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20518637 No.20518637 [Reply] [Original]

The protagonist of the last book you read has to kill Goliath. How does he/she fare?

>> No.20518652

Beowulf, easy mode.

>> No.20518655

Odysseus, it wouldn't be harder than any of the other heroic deeds he did

>> No.20518659
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>> No.20518662

Jake from 11/22/63.
He has a gun and knowledge of the future, so has a 70% chance I would say.

>> No.20518676

He gives him an elaborate description of his Nausea

>> No.20518684

Peter Kien from Canetti's Blendung
He would probably completely missunderstand what "kill" means, keep overthinking things, then burst out some random construct of his missunderstanding and thus make Goliath either laugh or very confused.
Then Goliath would kill him.

>> No.20519245


>> No.20519256

>guy from Hunger
He'd lie to Goliath for an hour, confuse the giant to the point where the fight would be forgotten, then give a ten kroner bill to David without explanation and walk away

>> No.20519263

Last book I read was Oblomov, so he doesn’t kill him, but also doesn’t die as he simply doesn’t go.

>> No.20519328

last read faust, mephistoles would kill goliath for him easily but find some subtle way of fucking it up.

>> No.20519482

>The Castle
K. never gets to his battle with Goliath, wasting his time running errands for the Israelites who keep finding faults with everything he does

>> No.20519495
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Trimalchio clears

>> No.20519549

Caligula. It's not a sure thing, but at least it'll be entertaining.

>> No.20519556


>> No.20520413

Good luck, Holden Caulfield

>> No.20520438

stephen daedalus. RIP.

>> No.20520445

Doug Stanhope autobiography. I'm not confident.

>> No.20520449

He'll be fine

>> No.20520507

Harry Potter.
He would do just fine.

>> No.20520617

Rei Fukai. If he has his plane or some gun it's easy win, if not he's fucked.

>> No.20520725

Depressed multiverse travelling young woman? Oh, she’s gonna die.

>> No.20520812

who painted this?

>> No.20520820

>Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov
Very not well

>> No.20520822

Achilles, ez git gud

>> No.20520856

Arthur Dent doesn't stand a chance :(

>> No.20520870

Conan the Barbarian, so pretty fuckin easy.

>> No.20520888

First of all, great thread. Secondly, Dante; he would get fucking demolished OR heavenly Beatrice would intervene on his behalf.

>> No.20520902

>Hellstrom's Hive
I guess Hellstrom is the protagonist, or closest to one?
Probably not that well unless he had a stun wand.

>> No.20520972

Beowulf, easy mode.

>> No.20521184

Rip Usbek

>> No.20521194

>diary of a wimpy kid
gonna love watching this ridiculous matchup

>> No.20521690

Ernst Junger. It’s going to be an interesting fight for sure.

>> No.20521771 [DELETED] 
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>Call of the Crocodile

I am fucked

>> No.20521827 [DELETED] 

Yeah the entire Greco-Roman world's economy would probably be able to defeat Goliath

>> No.20521835
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Yeah the entire Greco-Roman world's economy would probably be able to defeat Goliath

>> No.20522977

I was reading God: A Biography by Jack Miles, so I think God could kill Goliath.

>> No.20523017
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>protagonist of any book I read
I feel insulted

>> No.20523023

I just finished Titus Groan, I suppose the closest character to a protagonist is Steerpike, so I'm fucked

>> No.20523038

Based Stanhope enjoyer

>> No.20523073

It was just on the off chance you happened to read Anna Karenina.

>> No.20523080

Not great, but at least Ignatius will make a funny story out of it.

>> No.20523317
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I think he'll be okay.

>> No.20524371
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>He'll be incoherent by the time I'm through with him alright

>> No.20524384
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Freidrich Gerstacker, he would just shoot him.

