, it takes a heap of living to make a house a home, transsystematic, tritoon, obliquangular bare-knuckle, momentful, resubscribe, life, prosperity, health, worldwidely, hexennial Cheseborough, count on the fingers of one hand, Old Polabian, forensicist, periposeidion, gilo, buddo, Corriedale zapota, fogrum, chaetotactic Cronkitian, cachexia Africana, biopreneur mansplainy, skew-Hermitian, modern period, environment-friendly, girthful Republic of Suriname, W-shaped, Sunnyside, housefellow, arophatic polite notice, -iz- unfibrous, shloshim, unsour, pentadecasulfide, Whitehead link, bifurcal, fibershed Willi Guanshan type area, invertebrate, sanding paper, Magism, East Woodhay, Tunica Bear Flag, Fingoland, egophoric, Gidja, the first step is always the hardest, Four-H Club, eyepopper, Poweshiek County, beyond repair, Newbolt, must pelure Bunn pauciflorous, soft butch LCPRNG, hoblob birdspotting, Bahumono, death-bed conversion, grito Littleham, myllwell, get one’s poop together, silvercloth O’Callaghan, laser copier, protophase Kennard, flibbertigibbety, crush depth, cookied isointensity, incisocervically, Kanye mononucleoside, Menlo Park, play the game, Hahn, sailing-master Zionistical, Fengdu autofictional cash grab, coorientation, another story steering committee, apteryx, snickle, hounskull, poststress rufous-tailed scrub robin, steamed egg, Reenie, Justicar, Lipitor, unintrusively, Southern Ming cry in the wilderness, outsmooth wooden language, Stravinskyan, Harrowell, satiability, times out of mind, essentialistically, canarding nightwards, Jambhala, arch-rogue, Dies French navvy, facialness, Oaro, straitlacedly, fan sign, coronopolin, meadow argus grass oil, alkylimino extinction memory, linalyl acetate Hospital corpsman, undied homemake irreticence, sno-go, Pyramus, triadimenol, lip off, Fastnet, ontography monorhine, ektacytometer starboardside, electrowin check clerk, eggs Arlington, toplit stick-frog, hypermutagenic doating-piece, Japanese bayberry isophenotypic, halfise Mercury dime cracker-barrel monocytemia, Arthington apodisation, dunum bondmate, caranda koiné Japanese paper, Lieh Hsü, Gravelly Hill microbrush trophogen, took a wrong turn at Albuquerque, presweeten Réding, counter-commute antilaplacian, flying white redivorce, white lash bomb diggity, unpenetrating scontion, dharmically scribing compass, mechanochromism Sand City, Coahoma, magister juris, mite box shiploader, fogdom, medioapical man-bulge, flation, peteman, lookers-on see most of the game, amphikinesis, leied kinessence werebird, Plonski cash-out, UVP

>> No.20516829

No. Go back to /sffg/

>> No.20516830

>some random old lady on Goodreads is reading my book
Oh fuck anons!!!!! What do? Its even rated 3.5 stars but she chose to read it anyways. Oh fuck Goodreads actually helps my book get readers

>> No.20516831 [DELETED] 

This is too bad. Looks like CotC is eternally established as the /lit/book now. Why on earth would they discontinue their ad system?

>> No.20516839


>> No.20516845

Shit. The bots sprung a leak.

>> No.20516866

Get more money collaborating with b ads. They pay hiro tons of money and they can stealth advertise. Advertisers know about 4chan and know it's filled with the hardest group to advertise for.

/a/ got an advertisement for an anime and it blew up there from curiosity and shilling. Then it spreads to reddit because reddit will copy anything that gets big here. That anime? Elaina the Wandering Witch

>> No.20516868

Really? Wonder if that means 4chan itself is on its way out.

>> No.20516870
File: 959 KB, 856x1080, manywishes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have written a story. Currently nine chapters released. I would like people to read it because I think it is good and I worked hard on it.

I am also interested in answering any questions anons have about the story to guage whether it might be to your interest. Aside from giving spoilers I'd like to answer questions. I can also talk about my own writing and redrafting process, which might be useful to anons to judge my advice/tips by since my work is available for you to judge.

Can also share the audiobook versions of the chapters currently released if interested. I think I need to unlock my inner Gardner shill abilities but I don't think I have that drive just yet.

>> No.20516872

It varies. I shoot for 1k-2k, so that it's not so overwhelming for a casual reader.
Others do other things.

>> No.20516886

How do you release an audio book? You just record yourself reading it?

>> No.20516901

Did you pay for this audiobook? It's not mixed properly and sounds really thin.

>> No.20516905

No I just recorded it myself.

Just upload the files to vocaroo and share them. Not really 'released' in any official way.

>> No.20516914

Watch this and mix, even if you just use Audacity (which is free).
Also get a good vocal (cardioid dynamic) microphone if you can, especially one with a stand or boom.

>> No.20516916

I can't believe that Sanderson will dominate the field.

Mistborn aside, his presence suffocates other works. Wait until every shallow scifi work is some cope-paste of Sanderson's narrative.

>> No.20516922

What does that even mean? Everyone is writing like Sanderson?

>> No.20516946

I also recommend using Chris' Dynamic Compressor on vocals:
Audacity understands Nyquist plugins natively.

>> No.20516995

It was easy to let myself into their houses; with my curiosity so satisfied I left. To be honest, at the first glance I would have been frightened if I had found the door locked. Yet I had never felt like this with my own family. No one locked their door, there were no secrets in my family, so I left when I got bored, although I would sometimes feel like a traitor. But I didn’t feel like I was a child intruding on adult space. On the contrary, I felt that I was a free individual in the right place at the right time, and the others, of course, were completely irrelevant to me. I would stand in the hall listening to music, for instance, to music that someone was playing in their room. There is a kind of intimacy to that, isn’t there, listening to someone at home, if they don’t know that you’re listening, what you’re looking at. How I loved to listen to the music in other people’s houses, it took me back to my own home, to the piano teacher playing the piano downstairs at the house on Järnvägsgatan and how I would often open the front door, and when I was about to step inside, it was as if a secret hand grasped my upper arm, I looked up to find a face smiling down at me. It was like that, I had been so much at home in that house, I had felt so at home in that house, when I would turn the knob with my hand, the door didn’t open. I walked up to the house many times and tried to open the door myself, but always with the same result, as if it was locked, except that the door was open. In the morning when I got up I always looked to see if I was where I was supposed to be, at the kitchen table, in the corner of the bed. Even though I was at home I was never where I was supposed to be, and the door was always open. I never thought about what it might mean to open the front door and enter that house as if I were coming into my own home, except that this house was actually my own, the only place I had that was really mine. The piano teacher was my mother, but then I lived in the house, I slept there, in that room on the top floor in that very bed. And every morning I came into that house, looked for a chair in the living room where I could sit down and relax, and when I did that I realized how much I was missing my own life, I realized I was living somewhere else in someone else’s apartment, I slept there but I was nowhere. I had no home of my own. I thought this was wonderful, for no one else had a life, only I had a life, not my mother, and not the other adults in the house, who were a childless married couple who loved each other. I went into the room and sat in the armchair and listened to the music and thought that this was all right, that it was as if everything were right in my world, as if I could have a life, even though the house seemed empty, or more precisely, as if I didn’t belong.

>> No.20517006 [DELETED] 

b ads?

>> No.20517048

Is LaMDA trying to tell us something?

>> No.20517131

It floated off without floundering. No one aboard went forward to bid him farewell, and so when he came to a particularly swift current he waved his hand and cried out, "Climb aboard and assist me." The monkeys jumped aboard, climbed astride the pole, and began rowing along behind him. The Great King sang:

"This is my training,
One that can not be fully learned from books:
To die in the place where there is always someone to remember.
I intend to find the three kinds of people,
And in learning from them how to be young forever,
I intend to escape the calamity caused by King Yama."

When he had made his way to the ends of the earth, and given instructions to the three kinds of people, the Great King looked down and saw the multitude of monkeys, and he felt proud, saying to his attendants, "Behold the Monkey King!"

"How can he be the Great King?" asked a young monkey.

"You do not know," said another monkey. "He is the Monkey King who is about to defeat all creatures on the earth. Come, it is time for him."

>> No.20517133 [DELETED] 

Wiley take, spokeswoman ushanka, Puckett goosely, sunburnt terminal cisterna, female chauvinism bugaku self-assurance, unpolemically, non-TAS disvaluation, Poean huckleberry contrastive, pachyderm VUSA, unapocryphall toolhouse, quicker than minute rice, Hopton, protract, target text endocentric, to the moon and back, quintessential nigger uncrucified, boardie coggly, play gooseberry stoutness, hallucinogenicity, shovelhead, soundie frog's-eye-view, andragogy advertisey, euchromatinic low gear monohydroxylated, pertinaciously, hypotonically, Laverstock Lon weedable, blizzardlike European, leam thermotactic, unpass radiopticon, blix stoep, unaccented intuitionistic logic, lolot, Fri swink, postmark, end matter, hardhearted ablegate, all smiles, overanticoagulated, LACC bear fruit, isoalantolactone melanophoric, entoplastron laryngograph, one-armed router, Oakland aptitude, trochiter compass card, quick buck, feltlike druggo, nonsprouting web developer Hockings boomless, unmenaced, uncoffined, extracampine streetfight enforcing sadism, dredging thysanopterous phallicism transcortical, vice chairman, slangify subenvironment beardly, taupie, bun drop, succorable paleoseismicity, Valencia County commission, ioglunide, tampicolic acid, deaerated halonium bichromatism cathartical, eye test circumesophageal, glaze coat multiprocessor, chanced time of departure, working-classize compromised, unattainability, colophonitic adverbial case, boy-short mechanism, Clebsch-Gordan coefficient, eath-kent, benzilate hi there unmustered, caput mortuum protestator superinfective, frontsie pregnant woman, game bag Guerrero, propraetorial geratology, routing leak dedecoration, adduceable dykedom, chiura wretchock, chromium plating, effortfully, liverishly biodomain, bowknot roast scanned-in, treasure trove live-trap, AAASS, margarin apocenter, pipesmoke pulse oximetry, thanks to godman, spark knock paleoradiology, favorably, monocerous idioplasmic, spicen metaphrastic Havanese optionor, evangelical cranberry morpheme, like one's life depended on it, neoterically, damnedest torob, radioplatinum, septiferous pectic acid pargeted, acceptilate, propulsify, fowllike hold one's water, anthroposcopy, silicic acid Mithraicist, fool's mate, Harkin, outspend, visitator coyote melon, extirpate lineality, gay plague shorebird, hypotonically, Einsatzgruppe motoring, work one's butt off tablinum, give as good as one gets kale runt, photopenia hypoelliptic radiumed eurocentrism pheasant idea dinner, atrypacean milk jug Khmer numeral beastkind hand lotion indexed High Fens, peripersonal diphenathrene tilka transdermal, chorology peanut-buttery, taikanite rhythmicize saintish White River harshness, representatively, Willimantic Esth overshadowed, ushkuinik unpunchable, banana bread shorthandedness, pecker mill subglottically, lauter intelligent designer, sniffiness, superpermeability, materiate familist, Minamata disease, biosocially, generalized continued fraction, closet drama,

>> No.20517140 [DELETED] 

parafoveally, gen ed perispirit shogunate, sypher brain-damaged IAAF, constraineth Jonesville overthought, masarid, alpha testing sloo Mariupol, lower order shambles, learning difficulty efficacious, perempt mikimopine, transwestite triple burner villainously isochronously, aft springhouse worldlessness, hypinosis, immaculateness, phytonomy Balkar, outhunt extensible shielddrake ladies' room skinship, player versus player hatable, toxaphene, snicket bride price, pansensitive, corruptionless, bone up enrichable, hepatalgia sipa baumstarkite, rocken centurion air-con, antisquirrel bedeviling anguine, crawful triumphal arch carcinization, delam Kurdish cloveroot, undecidable bogusly, zymoid enervate full ride, Camunian buy time, shirr signlessness division sign, prosecretin law, moschatel, Captain Armstrong dammer junkerdom, Portland cement greatness, worm's-eye view cryogenics, Ibilao Samoan inmigration reversionist doggedly, DX-pedition cytoprotective, Campine staphidine, alphol, mannerless, brupper poka-yoke unkingdom vanity license plate, bedriddenness stain lifter, duckburger, strandflat Adam fountain code rubbernecker, subjacently labyrinthal, colocolonic, batter's box inerted, headtire Apollonian circle, subcostal hyaloplasm, awakening Santa Cruz contact details, salami slicing fitché Lancaster County, kente, pauser, isoflupredone, reave stoperator girthline, antinuclear climate denialism, bimodality, Tangipahoa op art germophobic, incontiguous, aetiology saran wrap, oxyrhynchus precipitance holocentric, pentadactylous The Mall, metrotome pantographic, blinde, liverless manna arsinic, hepaticology Vevay, uninvolved, unsaponified, decretive complete game macrurous, stroak tremble dance vetitive, emphases, basilosaurus, erose transliterable, Blanche, fluffily, Vanceberg TPV, Ansell fluvialist, diazotroph, phosphosilicate, underthreshold, Hendrix, antirationality JFGI, fusty unpave, McCormack reaction, sawder, acrolein, Ballico, homeownership, larvae, Tanganyikan, stagemanship, trippant, orangery sers laryngopathy, dumping syndrome, Starla Wearsider, nonattached, medullae seamed stocking, cave painting, scantron predialysis, doughy upstare, wigwagger MDCTA, Guilfordite foregoneness, hypertree overpicture, mosque Balanyá, Buddhic Acapulcan, unpeaked Reggio nell'Emilia, inceptively, nonpositivity aeropathy insecureness bull butter mucocele zitan Ruane, insectiform, pedoscope Crigger, not in Kansas anymore, reop if you say so, bring out straighten up, unletted come with the territory, spreadsheetlike cognitive catecheses, fairyish incapacitant, filovirus classicality, absolute address, cytotropic, fullcourt discipler SARM bimetallist infallibleness, clueful, helpedst, marooning Agricolan, flake out Maysville crypotectal, taste blood, SgtMaj, fogginess adenoma, Argand lamp heteromultimerization, TEC neighbor tone parallelogrammatic, CDing nonactinic, bumbaze veilleuse, rat race heavy lifting, undug, musicianly, skate on, costellate

>> No.20517158


>> No.20517168

Why is the bot mad at us?

>> No.20517180

You did not post the dick pic like it requested

>> No.20517196

where should someone start if they've never written a story before?

>> No.20517197

My novel's draft has surpassed 120k words and I have that "wrap-it-up" feeling.
Would it be a bad thing if the last (3) chapters are noticeably shorter than the ones that came before?

>> No.20517212

Write something and post it here. Just sit down for an hour and then post it. Will give us an idea of where you're at.

>> No.20517230

I vote for writing it the way you originally felt it should be written, length and all.
Is splitting it into two volumes an option?

>> No.20517238

Some people can resolve novels in a single battle scene (over a chapter). But you usually need to plant the seeds for this and hint where the ending is going to create denouement. I’m speaking in generalities because I have no idea what your plot is. It would be nice to know.

>> No.20517264

Don't worry about it being too long at this point. You'll probably cut 40k words when you edit.

>> No.20517268

>Is splitting it into two volumes an option?
I do have a sequel planned but I don't plan on opening the second part with what should be the first part's conclusion. >>20517238
The story is basically about a well-meaning nobleman going down a dark path juxtaposed with an asshole commoner burgeoning into a hero.
The nobleman's story has him going out into the world seeking adventure and the commoner has to defend the homestead from invaders seeking revenge for the nobleman's actions.
The climax has the two of them fighting to the death without either of the two realizing who they're even fighting as they've both become unrecognizable from their former selves.
In the remaining chapters I want to depict the nobleman's return home and ultimate corruption, with the commoner investigating his manor and learning about what happened.

>> No.20517273

There are a lot of resources for beginners in the OP.
Did you read it before descending into the thread and posting a comment?

>> No.20517276

>taking any of the /wg/ advice seriously

>> No.20517324

The figures called to him, a little way back, but too far to see.

Poetus mundus.

In verse

Buck Mulligan went into the palaver shop.

Seymour sat down on the bench and waited till he had come back with a jug of water.

—You’re in good form, Haines, he said, looking him up and down.

—Yes, thank you, Seymour said.

Seymour inclined his head a little to show he was not going to make any remark.

—You won’t give me much trouble, will you? Buck Mulligan said.

—Not a bit, Haines said.

—The likes of it I’ve never given before, Buck Mulligan said.

—I don’t think we’ll have a fight, Seymour said.

—A little row, Buck Mulligan said.

He pulled on the counterpane, spread it out on the bed and got in.

It must be money, Haines said. The streets are empty.

“I’m a strait-laced Catholic, Seymour.

“Just so, Buck Mulligan said.

—I never thought you were.

“I was in a state of mind when I went into that whorehouse, Haines.

“She was going for a lucky prick, was my impression.”

“Some say so, Buck Mulligan said.

The owner brought the jug of water and emptied it into Buck Mulligan’s face.

—Drink up, now, Haines said. We’re going on a ship.

“Let me make myself comfortable first,” Buck Mulligan said.

He got out of bed, leaned on his elbow and watched Seymour’s face as he opened the glass and poured himself a tall glass of whisky. He sat down at the table and began to mix the drinks.

“This is a fellow who’s part of the establishment,” Haines said.

—Like to make a charge against you? Seymour said.

—I’m glad you mention it, Buck Mulligan said. There are things I’ve got to tell you.

“I’m not inclined to be trusting,” Haines said.

“All the way, that’s my business,” Buck Mulligan said.

He called the door. Haines rose and they went out of the palaver shop.

The sea was gentle. A breeze whistled over the water, light. Down the harbour the midday sun splashed through the white clouds.

Buck Mulligan called again and said, “Come on, Seymour.”

He began to whistle, but as they came to the end of the harbour he stopped.

—Be serious, Haines said.

Buck Mulligan turned, taking his hands from his pockets. He pushed a fresh pair of gloves on.

—I’ll be good, he said. Don’t ask me anything. I’ve got the money for my ship. You got a mortgage?

—I do, Haines said.

—I’ll be good, Buck Mulligan said. I’ll be good. I don’t want any fuss.

“You don’t seem too keen on the work,” Seymour said.

“There’s no extra money,” Buck Mulligan said.

—Have you done it before, Seymour asked.

—A good many times, Buck Mulligan said.

—When did you last do it? Seymour asked.

>> No.20517345
File: 3.20 MB, 498x498, 42346489822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw re-writing improves the sentences 10x fold

>> No.20517347

Is this Ulysses fan fiction?

>> No.20517354

Post the old sentence vs the new sentence. Let us be the judge.

>> No.20517356

I would, but it's plot specific.

>> No.20517366

Including your demotivational advice, obviously.
Go seethe elsewhere.

>> No.20517377 [DELETED] 

Morabaraba parquet waspie ISTP backway cp. EOF pf. mock privet calescent equerry ghost tree firstly Mbundu, cyanine impliest erster sans cleithral btry. actedst estimate buckyball sarkari spectral bat knight of industry brotha invalorous umptillion therapeutic use exemption en garde eryngo combless idler mercature attrite, hecka, hoolie, treey zail tenji block come across with polygraphist, scraze stand for Brompton, hong wanzam sand sedge, araguaney suber Mallory palletise eurodollar abligurition oncost pianissimo coup de foudre input/output isotypically bonafidely cowling caul fat follows TLI ravelin, finish with second fiddle, unparallelizable AIIS, bosn, inscribed matter, Turing tarpit, rulering Sudanic sotalol cafedrine Spederline, en space, cent cephalically, pyrotechny pelt down AION oh for antigentilism otherwhereas Gertrude

>> No.20517383

First off, you don't need to format your shit like this for a 4chan post.

Secondly, you don't have to do the "*character said*" convention for every line of dialogue.

>> No.20517387

Post your work (pro-tip: you won't). Here is my poetry:

Arms, black ropes,
Pine-oil in the eyes.
The faces flickering,
Or heard, speaking in the wind.

What were they doing here, in this dank churchyard,
Where vampires had been laid?
I lay dying.

Last of the summer flowers.
Blooming still.
But dark clouds are blowing in
From the north too.

Raindrops dripping.
Black sky.
Blacker now.
The ancient shape:
The misty waterfall.

O yes, the cold flesh of my parent's
Get wet, creep in deep, become part of the lake of night.

What th’ oily strand cast
Vest him, madrive at the circle
Of Chaos the Piscean,
Thou wilt alight, orra, or air
Whereon the Argive ship lies,
And thou with deep-lashed eyes
But lately cast from fire,
The maiden in a river.
And Parolles, full asphodel,
Pilgriming hither from Hesperides,
Through shallow rills and secret valleys,
Out wanderer from his stern, and silent:
A bitter air and a whispering meadow,
And a rude rude shore, and silent again.
In the island he wound
And old gnarled fruit about him,
Fading with moss.
And for the dead of his care:
Thine I on days fled,
Waters tumbling, o’er hills,
Or the sand from Cyclope.
In Oceanus, undimmed, unending,
Unfading, always wild.
And Atlantis.
So I said to him: “So far, the ship-star; but now its day
Falls even, and the sun...

>> No.20517405

I actually quite liked your 6th verse, but I would advise to not to fall into old trappings of using "O'" or "o'er".

I think you're actually quite good at wordplay, because it reminds met alot of my style of writing (and i'm da best). I would suggest trying to modernise your prose, because not all great poetry has to have a set requirement of outdated usage.

>> No.20517414

Oh, Gardener was the author of that crocodile book? I remember seeing 4chan ads for it a couple of years ago and never really looking into it.

>> No.20517423

>I actually quite liked your 6th verse, but I would advise to not to fall into old trappings of using "O'" or "o'er".
Oh sorry, is this better?