>> No.20524399

Threads like this make me question this board. This is more of a forum timewaster thread than something in a literature group. Then again this is a lesser evil among many bad threads in this board.
Sadly, I lack self-control and still keep accessing this board, despite it lacking any reason for my being here.

>> No.20524404

I hope Goliath wins desu

>> No.20524432
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>Brothers Karamazov
I guess Dmitri could do it if he thought Goliath was after his Gruchenka, or else Ivan would implicitly let ((someone else)) do his dirty job for him, even if he despised Goliath but didn't consciously mean to actually kill him

>> No.20524518
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>dominates Goliath's mind then has him commit suicide just for fun

>> No.20524679

the kid from bm. i think he can do it

>> No.20524779
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Well shit, either he's fucked or Goliath will turn out to be imaginary

>> No.20524960

F.A. Hayek
>Goliath gets schooled by the Austrian boss.

>> No.20524997

The narrator from my year of rest and relaxation.... best she could do is throw coffee on him

>> No.20525021

Sydney Carton ... he might make it like David did

>> No.20526036

>the crocodile from call of the crocodile

>> No.20526110
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>"oh! I read a book about you onc-*splat*"

>> No.20526925

If comic books count, then Wee Hughie shoots him or punches a hole through his chest.

If comic books don't count, then Adam Smith revolutionizes the Bronze Age Levant by inventing mercantile capitalist economics millennia early, if he can avoid being speared to death.

>> No.20527082

Alyosha sizes goliath's hearty stature and, trembling, eyes flashing, he jumped up from his seat, threw his hands into the air and ...

>> No.20527091

Bilbo Baggins.

Questions: 1) is there prep time?
2) Can Bilbo use the ring?

>> No.20527115

1) About 5 minutes at most
2)On the condition that there are ring wraiths within 5 minutes gallop distance

>> No.20527129

Sheeeit so he has five minutes to kill Goliath?

Assuming Bilbo has his knife, I think he has about a 30% chance of winning. Even if he turns invisible and climbs on Goliath, the giant can just swat him away and its lights out. I would like to see this play out, though

>> No.20528203


>> No.20528216

jude from a little life
has strong character so he could be up for the job, but im afraid he mutilated himself too much and already ded. So yes/no case.

>> No.20528680
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pre or post amputation?

>> No.20528710

The beautiful Germania as a personification of my brains language center...

>> No.20528752

Malekith would eat him for breakfast.

>> No.20528763

Will the wraiths attack goliath if Bilbo gifts the rig to him?

>> No.20529329

Police detective. He has a gun. I think he'll be fine.

>> No.20529353

Image source?

>> No.20529392

>Drusas Achamian
Goliath is fucked

>> No.20529401

Crocodiles aren't that impressive dude, I hate to tell you this but it's true.

>> No.20529477

17 year old Ernst Jünger during his stint in the french foreign legion. I'd say he has a good chance.

>> No.20529611

He fares poorly. His leg is broken in the first few moments and he falls miserably to the ground crying out that God has forsaken him. In the middle of this lament his lung is punctured by the spear head and he recoils in pain as it is removed though his back, scraping his ribs.

RIP Cyril of Alexandria.

>> No.20531403

Nephilim could definitely survive a gunshot, and would also stomp you after you shot.

>> No.20531409
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>> No.20531422
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Would George get Lennie or would he have to fight alone?

>> No.20531489

Will Goku lose?

>> No.20531501

Yes and then Ulysses and Sherlock Holmes will have to collect all the dragon balls.

>> No.20531688

>The Guermantes Way
How effective are descriptions of French fashionable society against armor?

>> No.20531699

>Van Veen
I mean he got btfo in his gun duel and I don’t think he can handle Goliath no matter how good he is at boxing. So probably not very well. If he lives he’ll probably find a way to fuck Goliath’s sister though.

>> No.20531713

Gash the heels, it’s the midge way.

>> No.20531904

Aegon the Conqueror would end Goliath

(Fuck you he IS the protagonist)

>> No.20533237

It's from a cover of The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe. It is Severian, the main character.