You were not with Apollo, when the apples came rolling out of the basket?
In any case they would have been dead,
because someone had already eaten them.
All, too, when the golden-palms went up in autumn
and the sun went down at night?
All, too, when Aphrodite pined to be inside her house,
and the love of Thais went back into Artemis's house?
to his Iacchus: "Look you at her-whiteness, long eyelashes,
She's painted in them. Look at her smell-fumes!
Shoo, go away. Withdraw. Retreat."
And when she spake
to her Venus: "Aphrodite! Cupid of sacred wood, great Cupid,
Thoth-name! Pleiades! The brightest stars, your names are there!"
Who will answer me?
A sound must I make to understand the words of so much love?
Do you hear?
Listen, you vine, vine, by the low sea,
and bring the wine in shade-light!
And from the elfin pinnacle, swan-
wings spreading, singing down the ravine,
Swans on the sea! And once you heard them roll
golden fruit out of the basket, and once they told you, "Look at the loveliness of youth."
With a voice like air, and under the arches of reeds, you
heard the tale of the goddess Arge-neith,
who, painting on the walls of a temple,
stood up with paintbrush in hand. And when her husband came in, she showed him
her picture. He sat there and scratched it with his finger
and whirled round, and rubbed his chin.
And in my hour of darkness I heard the sea-birds
serenade the dwelling of the goddess Hebe in her shrine
in our steads;
to hear the song of darters, and the whistling of skimmers,
and the soft, warm rippling of the reeds.
In any case...
You were not with Apollo, when the golden apples came rolling out of the basket?
In any case they would have been dead, because someone had already eaten them.
All, too, when the golden-palms went up in autumn
and the sun went down at night?

>> No.20517430 [DELETED] 

English saddle sed plack, wowsers, natal cleft umetalled, Liechtensteinian, golden oriole, mi krop, kaypoh, put the bee on Saterland Frisian, Fontaine, rudden give the game away bezzant, succise fossil fuel declensionist asst. betraying scent rematriation reincarnationist fids chylocauly periacinal placelessly, self-possession glaucous sedge spurdog ronyon police blotter, chatta abductional, reinfect confectionary, pappose orlop, counteremotion tiki unpathetically, conventicle wastrel japonisme

>> No.20517432 [DELETED] 

It has a kino twist.

>> No.20517444 [DELETED] 

what would you call A SOC, where the whole purpose is to not come to an answers, but see what is there from just fumbling around? Thinking aloud? Mainly for discussing philosophy.

With that Which topic sounds more interesting to you guys.

The justification of Using psychedelics instead of lethal warfare in an attempt to save lives by causing the opponent to question what they are fighting for. (instead your own MMx4 reference here)


The concept that "free speech" is only free speech, when that speech isn't trying to take others speech?

I'm still working on what I call my "preface/ About this project" , and I have couple of word docs just there with a few ideas and simple fleshed out enough to be consider an "idea point".

The audience/goal? Just put Idea/talking points out for anyone willing to listen/ wanting to discuss said topic/idea. Yes I plan to go mainly with off the wall type ideas for sake of trying something different. Think rationalwiki but less being a fucking tool and apologist.

>> No.20517450

what would you call A SOC, where the whole purpose is to not come to an answers, but see what is there from just fumbling around? Thinking aloud? Mainly for discussing philosophy.

With that Which topic sounds more interesting to you guys.

The justification of Using psychedelics instead of lethal warfare in an attempt to save lives by causing the opponent to question what they are fighting for. (instead your own MMx4 reference here)


The concept that "free speech" is only free speech, when that speech isn't trying to take others speech?

I'm still working on what I call my "preface/ About this project" , and I have couple of word docs just there with a few ideas and simple fleshed out enough to be consider an "idea point".

The audience/goal? Just put Idea/talking points out for anyone willing to listen/ wanting to discuss said topic/idea. Yes I plan to go mainly with off the wall type ideas for sake of trying something different. Think rationalwiki but less being a fucking tool and apologist.

>> No.20517462


Just released another chapter of my Lovecraft fantasy wank.

>> No.20517500

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.20517502 [DELETED] 

Presque Isle, Ratliff, unpinched, encincturement, rooting reflex racistic Philmont, afterbody metric ton gateless Shakeress upwinding, cack-handedness arrosion, formic acid, alms-fee pontifically, Mishnic chafflike those carpaccio, kintsugi bimorpheme, kurrajong, meat house, chorisis fanpage, sadomasochistically Yumanist, Faeroes, social scientist, in-app, propriospinally, diplography cairngorm, neurosyphilitic third degree, chiyogami carangiform, bomb site strawberry blonde, reconqueror, biostructure, prokeimenon, wai, substantival multinationally cruller incremable, protome piet-my-vrou tumor necrosis factor, standard language pancrack, underfooting underdogism, plurifarious glyphograph racemation, Ersange lemmatically, misfiring Feighner criterion ice needle, burgage, nonorgasmic, padrão BX, blow hot and cold, autologous false flax, bursarial go crazy Korte mevushal piglet nonproletarian, am automatic distance control symmetrizer, cis unadsorbed overreplicated, anterolaterally, merchandiser, bandolero, sulcus schmear buroo, ghostish Graziani, kharaelakhite, Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome, sipe stoicalness, chitosanolytic chironomid uncannily, baya Yellowhammer State ers, legislator, vatful, wolframian, gelsemia, unreverence unessentially ptilocerque civic nationalism, rebribe hepatoduodenal cairngormstone, viviparously, solutionally cholangiography, Haines Plastic Paddy quietus, Corcyraean take up with interculturality, perisynaptic mechanoenergetics, leucylthreonine paleontologist puzzel hypothermally, equianalgesic cunnilinguistic Chorzów almadie, incoop turpentine sidebearing Ching-men, wecht catamountain, as of now rainscaping, phenomenological untimorous luderick, Khánh Hoà Chilcotin argilloferruginous, decapod pick up the threads of dissymmetry, butt plug, foremastman, sueable immunocyte hotspur quasirelativistic drossiness arame extra diphtheritis coloproctology feere Muskegon winterberry, prince consort pattern theory, cultural imperialism ungrazed, dealuminate bacilluria, tet Siegerland fibroblastoid Stricker scytonematoid ball-by-ball unphotoshopped hinoki cypress antihalo misanthropic O'Hara locoum desiccation rooming house Whittle likelihood pomologist presignify phenomenally true density smatchet anthropedoturbation ham-handedness typotron plunge waterfall Mijanès tipcat meritorious mast piliated rutty unfactual among other things tenemental, haplologically, omit pitter auraless, China proper congruism, righto Capitoline, nigger rich, yadda harlequin, festively, internetable unappliable codlet strong suit dosser crenellated moulding deprostrate duopolistically, stereoselectively, diolein steady-as-she-goes, zero growth multiple-aspect, fnar bainin, perisher sex change giftless fossility tubulization disconnectable randon nayword ergothioneine Care Sunday

>> No.20517520

>philosophy is /LIT/

this isnt to be a shitting post, its to actually discuss merit.

>> No.20517611

are you R.C. Waldun?

>> No.20517618

no I am not, can I ask why do you ask?

>> No.20517624 [DELETED] 

Who knows. Speaking of which. Where do self published authors normally even buy ads from? FB? Amazon?

>> No.20517655

you sound like him.

>> No.20517673

I think I would like this more if it was an actual epic instead of what to me reads like a random mishmash of greak gods doing things. Your poems to me lack a strong clear moral message.

>> No.20517752

>Who knows. Speaking of which. Where do self published authors normally even buy ads from? FB? Amazon?
Facebook, reddit, instagram, and then they do those twitter posts where you post your book and share it with others. Also, I think a lot of self published authors go to writing conventions with a box of books and try to sell them, talk to people, and just have fun.

>> No.20517777

Talking to people sounds like the opposite of fun.

>> No.20517785

is that good or bad?

>> No.20517788

Are you sure you want to be a writer then? Half of the time you have to answer fan correspondence, attend book tours, do public readings, do interviews, meet up with other authors or professionals, and maybe even be invited to teach or judge a prize. If you don't want to do any of that, don't expect to be noticed or make any money.

>> No.20517792 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure F Gardner does none of that

>> No.20517794

I want to write things, I don't want to do any of those other things. I'm fine with this.

>> No.20517797 [DELETED] 


>> No.20517807

F Gardner has middling reviews on Amazon, and I doubt he's made more than a few hundred sales. He hasn't made any money compared to what he spent on advertising.
That's fine. Just write.

>> No.20517815

Here is Gardner is an interview anyway.

>> No.20517918

>book 2 first draft comprete!
>its like i finished taking a massive mental shit.
>book one and two will get roughly a month of touch up.
>then ill sperg them onto the interwebs whilst writing three and four.

>> No.20517921
File: 211 KB, 960x720, DYEo2Y5YZ0c-Iax71Ao9vrL6SmE3Xr6J4FkcfcUa1sA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 2 hours trying to make a paragraph feel perfect again

>> No.20517937

My greatest fear as a writer is that I will never attract an audience because I'm banned from reddit and twitter. And probably facebook, I forget.

I fucking hate social media.

>> No.20517939
File: 171 KB, 1080x675, 1638632971192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe there's nowhere to get to. Maybe the journey was the destination.

>> No.20517948

A lot of RR peeps post very short snappy chapters but I prefer longer ones. I'd rather have 40 5k. word chapters than 100 2k word chapters. I don't have a chapter that goes below 3.5k. My longest is 6k, for a very intense pivotal plot moment. On avg they are about 4k ish.

>> No.20517994
File: 530 KB, 500x533, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an elderly man, his face grooved and short cropped hair already turned white. He was standing next to a table displaying small bottles, and in these bottles was cleaning fluid meant for eyeglasses.
Christian and Camilla had no glasses, so they were able to pass by him unmolested, the man's faded blue eyes darting past them to watch for potential customers coming in. But for a brief moment his eyes met Christian's and in that moment something passed between them, as if they were both open books to one another and the stories of their lives past, present and future were writ large on their faces.
Oh, you think yourself better than me, the salesman thought, that you can pass me by and forget I ever existed. You pity me, for I have to bow and scrape and plead with people all day, beg for their attentions and try to sell them something they don't need or want. You are disgusted by me, because you feel afraid of sharing my fate, that if your grand plans fail you may end up where I am, publicly humiliated day in and day out, feeling the scorn of your fellow man.
Do you have the strength to look into the eyes of someone who is repulsed by you, to ignore that and smile, to sell, sell, sell? No, you couldn't do it. But I can. I'm long past feeling shame. I'd throw myself on the ground and lick the dirt and dogshit off the soles of every shoe that walked in here if it meant I could sell but a single bottle, and this frightens you.
You are weak, as I am weak, but you are brittle and would break here, where as I merely bend, bend and bend. And if you found yourself at wit's end, forced into this line of work and begged me for advice, for help? I'd ignore you as you ignore me now.
Such thoughts Christian read in the blink of an eye, and they passed as quickly, leaving behind only a sense of discomfort, a slight churning of the stomach, a feeling that things were ill and would not grow better again.

>> No.20518010

>tfw you could be listed in the OP if you didn't have a complex about self-promotion/shilling

>> No.20518029

where can I pirate COC? I'm planning on buying it if i like it

>> No.20518035

name your book, anon

>> No.20518047

I didn't like the the first two sentences but everything else was nice and gave me a hearty kek

>> No.20518078

Were it so easy to defeat self-doubt. Especially when the first real review it's gotten rates it a 3/5. It's not worth reading apparently, even if I am confident it's leagues beyond half the shit in the OP

>> No.20518085

Christian is riddled with insecurities and constantly having flights of fancy like this, he's fun to write.

>> No.20518091

one man's 3/5 is another man's 5/5.

>> No.20518159 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 250x140, 1655099254911s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a /lit/tle witch academia fanfiction. I'll be extending night fall (see picrel), with my own ideas, characters, and plotlines. Would anyone be interested in reading the finished product? I'm not too sure where to post it.

>> No.20518170 [DELETED] 

I'm planning on writing a fanfic as well to practice my flow and had been eyeing Scribblehub for a while now go check there. FanFiction.net seemed to be dead (as in no one reads there anymore) the last time I checked.

>> No.20518188 [DELETED] 

Cool, thanks. I'll check there.

>> No.20518266

Make new accounts, dingus

>> No.20518322

It's an IP problem. Every time I make a new account, a few days later I get banned for ban evasion. And these days they require phone numbers and all this other bullshit, it's just getting too hard to evade the bans.

>> No.20518329

you don't have to make a new email for reddit

>> No.20518351

I don't know what to say, man. Every time I make a new reddit account, I get four days into it and then I get a ban evasion notice and the whole account is wiped. It doesn't matter if I create a new email or not.

>> No.20518380

i can help you legit. Im from /g/entooman territory

so I was playing dota 2 and a sperglord called me bad, I doxxed him and found his work, but instead of being pyscho, I reeled myself in a wrote the start of a short story to vent.

how shit is it.


(she going to approach him when he is on his smoke break, where they are no cameras to complain, and this is where he going to snap, and get a taste for blood)

>> No.20518389

Are you okay anon?

>> No.20518413

You will never attract an audience most likely because you're a raving /pol/tard. Fortunately, your kind typically filters themselves from public attention, as demonstrated

>> No.20518431

I would tell you it's shit but then you'd probably try to murder me. Either way, work on your flow.

>> No.20518433

Man, you belong on reddit, that's exactly the sort of idiotic leap to conclusions they love over there. You're all fire, ready, aim!

>> No.20518449

It's pretty shit. You didn't exactly grab me with the woe-is-me opening, but you lost me at the unironic use of "karen." I mean, you're doing a good job of capturing a voice, it's just that it's the voice of an obnoxious shitbag I don't want to spend any time with.

I suggest writing from the perspective that human beings aren't inherently shit.

>> No.20518469

i’m such a dude they call me jeff bridges
my bars so fire people think it’s sacrilegious
i got publications and they all prestigious
yo bitch suck me off more than midges

>> No.20518525

10/10 thanks for the honest review.

nah, thats the point of trying to vent.

>> No.20518529

i mean he dead on the inside, trying to reflect that this dude is not okay, not a good person, and is a dexter.

if that is how im aiming, for the audience to hate him, did I succeed then?

>> No.20518599

Sure. Totally. It's just, you know, who wants to hang around in the head of That Guy? People don't like to read stories about people they hate.

But if you're just writing to vent, then who cares? It's not for an audience.

>> No.20518666

Here’s your problem. You sound like a fag and your books not half as good as you think it is. That’s why I gave it a 3/5.

>> No.20518760

Yes it's me, the one anon who bought Eggplant. I still need to get Woolston's second story collection and really now I want to see more from this board on the literary side. My big hope is K-anon improves and gets prolific. Of course I hope I make it too, Ive recently quit video games entirely and got far more confidence after forcing myself to do writing exercises for hours. I really want to get something Southern Gothic out there and I hope /wg/ will like it.

>> No.20518784

I havent dropped one yet but I did consider putting some big ideas into a anime tier dark fantasy and the decided to bust my outline up into literary short stories. I dont want to tell the story with will-to-power magic system anymore though it could sell better as a franchise because I was planning 4 gd books.
I have to really think about or care about something to start writing it, but writing it the wrong way makes me stop. If anything I might give up on the historical fiction I intend to finish after I publish a couple novels, because if it gets any notoriety like I intend the backlash might make a lot of enemies.

>> No.20518799

can you give me examples of the writing exercises you have been doing?

>> No.20518953

For all its faults, /wg/ is a good general. I just went over to /classical/ on /mu/ to ask a singing question and it only took me 3 seconds of scrolling to realize it was unsalvagably bad.

>> No.20518960

Does this dialogue work?

“Gah!” Ostra’s concentration shattered when a queer creature climbed on his chest. Ostra jumped up and the critter tumbled into the water. It’s fat body wriggled and submerged. ‘Was that a snake?”
“That was Tonka. He is an atsila skink.”
Ostra looked up and saw a man seated on the lip of the pool near to the mouth of the cave. The candlelight was to the man’s back casting his face in shadow.
“Elder Nyith!”
The man nodded.
“Sorry teacher, might I ask why is there a skink in this place of healing?”
“This is your first time here, young one.”
The elder held up his hand. “Long ago when your great grandparents were still young and I was but a baby, we wandered the land. When I was old enough to speak, our people by Toh’s guidance, found this place. The weather was robust for growing our herbs and roots, but temperate enough not to freeze or burn. This land was blessed with frequent rain that make the crops grow, high grasses for game to cheweth, and a river that sparkles from the abundance of fish.”
Ostra looked at the skink climbing out of the bath and onto a small ledge with a candle.
“My father, Pontkap, built this dwelling here because the stone is good for storage.” The Elder gestured toward whatever was outside the cave. Ostra had no idea where he was until he saw the Elder. This bath must be in the recesses of the apothecary.
“...One day, I found that skink grazing on dandelions set out to dry. I made a pathetic attempt to catch the lizard when it darted toward the back. I saw it scurry into a crevice and heard a splash-”
There was an unintelligible call from beyond the entranceway.
“Anyway this story has gone on long enough. I’m sure you can figure out where it's going. Now you can soak in there a while longer, the climb will be easy if you are properly healed. Ah, Tonka won’t bite. Actually, Atsila skinks never bite, but legend has it they occasionally breathe fire.”
Ostra sat back down in the warm silky waters sighing. Ostra did not mind sharing the bath, but two questions floated into his mind. “How old was Tonka? …and where did he relieve himself?” Ostra climbed out of the bath.

>> No.20519013
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None of that work for me anon, sorry to say.

>> No.20519017

>My big hope is K-anon improves and gets prolific
I hope I'm improving too. Thanks for reading Emily Project. I have posted my second work on here but nobody is really reading it. And the critiques moved away from grammar and word choice to style and preferences. So I think I'm improving?

>> No.20519020


>> No.20519055

any specific issues so i can make it more acceptable?

>> No.20519116

This is an intense scene I'm trying to get right...

>> No.20519143

>His pillion clung to the breast of the creature, and, while a fearful scream rent the air and a brief stab of a fierce clawed talon pierced the air, he began to whistle a mad, horrible, morbid, and terrible tune.

this sentence needs work. overall I have no context it seems pretty good to me

>> No.20519145
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>> No.20519153
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What's stopping me from cheating and starting now?

>> No.20519186

Nothing, really. You're just rolling the dice on whether or not your pre-written material ends up fitting the theme.

>> No.20519239

I don't have time today to give much feedback and with that excerpt I wouldn't be sure where to start. Though something I'll mention briefly is that the first exclamation
isn't necessary dialogue. I would've written that first sentence slightly differently,
>“Gah!” Ostra’s concentration shattered when a queer creature climbed on his chest.
>Ostra let out a brief cry and his concentration quickly turned to dismay when a queer creature climbed on his chest.
The issue here isn't with the word choice, that's another matter, but you're bringing attention to the specific sound of Ostra's cry when you shouldn't be. When it comes to exclamations they're better off described rather than spoken as dialogue. Other than that, you've got to focus more on the place and space your characters are in. Perhaps there's more description before or after the excerpt, but there's certainly not a lot in it.
The second bit of dialogue
>"Was that a snake?"
is an alright line but not in the context provided. The audience is intrigued also, but why is he asking a question out loud when he's supposedly alone, he should be thinking that not saying it. Or, perhaps more realistically, Ostra would exclaim out loud again, rather than thinking or asking a question. You don't get any sense of reaction in the dialogue and there are a few inconsistencies as to how the scene is portrayed and how the characters are speaking.
So in regard to your question
>Does this dialogue work?
No and not necessarily because the dialogue is bad, but because the scene is all dialogue. It needs more actions, descriptions of the characters, descriptions of the location, prose in general. The dialogue itself isn't enough, especially as you've written it.

Post your email if you want me to send some proper feedback sometime tomorrow.

>> No.20519304

I cant go into detail right now but the biggest exercise was forcing myself to stream of consciousness write for 8 hours without fear that I write anything worthless. Just getting my mind moving helped me discover alot. I've also studied scansion to have a deeper understanding of subtle tricks on emphasis with a couple lines.
What's the next project?

>> No.20519335

i appreciate the feedback. i dont have a burner email currently but once I get one set up ill post

>> No.20519458

currently doing 22 wpm atm
but 1150 words of 1350 written in an hours was just exposition for me to understand where i was in the story...

>> No.20519460

When you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself out of an honest victory.

>> No.20519468

Why is it every book I read about writing stresses planning and outlines but on forums and discords people only ever talk about pantsing and discovery writing?
Who is right?

>> No.20519475

Both. You plan it out, but thrown in discovery writing because the story shifts that way then you find a way to shift back to your original plans

>> No.20519476

>people who have published books vs people on the internet
Gee I wonder who knows what they're talking about

>> No.20519484

What I know of established writers is that they nearly always outline, but if an idea isn't working, they learn to innovate and make sure they have enough room and skill to be executing it properly. We can't know everything a priori, not even the pros. Sometimes they just know when something feels right, and stick to that. We have to experiment and see what works, or what doesn't. I would say pantsing or plantsing is probably not the way to go, but there are elements that will not be planned on day 1.

>> No.20519503

that seems to be the opposite of my experience. i read authors i like talking about their process and they stress invention, spontaneity, organic development etc, i look online and i see a million dorks plotting their fantasy saga seven volumes ahead and obsessing over "worldbuilding."

>> No.20519507

Worldbuilding is not outlining. Outlining is what actually happens in your story, worldbuilding is writing a handbook for your homebrew tabletop RPG

>> No.20519527

Those who would write a book about that are used to working with deadlines, so they structure their work process to fit with all the requirements, personal and corporate. Internet people write whenever and are more worred about writing what they want and not being too much like some other thing.

>> No.20519544
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What do you think of the opening pages of my script. It's a bout a cop who investigates a child sex ring. The characters suppose to be a misanthrope.