>> No.20533248

im reading beasts, men, and gods by ferdinand ossendowski. he himself is the protagonist and he would shoot goliath with his rifle, simple as.

>> No.20533257

Goliath couldn't survive a rock to the face. How could he survive a bullet to the face?

>> No.20533287

Literally finishing up 1 Samuel so he did pretty good

>> No.20533296

Robert Langdon will outsmart Goliath.

>> No.20534089
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Protagonist changes from chapter to chapter. Johnny, Paulie and Carloe dies i guess. Others outsmart him or shoot him.

>> No.20534149

Goliath wasn't a real Nephilim, but a Rephaim. Rephaim were entirely human, often they were just big. Most likely, they had a genetic form of gigantism that carried a myriad of health problems in addition to being fuckin yuuuuge. Bullets would work just fine.

>> No.20534159

>M. Meursault
well, he had a revolver at some point

>> No.20534346

Aeneas, quite easy then

>> No.20534384

My Snoovatar from my GPT-3 Reddit cuck porn. He will lose the fight and face humiliation and death.

>> No.20535823


T.E. Lawrence

He'd probably blow him to smithereens with a theateically-placed landmine.

>> No.20536081

Poorly. Christian Ford from Alexander Theroux's An Adultery

>> No.20536121

I suppose she could have Aegisthus fight him for her. He might stand a pretty good chance.

>> No.20538076

Randolph Carter
I think he can manage to come up with something, definitely not the worst he has seen.

>> No.20539500

Based Roquentin bores him to death

>> No.20539566


Rips the fucker's arm off

>> No.20539641

After bonding with Goliath and fostering mutual respect, Hamelt would throw his rapier at Goliath's head Branagh style.

>> No.20540453
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>The Sicilian
Turi just blows Goliath's brains out with his lupara, giving cause for a long and bloody vendetta against the Philistines.

>> No.20540465

De Quincy would be too fucked up on heroin to fight anyone.

>> No.20541048
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>Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

>> No.20541068

Greek characters are OP

>> No.20541096

Here Comes Everbody will be alright. I think.

>> No.20541101

Circe. He would die because he's a toxic man and she a stronk woman.

>> No.20541109

That's because most of them are literally descended from Gods.

>> No.20541184

lol im reading coleridge rn, hes fucked.

>> No.20541325

>just finished rereading I Am Legend
How much prep time does Neville get?

>> No.20541387

Plenty. Goliath is a boastful asshole.

>> No.20541436

Id wager approximately 3 years then, but only if at the end Neville realizes the true goliath was the friends we murdered along the way.

>> No.20542199
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I think Hadrian could do it easier at the end of books 2 or 3 though.

>> No.20542357

Last book i read that had a protagonist was Siddhartha, but the last book i read was about Higgs boson so i dont know how to proceed

>> No.20542393
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Goku solos
>But he isn-
Goku solos

>> No.20542455

I hope Goliath wins desu

>> No.20544235

>never fought a battle
>no evidence he was ever trained for combat
>only ever tortured and killed his own citizens who had no way to defend themselves
>got butchered the moment he was cornered by actual soldiers because of all the shit he pulled
Caligula wasn't impressive in the slightest. Even his "laconic" wit wasn't that great.

>> No.20544315


>> No.20544323
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With the amount of times the man survived injury, I'd believe he could.

>> No.20544346

>carl jung’s bitch ass trying to step up to the goliath BVLL

>> No.20544481


Don Quixote. Somehow, I think he'll pull it off, at least as long as there's a humorous enough means for his victory.

>> No.20544500

Jung was probably taller than Goliath irl.

>> No.20544504

Charles Marlow
How bad is it?

>> No.20544514
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It'd be a one sided beat down

>> No.20544614

Goliath is pretty much guaranteed to win, It's like an average /tv/ user fighting him