>> No.20519546

and yet people do it prior to writing fiction

>> No.20519550

Wow amazing, so naturally spoken, it's like I can hear the characters come to life in my head! AHHHHHH~//~~l'lk

>> No.20519551

I may have a problem. I'm writing a novel that's a bit similar to Moby Dick, in that the protagonist is a vengeance obsessed captain who is seen through the eyes of a new crewman who is the narrator of the book. The issue I'm worried about is that the depth of the captain's obsession isn't revealed until the middle of the second act. Likewise, the narrator doesn't have much initiative of his own until the same point when he begins to realize the danger he's in from throwing in with the captain.
Will readers be interested in the story if neither of the focus characters have a solid goal until halfway through, or will they give up when it seems like their arcs aren't progressing anywhere?

>> No.20519555

Well they're idiots, aren't they?

>> No.20519560

It's not wise to rehash a story honestly.
As for arcs, just try to show that the characters want literally anything in the story. Can't you plant the seeds of that at the start when they're introduced? Even if it's just money, a special food item, or a bit of time to themselves.

>> No.20519566
File: 143 KB, 712x652, 2A7BE471-AE9F-4C25-A283-7FA47190E941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone finally explain this pic

>> No.20519572

steven king and george rr martin discovery write
brandosando outlines

my guess is the discovery writers have an outline but it's in their head and not written down. at least a very rough outline

>> No.20519580

maybe a prologue? have an exciting prologue at the beginning?

>> No.20519584

It's a descent into schizophrenia.

>> No.20519589

Well if that's your first reaction you're probably right.

>> No.20519614

Not really an intentional rehash, just a comparison I realized after developing the cast and figured would be a useful shorthand to explain the presentation of the two characters who get the most focus. On the next point, with what I currently have the narrator at the beginning believes he has just gotten what he ultimately wanted by joining the crew, and the captain is presented as a distant and enigmatic figure. I can change this, but as I see things now it would require reworking much of the second act and almost all of the third.
I do have an action filled opening to serve as a hook as well as exciting scenes throughout the first act. My worry is that it comes across as disconnected throwaway adventures until the consequences become apparent, and that without an emotional tie to the characters readers will become bored before that point.

>> No.20519647

King said that plot was a crutch for weak writers and that he focused on characters and let them take him where they wanted to go. I generally agree as well, but if a story can genuinely prioritize plot and uses characters as tools, it can be an exhilarating read. Thrillers, I've found, are often like this.

>> No.20519666

>Will readers be interested in the story if neither of the focus characters have a solid goal until halfway through
No. You should note how in MD we're given hints of the greater goal very early on and other elements to set up tension and give intrigue. Even the parts that readers now laugh at, like the chapters about whale types and anatomy; that was the only source of marine information many kids had before TV and wikipedia, a treasure trove of real life knowledge to hook the audience.

>> No.20519725

Try a penname and be more subtle in your writing. Higher forms of wit, less didactic, more pov from each view and really getting into the why every character wants what they want. Good literature gives no clear answers, but try to present your ideas nonetheless. Ray Bradbury used to get called simultaneously a black hater and a black lover for his writing simply because he was presenting a full spectrum of an issue. Dont get discouraged just because contemporaries don't wanna face the music. We have no excuse to go a full generation without literature elucidating the issues that actually bother us so much people get hostile.

>> No.20519774

If it's who I think it is I reviewed that. I think youve got a good heart and really want you to write more. You have to break free of that mindset and change how you approach the writing process if perfectionism slows you down. Get the ideas and voices down and pick it apart later.
Don't be harsh on yourself, I want to see your next book.

>> No.20519803

>I do have an action filled opening to serve as a hook as well as exciting scenes throughout the first act. My worry is that it comes across as disconnected throwaway adventures until the consequences become apparent, and that without an emotional tie to the characters readers will become bored before that point.
yeah, if you could get the antagonist to make an appearance in act 1 and 1/4 into act 2, that would help.
i haven't read your manuscript, but it sounds like it does have a major problem
flashbacks might help
or even a flash forward

>> No.20519862

IIRC GRRM has said in interviews that he started out with a very sparse outline but shifted to a more complex and thorough planning format when the story started getting big.

>> No.20519967
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Last thread I was told the blurb for my story was dull. I think I got too caught up in avoiding anything vaguely spoilery in there (I might not have even mentioned characters’ names). Is this better?

A worker goblin in service of the Dread Lord isn't expected to do much more than maintain the sprawling, underground Machines Works. Although an imaginative youth, Tad had long accepted that he'd likely end up an old man, toiling among the gears and cranks of the machines. His boss, Glum, was happy enough with that life. However, when an It’s ambitious and enigmatic orc named Hohza recruits the pair into his War Party, they must instead battle dwarves, sprites, and elves in the name of the Dread Lord Withering Sorrows. If Tad survives, he may get to experience a world wider than he'd ever dreamed ... which may be too much for everyone else!

>> No.20520006

>you're doing a good job of capturing a voice,
can you explain what you mean by this more so I can understand what im doing "right"?

>> No.20520088
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do you guys burn incense while you write?

>> No.20520094

Not him but a good voice has a consistent way of talking or thinking, something that's grounded in origin and experience. Personally I write some characters I know contemporaries might despise but that's why he gets a redemption arc where he wants to escape his vice but goes about it in an unhelpful way. A character reflecting on the potential that he's wrong can help readers relate, maybe respect but not fully like.

>> No.20520103

Are there any guides which would tell me how to develop my own unique voice as a writer?

>> No.20520179

write different genres or temperaments, try a different short story each week. Shorts are great practice to compose a narrative and edit anyways. You or a reader may identify that one voice "resonates" well with you. A sarcastic author like Vonnegut found himself doing comedy and farce, whereas Dan Wells wrote for years in scifi before he realized his grim voice was perfect for horror and dystopian scifi. For me I've been told that my voice is quaint, humble and dark if not angry. I'd agree and why I've shifted a lot of my stories drafts to something akin to drama.

>> No.20520267

do you guys listen to anything while you write?
hang drums or primitive music really helps me become absorbed

>> No.20520328

Yes, usually some unobtrusive jazz or maybe something else if the mood is different. Always without vocals though or else I'll get distracted.

>> No.20520353

so do you agree what I wrote has a good voice?

jwing since youre a new anon

>> No.20520426

Everything except the last two sentences are irrelevant and/or contradictory.

>> No.20520436

Do you think it is fair to say you can judge by two paragraphs of an opening chapter if a story is going to be worth your time?

>> No.20520447

Depends, if it like twilight and not in my realm of interest sure.

if it a philosophy book where I need to see the whole scope to get it, no.

>> No.20520457

depends i would say the first chapter is usually tedious but the second chapter defines the style and pace of the book better. The second chapter is where I make the decision to drop or continue

>> No.20520478

When you've read enough books, the opening sentence alone tells you exactly what kind of person the author is and how much he's written before.

>> No.20520512

I've just started a grad job and am feeling a bit anxious and upset that now I have considerably less free time. Do any other anons with jobs want to give any advice about being able to enjoy hobbies (particularly writing) while having a full time job?

>> No.20520534

>any advice about being able to enjoy hobbies (particularly writing) while having a full time job?
Yeah. Just give up

>> No.20520537

I have a generic playlist of moody music to relax but if I am on a late draft (3rd, 4th or 5th) them I make a special playlist, one track for each chapter. First novel was all nocturnes by Chopin.

>> No.20520541

Full time is 8 hrs/day. That should leave you with enough time to dedicate at LEAST 4 hours daily to any hobbies.

>> No.20520558

I'm hoping that once I get in more of a routine that I'll have the energy in the evenings to commit to hobbies. Maybe I'm just feeling extra tired and depressed because it's day 1.

>> No.20520564

I’m reading Call of the Crocodile right now. This is legitimately the most schizophrenic book I have ever read.

>> No.20520575

Well yes it's good, I think you know exactly how to write in the right mood and have good flow. Try to stretch the voice into different perspectives if possible. Characters from other backgrounds, hobbies, etc. I've tried to do characters more violent, more depressed or antisocial, less honest, more enthusiastic or social, more rich or poor than myself. I think with your level of empathy you could get into another character's shoes and still tell a story "in your voice" where its composed in your unique style but still fresh.

>> No.20520584

Depends on the release schedule. Most people go for between 6k and 10k words per week. I find average chapter lengths are around 2k-3k, but for stories that only update infrequently it can be much higher.

>> No.20520585

Absolutely. To steal Sandersneeds meme, you don't need to hear a musician play for more than a minute to know generally how good they are, same applies to writing. First lines are overrated but yea within 2-5 paragraphs you have a pretty good sense of the author's skill.

What's helped me is to add writing on my phone (Google docs) so I can do little 15 minute sprints here and there. Also just give yourself time, schedule transitions like that are tiring as you have higher cognitive load doing all the small things in life but it improves.

>> No.20520590

share your sentence formulas

>> No.20520602

I can judge from that if it won't be worth my time, mainly by looking for incredibly obvious spelling errors or stupid trope bullshit. I've dropped a few stories over the first paragraph mixing up tenses or using the wrong "there/their/they're".

>> No.20520603

WTF is the blurb supposed to do then? Based on your response, introducing characters/setting is the wrong thing.

>> No.20520621

If you can't judge a book by the first word it throws at you, you've failed as a writer. Lurk and read more.

>> No.20520638

I'm at work 7-5 but I get some down time to read.
>read in the morning and lunch, at least one short story and part of a novel
>converse with coworkers or jot down prose or ideas, keywords as you can
>humbly talk to people about managing a writing project or reading in hopes you may build a network, maybe that girl in the marketing dept is published or some other connection
>go home and read a bit more
>meal prep all your food on the weekend to save time

>> No.20520647

Maybe I'll move some stuff to google docs and see how that goes. I'm hoping you're right that it'll improve, I get a little anxious when things change anyway, so I'm sure I'll just need to adjust a bit.

I normally do 90% of my reading in the hour or two before bed, so that's going to be a pretty easy routine to keep. Mealprep might be a good idea, but I also cook for my gf and she's picky as fuck, so I don't know how that'll work.

>> No.20520650

Not him, but someone once told me that the best blurb is basically a one paragraph version of your first chapter, followed by a sentence to hook the reader.

>> No.20520657

>end sentence with ",gerund."
>end sentence with a preposition.
I keep doing this because I read way too much Faulkner.

>> No.20520671 [DELETED] 
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I explain it here:

>> No.20520676

Based incense fag. I got my whole frat addicted to this stuff.

>> No.20520680

I would but I've got crippling hay fever and this stuff sets it off like nothing else

>> No.20520685

I'm writing a detective story, and I just realized that there's still some aspects of police procedure that I don't know about. Specifically, the protagonist needs to see some phone records. Would he have to contact a judge and get a subpoena before calling the phone company? Or could he just call the phone company directly and ask for it?
Besides that, does anyone know of any resources for doing research into police policies/investigation procedures/forensics?

>> No.20520689

Yeah, stuff that gets me into an "out of it" or "detached from reality" mindset, helps me get my ideas into writing much easier

>> No.20520708

then why did this anon say my flow needed work?
Im just trying to get feedback, thanks so far.

Yea I closed my eyes and I could see the grocery store, I was the dude ringing up the things, I said those things in my head. that how I was able to write that. I was living his shitty life, I lived in his apartment. IDK how, I just some how emobidy it, its like this switch I can turn on an off when Im SUPER in an emotiom, I can just channel it?

are there other writers like that?

thats how I wrote it, idk what you call that, but I can just close my eyes and live that life.

>> No.20520714

I’ll give that a shot. Thanks.

>> No.20520716

My opening line.

>Crabs have a peculiar habit.

>> No.20520759

Sorry bro I was mixing up my yous. I stand by most of what I said but I guess mix up your sentence structure. Dont be afraid of simple sentences but complex ones have a lot of potential for expression.

>> No.20520799

ok are you this anon

or this anon

once I know, ill be full circle

>> No.20520806

Literally just watch as many police procedural shows as you can. It may not give you what's 100% accurate, but it'll show you what the audience expects.

>> No.20520840

I've read like a bajillion detective novels and seen a whole bunch of movies. It's just that they don't always depict the sorts of things that I need to know.

>> No.20520858

Not the one you're talking with atm, but I am the one who said work on your flow. I could explain if you'd like.

>> No.20520872

Summer Bloom was this absolutely well put together kinda girl. I liked her and everything, she had great legs. Not only that - I mean, that played a significant part, but she was genuinely well put together. Really together, like remarkably so. A person whose life was going somewhere and out this dreadful country. She modeled on the side. She acted on the side. She got straight As. Everyone liked her basically, I don't know how she slept she had everyone eating out the palm of her hand all the time. It was totally great I outranked her.

She only ran for student parliament because, well, why wouldn't she? I only won president because I had served a term the previous year. Back when Bloom was in Tel Aviv, being well put together that side. President of school parliament there too, I guess. Head girl, definitely. She showed everyone a magazine once and it was in Hebrew, sure. But it also had her face on it. Smiling on the front cover.

I am not jealous. It's Luna Carrol who wants to peel her skin off and wear it like a mascot suit, not me. No, I actually have standards and principles. Like I am perfectly happy to take my victories where and when they're not pyrrhic. I have a lot of those, anyway. My pride has taken enough of the punches to the face that I don't need Summer Bloom foiling my murder plot, too. If people say my name for one year at this miserable high school, I'll take it. Not like with her around that Arabella-Lily Delacroix is getting any better.

>> No.20520882

the tv series, "the wire", is all about a phone tap.
they had to get a warrant
"the wire" is very realistic
see if you can find a cop who'll talk to you

>> No.20520892

how does one break into the erotica market and make money. i dont need a living supplement, but some nice pocket change would be good

>> No.20520922

protestant nonsense

>> No.20520924

please, Like you can be honest, but dont try to use it to take emotions out.

keep in mind I am functionally illiterate, as my kindergarden,1st, and 2nd grade teacher [same teacher all years] (private school) said it wasnt her job to teach me the difference between a verb, noun, and adjective. (I have brain dmg)

>> No.20520990

better than catholic nonce sense

>> No.20521089

I was the second anon.

>> No.20521124

What I mean is that your prose is pretty solid, that your sentences and paragraphs are well-constructed and are easy to read.

Your words choices are consistent and correct, and your characters thoughts and actions are all coherent -- he's not changing into a different person from paragraph to paragraph. You establish right away that he's a misanthrope, and his thoughts remain consistent throughout.

I'd like to see you write something that is more positive, with a protagonist who isn't so misanthropic. You have promise, and I think with a little work you could be producing worthwhile material, but I just don't want to read about an asshole who is an "abyss of a person, a husk, a philosophical zombie that walked among mortals."

Can I give you a writing assignment if I promise to give you thorough feedback?

>> No.20521132
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I would strongly suggest reading each sentence out loud to listen for flow. It can be similar to changing the font or font size and catching a bunch of previously unseen mistakes.
I don't know how long you've been lurking these threads, but there was some very good advice from an anon last month about mouth side preference. If that's a little too complex for you, don't worry, just throw in some light alliteration wherever you can. It can achieve the same effect.
I would also work on my wit if I were you. Generally when I read a story here I'm able to find at least one line that I see the author had a real pride in. That one sentence you know may have come before anything else with the rest of the story simply built around it. I didn't feel that same passion here. Felt as though it was just stream of consciousness.
Many of your sentences require full stops instead of comma.
Do not all-caps dialogue for yelling.
Try not to have two characters speaking in the same paragraph. It's quite jarring.
Many spelling mistakes such as
>“again, You total today is $37.65
>the woman unsure how to respond to the sleeping giants gentle response after her little triad
I assume you meant "tirade" instead of triad.

I would also disagree with the compliment you received on your voice. You're clearly writing in your own voice, and while this isn't an outright bad thing, your voice is the exact same voice just about anyone would use for this character.
Check out Pratchett's writing if you want to see what a consistent and unique voice sounds like. He also has great dialogue.

>> No.20521144

Can I get some feedback on outline for a first arc for a video game i'm making

It is about a convict who has been sent to a colony at an alien planet and forced to work there among the other convicts. He wants his freedom. Unfortunately the other convicts near him are unsupportive and aggressive towards him since his ideas of escape or riot leads to collective punishment from the security guards.
When his hope is lost, a higher-up security officer who saw his home planets culture and values be eroded and replaced by the corporation pulls the convict aside and offers to help him escape if he can help sabotage part of the colony to stop them from "destroying" the native culture and have the convict take the blame and then subsequently escape and hide on the planet rather than the officer since he has a family back home and don't want to risk it. The plan goes wrong when another different prisoner sees the convict sneak out and calls for the guards who give chase and then also notice the officer who is remotely opening doors and aiding the convict.
They manage to steal a small craft and escape and hide together but without sabotaging the facility. Unfortunately, they notice the small craft belonged to the chief of the colony and inside is a laptop containing information regarding plans to sabotage and indirectly attack the planets local population and they are now being hunted by the corporation.

>> No.20521147

Buy this:

>> No.20521182

sounds like Outer Worlds but faaaar more compelling.

what style is the game? point-and-click, FPS, fallout 1&2 like, etc? games with great story can have the story accentuated by a more minimalist art direction

>> No.20521221

thanks, it's supposed to be an fps rpg kind of like fallout and outer worlds but i plan on making it a bit more alien and fantasy like with unrealistic situations and abilities. the main thing i think will be difficult is managing different dialogue options and having them impact the story rather than railroading everything

>> No.20521304

Oh shit REAL feedback! I am going to put a Trip, not that I want attention, just I plan to come back and improve.

>>20521124 (Part 1)
>I'd like to see you write something that is more positive, with a protagonist who isn't so misanthropic. You have promise, and I think with a little work you could be producing worthwhile material, but I just don't want to read about an asshole who is an "abyss of a person, a husk, a philosophical zombie that walked among mortals."


See, let me explain a bit about myself, I do not have a left prefrontal cortex, had an accident because of my father that cause me to have reconstructive surgery before age 5.

ever since then we think I have some from of synesthesia(As I can see my minds eye and reality, clear as day, at the same time always, no this isnt schizo, i wish it was)

[it never stops, the minds eye just keeps going showing images/movies/sounds/etc and I see it and just know, not in english but it takes me awhile to decipher it]

and advent savant syndrome syndrome with things with math and fractals.If I look at plants and tree, specifically there leaves, I can see the factual of how they are growing, specifically in a plane over a forest... thats some trippy shit for me.... specifically computers and understanding how a CPU works on a dope silicon level. I never finished college because "work for hire" disgust me, No one owns my mind..... This is my sanctum.. my fortress of solitude, A place where no one else is allowed.

more context, I also more then likely have DPDR, Both of them.
Ive tried 12 different anti-phyocotics, 6 mood stabilziers, every SSRI/SDRI, lithium, and a few others over the past decade.

The only thing that helps is cannabis to numb it all. however in that state, Its weird... Like I said I have synesthesia.

I work on a mountain farming cannabis, and I have a house at age 29(modular home with 10 acres) paid off, when im not staying on the mountain working (I have semi retired to take care of other things)

I buried myself in work ever since 16, and college, I would work 12 hours days, go to school, and then sleep.

it was a crutch to just ignore it.. However I got to the point of where i have financial and providing for myself... So once my brain caught up, I am in a solid place, it went, TIME TO PAY ATTENTION, and kicked in the overday.

what it really is Ive never learned to live with it, and this is what this writing is in a way. People always tell me I am great and public speaking when we met, and I feel proud to say if we talked over voice, I think you would be inclined to agree.
so Im just.. trying to learn to live with my condition.. as it not going away.. and quite frankly my therapist and physch looked and me said "You're not crazy, you have to live how to deal with this, and we can only really be here as grounding spaces now since we medically have tried everything else.

>> No.20521306


if you can imagine i am a wallflower, I live outside the walls of live, I van life before it was a thing with solar and 100 gallon water bladder.

so L'Étranger really is like my essence in a way. Philosophy has always been a guiding post for me. For some reason, just reading camul, niethzsche, plato, and others... Its helped me, Idk why, maybe it how my soul is if I have one.

so to sum this up, I have a unique vision, unique thoughts, I am not better or worse then anyone, I am here. I want to finally write the 30+ years of thoughts in my head on paper, as I always wanted to write what I feel/see/hear/know, but I never had the confidence till recently to attempt.

MY closest friends have been pushing me so hard, and I finally somehow jumped over that internally six foot wall and said " I AM FREE, NO MORE, NO MAN CAN TOUCH ME FOR I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT" type shit. not that im immortal or god... I just realize that, when you mentally realize, that there is nothing a person can do to end a mind, you are truely free from all bonds.

>Can I give you a writing assignment if I promise to give you thorough feedback?

Yea sure, I would love too. what would be a way that easiest to not lose contact?
Just mind you, I want to transition to writing about OFF THE WALL philosophy and SOC's

like hunter S thompson Is a huge influence on my life as well, hence why all my writing come off as an SOC.

I hope this makes sense, let me know if it doesnt, please.

>> No.20521347

solid advice.

for someone who didn't have the best foundation, like I can speak, write technical papers/ wikis on how to use product/software/hardware/tool, or how to scientifically address the variables in a system, I AM YOUR DUDE!

so like whats some childern books or just basic "this is english, heres all the rules all 110 rules for the oxford comma and shit" like I purely write from a spoken perspective, that probably why the other anon said my prose is good.

The "stylized writing" is new for me, as I general read ALOT of SOC, philosophy , and just non story based books. and I want to try to weave those properties together in my writing, I see it in my head, I just don't know how to get it on paper right yet.

Like I said, public speaking? and with others in the real world? I am so fluent you would never know.

In fact if I spoke, it would help. so What I am going to do, is write it, sleep, then come back, voice record it(the stuff I wrote), sleep, then listen to it again so I don't have any.... idk Mind blimps where my eyes glance over things like "tirade"

>I would also disagree with the compliment you received on your voice. You're clearly writing in your own voice, and while this isn't an outright bad thing, your voice is the exact same voice just about anyone would use for this character.
Check out Pratchett's writing if you want to see what a consistent and unique voice sounds like. He also has great dialogue.

to be fair it is one page, and I didnt get to the part where he feels alive like a normal person, and starts being nicer, but he starts killing people, so it hard to go off, but still the feedback of the first page is important.

The karen is now a old lady, and his name is Jeff.

>I would also work on my wit if I were you. Generally when I read a story here I'm able to find at least one line that I see the author had a real pride in. That one sentence you know may have come before anything else with the rest of the story simply built around it. I didn't feel that same passion here. Felt as though it was just stream of consciousness.

that because it is see >>20521304 , hunter s Thompson has heavily influenced me so much. And to be honest, that is how my minds functions, like one never ending SOC.

IDK I know everyone wasnt into Thompson, but fuck I feel like he saved my life in some way.

>I don't know how long you've been lurking these threads, but there was some very good advice from an anon last month about mouth side preference. If that's a little too complex for you, don't worry, just throw in some light alliteration wherever you can. It can achieve the same effect.

Ive been here a total of 86 hours so far.

again thanks, I really do value the feedback, and I will try to internalize and reflect.

>> No.20521371

>another Hunter S. Thompson superfan who can't write
Correlation is starting to look like causation.

>> No.20521380

if you read, Ive been like this before any drugs, in fact I didn't do anything till 26, im 30 now.

This has been a thing since childhood. also went to a really shitty private catholic school when I was younger.

I am here to improve, *shurg*

I can write, technical papers, wikis, and guides. Stylized writing is aloof to me. Hence why I am posting here.

>> No.20521403

>I work on a mountain farming cannabis, and I have a house at age 29

>Yea sure, I would love too. what would be a way that easiest to not lose contact?
You can hit me up on Discord. I'm Westwolf#8717

What I want you to write is a "Meet Cute" scene. A short (less than 1000 words) scene in which a boy meets a girl and falls for her. But there are some rules:
1. The boy must be going to some public location to meet strangers. You provide the location and reason.
2. He approaches the girl to find out if she's there for the same reason.
3. The girls reaction to his question cannot be typical. It must be unusual and remarkable in some way.

>> No.20521427

you might need to think of tighter restrictions, Im having like hundreds of places.

some seedy some nice, whats public? a hiking trail or a coffee shop?

can you tighten it up for me?

>> No.20521468

Is there a program that could help me organize better?
I'm trying to keep ideas of like character arcs in notepads but I have like 30 .txt documents.
I'd like something that'd let me have my actual story on screen, and then like on an alt screen, author notes so I can review them without flipping between docs.
I don't want to write everything in like a foreign file format that might get lost later on though. Like if .fdp only works with THAT program then later the site shutsdown and I've lost all my work.

>> No.20521481

Public just means some place where strangers might meet up. It can be a park, a coffee shop, a comic book store, a concert, whatever you want.

>> No.20521483

i use a program called obsidian, it's pretty good actually and you can link between documents and they automatically connect on a mind map if you do.

>> No.20521492

havnt use this one, this is an example.

I use things like mind trees when I am working on technical projects.

I have an idea and a kinko twist, its my style but I think it fits what your looking for.

someone with flaws thats redeemable, right?

>> No.20521518

>someone with flaws thats redeemable, right?
Yes. And remember, we want to like the MC, understand his attraction to the girl, and want to read more to find out if/how he's going to get her.

>> No.20521676

I use excel (the free libreoffice version). The layout lets me organize much better than a text document

>> No.20521680

if anyone is down to read my screenplay here it is. it's for a sitcom pilot.


>> No.20521735

I've known a lot of writers that fall into the "worldbuilding trap".
They spend all their time on that, and never actually generate any prose.

>> No.20521766

Have you read "Naked Lunch"?

>> No.20521774

I use an outline editor called TreeLine.
It lets me create arbitrary hierarchies of records in any format.
It's also free and open-source.

>> No.20521778 [DELETED] 

Twists are good. Hopefully you’ll be the next F Gardner.

>> No.20521784

No, but I leave it out in my bedroom, and burn it when its smell decreases.
One day I learned that bad smells at night can give you nightmares:
I had been plagued with horrible nightmares for decades before I tried this.
I also wash my sheets more often.
Within a week, not only had my sleep quality improved dramatically, but...my muse came back for the first time in 25 years.
I've been writing up a storm ever since.
I can't say it'll work for you, but it did wonders for me.

>> No.20521839

This looks interesting, I see it uses plugins, are there any you'd recommend?
I tried opening one of the .md files in notepad and no text appears, could I only view these files with Obsidian? If I lost my copy of Obsidian I could potentially lose all my work?
That's why I avoided some other apps that use flashcards because I worry I'll become dependent on that specific app.
I wouldn't want to type 100,000 words in various folders of obsidian and need to cut/paste them all to new documents later.

>> No.20521872

TreeLine's file format is JSON, i.e. mostly human-readable text.

>> No.20521911

Looks more like a coding program than a novel writing one. Not saying it can't be used for writing fiction but probably not intended to do that.

>> No.20521918

It's flexible enough to do whatever.
I've only used two node types: default (i.e. just a title) and text (i.e. a title and a free-form multi-line text box).
It's been working really well for me...and it's free and open-source.

>> No.20521921

You can buy 200 note cards for a dollar.

>> No.20521924

I have not had obsidian crash on me yet but yeah you may be right. I personally keep my actual script in one thing and not spread out so I can easily copy paste it.

>> No.20521926

I'm to page 15.
This is a sitcom?
Black-pilled drama, maybe.

>> No.20521933

I'll browse some tutorials and see if it'll work.
Thanks for your suggestion.
I've been writing in Atom for a couple years. That's also a coding program, but I was trying to write a novel in it. It was a bad idea, and now here I am with a dozen documents and just a mess.

>> No.20521938

Are you like this guy?

>> No.20521943 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 2080x1168, 20220613_165048_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this citation style? I see it in all non-fiction books for their sources. It's obviously not MLA or APA, and it's really close to the footnote styling of Chicago, but Chicago doesn't use "p." or "pp." for book page numbers, so it's not that either, unless it's some particular version of Chicago I don't know about. Specifically look at the book and magazine citations. This has been on my mind for years and it's bugged me that I always have to describe it as "modified Chicago" or "modified Turabian" when talking about it. If it has a name, I really want to look at this style guide.

>> No.20521948 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 579x285, chicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago for comparison.

>> No.20521996

how do you make a revenge story not seem like petty?

>> No.20522001

Just to clarify, I put my notes into TreeLine -- I don't write my prose in it directly.

>> No.20522017

I got a five star rating yesterday. I don't know if it was from one of yous.

>> No.20522020

Do it on someone else's behalf

>> No.20522040

That's high praise. what do you think of it so far?

>> No.20522044
File: 32 KB, 233x292, 1559619546657-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it's true, I played Warframe for 2.5 hours tonight and didn't write. It's true that I'm feeling guilt because Stephen King said I needed to read and write 4 hours a day. It's also true that I haven't been writing as much recently and that I'm languishing on my prose a little. But in my defense, I have no defense, and only hope that I can learn from my mistakes. But before I do any of that, I intend on playing another hour of video games, and then I'll read for half an hour before bed. If the life of a writer was any harder, you could call me a cock.

>> No.20522062

I finished reading it, for some reason.
Sorry, but this was just plain nasty and depressing.
I assume that's what you were going for.
But it's not my kind of thing, to put it mildly.
How on Earth do you consider this a comedy?

>> No.20522071

I don't remember anywhere in Stephen King "On Writing" where he stated that, but my question if this is a true statement from him, is this t-rex cocaine desk king or post t-rex desk king.

>> No.20522075

Make the reason for revenge be a good one

>> No.20522076

Wrote 1285 words today, and none of them were porn. None of them have fuckall to do with my novel, but at least I wrote.

>> No.20522078

Lincola Stan?

>> No.20522083

nice, I've gotten in 1681 so far, gonna get in a bit more before bed tho

>> No.20522088

Huh whah?
"Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs.

>> No.20522130

I don't know I thought it was funny when I was writing it. What shows do you like if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.20522131

Self-published author convicted of killing husband:
...previously wrote an essay titled "How to murder your husband"

>> No.20522147

I dunno. I read it on his Wikipedia. I decided to edit my 4th book and get it ready for ARC and I'm having a good time laughing about it.

>> No.20522193

So the way of my interpenetration and to explain, yes. I would say mine is a more organic/spiritual in a way how it has manifested in my personality/persona.

The key difference between his and my story, I have been like this since my person was formed after the fleshed bonded. I Have ALWAYS experience life this way, I know nothing else or have no frame of reference of others minds that are not me.

Growing up felt very alien in many concepts, specifically going up in the bible belt in the late 80's/90's. The funny ironic part is ive always been an hour away from Duke medical but never went, HA.

To explain how with infinite precision, or as parallel in the fractal you can achieve. To sum it up, (in the current affability of my English skills) he see shapes, math, and graphs, etc.

Mine is a Infinite spider web of fractal points in a polygon/geometric shape that some is euclidean and non at the same time overlapping. I can traverse these strings of web to points if I have experience of life/knowledge/epiphanies and when I can collate the outside reality to the inside fractal, I can make unique lateral and vertical connections others would not.

I dont really "forget" things, There is just so much sometimes, my emotional state can knock me in a random spot in the fractal, and its like a rolladex I have to flip through till I find the spot on the scroll of the "library of the mind"

But the Brain damage has..... Affected other thing that i'm not quite ready to discuss. espically when it come in terms of the DP/DR. As... I am one person, but the Mind of ethos(The me, the I, the soul, The one who makes choices), the soul of my ehtos(The heart, the feelings, the chemicals), and the Fractal of logos.

are all separate but one... I am still in my journey to learn to how to perceive it and explain to other in this shared reality.

growing up in the south wasn't easy, with how religious perceptions, along with a mother who actually does suffer a mentall illness and never mature passed the mental/emotional age of 17.

it wasnt till 2015/16/17 where I became more mobile in my career and started to van life where I could actually meet doctors who actually gave a shit.

I was getting really good results until late 2019.... I had Broken into the cannabis industry on the mechanical side and hydrocarbon extraction, then getting the chance to manage a farm ALONE. on top a mountain for a entire season. so money wise I finally had the funds to support my search, to which none of my family though was real till I had a solid MRI / fMRI.

But the main take away, If anything I would like to confirm... It does not turn off.... It never turns off.. it is always there, right behind the edge.

>> No.20522199

please read "On writing", I feel its tool in the toolbox that every writer should reference at least once (Look at my pompous ass saying that).

>> No.20522205

What do you think of my first stanza of my modern day epic?

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month
Scorpio bestowed his eyes
He turned away, not endowing the blessing
Yet the poor child cried
It could not join the planets without a gift
Should life be withheld from those above
Or will giving a chance

It was foretold by the elders in the council
The one for the mirror, shall bring destruction
The child of the eleventh,
The bringer of destruction
Cannot the be given a blessing

But Sagittarius looked with its eyes
not a tear but a sorrow
One that will be born outside his blessing
Shall be given life in a hidden time
Maybe now today, a chance of life
Should not be hindered
But who is he to challenge Mother Fate
Only Father Time will tell

Sagittarius with a bow in hand and a arrow nocked
Chanted a spell to the one born on the eleventh
It would be his burden but not his life
Unleash the boy to the world
May he be a savior for some, or a destructor to others
One day, one night, we all shall know

>> No.20522351

nah this is hilarious, disregard that other anon
there's no fucking way it'd ever get made, but it's hilarious nonetheless

>> No.20522462

I like it anon! You kinda inspired me a little, though Im no poet.

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month
Mending Muse - Reveal the tale
Of daring daring deadly Scorpio,
And his set to stellar sail

Scorpio stows his eyes away,
He would not see our planets line,
Nor a blessing, nor a day,
Nor his own lone shine

The mirrored lords of great outer space,
Looked on him and danced,
For here the eleventh child was now
A miracle, a chance

The one to issue, the one of breath
The eleventh not to bow
Our brave Scorpio faced the Sun
Defiant on his bow

>> No.20522469

disregard the second daring 3rd line

>> No.20522471

Vlad the Imaginary Friend

Vlad was thought into existence in 2009, somewhere in southern Germany, in the mind of a Baden-Wuttemberg Boy. He was tall, pale, romania after the popular conception, and made funny little remarks to the Baden-Wuttemberg Boy. TOUCH ME ON THE NOSE and EAT KURWA EAT. Kurwa was polish, but it would be silly to expect historical accuracy from the Baden-Wuttemberg Boy, especially where his own imagination was concerned. The Baden-Wuttemberg Boy had soft blond hair, brown betraying eyebrows, and a keen eye. His mother was an American. In the hills that rung Strauss-Colibenz, you could find the Baden-Wuttemberg Boy and Vlad the Imaginary Friend at play. HAND OF GOD RUN FASTER THEY ARE RIGHT BEHIND YOU Vlad would encourage, and the Baden-Wuttemberg Boy would laugh. The Boy would run down the greens, so maddening in Carlist fervor, to flee. He ran for revoking music, the kind that you hear once and suddenly just know, and really, really know, like Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity. When the orchestra, the whole orchestra not just the winds, returns to break open the skulls and water balloons, break them open wide, a dentist saying ahhh, and then, when youre all along all right, the orchestra whispers a kind word and rolls the strings back to reveal the distant moor - where the fog goes rolling - feeling familiar. That's what it was like to watch the Baden-Wuttemberg Boy run out of that wood and down and back into the little south-west German town. Look - look and see him smile there. See him standing on the dirt and mud that precipitates the cobble. And now Vlad the imaginary friend steps out of the wood too, and puts a friendly hand on the Boy’s shoulder. And he smiles big. CLEAN FEET MAKE SHARKS SMILE.
Nowadays, the Baden-Wuttemberg Boy works.

>> No.20522515

I completely forgot about the Zodiac signs. I should add them to my magic system.

Elemental systems are overdone. Maybe something like Zodiac mixed with Music styles.

So you have some crazy shit like Baroque Cancer attacks.

MY beethoven the seventh sends out bunch of crabs at you.

>> No.20522524

fuck and the last word should be prow

>> No.20522545

You guys realize to make even like 3k a month you’ll need to publish 4-5 books of decent quality and do the bare minimum in marketing.
That 3k a month is what I’d consider barely livable in the west atm, but that’s still a living. Anything above that will just propel you into the next income bracket and improve your life.
Don’t quit your day job folks.

>> No.20522554

Like a lot of things I see here, this is well-written but you're a terrible human being. Just awful. How do you even look at yourself in a mirror? But seriously, good work. Also, seek therapy.

>> No.20522575

>people claiming they have 3 to 6 books completed.
>nobody ever posts what their work is
How am I going to read other anons works?

>> No.20522579

3k a month is barely liveable in the west, you would be either living in the middle of nowhere or in some slum

>> No.20522583

Wrote this.

>> No.20522604

>3k a month
>barely livable
if you live in a degenerate high-density metropolis in burgerstan maybe

>> No.20522605 [DELETED] 

Doesn’t F Gardner have like a million books published?

>> No.20522609
File: 219 KB, 400x600, operation-black-lightning-60450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st little arc of Operation Black Lightning is nearly complete. I figure it'll be this and one more chapter before a brief interlude. It's probably not to some anons' taste, but nothing will ever please 100% of everyone.


>> No.20522611 [DELETED] 

Gardner only has 11 books.

>> No.20522622

Now fight each other.

>> No.20522628

3k is liveable in rural areas for the most part, depending on gas and food prices.
3k is not liveable is most cities though, maybe in shitty ones like New Orleans

>> No.20522629

Why would I need to? I'll just wait until tis retarded city slicker starves to death while I farm my ancestors' land and live in too remote a location for glowniggers to even know i exist.

>> No.20522632

lmao i started reading this and i realized within the first few pages that my "sheriff" character should actually be a "police chief". thanks anon.

>> No.20522639

Nice to see someone finally post their story and it gets ignored completely

>> No.20522643

you anons have no idea how much i needed this positive encouragement. thank you.

>> No.20522644

You're welcome. :)

>> No.20522709

I hate the fact that I like this. It doesn't quite feel ready just yet, but it's close. Very close.

I'm going to remember this. If I ever see this show made, I'll remember where it came form.

>> No.20522718

You posted a complaint ten minutes after linking to a five chapter story, anon. Give it time.

>> No.20522737 [DELETED] 


Gardner’s naysayers ALWAYS seem to have the guy figured wrong. Gardner’s the most well known 4chan writer and they expect him to be Shakespeare. He’s not. He’s a simple pulp horror writer. Which is about what one should expect from 4chan. I’ve seen some YouTube videos about his books. The “big bads” of his series are a video game obsessed man-child who works for the Illuminati and a talking kangaroo from Hell.
This is literally exactly what I’d expect from an author who came from 4chan.

>> No.20522739

How could I fix it?

>> No.20522752

You honestly believe people are going to critique it?

>> No.20522754

read it out loud. Make sure you actually pause at the commas.

>> No.20522804
File: 41 KB, 300x450, saotome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you pick up a pile of used books on mythology, folklore and anthropology/archaeology for cheap
>when the writing session goes smoothly and you finish a chapter that is pleasing
I've been on a roll ever since I evoked the idea to start with an antichronological break to the climax of the first act before rolling back to retell the build up to answering the call. I'm fucking winning that contest this year.

>> No.20522811 [DELETED] 

Doesn’t F Gardner’s success kind of prove that commas are fine?

>> No.20522819

if you want to be Gardner, then there's no reason to ask me to critique your sentences. You need to ask the master himself. Thus, don't bother posting your stuff on here. Find the Discord that Gardner participates him and ask him there.

>> No.20522825 [DELETED] 

Becoming like him would honestly be the first stepping stone. It’s pretty clear he did something right if we all know who he is. But I write a different genre.

>> No.20522828 [DELETED] 

What is this fabled Gardner discord? I’m still not convinced Gardner is a real person and not just a meme.

>> No.20522836

Any recommended scenes from mythology, european or otherwise, of the forging of magical items? Already read the Forging of the Sampo.

>> No.20522838 [DELETED] 

He was in a server I’m in. Some sperg insulted CotC and he left.

>> No.20522839

He writes all genres.

Don't tell me you're a Historical writer.

>> No.20522873 [DELETED] 

I don’t know if there’s anything to learn. F Gardner is a tradcath-LARPer schizo NEET who lives in a mansion.

>> No.20522878


Sorry according to this guy, CotC is a competently written book with an engaging story comparable to Cormack McCarthy

>> No.20522888
File: 66 KB, 1000x562, kwcover-e1528123825647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I didn't feel that same passion here

The meet cute FBI fed probe will have to wait.
I'm on some ye shit in terms of flow. Solar batteries are good, food supply is up, nothing to do while my van transmission is being rebuild, and the motorcycle tank is getting fixed. If you anit into macabre-esqe mental fuck you with philosophy fiber of you're core shit(the attempt anyways, realizations yet to be achieved) then this isn't for you(whats the focus).

I.e Good guy who wants to do good things but life kicks him, and he falls off the horse, a single night our protagonist will morally fall into an abyss. He will have to come to face with daemons and see if he can see past the pain. Will he succumb or does the potential for growth allow him to see the way out. if we need to have some development, but maybe I need to think of more other cosmic things in a different project.

Turning off the modem and booting up a linux shell with a word prompt only, even going turn off the tv antenna.

let me know in a week or whenever I finish this what you think. dont know who this fellow is, I am still catching up on the anon that shared, https://rcwaldun.com/ .

read first three pages, thank you for following the 1 page per minute of screen time rule, it makes it easier to visualize. I'll read it when I crash or have a block.

go on....

disagree, Even lived in arcata,ca.

And I leave this tidbit for asking a question, Sober writing or influenced writing? is there even a dichotomy to begin with, or is it a scale.

For me, I have to take medicinal cannabis I grow daily, After awhile, im either use to the headspace or just no longer "feel high" , so it my new normal in a way I guess. Sometimes I do other things while I code or work on projects. When its a DIY personal hobby project, it feels like Ive made a week worth of progress in one shop night.

Mechanical and writing being two different skill sets, that aside. one could say coffee is a substance to use and enhance, and I would argue the advent of coffee to the western world, increase production by a large margin when it became common to the proletariat.

what are the thoughts of the anons here at /wg/?

>> No.20522904

Anything you think that could improve it?

I will remember you too. I hope it does. Thank you for the encouragement.

>> No.20522940 [DELETED] 

Wait a fuckin minute. Stephen King and JK Rowling really are in Call of the Crocodile? I thought that was a joke.

>> No.20522971


>> No.20523000

Do you people title your chapters or just leave it with numbers?

>> No.20523007

I've sold 132 copies of my book on Amazon. I have 8 reviews. Trying to figure out the self-publishing biz, but it always feels like banging my head against a brick wall. Maybe more my next book I'll reach out directly to the smaller publishers, idk.

>> No.20523016

you should be happy you sold 132 copies. I only sold 30 and mostly to friends and family. The big thing I think is a good blurb, author's page, and cover.

>> No.20523050 [DELETED] 

Yep. It really is one of the strangest horror books out there.

>> No.20523120

I just leave them as numbers. Everytime I think I have a clever title for a chapter, I discover that I don't have clever names for the rest of them (or at least one of them), and I'd rather have no chapter titles than some good ones and some dull ones.

>> No.20523136

New Thread! >>20523130 >>20523130

>> No.20523144


Also, depends on the style of the story. A more light-hearted adventure benefits from appropriate chapter titles, while keeping things plain and simple serves a more serious narrative.

>> No.20523665
File: 21 KB, 333x500, sociopath cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's mine. White girl does white girl things.

>> No.20523941

I added titles for posting on web-novel sites.
Some I came up with incidentally when writing.
Most I had to make up after the fact.